MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 52 Meng Shuai Joins the Army 8

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Zidi vomited blood profusely.

He couldn't believe his experience at all, how could he recite it like this, how could he be so unlucky?!

The most regrettable thing this time is that it has been four and a half years, and most of the world's calamity has been worn away.

It looks like it will be successful.

Not only was his cultivation completely restored, but he even had hope to go further...but he was abruptly interrupted by the death calamity.

This time the trial of the world of mortals was obviously going well, how could it be so sudden?

You must know that this time is very different from before, the remnant soul of the main body is still alive, but it is very weak, so it is suppressed by myself.

You only need to stay until the five-year period expires, withdraw yourself, release the remnant soul, return to the original place, and continue your life, so there will be no retribution for taking the house. And I can also give him a healthy body...

The future trajectory of life has nothing to do with me.

Only myself, with the help of these five years, has experienced a world of mortals.

The five-year time limit is approaching, why was he killed by inexplicable unlucky luck?

"There are only two months left, and it will be five years!"

"It's only two months away!"


Zidi roared angrily.

Although there were deficiencies in this Hongchen trial, most of his cultivation base and injuries were still recovered.

But... my path of cultivation is completely cut off, and there is no room for further progress!

This is a solid and heavy blow to Zidi.

What's more, after this calamity, there is no chance of another calamity.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the last time was too dangerous, the injuries were too heavy, and there were too many enemies coveting him, why would Zidi not choose to take the risk and immediately go through the second calamity!

If it is said that the first time he experienced the world of mortals, he could still be very calm, then the second time, he would be close to death.

It is very possible to get lost in the world of mortals, and the true spirit cannot return.

Now if he forcibly activates the third time of going through the world of mortals, then it is 100% impossible to return, and there will never be a second possibility.

If you want to start Jiechen again, you have to go through at least a thousand years of experience in the world of mortals, and your strength has climbed to the peak, and you can try again when you are full of energy.

Such a result, such a price, how can Zidi not hate it!

But the reality is like this, while Zidi is resentful, he is also happy that his injuries have recovered greatly, even though there are still enemies coveting him, and he has the power to deal with them.

However, after careful confirmation, Zidi discovered to his astonishment that the dynasty luck on his body had actually disappeared, completely gone, nothing left.

But how could a country's luck disappear so rashly?

Zidi was very puzzled by this.

Unlike the other nine-color supreme beings, Zidi attached great importance to the fate of the country, and was shocked to find that the fate of the country was gone, so he had to hide his breath and go out to take a look.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, you will be surprised for a moment!

What about Yan State?

Why is the huge country of Yan that I was in charge of disappeared?

Shocked, Zidi almost lost his temper.

The country of Yan, the country that I have guarded all my life, is gone!

When the country was destroyed, he was in a state of serious injury and coma without knowing anything, and he was also in the process of going through a catastrophe in the world of mortals.

But the majestic Dayan, one of the Seven Kingdoms of Anping, with countless good ministers and famous generals, how could it be destroyed?

Zidi couldn't believe it, and felt that the countless monsters who wanted to get rid of him before were gone, so he decided to hide his aura and go out to find out what happened.

The homeland that has been guarded all my life has been destroyed. If I don't inquire about it clearly, I will be unwilling!

After this inquiry, it was easy to know that the Yan State was destroyed by the Qin State, and it had just been destroyed not long ago.

Now, the remnants of the royal family of the Yan Kingdom have been collectively escorted to the Qin capital. According to the practice of the collapse of the dynasty, these royal families of the Great Yan will all go to the Great Qin to receive conferments and be awarded titles such as Marquis of Anle and Boss Xiangle.

Zidi calculated the time carefully, and found that it was less than a month since the incident happened, and in terms of the pace of escorting the prisoner, he should still be on his way.

If he can rescue a few descendants of Dayan's royal family, he may not be able to restore Dayan!

Regarding vital interests, Zidi immediately set off and went down the mountain.

But I don't know if it's unlucky, drinking cold water can get stuck between the teeth, Zidi's side has just come down the mountain, and it's in trouble.

A snow-white kitten appeared on the mountain road Shi Shiran, and when it made eye contact with Zidi, the kitten's eyes suddenly lit up, and its four little paws were holding the stone straight, Suddenly raised his head to the sky and howled!


Although the tone of voice is monotonous, the spirit veins are powerful, with the momentum of a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

The next moment, a small snake, which was as thick as a thumb and with pitch-black horns on its head, appeared from a little distance away, swayed towards it, and entrenched itself in the middle of the road.

A pair of icy snake eyes locked on Zidi, refused to give way, and showed a sense of "I opened this mountain, I planted this tree, if I want to live from now on, I will save money to buy roads".

The whole body of this little snake is pitch black, and the black horns are especially strangely shaped, as if it is faintly and continuously breeding black smoke.

In terms of stature alone, this cat and snake are all small, even if an ordinary person walks over it, it is enough to crush it.

But what kind of person is Zidi, what kind of vision and insight, he is truly one of the nine-color supreme beings, and the pinnacle of the mainland, how can he not see that this cat and snake are all different species, and none of them are easy-going people.

But then again, the majestic Purple Emperor, don't say that it is two little guys who have not yet transformed into the way, even if the transformed demon emperor came to the two, since he has recovered 90% of his cultivation base, that is not the slightest bit. Don't be afraid, take it easy.

Zidi let out a sinister grin, and stepped forward without hesitation, as if he wanted to crush him with his feet.

With a soft whoosh sound, the little black snake moved first, jumped up in the air, crossed the space at an extremely fast speed, and arrived in front of Zidi in a blink of an eye.

So fast!

Zidi's eyes flashed, and he felt a sense of vigilance in his heart. His hands were already full of spiritual energy, and he struck down with a palm, which was blatant.

With a cat and a snake that have not yet transformed, even if they are of different species, even if they are extremely talented, this palm of my own is more than enough to kill chickens and bulls.

As a result... the little black snake snorted, and sprayed out a cloud of poisonous juice like a shower can.

The amount of venom is not large, but the venom instantly disintegrates the black mist, and spreads extremely quickly, spreading out.

Zidi was taken aback when he saw this.

Because the black mist actually gave him a feeling of mortal danger.

Zidi has experienced many enemies for a long time, and he believed in his spiritual sense, so he quickly retreated without waiting for the power of his palm to be realized.


A white shadow flashed in front of him, and his moving speed was still faster than Zidi who was flying at full speed.

Zidi let out a muffled snort, half of his face had already been grabbed by the little white cat, **** and hideous.

"Naughty animal!"

Zidi was furious.

Although he didn't pay much attention to the cat and snake in front of him, or he was a little careless, but to be honest, looking around the world today, there are really few enemies worthy of his real all-out efforts. It's just normal to underestimate the enemy.

But I never expected that this little kitty could move so fast, and... the attack power was unexpectedly strong, beyond imagination, and it could easily break through my spiritual energy defense, covering half of my face. It was caught, and two teeth were knocked out along the way.

No, if it wasn't for his timely sinking figure, the original landing point of that claw was actually on his throat?!

This is... lethal attack?!


Suddenly Zidi's heart surged with enlightenment.

This little cat... is actually a powerful enemy that is not inferior to any demon emperor!

Even that little snake is quite a powerhouse... That kind of poison... is a level that can poison itself!


At a glance, the emperor saw that the poisonous mist shrouded the place, gradually extending, and the place where it passed, even the rocky ground, was constantly corroding, getting deeper and deeper...


The Zidi and the kitten fight head-to-head, honestly, with no frills!

As a result of this forceful shock, the kitten retreated in the air, landed on a small tree, and retreated about ten feet.

But Zidi couldn't stand firmly, and retreated seven steps in a row!

This palm is facing each other, in terms of the result, it is roughly evenly divided.

No, it should be that the kitten faintly gained the upper hand, Zidi kept his feet on the ground, and the kitten pounced in the air. The results were equal, but the down-to-earth took advantage.

With a real, no-frills challenge, even Zidi, the pinnacle of this world, has fallen behind. What level should this kitten be?!

All in all, it is appalling and unimaginable!

However, appalling and unimaginable things came one after another—

I saw black shadows flickering, and the little snake had already appeared in the black mist.

With a sound of brushing, the tail swept away.


The little snake was shaken back.

Zidi let out a muffled groan, and with a sway of his body, he was already thousands of feet away in an instant!


This is the first time in Zidi's life that he ran for his life at the beginning of the battle when facing so few enemies!

But at this moment, Zidi has clearly realized that if he doesn't escape, he may be able to put himself to death with just this cat and a snake!

And it's still the kind of death that melts itself and annihilates both **** and form!


While running away, he thought, who is this kitten?

Or, whose?

This strength, I'm afraid it has already surpassed Mao Huang Mao Yimiao!

Could it be the cat who used to be with Fengshen Doctor, the kitten born by the Cat King?

However, that cat has only been born a few years ago, so it should still be in its infancy?

But... apart from that one, which has a unique bloodline and background, where else is there such a monster?

For this escape, Zidi directly used all his strength.

Even back then, when he was targeted by the digital Nine Color Supremes, he was never in such a mess!

Zidi galloped at full speed, crossing the sky, the speed was so fast, even if it was as fast as a little white cat, it would be difficult to catch up for a while.

It's just that Zidi is just recovering from a new injury, um, or it should be said that he is 90% healed, not completely recovered, and his usual state and demeanor are the same as when he was intact, but such continuous full-strength actions and full-speed galloping, It's a bit difficult to last, and I need to get back a little bit.

When crossing a mountain ridge, a big tree stands impressively on the top of the mountain, which is the closest place to the sky within a few miles.

Zidi made a decisive decision, flew past, sank slightly, and lightly tapped the branch on the top of the big tree with one foot, intending to use his strength to leap and regain his breath.

For a strong man like Zidi, it's nothing more than nothing to use his strength to regain his energy.

But who would have thought that at the moment when he touched his toes, something happened suddenly: the branch of the big tree grew rapidly at the moment when Zidi's toes touched it, wrapping it layer by layer, wrapping his leg completely. wrapped, wrapped!

"I am Cao!"

Faced with such an accident, Zidi couldn't help but feel terrified.

What the **** is going on today, this kind of weird thing can happen to me.

Zidi responded quickly, and the spiritual power on his feet burst out suddenly.

There was only a bang, and the entire canopy of the big tree exploded. Following the force of the explosion, Zidi jumped up, but just as he flew up, he saw an ice phoenix flapping its wings. , a long cry in the air—


In the blink of a finger, thousands of miles are covered in ice and snow!

Zidi exploded in an instant, taking advantage of the momentum to take off, and was exhaling and making a sound. This sudden change, it was inevitable that the cold breath would invade his mouth, and his tongue seemed to be frozen immediately.

Zidi knows how powerful he is, and he knows that if he

If he couldn't get out of the predicament in the first time, he would be trapped in endless layers of ice and block, so he could only try his best to explode his spiritual power again, and there was another bang, which dispelled the endless ice cold, and even knocked the ice phoenix into the air.

But after these two delays, the kitten has already tracked him down.


The kitten was unambiguous at all, and grabbed it with one paw, but with a soft scraping sound, the Purple Emperor's long sword appeared to block the cat's claw, and when it was shaken hard again, sparks flew out.

Luckily, Zidi didn't know that he had fallen into the encirclement of the enemy, he didn't dare to fight, and wanted to escape.

Originally, if an unworldly powerhouse like the Purple Emperor wanted to escape, even if he entangled many powerhouses of the nine-color supreme rank, or dozens of monster clans and demon emperors joined forces, it would be difficult to surround and kill him.

But today, this rule does not seem to be so common—

Firstly, Zidi's injury is still not fully recovered, and his strength has not returned to the peak. Secondly, although he dispelled the extreme cold at the first time, the invasion of the cold just now still affected him. A slight impact, in this duel between strong players of the same level, has a far-reaching impact!

And the most important third, the kitten's strength... Although Zidi has tried to overestimate the kitten's strength, he still underestimated it!

But when the kitten turned around, ten tails appeared, covering the sky and the earth in an instant.

bang bang bang bang...

Like pumping a rubber ball, he pumped Zidi's body more than a dozen times.

Zidi's body also seemed to roll and fly out of the ball.


Zidi, who was in mid-air, spat out a few mouthfuls of blood one after another. The internal injuries that had not healed did not need to be counted on for the time being, and the injuries were already adding to the injuries.

But even though the injury was added to the injury, and the injury was severe and severe, what shocked Zidi even more was—

"Ten Tails!"

Zidi was completely shocked and frightened!

Immediately burst out potential, turned into green smoke desperately, and fled crazily.

Where did this monster come from?

I haven't walked in the rivers and lakes for five or six years, how could there be so many perverts?

Is this world really Anping Continent?

Zidi now sincerely feels that the word "Anping" in Anping Continent really doesn't make sense.

How can such a world be called Anping?

What the **** cats have ten tails?!

Zidi fled in front of him riding Juechen.

A white shadow followed closely behind, then Ice Phoenix, and the little snake on Ice Phoenix's back.

The little snake had an expression of reluctance.

Why bother so much, why don't you just poison him to death?

It was clear that there was a chance just now, but the eldest sister was so stunned that she refused to let it go.

Why so much trouble?

Zidi fled frantically and exhausted his life's strength, but he couldn't escape the kitten's pursuit.

Zidi became more and more anxious, but he was unable to get rid of the kitten's rapid pursuit. Just when he was determined to lead the kitten to the town where the human race gathered, he suddenly heard the kitten's long howl behind him. .


This voice sounds like a milky voice, but in fact it shakes thousands of mountains and rivers, and it can be heard in a radius of hundreds of miles.

There was even a shock of the soul, which spread far and wide.

Then, the Purple Emperor was horrified to find that there were countless demon clans appearing in all directions in the sky and on the ground!

There is an eagle in the black, a crane in the black, an article in the black... the Phoenix family?

Damn, is it the Dragon Clan who is shaking his head and tail?

I looked down again, and I wiped the exit again.

Below you can see countless colorful tigers, majestic lions, and vigorous leopards...

Follow him like a torrent.

Zidi raised his vitality again, and the trajectory of his movement became unpredictable.

We must get rid of these pursuers.

Otherwise... this little life that has been recovered with great difficulty will be buried here

Some bastards' mouths!

What a visionary Zidi, the strength of each of the demon clans surrounding him is not top-notch, but they have reached the level above the demon king.

And what's even more terrible is that these guys can fly!

Natural instinct.

If the number is small, he can hunt and kill them calmly, without trouble, and can easily drive them back.

But now...that's too much!

Not to mention that there is a cat whose cultivation level is not inferior to his own, and that extremely poisonous snake... well, the ice phoenix that appeared at the end seems to have a level of cultivation level that is not far behind her... basically Reached the level of the demon emperor.

With a lineup like this, as long as you stop for a while and be surrounded, it will be a dead end.

Everything else is easy to say, but the poison of that snake is really terrible...

Zidi ran desperately, followed by a mighty crowd, which at first glance looked like a wave of beasts.

And the front of this line is a cat.

Such a strange team gallops across the land, opening up roads when encountering mountains, and jumping over when encountering water.

Wu Ren's precipice is like walking on flat ground for these guys.

This chasing battle, from the barren mountains to the vicinity of the town, and then to the battlefield, even the grand city of Xiongguan, always enters and immediately rushes out, never stays for a while, autumn never commits any crime...

Countless people witnessed this miraculous scene, and countless people were so frightened that their whole bodies turned cold and their **** rolled.

Don't you think it's the resurgence of the demon tide, and the end of the world is coming.

But when these monster races cross the border, it is true that Qiu has committed no crimes, and humans and animals are harmless.

The only target was Zidi, who was escaping in front of him.

Whoosh past.

Come back with a whoosh.

He ran away with a whoosh.

Countless people with eyesight were even more shocked to the point of being a mess.

"That's... the Great Yan Zidi?"

"Yes... if you read correctly, it should be."


"You can't go wrong!"

"This is... the Purple Emperor being hunted down by a group of monsters?"

"Looks like..."

"its not right…"

Someone exclaimed: "The one who chased and killed Zidi was a gentle cat?!"

"I wipe, are you sure you see clearly?"

"Why can't you see clearly? Gentle class monitor is my class monitor. Back then when we participated in Jun Tian Hand training camp, this cat was squatting on the side, but it was well-behaved, and I wouldn't admit it if I was killed."

"...Cute? Are you serious?"

Everyone who heard these words rolled their eyes.

Do you call a cat that can hunt and kill the Great Yan Zidi cute?

May I ask how cute you are?

Is she so well-behaved that she can chase and kill the Nine-Colored Supreme with her **** around her?

That's really too... well-behaved.

Or is my understanding of the word "beautiful" fundamentally wrong from the beginning?

"Maybe the cat of Gentle Squad Leader is the leader of those demon tribes? There must be some brushes, or how to control the demons?"

"It looks like it is."

"Sure, what does it look like?"

"Don't you think, this is...too unbelievable?"

"It's not incredible. The class leader you mentioned just now is Wen Rou, the number one killer in the world a few years ago?"

"If it's not him, who else?"

"Isn't that right? Isn't this Gentle Lord another identity of the legendary Feng Shen Doctor, Killer Gentle?"

"Who else deserves to be called gentle? It must be him!"

"Isn't that right? Since it's the cat of the Wind God Doctor, what's so rare about being able to hunt down and kill the Purple Emperor?"

"No, it's still not right... Well, my God, I was led into a ditch by you... It's the cat of Fengshen Doctor

Are you chasing and killing the Purple Emperor?!"

"Yeah, you're still dreaming after talking about it for so long? What an obvious and thorough thing!"

"Oh my god... the cat of the wind doctor! The wind doctor?!"

"Ah, there is news from the Fengshen doctor."

"That's great, that's great, the Fengshen doctor has reappeared in the world of mortals, and crossed the world of mortals again!!"

"Don't talk nonsense, where did the wind doctor appear? Where did he cross the world of mortals again?"

"Hey, you idiot, you know what you see in the slightest, so you know the other? The cat of the Fengshen doctor has appeared, so how can the Fengshen doctor who is the master not appear?

"You are the idiot, your eye saw the appearance of the wind doctor."

"You say you're stupid and you still don't admit it? Even the cat of the Fengshen Doctor can hunt down and kill the Nine-Colored Supreme. How can there be any need for the Fengshen Doctor to do it himself?"

" are right!"

"The miracle doctor is mighty!"

"Gentle and mighty!"

"The number one killer in the world is indeed well-deserved. There are no worthless men under the great name. Even the cats he raises can hunt down and kill the Nine-Color Supreme! I'm convinced, I'm convinced."

"Yeah, when it was rumored that Mr. Gentle is the number one killer in the world, I still said in disbelief. Now it seems that I am superficial. I take it for granted. I am ashamed!"

"It's such a rare event in life... The cat of the genius doctor is chasing and killing the Purple Emperor... This kind of thing is rare in the ages!"

"Rare and what is rare, the real question shouldn't be... If this cat really killed Zidi, then in Juntianjian, is it the cat's kill or Mr. Gentle's?"

"Of course it was killed by Mr. Gentle. How stupid are you? The cat belongs to Mr. Gentle. This affiliation is undeniable."

"Oh... that's true, awesome!"



Someone suggested: "These monsters are only targeting Zidi, why don't we catch up and see, such a grand event, I'm afraid there will be a second time in this life."

Countless people have this idea surging in their hearts, and for a while, everyone wants to watch the excitement.

Just as the proposer said, such a grand occasion is really rare to have a second time!

However, the speed of a fleeing gang is too fast, especially for ordinary cultivators.

It really disappeared in the blink of an eye, and I couldn't even see Chaimi's tail.

As the pursued Zidi really couldn't escape, no matter what, he couldn't get rid of the pursuers, so he circled the entire continent like this.

But what he didn't know was that there were countless demon emperors who were also watching closely.

"It's just right, let Xiaoying take the children to practice soldiers. This time, I will practice with a character like Zidi, which will be of great benefit to the future!"

"Not bad, not bad! Don't come again when you can't miss this opportunity!"

"I have to say that the youngest daughter of His Majesty the Cat King really has leadership skills."

"Yeah, who would have thought that geniuses from all races would be so docile and obedient when they saw Xiaoying."

"Isn't it, you don't know, those boys in our family, those skinny ones on weekdays, I wish I could slap them 800 times a day, but I just met Xiaoying face to face, I... I'm so envious of her obedience."

"This matter is also a good thing. Xiaoying is only at this age, but her strength has reached the peak level. She is the best choice for the future helm of the monster clan, and now they are even more supportive. In my opinion, it can be settled now. "

"This word... En Ener... Be careful."

"Be careful what you say."

"Be careful, now it's not one family or two families, the descendants of one family and two clans worship Xiaoying, but all the little demons worship him..."

Countless demon emperors went to congratulate the cat emperor.

"Your Majesty the Cat King is truly blessed."

"Your Majesty the Cat Emperor is excellent at teaching children."

"Xiaoying is good, she is blessed by nature, and she is the only monster."

His Majesty the Cat Emperor couldn't agree more, "It's all thanks to the brothers.

praise. "

"Don't spoil the child."

"Small achievements are not worth mentioning."

All the demon emperors rolled their eyes.

Obviously, I really can't stand the cat king's Versailles anymore.

Little achievement?

We'll just huh...

Compared with the attention of other demon emperors, the cat emperor followed him personally.

There is really no other reason, just because the Emperor Cat has not seen his daughter for more than five years.

And there is no news at all, why don't you call the Cat King so hurry up.

Now that she appeared out of nowhere, she naturally wanted to follow her girl to see what she was like now? Has it changed a lot?

When I saw Fengying's majestic appearance at close range, commanding all the monsters in the world, I was happy and relieved but also a little sad.

This little guy, no matter how much he steps into the world, he doesn't know how to go home and see his mother first!


This hunt lasted for half a month, until the hunt reached the territory of Qi State.

At this moment, Zidi was already bruised all over his body, and he tried his best to hold on until now, shouting with all his strength, calling for help.

"Bai Hong! Why don't you come out, the next one is you!"

"You think they can let you go?!"

"Stop dreaming!"

"White Rainbow!"

"You think I can't find you?"

"Bai Hong! Hurry up and come out and help me!"


But at this moment, in front of the capital of Qi State, it is the time when the soldiers are fighting fiercely and the two armies are facing each other.

The Mongolian army has a round with Fei Pingjiang, the commander of the Fei family, and is ready to start a decisive battle with the Qi army.

However, the capital of Qi State is really difficult to fight, with high walls and thick walls, elite troops, and dedicated defense, even with the two great marshals of Fei Pingjiang from the Mongolian side, it is still difficult to do anything in a short period of time, and there is no clue.

But at this moment, Zidi came with the monster army.

What Zidi didn't expect was that Baihong still didn't show up even after he came to the capital of Qi.

Bai Hong, you bastard, last time you were already at Zichen Mountain but you ran away, and almost killed me in Zichen Mountain. You haven't had time to settle it yet, and now you still want to play Shenyin with me?

Now I am in a life-and-death crisis, and the time is inexplicable, why are you playing with me for the second time?!

I have called you for so long with red lips and white teeth, why don't you come out!

I have never been so ashamed in my life!

Okay, okay, since you won't come out, then I will force you out.

At the juncture of life and death, Zidi almost didn't think about it, and rushed into the waiting army of Qi State.

Why do you still want to save the country of Qi when our country of Yan is already dead?

Why don't you die of beauty!

Since you don't help me, don't think about it!

I lost the kingdom of luck, and you don't want to have it again!

This is Zidi's mind, simple and honest.

And it's very easy to understand.

"White Rainbow!"

The Purple Emperor rushed into the formation like a ghost, and while laughing loudly, he shook his hand and directly turned the hundreds of soldiers facing him, Qi Qi, who was really spitting blood, on their backs, and fell into a large cloud of dust.

Zidi's unexpected move, as well as the momentary shock, immediately caused chaos throughout Qi.

And this change was just the beginning, Zidi started by shaking the formation with his palm, his body and sword merged into one, and he joined the army formation, rushing through the formation as if plowing the ground.

Wherever he passed, countless bodies flew up, and his eyes were full of broken bones and bones, but no one was injured...

Just kidding, the nine-color supreme series powerhouse will kill all of them, all of them will be killed, all of them will be killed, so where are the wounded?!

How can an ordinary soldier resist the Purple Emperor, the Supreme Nine Colors?

Seeing Zidi violently attacking his comrades, the soldiers of Qi State yelled angrily, "Zidi! You deserve to die!"

Sad and inexplicable!

Because of Zidi's intrusion, the location was the Qi army's commander's central army. As soon as he made a move, the Qi army's commander and hundreds of his own soldiers were taken away in one pot.

In other words, the commander-in-chief of the Qi army is dead!

This is the most embarrassing death among the commanders of all countries in the course of all the wars in which the Great Qin ruled the world.

He didn't even understand what happened until he died, and all his mind was still on Fei Pingjiang, the Mongolian side, and Zidi rushed in and killed him.

Not only is the death unclear, but it is also meaningless.

All Qi Jun went crazy.

But Zidi didn't care about it at all, ignored it, and rushed over from the army with a wild and destructive way, laughing wildly.

Along the way, countless soldiers of the Qi State screamed incessantly, a road of blood was forged, and a road with a full ten feet was opened like this.

The Purple Emperor disappeared behind the army in just a moment: "Bai Hong! Can you hide?"

"Bai Hong! If you don't help me, this is what will happen to you Qi!"

He laughed maniacally, and hit again with a bang. Suddenly, with an earth-shattering bang, he knocked down a hole in the city wall of the capital city of Qi.

"Bai Hong! I don't see you coming out to stop it?!"

Zidi was determined and confident.

As long as Bai Hong came out, he was sure that Bai Hong would stand by his side and jointly resist the monster clan's pursuit.

He just needs to force Bai Hong to come out now!

But the situation took such a sudden turn for the worst, Baihong still didn't appear, and there was no sound at all.

Zidi is also strange.

Where did this stuff go?

Your own country is almost destroyed, and your patron saint is gone?

The Qi army was in chaos, and their coach died so bizarrely and quickly.

This is so straight up that the sky is falling!

Everyone fell into an unprecedented panic.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang...

A white cat descended vigorously from the sky, led the monster army, and rushed into the Qi army in the direction of Zidi's departure in an invincible torrent, passing through without any restraint. Tens of thousands of monster races also followed by shaking their heads and tails.

After they passed by, the Qi army camp completely lost its appearance.

Only the dark clouds in the sky are like vast wings, and the countless flying monsters fly past in a flamboyant manner.

Well, after chasing after such a long journey, it must be that the flying monsters are more durable and the number is much larger...

It's just that there are so many monsters from the monster race, and they disappeared in an instant.

From the appearance of the Purple Emperor to the crossing of the demons.

The whole process took no more than three minutes.

But Qi's army is not only in chaos, but even the most basic fighting spirit has disappeared. How can we talk about confronting the enemy?!

In fact, it is more than just the Qi State. On the opposite side, the Qin army headed by the Mongolian side is also very frightened, even scared.

If the directions are exchanged, it is the Qin army that bears all this, can the Qin army be spared?

Nobody knows the answer!

Fortunately, this huge change did not affect the Qin army. Just when everyone was still in shock, they saw that the Mongolian side had already raised their long swords: "The whole army is attacking! The enemy's heart and courage are all lost, and they will be wiped out today!"

Following the repeated bangs, the Qin army moved out in a big way, and the mountains and seas seemed to be overwhelmed.

For the Mongolian side, he didn't care why the Qi army was in chaos.

He only knows that now, the opportunity to defeat the enemy has come!

And what he has to do is to seize the opportunity.

Even if the sky is really falling apart, as long as he sees the opportunity to fight, he will send troops and defeat the enemy!

A pure soldier wants only victory, just victory!

Other than that, nothing matters, nothing matters!

Purple Emperor making trouble? What does it have to do with me!

The head coach of the Qi army died unexpectedly, it was God helping me!

Fei Pingjiang on the other side was stunned for a moment. It was almost after further movement from the Mongolian army that he yelled: "Send troops!"

The Qin army moved in response to the situation and took advantage of the situation to hide and kill. The dragons on the opposite side were leaderless and in a mess. The panic had not dissipated, but the enemy had already killed them.

Where there is even the slightest heart against the enemy, there are only those who cry bitterly, those who call to retreat, and those who turn around and run away...

Sporadic calls for counterattacks and defenses were instantly submerged in the countermoving crowd!

Under the attack of the Qin army with all its strength, the elite and final army of Qi State was almost defeated at the touch of a touch, and the army was defeated in an instant.

The Mongolian army led the army to defeat the enemy in an instant, rushed to the bottom of the city, and through the gap where the purple emperor collapsed, he shouted: "Siege the city! Poqi is here today!"


Before the words were finished, Lin Yun ladders rose up in a forest, rushing forward like a car hitting a city.

The front end of the hugging giant wood was sharpened, covered with hard star iron, and the tip was cold iron, and hit the city gate crazily.

A series of loud bangs made the city walls tremble.

Slightly tilted, the tens of thousands of archers of the Qin army who rushed from behind opened their bows and shot arrows, and the rain of arrows covered the capital of Qi State, as if they could not even look at it.

Countless warriors of the Qin army carried huge shields on their backs, pulled the crashing car back, and then another car rushed over like an angry dragon.

During this period, the Qin army kept bowing and arrows, covering the city, suppressing the Qi army to the maximum extent, and buying time for the siege vehicles.

The trebuchet also kept on non-stop, rumbling and throwing stones into the city.

On the ladders on both sides, the elite of the Qin army are climbing bravely...

On the other hand, the elite Qi army was defeated directly, with no fighting spirit and no fighting spirit.

The most difficult siege battle, which was originally expected, turned out to be overwhelming.

Along with the sound of heaven and earth cracking, the city gate was smashed into a big hole.

The masters of the Qin army stepped forward bravely, trying to occupy the passage of the city gate.

The masters of the Qi army did not allow it, they risked their lives to block the way, and tried their best to ensure that they did not lose. The two sides launched the most extreme desperate fight,

However, this wave of desperate fights by the Qi army is just the last swan song.

As more and more Qin troops rushed in, the situation was getting out of hand.

"The city is broken!!"

A loud roar resounded from the top of the city, and a master of the Qin Army rushed to the top of the city, roaring to the sky: "Come first!!"

With this shout, the sword was practiced like a horse, and cut down a dozen Qi soldiers who rushed up, firmly covering the gap, and countless Qin soldiers rushed to the top of the city like ants to protect this gap, so as to protect the gap. Started a fierce battle with the Qi army as a stronghold.

And the passage of the city gate below was officially broken through, and Qin Junshuaiqi rushed forward frantically.

"Breaking the city! Breaking the city!"


With the continuous rumble, the Qin army poured in like a tide.

Although there are still a large number of Qi troops resisting in the city, the general situation is over, and the demise of Qi is irreversible.

The capital of Qi State, break it!

Qi State, which used to be the hegemony of the seven countries in the mainland, and Qi State, which was once the hegemony of the mainland, is declared shattered today!

Amidst the gunpowder smoke, a black dragon flag of Qin State was erected at the top of the city. Fluttering in the wind.

Countless Qi flags were all cut off and thrown down from the top of the city.

This clearly shows that this fortified city, one of the best in the world, has changed its owner today.

After the Mongolian army broke through the city gate, they stopped advancing and took on a guarding posture. They lined up on both sides to protect Fei Pingjiang's army into the city.

The old army **** came on horseback, walked up to the Mongolian side, and said angrily: "The situation of the battle is not yet settled, so it may not be uncertain. Since you have entered the city, why don't you end this battle as soon as possible?"

"One country has been destroyed, and two countries cannot be destroyed. The credit for destroying Qi this time belongs to you, Old General Fei."

"Put your mother's dog stinky serial fart!"

The old man was furious, swearing and swearing endlessly, but he didn't seem to be bothering: "I want you to let me? You bastard!"

"It's not Jean."

The Mongolian side said calmly: "I dare not, please be considerate of the old general, and take up this burden."

The old man was stunned for a moment, a little regretful: "Why is your mother so open-minded? What do you ask me to do? Just suffer like this?"

"It's not that I'm open-minded, every word comes from the heart, the old man has learned from it."

The Mongolian side sighed: "I am limited by my own qualifications, and my lifespan is no more than an ordinary person. No matter how much I love power and position, I will not let go. I can persist for a few years, ten years, decades, and after decades, How will my brothers live without me, under the crush of factions in the Daqin army?!"

"Since ancient times, debts of love are the most difficult to repay. I hope that the old general will take care of my brothers at that time based on today's love."

The Mongolian side said seriously: "The younger generation's move is purely bought out of favors, old general, please."

Uncommonly, the old general didn't swear. Instead, he was silent for a long time before he sighed and said seriously: "Okay, I've made a note of it. Today, I'll treat it as my debt to you!"

"Thank you!" The Mongolian side became more and more calm.

The old general waved his hand, rode his horse into the city gate, and then stopped shouting: "Mie Qi!"

Meng Fang Lema stood at the gate of the city, his face remained calm, until after a long time, he waved his hand: "Entire the army! Enter Chu!"

All the officers and soldiers under his command were silent, only feeling a huge wave in their hearts, which turned into a roar: "Entire the army! Enter Chu!"

Everyone has seen and remembered what General Meng has done for the brothers.

Conquer the world this way and unify the continent.

All the generals and commanders in the military owed the Mongolian side a huge favor.

And his request is only: If I am not around in the future, take care of these brothers of mine!

All brothers, there is only sourness in their hearts.

No matter which battle, the boss can compete for all the merits

. UU reading

At that time, looking at the military, who is truly the first person with unprecedented achievements, who will compete!?

This feat of sweeping the world is enough to shock the past and the present, and it is superior to everyone.

But just to find a way out for his brothers, he gave up all his military exploits and achievements, and sold all his favors.

Credit, my brothers have it, that's enough.

The biggest credit for the coach's destruction of the country, I gave it to you as a favor, this favor, just return it to my brothers at that time!

After unifying the world, there is only one country left, and the rest will naturally be fighting for power and profit, and factions fighting.

As for the Mongolian side, they are now preparing a backup for his brothers.

With such a boss, who would feel uncomfortable?

[Ask for a monthly pass. During the Spring Festival, I handed over all the writings one after another...]

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