MTL - Bodyguard of the Goddess-Chapter 10 Bai Yujiao's martyrdom!

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In the army, time means life. When you say a few points, you will have a few points to gather. One minute later, one second later, you will be severely punished. Other departments, Bai Yujiao can't control it, but in the security department, all the rules she has set, the security guards must strictly enforce it, otherwise it is a violation of discipline and provoke her authority.

In the Ministry of Security, no one dares to face the authority of the white boss, Xiao is the first!

She swears, and is the last one!

In the face of Bai Yujiao's sharp and fierce question, Tang Ming's body shrinks and bends down and explains: "You have misunderstood the white team. I am afraid that Xiaozheng can't find the specific location of the gym, so wait for him at the door..."

"You are so enthusiastic, is it better to help him find a job?" Bai Yujiao carried his arms and his eyes were fierce.

"I was wrong..." Tang Ming downcast.

"Work to go." Bai Yujiao cold interrupted Tang Ming's sophistry.

"Yes!" Tang Ming turned and left, for fear of smashing fish. Just before leaving, I still don't forget to look at Xiao Zheng. The latter will know, nodding no trace.

Before Tang Ming went far, Xiao Zheng immediately explained to himself: "White team. I am late for a reason." After a slight wording, Xiao Zheng continued. "I was so excited about the future that I was getting a job in this future. I was too excited to sleep at night. At 7 o'clock in the morning, I was already ready to go out to work. The yellow-faced woman at home was not looking for anything. I wanted to go to Changle Street. She bought a soup bag. I was worried about my work. She turned her face on the spot and went straight to the station. As a result, she encountered a 70-year-old lame grandmother in the middle of the road. The old man’s eyes were not good, and he crossed the road and said nothing. I was almost knocked down by the car. I thought about helping her in the past, and she didn’t come close. She fell to the ground and hugged my thigh and shouted for help. I was shocked and rich. The social experience told me that I had encountered porcelain. So I called the police immediately, which was spared. However, I also delayed my working hours. In order to get to the company earlier, I didn’t even eat breakfast..."

Bai Yujiao listened to Xiao Zheng’s explanation of the chaos, a pair of beautiful but extremely cold eyes, and patted the palm of his hand: “With your eloquence, when the security is really wronged.”

"In my opinion, no matter where you are in any position, as long as you work hard, you can shine and make a great contribution to the new Olympics." Xiao Zhengzheng said in his words. Like a MLM leader.

"You misunderstood." Bai Yujiao is not cold or hot. "What I want to tell you is that the Security Department is not welcome. You still have to find another job."

"What!?" Xiao Zheng changed his face and asked questions in the first two steps. "Just because I am helping my grandmother cross the road, you have to fire me? I am not satisfied!"

"I don't care what you do during the break, but as long as it affects the work, I have reason to fire your squid!" Bai Yujiao said with no expression.

"You are biased against me!" Xiao Zheng resentful. I was really anxious in my heart.

After returning to China for several months, his savings have already been spent. The long-term idle life makes him feel anxious. A strong sense of emptiness invaded his fragile atrium. Every time he wakes up at night, he will have a strong sense of frustration. Depression is extremely extreme.

In the long run, Xiao Zheng believes that he will suffer from terrible depression sooner or later. Finding a serious job is too important for him, and it is imminent.

It’s hard to get an ideal job now, and Xiao Zheng said that he can’t give up on it.

"Yes. I am biased against you!" Bai Yujiao does not deny that the pretty face is tight. "You have a sloppy work attitude and no organizational discipline. You are late on the first day of work, like you are not responsible, not obeying the rules. I don't think you can do the job now!"

The words are sharp and the attitude is strong. It can be seen that Bai Yujiao has a heart to dismiss Xiao Zheng.

Faced with the vicious bombardment of Bai Yujiao, Xiao Zheng’s anxious color in his words gradually faded. I have a cigarette, so I said, "Bai Bo, I remember you are the head of the security department. Right?"

When the face is directly called Bai Yujiao's name, Xiao Zheng is obviously ready to tear the face.

"What is it? As the head of the security department, I have the right to clear the rats in the team." Bai Yujiao voice line is low.

"Yes. If there is a security breach of the company's regulations, you really have the right to fire the squid." Xiao Zheng casually spewed a thick smoke, said with a smile. "But I am only late for a time, and there is a cause for it, not a vicious shift. Even if you are my top boss, I am afraid there is no such power?"

Others are awed by this white boss who is notoriously in the new Olympics. Ah Zhengge is not afraid. As long as she can keep her job, even if she offends Bai Yujiao, she will be tempted by her, and Xiao Zheng recognizes it.

Bai Yujiao certainly knows the rules of the company. It is even clearer that Xiao Zheng was dismissed just because he was late. In addition to the big wave ss Lin, the new Austrian no one has this power. Even if the company does not pursue her status, it is inevitable that it will fall into disarray. Does not meet her style of acting.

What's more, behind Xiao Zheng, there is Deng, who is quite good at the New Austrian people. It is even more difficult to dismiss Xiao Zheng through this late event.

The most important thing is that Bai Yujiao can see that Xiao Zheng is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Forced to dismiss him, this unorganized waste will definitely find ways to make things big.

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"I will work hard in the future and will not let the white team disappoint!" Xiao Zheng looked up and sighed with words. "The requirements of the White Team are my pursuit! The idea of ​​the White Team is my approach!"

"Shut up." Bai Yujiao looked cold and sighed. "According to the rules of the new Olympics, I really can't dismiss you. But according to the requirements of the Ministry of Security, you are not a regular employee."

"I have put on the security suit..." Xiao Zhengfei explained.

"That is selling Deng Jian a face." Bai Yujiao indifferent. "Want to be a qualified security guard for the Security Department. You need to complete a few assessments. If you can't meet the standards, I can still get you out!"

Xiao Zheng accidentally said: "What assessment?"

Isn't it a security guard? Nothing to walk, chat, and maintain the order of the company. Actually have to complete the assessment? Playing online games?

"Follow me." Bai Yujiao flashed a glimmer of color and pushed the door into the gym.

Xiao Zheng followed, and was about to step forward. The phone is not ready to ring. It is a text message sent by Tang Ming.

"If the white boss lets you go to the gym for an assessment. I suggest you resign immediately!"

Read The Duke's Passion