MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 2 Dream 5 [2 in 1]

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Jiang Changhai's heart was beating wildly, and his legs felt a little weak.

With the healing of the source's injuries, his cultivation base has improved as much as he does. Even if he looks at the level of cloud masters, he is not too low, and he is properly a strong beam in the world.

This time, although he was a little careless, he was caught off guard, but the reason for this was largely due to the speed and reaction of the cat, as well as the fierceness of the attack, each of which he had never seen in his life.

And what surprised him the most, or what surprised him... This is obviously a little milk cat, has it lived for two years?

Such an evildoer, if he grows up, he will still be able to do it?

But more serious questions came one after another: What kind of kitten can have such energy?

Just now... that is the real nine tails?

It is said that the final form of the nine-tailed lynx is certainly nine tails, but when it was first born, its image was still the same as that of an ordinary kitten, but the little milk cat in front of me obviously did not live long, so how did it reach such a peak state?

What's more, the question is, how big is the future potential? Why not let Jiang Changhai feel more and more horrified the more he thinks about it.

"Whose cat is this?"

Jiang Changhai couldn't help but blurted out and asked, and changed his words as soon as he finished asking, "Which demon emperor is this descendant?"

He naturally thought of the cat emperor he had seen in Yuezhou, but then he denied himself.

Although the cat king is powerful, even if it is still much higher than his current self.

But in all fairness, with the strength of the cat emperor, he could not give birth to such a tyrannical offspring.

Moreover, this kitten is clearly a nine-tailed lynx. Although the cat king is a cat, it is a civet with seven apertures, so it cannot be confused at all!

At least in Jiang Changhai's mind, it would be the most reasonable to say that this kitten came from the descendants of a certain generation of demon emperors!

"Well, I can't tell you."

Dong Xiaoyan chuckled, and said: "Elder Jiang, this is a misunderstanding. Your old man, Gao Dexun, will definitely not hold grudges, and you are not allowed to take revenge."

"That's that."

Jiang Changhai nodded slightly. revenge?

Ask yourself, Jiang Changhai really dare not take revenge.

Not to mention that there must be someone behind this little white cat, so he can't afford to provoke it.

It's just the little white cat itself, so I may not be able to provoke it!

Although this little white cat is still immature, he is definitely not as good as himself in actual combat.

But Jiang Changhai is self-aware. Among other things, the speed shown by the other party just now is not something he can check and balance.

If you don't confront yourself head-on, but play dirty, can you handle it?

As long as the opponent's goal is small, it is enough to play himself to death.

People can sleep and rest at any time, and they can also stay up all night. With such a small body, if you hide it anywhere, it will be very difficult for you to find it.

If it is hated by it, it can be expected that there will be no peace in the future.

Maybe when I was very tired, I closed my eyes and fell asleep for half an hour, and my head was no longer in the original place...

Retaliation, where dare to retaliate?

Feng Ying huddled in Dong Xiaoyan's arms, her little **** arched Dong Xiaoyan's chest, and then there was a rare flash of depression in her agile eyes.

Then turned around sullenly, looking at Dong Xiaoyan. "Xiaoying, what are you doing here?"

Different from Fengying's depression, Dong Xiaoyan liked Fengying to the core.

I hugged and started to masturbate, the hand felt so good that my eyes narrowed.

While masturbating, he asked with a smile.


Fengying blinked his big eyes, opened his mouth, and revealed a note.

"Oh ah!!"

Dong Xiaoyan grabbed it in her hand, followed by a cry of surprise. Fengying rolled his eyes.

Picked up his paw and licked it twice.

Then he turned to look at Jiang Changhai very dissatisfied.

little paws

As soon as he stood up, his shiny, sharp nails protruded from the flesh pads.

It seemed to have the overall upper hand just now, but the shock still hurts a bit.

Princess Fengying was naturally a little bit dissatisfied.

Jiang Changhai looked at Fengying with his eyes, and naturally saw the nails, which were like magic weapons. He couldn't help shivering, and cupped his hands again and again: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding."


Fengying snorted clearly, and turned her head arrogantly.

Dong Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, grabbed Fengying and hugged her up, and raised it in front of her eyes: "Xiaoying, can you speak now?"

Fengying's big eyes were full of confusion: "Yeah?"

Full of innocence, helplessness, grievance, and bewilderment.

Proper actress-level performance, she is just a kitten, how can she talk?

"I clearly heard you talking just now!" Dong Xiaoyan said.


Continue to be innocent, helpless, wronged, and at a loss.


Dong Xiaoyan rolled her eyes: "You little heartless, I won't be with you!"

Read the note in your hand.

Dong Xiaoyan, who understood what she knew, put it into action immediately, and said softly: "Third Grandpa, come with me."

"What's up?"

Dong Tiesong, who was shocked by Dong Xiaoyan's sudden small voice, was full of shock. He also grew up watching Dong Xiaoyan grow up, but it seems that he has never heard Dong Xiaoyan speak like that?

Dong Xiaoyan pulled Dong Tiesong to the side, and whispered: "You come forward to arrange an identity...the sooner the better. Let's say it's our the way, there must be such a person, so, so, Um, you understand that, right?"

Dong Tiesong instantly understood: "No problem! Do it right away! I'll do it right away!"

The so-called knowing the elegant meaning by hearing the strings, the old Jiang Hu, such as Dong Tiesong, instantly understood the truth, and left in a hurry without saying a word.

On the other hand, Fengyin has made great progress by relying on his cultivation base, his body skills are unparalleled, and he is also full of energy. He simply continues to kill during the day, and frantically completes the task of Juntianjian!

Catch me?

Then I'll let you grab enough!

This also led to the fact that, almost every moment, the masters from the Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Beijing Yamen were brought along, and some big inner masters were also running away.

Fei Wenya from the department led a few people to watch the show at the highest point of Jietian Building.

Watching hula la a group of people flying over, after a while, they huffed again

La la la fly over.

Then fly over.

Fly over again.

After watching too much, Fei Wenya grinned from ear to ear, turned her head and said to the left and right: "Look at all of you who are still anxious with pale faces and angry, just relying on them, a bunch of good-for-nothings, can catch today's people. Gentleness? Let’s just stay here and watch the fun, isn’t it better than anything else?”

"Speaking of which, it's really rare to see Fang Fengfeng so annoyed... Hahahaha... Ouchi master, hehehe, how many."

Everyone has black lines.

This lord really dares to talk.

Fei Wenya patted his ass, and said to a senior who came rushing from afar: "Old Fang, are you happy? Haven't you exercised like this for a long time? After this tossing, your stomach will be smaller by two circles, right? It's a blessing in disguise, you are A blessing in disguise! Congratulations."

The old Fang was so angry that his gray beard was trembling, and he said angrily, "Shut up, you **** shut up!"

Then, with a "huh", he led the people past Fei Wenya, not staying for a while.

The guy in the general department is smiling and seeing nothing.

Everyone knew that this old Fang was really angry, otherwise he would not be full of foul mouths with his identity, especially towards the Fei family.

As Gentle continued to kill, this Fang priest kept running around, passing Fei Wenya several times in succession.

Of course he didn't want to pass by here, but now he is pursuing efficiency, walking in a straight line from a high altitude is better than walking in a straight line from a high altitude.

The underground detour is much better and faster.

No matter how reluctant she was, she could only pinch her nose and fly around under Fei Wenya's eyes with a dark face.

It was rare for Fei Wenya to welcome guests without dirty mouth, and even ordered a tea table to be set up on it, and the fragrance of tea was overflowing in no time.

"Old Fang!"

Fei Wenya yelled: "Why are you so impatient? The so-called haste makes waste, everything must be calm...Why don't you come to my place for a cup of tea? You come up and have a look, the beautiful scenery of the capital city is really pleasing to the eye. .”

"You bastard!!"

Elder Fang couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed loudly.

This **** is so cheap, it's so cheap.

But it doesn't matter if you scold me, Fei Wenya won't spoil him anymore—

"My day, are you scolding me?"

Fei Wenya's eyeballs instantly widened and became round, and then she began to yell and curse: "You bastard, you are being led here and there like a dog for a walk, and you still have the face to scold me.

son! "

"Look at you, look at you, other people hold a meaty bone, and you will run wherever you throw it. You are not an ordinary dog, you are just a hungry dog. Everyone comes to see it, and you are an old dog. It's a dog, if you miss it, you won't see it..."

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding immediately burst into laughter, which lasted for a long time.

Due to the relationship with the Juntian Hand's branch, they naturally have a good impression of the Juntian Hand Killer and regard him as their own.

Now watching these guys capture Wenrou, each of them has long been displeasing to the eye.

The laughter at this moment was naturally louder than usual, as if to cheer Fei Wenya.

How about we help the soldiers in the battle?

Although he didn't dare to scold like Fei Wenya, but how many times you can laugh?

Fang Gongfeng became more and more furious: "It's fine if you Anbu don't help, but you are still talking sarcasticly, Fei Wenya, you say you are still human!"

Fei Wenya said: "We don't want to be treated like dogs like you. You should leave this work to yourselves. Thank you for your innocence. I dare not take orders."

"It's all for the court, it's all for Daqin, you Fei Wenya is not human!"

"Fart your mother!"

Fei Wenya jumped up and cursed: "Your Majesty expressly forbids us to make a move, what are you yelling at here? You are so good at barking, why don't you go find Your Majesty! Go if you have the ability? If you dare to go, I will obey you!" An old dog's piss!"


Fang Gongfeng got a big fart, and walked away sullenly. Looking for Lord Qingming?

How dare he?

After a while, he turned back and saw Fei Wenya stood up again and wanted to speak, so he hurriedly yelled: "Fei Wenya, how dare you scold me again, the marriage between my granddaughter and your nephew is a waste of time!" Already!"

"Big draft..."

Fei Wenya quickly shut up after scolding halfway, and smiled all over her face: "Mr. Fang, are you tired? Sit down and have a cup of tea. This is the Yunwu tea that I have treasured for many years..."

Mr. Fang rolled his eyes and walked away, feeling that he finally pinched this guy's petals, to see if you dare to be arrogant.

Fei Wenya laughed and said from behind: "Have you all heard? Mr. Fang has promised to betroth his little granddaughter to my family's Xinyu. My family's Xinyu has a daughter-in-law. The big guys are all witnesses. Look at each of you. How dare you speak!"

When Mr. Fang heard this, his hair stood on end, he almost rushed back, and shouted, "Fei Wenya, don't talk nonsense, the old man is talking about Fei Xinpeng."

Fei Wenya said: "Thank you very much, I will write to Xinyu right now, asking him to come back after the war for a blind date, and he will treat your granddaughter well. Don't worry, my nephew is well-educated, both civil and military, young and promising, handsome and unrestrained, with a family background Your honor, our two families are a match made in heaven."

Old Fang was so angry that his eyes were full of stars, he suddenly stopped walking and said: "Go and chase Wen Rou first, the old man must make a deal with this shameless Fei family thief."

Before he could finish his sentence, he flew up in a swish, heading straight for Fei Wenya.

The others rolled their eyes and continued running wildly.

What the hell, you obviously finally found a reason to drink tea, who doesn't know... shit.

The current Fengyin seems to have lost his temper.

He knew that this encounter had gone to extremes. The royal family's various means were aimed at forcing him into the Anbu. If he didn't enter the Anbu, the gentle name would always stay on Daqin's most wanted list and would never be revoked. day!

But his stubborn nature did not allow himself to just give in. Even though you have good intentions and never thought of taking my life, or even lenient, but this kind of thing cannot be forced into submission.

Daqin Anbu, if I want to join, it's fine.

But if you force me to submit with external force, it is absolutely impossible!

Or maybe my ability is not extreme enough, I can let you know: when I don't want to enter, even if the nine-color supreme is all there, there is nothing I can do!

So he continued this killing scene, killing from south to north, and then from east to west, and left after touching it, never staying.

With his current cultivation strength, he is performing the stealthy sky-changing body technique, paired with the phantom silk, and his actions are strange and treacherous. For a person who appears and disappears like a ghost, the end is superb, but it is difficult for a ghost.

Not to mention that there is a phantom silkworm on top of the head monitoring Jincheng from a high altitude, so as to plan ten thousand gold!

Taking this as a premise, if you really encounter a situation where you can't escape, fight hard, or escape, with a move of the magic silkworm's spiritual thought, you can move the wind seal to a position, and go directly from the imprisoned circle in the east of the city. Here, move to the west of the city!

This kind of means beyond cognition, let alone a few ordinary cloud masters teaming up, it is really the Nine-color Supreme who came together. Before the powerful plug-in support of the phantom silkworm can be seen through, it will be helpless and helpless!

It's just... Even if Jun Tianjian has all the villains in the world, there is still a limit. With Fengyin's killing method, he killed the Amethyst task target in a circle, and then killed the jade card task target in a circle. In the end, After cuddling grass and beating rabbits, there were no gold medals, silver medals or bronze medals, and even iron medals were cleared.

Even killed more than a dozen king-level targets.

Hundreds of card targets were also slaughtered.

The progress of completing the task like this made him rank in Jun Tian's killer list, only one step away from Dong Xiaoyan.

Dong Xiaoyan is currently number one in the king class, while Ruan Rou has climbed straight to the third place in the king class so far, and is still gradually approaching the second place with the progress of task completion visible to the naked eye, and she is about to surpass it.

Yes, just like this for five consecutive days, the targets of the Juntianjian mission in Daqin Xianyang City were almost wiped out by Fengyin!

And during these five days, His Majesty the Emperor also regretted it, and the regret was getting stronger, stronger, and stronger step by step.

But even if you feel that you shouldn't be forced like this, it's okay if there is no result, but the royal majesty alone doesn't allow you to stop here.

But tenderness still comes and goes freely, no, it should be said that it is more appropriate to say that it comes and goes without a trace.

After all, what even the Nine-Color Supreme Can't do, no matter how many cloud cultivators can do it? !

And these five days were named by hundreds of millions of people in Xianyang: Big Dream Five!

The reason why it is called this name is probably because the people of Xianyang really feel it... so happy, so happy that it is like a dream for five days in a row, usually for the disasters in the village, who do all kinds of evil, bullying men and women, bullying the city guys, One by one, they died like queuing up.

According to later statistics.

This killer is gentle, and in these five days, he killed the targets of the Jun Tian Hand around Xianyang, a total of 13,700 and 412 people!

This number is shocking and extremely terrifying.

This number of heads, not to mention killing them one by one in the way of hunting, sniping and assassination, even if you really line up and let you kill them one by one, how long will you have to kill them?

In addition, most of these people have been listed in Jun Tian Jian for a period of time, and they are all in a state of fleeing and hiding. It is not easy to find them.

And the killer is gentle and clear

Under the unfavorable environment where the whole city hunted him down, he was able to kill so many mission targets with precision!

Isn't this kind of ability not exciting, terrifying, I believe that even Great Master Qingming would probably say that he can't do it!

But the killer managed to do it, and it was almost perfect. This is the big event that shocked Jin Dalu!

And it is the "Dream Five", after the creation of these five days every year, the Great Qin Emperor will spontaneously have a holiday, sacrifice, and burn incense.

Make it a big five-day festival!

What's more, since then, although Xianyang dare not say that the villains are extinct, when some people want to do something, they must always consider that their own head is under the supervision of Jun Tianshou. Next, is it safe or not?

Because we all know that if one is only afraid of the law, there are not only countless ways to avoid it, but also through countless relationships.

For many people: Money can serve ghosts, and it can also enlighten gods, and things that can be done with money are nothing to worry about.

But for Killer Jun Tianshou, this is precisely the most difficult part to clear!

After weighing the pros and cons, the vast majority will choose to give up.

After all, those who dare to stir up troubles in Xianyang have some means, some abilities, some backgrounds, some influences, and some relations. At this moment, it is natural to have a choice!

Based on this concept, in the following decades, Xianyang, the capital of Qin Dynasty, had an unprecedentedly high-quality social atmosphere and became the most livable city in the world.

Of course, this kind of consequence is that Fengyin, the person directly involved, did not think of it. At this moment, he is gnashing his teeth and continuing this killing hysterically, but he doesn't know that this action will create a peaceful and prosperous age in the capital of the Great Qin Emperor for decades to come. scene!

But in any case, this can be regarded as a huge legend.

The legend of pure killing!

Different from chasing after the masters of Ouchi, it is quite suspected that you are blinding your eyes. Everyone in the Mumbai has been watching the excitement from the beginning, and they have been watching the excitement. Shocked, inexplicably shocked, so shocked that he couldn't add it up, and then... Gradually, the shock accumulated until he became numb.

Even Bu Changkong was dumbfounded after confirming the string of lists.

With such precise sniping and lore ability, it would be a pity to be a killer. This should be stabbing, which is directly a nightmare for the mainland and a nightmare for cultivators!

"How did he achieve such a precise and targeted strike, and execute it so quickly, even without a single manslaughter, and still come and go without a trace like this?"

Bu Changkong was twirling his beard, his eyes were wide open, he was full of doubts and couldn't figure it out.

Opposite him, there is Qing Ming Dazun with a clear face, who is also paying attention to this long list.

After a long silence, Great Master Qing Ming slowly said: "There is only one possibility!"

"Ah? What's the possibility?"

Bu Changkong's eyes widened. He felt that he had thought of all the possibilities, but none of them could match up.

But Great Master Qing Ming thought of it all at once, is the gap between people really that big?

Great Master Qing Ming sighed, and said: "Let's wait for a few more days, I want to confirm... how far their cooperation has reached... or, what is the relationship between them and let's talk about the follow-up."


Bu Changkong was stunned.

Dazun, what are you talking about, who is related to whom, why am I so swollen that I can't understand it more and more?

Five full days have passed, and Wenrou's name has already become a presence in the sky in Xianyang, like a rising sun, shining forty thousand.

Even ordinary common people, peddlers, and even children aged three or five, there are very few people who don't know the word gentle!

Many parents say this when educating their children: "Don't do bad things when you grow up, UU Reading will come and arrest you!" Then...then the child burst into tears.

Fortunately, there is another sentence - "When you grow up, you will be a person who is as gentle as you are."

Then, the child laughed like a flower.

There are also fields, many old men and women whispering with hoes and baskets: "Did you hear that? The bully in the next village... was killed by Mr. Gentle."

"I knew it earlier, your news is out of date, do you know that Wang Hu?"

"Ah? The one who killed three families a few years ago? Could it be that he also...?"

"Hey, just in the early hours of this morning, my head disappeared. Mr. Gentle did it. This is top-secret information, so don't say it everywhere!"

"I know, I know, good kill, good kill!"

"Thanks to Lord Wenrou, our villains from all over the world have lost all their money."

"It's not just the ten miles and eight villages, even the great kings on the mountains a little farther away are all dead. It is said that Taohua Mountain, Erlong Mountain, Qingfeng Mountain... the bandits on the top of the mountain were scared to go down the mountain... It is said that they surrendered themselves. And I applied to farm to be a good citizen.”

[I wanted to highlight a few cases and expand them, but after thinking about it, let’s take it all in one stroke. 】

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