MTL - Bodyguard of the Goddess-Chapter 2280 begin!

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The second two hundred and eighty-eight chapters kicked off!

After the lunch, Xiao Zheng’s first person to see Ouyang was Gandorf.

The three men had a simple afternoon tea together. Taking advantage of Ouyang's empty space in the bathroom, Gandorf looked at Xiao Zheng with a meaningful look: "It's a bit wrong to take me to see you under this time."

"Where is it wrong?" Xiao Zheng asked with a smile.

"Where is his value?" Gandorf first smiled and explained one sentence. "I mean, see him at this time, can you help the whole situation?"

Gandorf seems to have guessed the intention behind Xiao Zheng, but he did not say it.

Xiao Zheng smiled and shrugged: "You should actually know my thoughts. I am so guilty about these commercial wars. I was tired of it a few years ago. The reason why I went to today is that I don’t want to live up to my hopes. People. There is another point, and I feel that I will regret it if I don’t go to this step."

"The last one. Whether I will lose or win. This will be the last battle in my life. Winning is good, deep in the name and name. Lose, you can also end. It will be awkward." Xiao Zheng said with ease.

But he didn't want to lose to Lin Lao Yao at all.

It can even be said that he has gone all the way to today, is to fight this old battle with Lin Lao Yao.

All the previous successes are far less meaningful to Xiao Zheng than defeating Lin Lao Yao.

It seems to be fate.

When he knew Lin Lao Yao and complained with Lin Lao Yao. This cockroach has been brewing for many years. Can't avoid it, there is no way to go.

He must defeat the Lin Lao Yao in front. Whether it is for the dignity of a man or telling Lin Lao Yao, Xiao Zheng is definitely not weaker than Lin Lao Yao.

Life is like that. Always find something for yourself. Even if he said to anyone, he is unwilling to fight. I don't want to tear the face with Lin Lao Yao.

But deep down, how can he not want to compete with the powerful Lin Lao Yao?

Every man has something he wants to challenge. Lin Lao Yao, Xiao Zheng is the most willing to try and challenge the opponent in this life.

Moreover, he does not allow himself to lose.

Xiao Zheng put all his fighting spirit and passion on the Lin Lao Yao. After that, regardless of the outcome, he will stay away from the land and the life he wants.

Whether it is the world of the whole world, it is worth noting that it is in the house of Longfeng. This embarrassment will make him the last battle in his life, and he must be the ultimate battle.

After listening to Xiao Zheng’s explanation, Gandorf’s face showed an incredible expression: “Do you really think of this as the last time?”

How old is Xiao Zhengcai?

Thirty five years old. It is the age of strong years. In the next decade and 20 years, and even in 30 years, it will be Xiao Zheng's environmental age. It can even be said that the current Xiao Zheng has just stepped into the most golden age of men.

But he actually has to opt out?

Is he willing? Can you let it go?

Just when Gundorf was ready to try to persuade Xiao Zheng. The latter suddenly turned around and said very meaningfully: "Mr. Gandorf, in your opinion, if I can defeat Lin Lao Yao. Then what else is worth mourning for this circle?"

Gandorf is stunned.

Yes. If the strong and invincible Lin Lao Yao can also defeat, Xiao Zheng is really invincible. Then the world, or in the circle where he is. There is really nothing that can attract his attention.

On the other hand, if it fails, Xiao Zheng can completely close the mountain.

Because he is destined to be only a thousand years old.

Lin Lao Yao, will certainly transfer the power in his hand to Lin Xiaozhu after this shack.

Xiao Zheng also no longer has the second chance to confront Lin Lao Yao.

So this war is so concerned.

Therefore, Xiao Zhengcai has had enough strength to win this ultimate battle.

As for the introduction of Ouyang to Gandolf, in addition to this Xiao Xiaozheng needs Ouyang's full cooperation. Also for your own exit, do a good job.

Ouyang will be the sole representative of Xinao's future overseas market. In other words, once Xiao Zheng retreats from the position of the board of directors, Ouyang will also become one of the most powerful men in Xinao. Even with ceo blue heart can go hand in hand.

This is definitely a huge opportunity for Ouyang. It is also a huge challenge.

The second person introduced by Xiao Zheng is Luxi.

At the dinner table, Xiao Zhengyu showed his heart with a strong heart. And Luxi was a bit wrong, and immediately understood Xiao Zheng’s intention.

If there are any problems in cooperation in the future, he can directly find the agent of Xiao Zheng, Ouyang.

Ouyang may have frequent contact with Luxi in the future.

After completing the meeting on this day, Ouyang faintly felt something. Several times I wanted to take the initiative to ask Xiao Zheng, but I was interrupted by Xiao Zheng.

"Boss, Xinao without you, will lose the backbone. We can't play." Finally, Ouyang couldn't help but say what he said.

Ouyang does have a general style, and it will also be very successful in overseas markets. But all his enthusiasm, as well as the resilience of doing things. It’s all because Xiao Zheng is behind him.

Any trouble or problem, Xiao Zheng will find a way to help him solve.

This is the root of Ouyang's ability to become stronger and stronger.

Once there is no Xiao is behind the Ouyang, for Shen Han, four eyes handsome and so on, even ceo blue heart backing.

I believe that these new Olympic leaders will be flustered. Nothing to do.

The current Xiao Zheng has become the only core of the new Olympics. Just like a perpetual motion machine, it fills the energy for those front-line generals. Let them play their full potential in a relatively relaxed environment.

The role played by Xiao Zheng is also the head of the new Olympics. After Laolin, the second spiritual leader.

Xiao Zheng shook his head and smiled. "I haven't been relaxed in this life. I have suffered a lot and suffered a lot of white eyes. You can understand that I am tired. I can also imagine that I want to start being lazy. But these It doesn't matter. What's important is that I trust you and trust those colleagues in the country. With you, I can completely remove all the pressure and go to the life I want."

"Ouyang, you are a data pass. You are passionate about data. And I, in essence, is a lazy and longing for freedom. The life I want most is easy, it is idle."

Xiao Zheng said what he said.

In fact, Xiao Zheng did resist the present life. If not for Lao Lin, in order to care for him and the people he cares for. Xiao Zheng will never embark on this road of the king.

Whether active or passive, this will be the last glimpse of Xiao Zheng.

And this time, Xiao Zheng will end perfectly, or regret to leave?

A private party three days after the President’s visit will kick off this embarrassment.

At that time, Xiao Zheng and Lin Lao Yao will be in the first confrontation in Washington.

Read The Duke's Passion