MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 310 Benefactor plus matchmaker [2 in 1]

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"Gentle monitor!"

Xia You lost control of her emotions in an instant, and she was about to cry. The moment she saw the wind seal, her eyes turned red.

This female killer who was extremely strong just now, who was fighting for her life without giving in, suddenly became as weak as a little girl at this moment.

Yue Kong took a deep breath and cupped his fists: "Boss Gentle, thank you very much!"

"you are welcome."

At this moment, Fengyin looked at the two with eyes full of curiosity, doubts and a little bit of ambiguity, and said in a tone of voice: "You guys are... all together, right?"

"Isn't it all put together yet?"

Yue Kong said very sincerely.

Xia You's face immediately turned red. Just now, she knew that she was going to die, and she shouted out the words "I will marry you in the next life".

But now that he didn't die, and it fell into the ears of acquaintances, of course he would be embarrassed.

There is a sense of community death.

We have already met in the next life...... what about this life?

Just thinking about it makes me blush.

"It's almost there, don't miss it."

Feng Yin said to Xia You: "As a woman, it is very rare to meet a man who puts everything into action for you in your life. If it were me, I would agree without saying a word, without any hesitation. "

Xia You stared: "......"

Feng Yin turned to Yue Kong and said: "And you, Xia You can blow himself up for you, and promised you an afterlife, which proves that you kid is right. For the sake of jealousy and hatred, why hesitate?"

Yue Kong: "......"

Feng Yin said: "You two must have no opinion on this matter, so let's do it like this. I, the lifesaver, make the decision. By the way, I will also be a matchmaker."

Two people together: "......"

At this moment, Yue Kong was overjoyed and ecstatic, while Xia You had a black line on his forehead.

The two of us haven't said anything yet, how come you made a decision? To call the shots?

And... the sudden feeling of relief in my heart, what's the situation?

Well, although the process feels strange everywhere, why is there no resentment?

They still have the reserve of their daughters!

Well, forget it.

Boss Gentle, the savior, has spoken, so I will take it as a repayment, and give the boss face, let's promise Yuekong with my body!'s decided, let's make it so!

Thinking of this, Xia You actually convinced herself in an instant...

The wind is printed on the face, and the spring breeze is even worse.

He has long seen that there must be a story behind the flirting between these two guys. It should be Yue Kong's pursuit all along, Xia You's half-pushing, and now after this life-and-death battle, the emotional catalysis of being willing to die for each other, how to fall in love? no?

Even if I don't say it myself, it will become a couple after a while.

I said, just to speed up the process.

Conversely, if the two are heartless, so what if you are the savior?

Let me tell you that there is nothing to repay you in this life, but in the next life, you will be a grass ring, and you will be a cow and a horse!

"I said, it's decided, but it can't be changed, or I, the lifesaver, will be the first to refuse."

Feng Yin smashed the words to death.

Xia You's face was flushed, and she hurriedly changed the subject: "When did the old * * * * get so big?"

Feng Yin smashed the words to death.

Wind seal: "???"

What? What are you talking about?

What you very problematic!

"Well, Xiaoying has made great progress during this time." Fengyin pinched her nose and said.

"*** is too powerful, really too powerful, ****!"


Unexpectedly, the boss has already been promoted to Amethyst, and the higher the rank of Diaotianjian killer, the more difficult it is to be promoted, but boss, your progress seems to be unstoppable, and you have jumped many levels every time you meet. "

"So there is such a big ****."

Xia You's face was full of admiration, and Yue Kong nodded again and again.

It seems that in addition to the tasks within their own scope, these two people seem to often check Fengyin's current achievements, otherwise they would not open their mouths and tell Fengyin's latest rank results.

The wind printed black lines all over his face.

Although I know that *** is the dialect name for cats on your side, say it over and over again, why do I feel like I fell asleep?

And it was sleeping!

This is really... Speechless. I obviously did it with live ammunition, okay!

"So-so. Don't mention it."

Feng Yin said modestly, and quickly changed the subject: "Heal your wounds first, I still have something urgent to deal with."

Not only the snake eggs are about to hatch, but also the little falcons have to be housed one or two. The couple... the couple who have been confirmed, wrapping each other up is a way to further promote the relationship, so I won't mix it up .

"Boss, you are busy with your work, we will take care of it ourselves."

Yue Kong said hastily.

Just escaped from death, both of them feel that some internal injuries and external injuries are all trivial, and there are countless things to say to each other, which is the key point.

It's rare for Fengyin to back off on his own, why not take this opportunity to confide in each other!

Fengyin hugged Xiao Falcon, who had been eagerly getting into his arms, and hurried back, only when he crossed the big tree, the whole person followed, disappeared without a trace.

But in such an astonishing scene, the two people who watched Fengyin leave did not notice them at all. The two figures quickly cuddled together, helping each other to heal the trauma, and... You depend on me, what else can I have?


Xiao Falcon was so excited that he was going crazy, he shrunk his body, and crawled around in Fengyin's arms.

Drill from left to right, from top to bottom, can't survive.

Suddenly, it jumped up to the waist, Fengyin swallowed his chest and sucked his belly, and his belly suddenly retracted, causing Xiao Falcon to slip out from the bottom of his trousers.

If someone sees it, they will definitely stare wide-eyed: "I rely on you, brother, a bird fell out of your crotch..."

But Xiao Falcon was not willing to do this, and began to climb up with his paws on the trousers, reliving the fun of childhood.

It's just that it's crawling too fast now, and with a couple of swipes, it's on its shoulders, singing loudly: "Chirp......"


A wind blade flew out from under Kazekage's little paw, who couldn't bear it any longer, and circled around the small falcon.

Xiao Falcon immediately shrank his neck, trembling all over, pouted his buttocks and burrowed into Fengyin's embrace.

I am so surprised.

"I go......."

Fengyin looked startled, and pulled out a certain bird from his crotch.

A face of black lines.

Why does this little thing keep drilling there?


Don't know that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers?

"Don't move!"

Fengyin nodded the little guy's head.

Seeing the little guy quickly bundle up his wings, like a chicken in the cold wind, he raised his head pitifully: "Chirp..."

Fengyin couldn't help being speechless.

What a clear and mighty cry this guy made from the clouds just now.


The ears are full of crisp and clear.

Why is it that when it comes to me now, it's just 'chirp......, like a little chicken.

Well, why is this scene so familiar?'s the same as that boy Xiaoying...

It is also difficult

The mighty and domineering power of Yan Yu came to him with a sound of 'beep', but it was followed by a 'cheech...'!

In this regard, Fengyin's estimate was not wrong at all.

Since leaving Fengyin's side, Kitty Eagle's 'chirp' and Kitty Falcon's 'chirp' have basically never been called.

How can such a totally coquettish call be heard by others, even if it is heard by others!

After making out for a while, Xiao Falcon finally calmed down a little, and Feng Yin pointed his finger on Xiao Falcon's head.

In an instant...the little guy fell down, and fell into Fengyin's arms by no coincidence...and even assumed the most comfortable posture.

Well, it's definitely not such a coincidence, it's just that this little guy has planned and planned for a long time.

Then, follow the little guy to close his eyes comfortably, and fell asleep contentedly.

——I wanted to do this a long time ago, but at that time, the elder sister was occupying her, and she couldn't get it at all. Even if she occupied it temporarily, she would have to be kicked out by the elder sister after a while.

Now is the warm moment of reunion after a long absence. I have just received the nourishment of the master's rain and dew. I guess the elder sister can't be so hard-hearted. If you don't enjoy it at this time, when will it be.

This is the most complete spiritual gathering enlightenment.

Xiao Falcon's current strength is still not high, so he must first gather his spirit to lay a solid foundation at once.

Then a few more clicks and you're done.

Well, you have to control the number of enlightenment levels, and you can't go beyond Kitty Hawk. Otherwise, if these two fight, don't they fall on one side, where is there anything to see?

Seeing Xiao Falcon falling asleep, Kazekage rolled his eyes and leaned closer, standing on Fengyin's shoulder: "Yeah."

"You, you, you know how to talk, why are you still babbling?"

Fengyin frowned, grabbed Fengying in his hands and ruaed.

Fengying tilted his head and did not speak, his ears fluttered, his eyes rolled around, he rested his chin on the two small front paws, and simply said nothing.

Even the babble was saved.

I won't say it.

If I let you hear my childish tone of voice, wouldn't it be a dead cat? !

The little snake will still be hatching eggs in the tree hole. In such a small scene, the wind and shadow will solve the problem. His great career of hatching eggs is serious.

Now it is about to break the shell, and the rhythm of the snake egg is already there.

The little snake suppressed his impatience and looked around.

Well, the phantom silkworm continues to swim at high altitudes, as long as it doesn't come down, no one will notice its existence.

Of course, even if he really came down, only the wind seal could see it.

That night, Feng Yin had a meal with Yue Kong and Xia You, and they had a long farewell talk in this barren mountain and wild forest.

Fengyin has ample luggage and sufficient supplies. Although it is in the wilderness, he still entertains with delicious wine and food, and drinks to his heart's content.

"Boss, where are you hanging out now?" Yue Kong's face was full of gratitude.

Naturally, it is not only grateful to Fengyin for saving his life, but also contributed to his marriage.

For Yue Kong, the latter means more than the former to a considerable extent.

Xia You was eating while blushing, without saying a word, she had already agreed to Yue Kong's marriage proposal, mainly because of what Yue Kong said just now, which moved her: "I don't know when I will face the situation like that just now again." The danger of being in danger, it may not be such a good luck to be rescued by the gentle boss at that time...... Do you really want to leave regrets?"

These words instantly hit the softest part of Xia You's heart, and she agreed without any hesitation.

"I currently live in no fixed place, and my whereabouts are also uncertain. It is really a coincidence to meet you."

Feng Yin said: "My trip to the clouds is mainly to visit the mountains and rivers, to experience the customs and customs of various places, and to do tasks along the way, that's all."

Yue Kong's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he opened his mouth and said, "Then..."

Xia You saw the opportunity very early, pulled him, and said in a deep voice: "Can't we follow?"

At the speed of the boss, they barely follow each other, and the two delay each other. "

Yue Kong suddenly came to his senses and couldn't help embarrassingly.

Yes, with Feng Yin's current level of cultivation, even without using force, the movement speed of pure flesh is much faster than that of Yue Kong and the others.

If you want to go together, unless Feng Yin keeps pressing the speed and walks slowly with the two of you.

Otherwise, the two of them would never be able to keep up.

"We can still go together for a while."

Fengyin murmured, and said: "It just so happens that you two got married today, and I, the eldest brother, haven't given a gift yet..."

"At the moment of death, I got the help of the boss, which allowed us to escape from birth, and the boss helped us to make a marriage. I have already given too much, and I really dare not be too greedy. I want another gift from the boss." Xia Yougong said .

Xia You knew very well that Fengyin had a rich fortune, and it was almost a mobile gold mountain. It was a huge capital to order anything for the couple, but it was precisely because of this that she refused to ask for any more gifts from Fengyin.

The so-called owe someone a penny, it's not a pleasure, and it's said that Mi En fights Mi En, although the two regard Fengyin as the boss, they hope to stand side by side with Fengyin as friends, and never want to blindly take advantage of Fengyin, Sour mutual friendship, and eventually sour.

"Hey, listen to me, listen to me, this is a wedding gift for you, and you must accept it... This is a happy event, so make trouble!"


After two catties of wine, Yue Kong's chatterbox gradually opened up: "Boss hasn't seen Wen Shumo after the gold medal training, right?"

"no, what happened?"

"Looks like I haven't seen it before. You must have never imagined that this guy is actually the prince of Dayan... I heard that after returning from this training camp, his personality has not changed, and he is extremely ferocious. He seems to have killed a lot of people, and It's all his own doing..."

Feng Yin was stunned when he heard the words: "I really don't know about this. By the way, the people he killed were all the targets of Gou Tianjian. How can we complete the task if we don't do it ourselves!"

Yue Kong said angrily: "What he called doing it himself was dispatching the Imperial Forest Army to arrest the target, but he personally killed and beheaded him, but this can be regarded as completing the task of Goutianshou... Intuit Shameless too!"

"Wow, there are still such operations?"

Feng Yin was really surprised this time: "Didn't it mean that as long as there is someone to assist, it is not considered to complete the task alone? What's the situation with him?"

"His operation is relatively good, and he has circumvented the restrictions of Diaotianjian!"

Yue Kong pursed his lips and said: "But it's really shameless. Leveling up is called a quick one. Many people who don't know think that he is doing the task with real swords and guns. How can they think that he has borrowed external force, which is almost the most powerful thing in the country? Strength...」

Xia You said on the side: "This is also someone's ability. If you want to upgrade like that, you can make your father the emperor, wouldn't it be fine?"

Yue Kong rolled his eyes: "If my father becomes the emperor, I will still do this?"

"Then you talk about wool, you are not convinced."

Xia Youwei said: "My fate is good, this is my strength, this is my confidence! I just won at the starting line!"

Yue Kong was speechless, so he had to drink a bowl of wine in suspense: "The documents and inks are all jade cards now... they are ranked higher than me, that's right."


Feng Yin smoothed things over: "Xia You is right, this is his strength, you can't accept it! People, you have to accept your fate!"

Under Feng Yin's strong persuasion to drink, the new husband and wife were in a different mood, and they would not refuse anyone who came, and they were drunk soon after the glass was dry.

With the gentle boss by his side, there is no need to be afraid of anything, and he has no scruples. Just get drunk when you get drunk, and this is just a good way to release the pressure.

Although the two are determined to fall in love, they are still at a loss as to how to go in the future, and they have no goals.

Especially this time with old-fashioned sects such as Shang Xianyue who have formed a grudge, no matter how they feel, the future is bleak and hopeless...

But this kind of thing, how can they be kind?

When Sihe Fengyin said something, he was naturally drunk and worried.

What should I do in the future, and what is my goal for the rest of my life?

Once the long-stretched spirit is relaxed, it is easy to fall asleep.

This drink lasted until late at night, and they were still talking almost at the last moment. At this moment, the two of them, who were drunk and loose-eyed, both fell asleep.

Even if there is no wind seal to exert the influence of mental power, the two of them are already at their limit.

And the two of them are sleeping soundly, which is exactly the state that Fengyin wants to promote and appear, otherwise he is really not easy to move.

"A rare reunion of old friends."

Fengyin murmured: "Let me help you husband and wife. I believe that this wedding gift is precious to you and has far-reaching meaning... You are worthy of calling me boss!"

After a slight smile, the fingers shone brightly, and they had already touched the foreheads of the two of them.


The words are divided into two parts, and the departing Shang Quanyue and others will be completely confused.

Originally, they just wanted to use the Gou Tianjian to roughly locate the location of Yue Kong and Xia You, but unexpectedly discovered that all the people who died on their side had become killers under Wen Wen's name.

Could it be that that woman is always mysteriously gentle?

But isn't gentleness a man in the rumors?

This is almost the only official characterization of the killer's tenderness, but it is still wrong?

After contacting the sect, it was evaluated by high-level officials.

I think it's better not to make a big fuss about this matter!

Wuhu Mingyue is now at the critical time of re-ranking and ranking, so there is no need to establish such a strong enemy for nothing!

As for Xiao Falcon... being favored by such an existence, it is estimated that it will be difficult to get it back, so... one thing more is worse than one thing less...

The meaning of the upper quarter moon is very clear.

The strength of the opponent exceeds expectations, it is not worthwhile to provoke, so give up!

After Zhan Pingting heard this reply, her heart was pierced.

She has been with Xiao Falcon for a long time, and she already likes Xiao Falcon to the bone, how can she have the heart to give it up?

"I'll wait here for a few days...just a few days!"

Zhan Pingting pleaded bitterly: "The other party didn't say to keep Xiaobai, maybe Xiaobai won the favor of the other party, got a chance, and will come back soon.....Let me wait."

But the other two didn't want to delay at all!

It's really too shocking to stay here, let me ask, knowing that there is a super demon king near me that I and others can't match, he may rush out anytime and anywhere to kill me......

Stay here and wait for Xiaobai, for a chance, for a thought? !

Hehe, what do you think?

The two bluntly said that they wanted to leave immediately, they couldn't wait, and they never stagnated.

Even Zhan Zhixiang and Zhan Lao Liu wanted to leave immediately.

But... Zhan Pingting refused to leave. He really loved this grandniece, so he had no choice but to accompany her, but he didn't force the other two to stay.

The other two breathed a sigh of relief, and left without saying a word.

Well, you guys have feelings and loyalty, just stay and wait to see if a miracle happens.

Anyway, the two of us don't want to accompany you anymore, so hurry up and leave this place where the **** of death is entrenched.

Looking at the dark jungle, Zhan Zhixiang turned his head to look at Zhan Pingting again, and saw Zhan Pingting staring straight into it with anticipation, which even overshadowed the fear of death.

Zhan Zhixiang was thinking a lot, but he still couldn't help sighing: "Girl..."

Zhan Zhixiang said carefully: "We have to face the reality, I'm afraid Xiaobai......"

"Xiaobai will definitely come back!" Zhan Pingting said resolutely, her words were full of confidence.


Zhan Zhixiang was speechless, come back, come back, come back, where do you get the confidence from, girl, don't you lose your mind and go crazy


In an instant, he already had the idea that it was a wrong decision for him to stay.

"Now that things have come to this, there is absolutely no way to wait for a long time, you have to give me a deadline, girl..."

"Just wait for three days, is three days okay? Sixth Grandpa? Xiaobai will definitely come back!" Zhan Pingting pleaded repeatedly.

"...Okay, just three days."

three days later.

"......The last two days to wait, just two days...... Xiaobai will definitely come back! "

Another two days later.

"...Last day! Last day! Shiro will definitely come back today!"

In the past few days, Zhan Pingting has not touched a drop of water, and she looks haggard. Based on her cultivation, she would not be like this, but she put all her attention on Xiao Falcon, thinking about it day and night, and her mind was exhausted. The spirit of the whole person has long been sluggish, but his eyes never give up, and his determination remains the same.

All persistent waiting!

Zhan Zhixiang sighed deeply and stopped talking.

He could see that his granddaughter was determined to wait for Xiao Falcon to return.

If I can't wait for Xiao Falcon to come out, I'm afraid this silly girl will really wait to die here.

"That's all."

Zhan Zhixiang didn't press anymore.

Big deal, just die here with this silly girl.

The only thing that made Zhan Zhixiang feel more at ease was that after the past six days, although Xiao Falcon hadn't returned, the mysterious master hadn't moved either, and he didn't know whether he had acquiesced to the two of them's waiting, or had already left. At least, the two of them No life is in danger here.

So, until ten days later...

Zhan Pingting's whole state has almost reached the dying stage.

If Zhan Zhixiang hadn't forcefully fed him food and water, UU Reading would definitely not be able to hold on to this point with Zhan Pingting himself.

But persisting until now, has reached the limit.

Every day, I just sit outside the forest, at the mountain pass, in the same place, with my eyes blank, waiting obsessively.

The only feeling is that my own heart has been hollowed out......

In fact, Zhan Zhixiang had already given up. He had been hesitating whether he should knock his granddaughter unconscious and take her away by force.

But, on this day......

While Zhan Pingting was still waiting persistently......


A loud and crisp eagle cry shook the sky.


【. 】

Read The Duke's Passion