MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 313 Become a Buddha instantly [2 in 1 less than]

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The members of the Four Seas Escort Bureau were all stunned!

They never imagined that the most legendary and romantic legends and myths that the dart walkers encountered along the way actually happened to them!

——Bring a traveler along the way. In times of crisis, the traveler turned out to be a peerless master, and he helped to save the day.

Then the traveler floats away.

While this cognition was clearly realized in the heart, all of them were bloody.

This kind of legend, this kind of story, this kind of romance... I met this kind of world?

This is the romance of Jiang Hu people!

Qi Rong'er stared blankly at the direction where Fengyin left and disappeared, the shock in her eyes hadn't disappeared, but there was more confusion.

Among all the people, she felt that she could see the most clearly, although it was only limited to such a shocking glimpse.

But that stalwart figure rushing against the trend with wind, cloud, thunder and lightning has been deeply imprinted in his heart, and it will never be erased.

She swore that she would never forget anything in her life!

Facing the powerful enemy's sword technique falling from the sky, that "weak scholar" suddenly charged up like a banished immortal from the nine heavens.

From sitting lazily to counterattacking like thunder and lightning, there is no buffer gap in between.

It is the limit switch from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic, without boundaries.

A shot is a thunderstorm, and a move is a lore on the spot.

Hei Dao, the number one bandit in Gyeonggi-do, Daejin, a famous town, turned into a **** mist with just one blow!

"Young Master Dong..."

Qi Jianyun, who also witnessed this scene, was like a thunderbolt, his eyes almost protruding.

He was the one who made the decision to take Fengyin with him back then.

He also told the story of the bodyguard in the following story, and part of the purpose of telling this clichéd story is to explain why he brought Fengyin, a frail scholar!

What if...

Although he knows it well, there is no such case!

But how could he himself have thought that he would actually encounter an emergency, and someone would actually rescue him!

Obviously just a random traveler, but it turned out that he brought a life-saving savior with him!

At this moment, don't say that others are confused.

Even Qi Jianyun's own mind is also confused, even more confused, the most confused.

As an old Jianghu who has experienced for a long time, his brain or thinking no longer has many illusions like that of young people.

I have long been used to starting from reality.

Storytelling belongs to storytelling, but he himself knows how difficult it is and how low the probability is for the things described in his story to happen. In case, one in a million is, no, or it should be said that it will happen in several lifetimes. Less than once.

But this could it really happen?

"Second uncle, wise!"

"The deputy head of the bodyguard is really wise... really far-sighted!"

"The so-called sowing melons, sowing beans, reaping beans, what you sow, what you reap, what the Chief Escort said is really good words, immediate results, right to the point."

"Who said that good and evil are not repaid, isn't this what you see?"


Hearing the compliments from everyone around him, Qi Jianyun slowly came to his senses.

Then he sighed, made an expression of "I'm surprised, but I'm not surprised", and sighed: "I only thought that it was convenient for others when I went out, but I didn't expect such a blessing." It actually happened in front of me, it appeared!"

His words showed that he did not think of it, but he did not think of this possibility at all.

This kind of self-repression first and then promotion made everyone even more admired.

"Pack up your things and get ready to go on the road. We are not really safe yet. We are not really safe if we haven't delivered the **** to the employer!"

The rest of the small group of people have already

They broke up in a hurry, under this battle, almost all the masters of Heiyanshan were killed, only a few young people were left, and it was difficult to survive in this Gyeonggi-do. , or get on the road quickly, it is serious to deliver the **** as soon as possible.

But after this incident, a legend-level story that was destined to be passed down remained here.

This led to the legend of the "white-clothed scholar" who became popular in Gyeonggi-do.

And this has directly led to... Some white-clothed scholars who have no money, no strength, and no guards even dare to walk this road alone!

Because... the more alone you are, the safer you are!

Qi Rong'er was still standing in front of the carriage, looking at the place where Fengyin had been sitting, in a daze, her eyes were a little blurred, and her face had complicated expressions.

At this moment, she was thinking about the chat along the way, and her heart was full of inexplicable feeling.

Why didn't he say a word to me alone before he left...

Qi Jianyun stopped behind her, looked at his niece's face, how could he not know what this girl was thinking if he was as sophisticated as he was?

After a while, he coughed.

"Second Uncle."

Qi Rong'er turned around when she heard the sound, and called out, but her voice was deep and unusual, obviously feeling depressed and inexplicable.

Qi Jianyun sighed, "Girl, what happened today is certainly a legend in life, but since it is a legend, it is difficult to reach. Ordinary people of my generation must focus on the present moment, do you understand this verse?"

The words "ordinary people" made Qi Rong'er feel as if a knife had been stabbed in her heart.

He lowered his head and said softly, "I know."

"Too many thoughts, after you figure it out, just bury it in your heart." Qi Jianyun sighed and comforted in a low voice.

Qi Rong'er nodded, then raised her head, her eyes sparkling: "Second Uncle, do you think he will... come back?"

"No more." Qi Jianyun sighed again, but his heart sank.

It is possible to find out who the other party is, and it is even very easy.

After all, Hei Knife is a murderous thief, so he is the target of Jun Tianjian. If the scholar has the identity of Jun Tianjian's killer, he can easily find out, but because of this, Qi Jianyun is even more worried.

It's best not to, then naturally there will be no way to find out, or it may completely cut off the niece's hope.

The thoughts of the niece, as well as the state at the moment, all fell into his eyes, but how could he not know that it is impossible for the two of them!

The other party is like a dragon soaring nine heavens, apart from the fair appearance of the niece, there is nothing else she can do...

"Keep going!"

Along the way, the bodyguards of the Four Seas Escort Bureau were full of spirits and spirits, and burst out with unspeakable excitement.


Qi Jianyun found a killer friend of Jun Tianshou, and borrowed the other party's Jun Tianjian to confirm the situation——

The result of this inspection left all the bodyguards stunned and dumbfounded.

"...Target: Black Knife, Level, Amethyst...Complete task: Gentle....Serial number..."

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the word "gentleness", and they couldn't breathe, as if they were suffocating.

In an instant, everyone turned their heads in unison and focused their eyes on Qi Rong'er, whose face was flushed and her eyes were shining brightly. Everyone's eyes were full of strangeness.

Qi Ronger's words seemed to echo in his ears again.

"We dare not underestimate him, and we didn't even regard him as a real scholar. Maybe, when we encounter some strong enemy and we can't resist, this scholar will jump out and kill all directions. What if he is now The king of Yan, Prince Wenmoshu, is the most popular. I heard that Wenmoshu mostly appears in the image of a weak scholar...or is he just a killer in disguise? The image of the book appeared, restoring the decline..."

For a while, everyone's eyes became more and more wrong...

You are no longer guessing, you are predicting.

God predicts!

That's so accurate!

Qi Rong'er's eyes flickered, inexplicably, and for some reason, she was quite proud.

Fengyin's meeting is now close to the boundary of Xianyang, and the people encountered are naturally becoming more and more dense.

There are villages and towns along the way, and you will encounter one within a few miles.

Cooking smoke everywhere, thousands of miles of people, everywhere is full of human fireworks.

Everywhere you can see the stretch of fields, hidden vitality.

It is true that Yuezhou is still freezing cold, like a desert, but here, there is already a little bit of warmth, and the earth is also full of life.

Walking through the fields, there are already some children wearing thin padded jackets running wildly around and playing, all of them have red faces and steaming heads.

Some little guys made too much noise, and the heat was hard to dissipate, so they simply unbuttoned their clothes and ran wildly with their arms open.

Then he was chased by adults who were worried about catching a cold while yelling at him, and when he caught up, he just had a slap on his butt...

Then, naturally, there were crying, cursing, and spanking sounds, one after another.

Well, there is also the sound of "howling, howling" from the child next to him.

Anyway, it is full of all kinds of flavors in the world, full of simplicity and authenticity!

In addition, what impresses Fengyin most is the various aromas that come from the nostrils, such as the fragrance of the country, the fragrance of the crops, the fragrance of various meals, and the smell of burnt fire, the smell of smoke, and various steamed buns, oil cakes, buns and meat. dishes and so on...

The various flavors mixed together make Fengyin pass by this village and town, and there is an inexplicable feeling of "I am back in the world again." , but can touch the heartstrings.

Because this is the previous life, my own life.

Seeing the laughing children running by, the woman leaning on the door waiting for her family to come home, the wisp of cooking smoke on the roof, and the old man returning from the field carrying farm tools.

Fengyin suddenly felt that he seemed to be far away from the world.

"It's gone, it's gone... the wind seal!"

Fengyin murmured to himself, "You are only a superficial fifth-rank heaven-level, do you feel like you are going to a grand feast in the world... It's too floating, it's too floating, you must always remember that you are a socialist fifth-rank What a young man..."

"We must insist on ideals, morality, culture, discipline, good looks, demeanor, connotation, strength, knives, and cruelty. There are ten newcomers."

"You must not float away!"

"Bah... eh..."

Fengying, who was living in Fengyin's arms, suddenly let out a milky voice with unknown meaning, but it was replaced by the usual '嘿嘤,'.

Fengyin turned his head immediately, lifted the nape of his neck from his arms, tilted his mouth, and said pretending to be the overlord: "Little guy, I just heard it."

Fengying was carried by him, motionless like a little rabbit, just waiting for the big eyes, looking at him with innocent eyes, and making a wronged and innocent voice, "Eeh? Eh?~"

"I did hear you! You can't be wrong!"

Fengyin shook the little guy, his eyes widened.

Kazekage continued innocently, "Eh?..."

Fengyin swayed for a while, seeing that the little guy was always pretending to be stupid, and he had nothing to do with him, so helpless.

In the end, I had no choice but to kiss you hard, and said fiercely, "If you are not honest, see if I don't kiss you to death!"

Then, within a few seconds of snapping his fingers, Fengyin clearly saw a burst of pink appear on the little guy's face.

There was a look of embarrassment in his eyes.

Feng Yin would definitely not miss this change, let alone misjudge it, because he had seen it too many times in Han Dong Xiaoyan before!


Fengyin kissed again, "You are still shy? With me

Are you still shy? Ha ha ha..." Another kiss, another kiss.


Fengying began to struggle.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you off this time."

Feng Yin stuffed the little guy back into his pocket, and couldn't help but feel a little funny: "You're only a little kid, you're two years old, and you know how to be shy, do you know what shyness is... Hahaha..."

After some laughter, Fengyin continued on the road, still looking like a frail scholar.

The little snake took the six little snake cubs to sleep in a pocket on the side of the wind seal like a ball of horse yarn.

Kazekage also curled up her small body, sleeping in her breast pocket, her little tongue nimbly licked her mouth, her two little paws hugged her face, her tail covered her body as a quilt, she seemed to be sleeping, but she turned over and over again body.

The big eyes were closed tightly, and the little paws unconsciously twirled his mustache, not knowing what he was thinking.

I'm sure I didn't fall asleep anyway...

Fengyin walked along the way, walking with ease, without being dusty, and naturally exuded a dusty demeanor.

Although he is in the world of mortals, he seems to be detached and can get out at any time.

He walked very slowly, and his movement speed was almost the same as that of ordinary people.

But before he knew it, his physical body was still walking in the world of mortals, but his consciousness had already wandered high in the sky.

It seems that there are two selves, two wind seals.

The body on the ground is walking forward, although it is in the world of mortals, it is detached from it.

The consciousness in the sky is overlooking the world of mortals, but it rises and falls with the breath of the world of mortals.

Unknowingly, the state of mind quietly sublimated, fluttering in the clouds, and rose to an infinitely high state.

Suddenly, with a loud bang, it seemed that the consciousness exploded, dissipated into the sky, and returned to the body immediately.

Fengyin only felt that his spiritual consciousness was like a light bulb suddenly turned on, looking after Daqian, there was a mysterious and mysterious feeling, suddenly struck.

He could clearly feel that a certain layer of barriers in his body had been broken, which was a subtle feeling of "re-understanding this world".

The purity of one's own mental power has almost doubled, and the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness has directly expanded three times, as if it is boundless.

The huge amount of spiritual energy around him poured into the body silently. Although it moistened things silently, the speed of swallowing and absorbing was more than ten times faster than before.

Fengyin's body at this moment is like a big pit that will never be filled. Even if there are countless mountains, rivers, lakes and seas pouring in, they will disappear directly in it, and it will not be able to stir up any ripples. That's all.

And it was such an action, but there was no sign of aura arousing as before.

It's just a natural gathering, pouring in, disappearing, continuing to gather, pouring in, disappearing, going round and round, like a cycle.

Fengyin is still walking slowly step by step, the speed of movement has not accelerated in the slightest, and has always maintained the same pace frequency as before.

But he can clearly feel that his own strength, every step he takes, becomes stronger!

Unknowingly, the dantian was already full, but the level barrier was broken and opened without any hindrance, and there was no feeling of any blockage at all, and he stepped into the sixth-rank realm of heaven without any waves.

And this progress and advancement is far from stopping. The seventh-rank heavenly rank and the eighth-rank rank are advancing like a broken bamboo all the way. The progress seems to have no end, no end!

And the little snake, Fengying, and those six little guys in his arms naturally all followed suit. At this time, the spiritual energy of the world surged automatically, and the spiritual energy was extremely refined, and the good fortune was beautiful. Any space that can store spiritual energy, Just moisten things and fill them with silent surges.

It has been filled until it can't bear it, and it overflows naturally, and then refocuses back to the bottomless abyss of Fengyin...

Everything happened naturally, without noise.

The little snake and the six cubs still maintained a dormant state with their eyes closed, but began to shed their skin...

Kazekage also fell asleep peacefully, entering a state of constant hair shedding, many glittering and translucent cat hairs shed,

Slowly increase in the Fengyin pocket, just like a self-built cat's nest.

And in the process, the ninth tail is quietly growing...

Fengyin was immersed in this wonderful atmosphere, and his own cultivation base has been refined all the way to the peak level of the ninth rank of heaven.

Such a speed of improvement and range of improvement is simply unimaginable, no matter how clever the old practice is, it is difficult to explain the reason.

Even the wind seal in the middle, I feel inexplicable, completely incredible!

It's like becoming a Buddha right away, and finished the rest of the road to the heavenly cultivation path!

And his break time of less than an hour is a long journey of cultivation that others may not complete in hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even in their entire life.

The pinnacle of the heavenly level, this is the ultimate realm that is difficult for ninety-nine out of ten cultivators in this world to reach!

It wasn't until the distance broke through the sky level that Fengyin finally breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes slowly.

Looking at the universe again, the whole world in his eyes is not only clear, but it seems to be alive.

If he saw the world in black and white with 100,000 pixels, now he sees the world in color, colorful, with 5 million pixels!

Change is so exaggerated, so vivid.

Suddenly, Fengyin felt moved, moved by the beauty and splendor of this world, and shocked his heartstrings.

After a long time, Fengyin felt his heart calm down again, and couldn't help letting out a soft breath.

"I really have changed."

Next to him, there were still people coming and going, but no one had noticed what kind of great changes this handsome and calm young man had just undergone!

Or should I put it this way, if it is described as a fairy, he was still a mortal just a moment ago, but at this moment, he has become an immortal and ascended from the ground!

Inexplicably, Feng Yin remembered a sentence said by Xu Laosan, which was also the first time he came into contact with the cognition of the heavenly level realm: the heavenly level is the level of immortals in the eyes of ordinary people!

And the immortal level in the eyes of ordinary people, I have already surpassed it, and I may go further and go to a higher level at any time!

But immediately, Fengyin felt that his pocket was bulging, and when he looked down, he saw that the pocket had almost turned into a big cloth bag, which was full to burst!

It's like carrying hundreds of catties of goods on your body.

Initiated with a telegram, and immediately understood.


"How much fur does this shed!"

Immediately speeding up, UU Reading found a big tree near the entrance of a certain village, looked around and saw that there was no one around, leaned against the tree, and disappeared.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew past in the distance, followed by a figure that quietly landed outside the town.

Frowning, he muttered to himself, "This sense of the unity of heaven and man is should land around here, is this... over?"

The man made a careful distinction again, feeling very puzzled.

"How come no one has disappeared? "

In an instant, there was a surge of surprise and uncertainty.

In this world, there are still people who can escape his detection, instantly eliminate traces, and cut off breath?


[Tomorrow's update will be later, it's been a week, go to the hospital for a checkup. 】

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