MTL - Bodyguard of the Goddess-Chapter 2219 The exposure of the autumn harvest!

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The exposure of the 2nd and 2nd chapter of the autumn harvest!

Xiao is a man of great grievances.

Linghuzhu repeatedly intercepted him, and the final end was to be killed by Xiao Zheng.

In contrast, Hu Yishan, although he did a lot of things that made Xiao Zheng disgusting. But as Xiao Zheng said, Hu Yishan’s sin is not dead.

This aspect is an idea that Lao Lin has instilled in Xiao Zheng for many years. On the other hand, Xiao Zheng is becoming more mature and more and more general.

After all, murder is the best policy. Just like the previous killing of the fox bamboo, he was targeted by the late family. It has almost paid a heavy price.

Even if I look at the incident from the perspective of Xiao Zheng, it is indeed a sin for Zhu Huzhu. And what he did was completely justified.

However, this kind of behavior is easy to leave behind after being targeted by the people.

This is the current state of mind of Xiao Zheng, and everything is carried out according to traditional means. Do not use the fierce way when it is not necessary.

In the autumn, Xiao Zheng’s heart was hidden, and he smiled slightly, and his eyes were like silk. “If someone wants to kill me in the future, will Xiao boss be compassionate?”

"Who dares to kill the autumn boss?" Xiao Zheng smiled and knew that the autumn harvest was taking his own brush.

But the confession of the autumn harvest just now, still makes him quite awkward and uneasy.

After several years of acquaintance with the autumn harvest, Xiao Zheng was blessed by the autumn harvest and helped her to do something. The two are also enemies and friends, and there is a feeling that is not known to outsiders.

To say that Xiao Zheng only regards the autumn harvest as an enemy or a friend, it must be self-deception. But more, Xiao Zheng dare not think about it, but also must control his emotions.

This woman's body is full of too many changes. He must be restrained, whether in public or private. And keep a distance from it.

"For example, you?" said the autumn harvest provocatively.

Xiao Zheng heard the words and said with a smile: "I don't dare to start with the autumn boss."

I still remember that the autumn harvest even saved one life in Russia. That is, she was taken back to Zhaojia Fort by Zhao Wei.

But what makes Xiao Zheng feel puzzled is that the original autumn harvest was so directed at Zhao Wei. After that, she was able to return to China and take on the heavy responsibility.

Is this Zhao Wei’s father and daughter of the autumn harvest too strong, or is there another reason?

Xiao Zheng did not dare to ask, but also knew that it was not a wise thing to rush to explore the autumn harvest.

But the autumn harvest is at this moment, and the voice is opened.

“Xiao Boss suddenly became interested in me?” What a smart woman in the autumn harvest. Just relying on Xiao Zheng’s fleeting curious expression, Xiao Zheng’s inner activity was captured.

This also made Xiao Zheng a slight surprise, sighing that this woman is clever and intelligent.

Xiao Zheng took a sip of red wine and said slowly: "To tell the truth, even if it is my heart, if the boss of Qiu is so capricious, I am afraid I will not appoint you again."

The autumn harvest said: "Maybe my father is generous enough?"

Xiao Zheng shook his head: "He is not like a man with no eyes."

The snow-white face of the autumn harvest has swept the color of drama: "Xiao boss seems to be spying on the secret of our Zhao family?"

Xiao Zheng smiled and said: "Just curiosity, if the autumn boss feels inconvenient, he would not say it."

"Your question, I try to be satisfied." The autumn harvest smiled charmingly, the slender hand picked up the glass, and then poured a small sip on her scarlet lips. The voice is fascinating. "Xiao boss is curious, isn't it just because my father is willing to let me go back to China again?"

Xiao Zheng is no longer hiding and rushing to the theme: "Through today's shareholders meeting, I faintly feel that the interior of the Zhao family is not harmonious."

"Zhao family inside?" Autumn harvest seems to hear a rather embarrassing vocabulary, slowly said. "Zhao is my father's home. And my uncle's home is called Lin. How can I be separated at such a young age? What does Xiao boss think?"

The autumn harvest reveals a very crucial message.

The so-called Zhao family, even the fear of the outside Zhao family. It simply does not exist. Zhao Jia is Zhao Wei. The relationship between Lin Lao Yao and Zhao Jia is just that he and Zhao Wei are brothers. Others simply don't exist anymore.

Even the revenge plan, Lin Lao Yao and Zhao Wei seem to have many conflicts. Did not reach a united front.

From this point of view, Xiao Zheng has a certain change in his perception of his old man.

The autumn harvest seems to have guessed what Xiao Zheng thought, pouring cold water: "But on the revenge plan, the second uncle should not bring you the slightest surprise. Some, just revenge."

Xiao Zhengwen said that there was a slap in the first place, and immediately said with a smile: "This is really a cold water."

"I don't believe that Xiao Bo will be so optimistic." Autumn harvest teasing. "You can go to today, but you don't rely on an optimistic attitude to win the favor of God."

Xiao Zheng shrugged: "In fact, I am more willing to be an optimistic person."

Autumn harvest put down the wine glass, red lips micro-opening: "Xiao boss, not afraid to tell you the truth. My father and two uncles, indeed have different views in many aspects. Even this time at the Jufeng network shareholders meeting, the father is very Clearly targeted at the second uncle. This may be a good opportunity for you. Or the conflict between them will bring you a good breathing space."

Xiao Zheng nodded: "It really makes me a little easier."

"Including I can return to China, it is also the meaning of the second uncle. At least there is no second uncle, I will be very difficult to return to China." Autumn harvest is very straightforward.

"Listen to the boss's tone, are you closer to my old man?" Xiao Zheng said with deep meaning.

"I don't like you to call the second uncle in front of me as the old man." The autumn harvest suddenly opened the subject, very straightforward.

"Why?" Xiao Zhengyi did not return to God.

"Then I am your cousin." The autumn leaves have a touch of playful color. "I don't like being your cousin."

Xiao was very bitter and said helplessly: "Autumn boss, you are joking with me again."

“Is Xiao’s memory really so bad?” The autumn harvest has a channel. "I just said something to Hu Yishan, you don't remember it at all?"

The autumn harvest is extremely aggressive and does not give Xiao Zheng a room for suffocation.

Xiao Zheng was forced into the corner, and his face was not guilty: "The autumn boss has just mentioned it. Your second uncle, who happens to be my old man."

"What about that?" Autumn harvested. "I don't have any family mourning for my cousin. And your old man, in essence, I only recognize him as my boss. Boss. The person who pays me. Others, I am a little bit Don't care, don't care at all."

"So Xiao Bo, don't hurry home tonight? It's better to go to my house for a cup of tea. I bought some new tea to ensure that it meets the taste of Xiao Bo."

The blatant lure of the autumn harvest completely exposed her unrestrained side.