MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 263 Red Leaf Country

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"Alec, you ..." The red-haired man's brother looked at his brother in shock, was this person in front of him really his lawless brother?

My younger brother who had threatened to go out and have some business before returning home, is now ... carrying a plate? What happened to him?

The heir to the Marquis was a little dumbfounded, and his prince, who had always had a good relationship with him, was equally surprised. =

The talents of the red-haired man are not outstanding outside, but they are regarded as heavenly pride in their country. As a result, they came to the holy city to participate in the game. After arriving in the holy city, they found a hotel that was said to be very good for dinner. Until he was serving the plate?

He's outside, so bad?

The redhead stiffened for a moment, then nodded his head towards his brother and prince, and went into the box with the plate. He placed a few dishes and two ice creams in glass bowls in front of Lancelot and Qi Jingchen, and said with a smile: "Master, Lord Lancelot, this is a new dish we have developed. ,Welcome to taste."

After doing all this, he went out, and helped Qi Jingchen to bring the box door, then looked at his brother, and it turned out that his brother's expression was even more shocked.

This is normal, after all, Lancelot and Qi Jingchen are really famous now.

"His Royal Highness, Brother, where is your position?" The red-haired man asked with the same unruly expression as before.

"It's over there." The red-haired man pointed to the hall not far away, and then eagerly asked, "Is Shengzi and Master Qi Jingchen inside?" They thought about whether to visit the Shengzi before, and then The Son brushed his face before him, but he did not expect to meet here.

Uh, his brother is a holy son, so isn't it particularly bad?

"Of course it is." The red-haired man said, and then, without waiting for his elder brother to ask himself how he was here, he quickly said, "I'm working for Master Qi Jingchen now."

Is that so? The two men opposite the redhead were very curious.

"This restaurant was opened by Master Qi Jingchen. I usually take care of this restaurant. This time, Master Qi Jingchen came with the Son and took care of it again." The red-haired man said, "His Royal Highness, Brother, come to Saint City, I should also do my best to help the landlords. I will give you a free list of what you drink this time. "

The redhead's brother and his Royal Highness heard the redhead say this, they didn't think the redhead was mixed well, and they even felt that the redhead was very good: "Really? That would be great Now. "

"Alec, you are awesome!"

"Can you introduce Master Qi Jingchen for us?"


"Master Qi Jingchen doesn't see people very much, I'm afraid I can't." The red-haired man said, and then suddenly found that not only his brother and prince, but also eight other people who came to eat at Chenguang Restaurant, there were exactly ten ...

Even if everyone drinks the worst wine, ten four-star magic crystals are needed ... The red-haired man's heart is dripping with blood, but he walks up with a smile, and then ... continues to brag!

He must not let others know that he had fallen into a different world in the past two years and was hungry and working. He had indeed given others a plate before.

After blowing himself up and promising free delivery and extra delivery, the redhead hurried to the kitchen: "Roots, dear Roots! My brother, they are here! Let me see if they all order What's up! "

Thankfully, those people didn't order expensive wines, even the cheapest ones.

The redhead was relieved, and reluctantly took ten four-star magic crystals out of his pocket and gave Roots: "I paid their bills!"

"You don't have to pay it, this time I treat you." Qi Jingchen came in from outside, just seeing the tangled red-haired man, and smiled at the moment.

The red-haired man immediately smiled: "Master Qi Jingchen, you are such a good person!"

Qi Jingchen didn't feel that he had done any good deeds, but it was humane to the kitchen: "Are there any cakes? Give me some, and the other ones are the most ordinary ones."

"Master Qi Jingchen, please wait a moment." Those humane, then quickly filled Qi Jingchen with some braised eggs and cakes.

Qi Jingchen saw that there was ice cream next to him, and said, "Send some of them to Alec's brother. It tastes good."

The smile on the red-haired man's face was even brighter, and he immediately helped to fill the ice cream. He filled the ice cream of various colors into a beautiful glass bowl. Qi Jingchen had previously found a servant to replace his staff: "Come, hold it, I will take you there."

The servant gave a sound and followed behind the red-haired man and went out.

"What are you going to do with so many eggs and cakes?" Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen puzzledly.

"Go to the Western District to see Little Norman." Qi Jingchen said, the child without a tongue, some time ago the old Norman helped him remove two of the three magic cores and gave him a name.

In China, the elders usually avoid their elders when naming them, but the opposite is true in Hyer. People here often use the same names as their elders, although they may just fall in the middle.

So little Norman appeared. He actually had a very long name, but it was too cumbersome to call it. Even the old Norman called him Little Norman, and Qi Jingchen simply called it like that.

The Western District is now becoming the cleanest place in the holy city. After all, there are basically no carriages passing by, and the children running around have changed a lot.

Those servants sometimes need to understand etiquette more than the nobles. When they teach children, they will naturally teach this knowledge. Over time, the children here have almost learned a lot of etiquette.

These etiquettes are used by servants. If they are placed on the earth, everyone will think that it is inappropriate to teach children, but everyone here thinks that children can learn such etiquette is their blessing.

In Yell, these children, as ordinary people, cannot change their class. Since there is never a chance to become aristocracy, it will not be inappropriate to learn these.

"Master Qi Jingchen!" A 13-year-old teenager saw Qi Jingchen, stood still and called: "Where is the adult going? Do I need to lead me?"

"No." Qi Jingchen smiled and went to church.

The abolition of the two magic cores was very harmful to Little Norman. His face was pale, giving a feeling of serious illness, but fortunately there were no other sequelae.

After all, the old Norman was a light magician, and he was still very good at it.

Qi Jingchen accompanied the child to talk for a while, checked his magic core, and gave him a piece of cake to eat.

At this time, Little Norman wrote a line on a book that was specially designed for him: "Master Qi Jingchen, can I go out and play?"

"Where do you want to go?" Qi Jingchen asked.

"I want to go to school." Little Norman wrote, eyes full of longing.

"I'll take you there." Qi Jingchen took his hand and walked to the school.

When Qi Jingchen built the school for the Western District, it was quite large, but now it is still full. Almost every classroom is full of people, and many of them come to watch.

These people come from all ages, but they are very quiet. If someone disturbs the order of the classroom, they will be kicked out by others.

Qi Jingchen remembers going to school when he was a kid. There are naughty students in each class who do n’t like listening, but there are n’t. This is because in this atmosphere, everyone ca n’t help but concentrate on listening. On the other hand, , Because the study here is not compulsory education, there are really disobedient children, the teacher can drive him away, of course, this requires the consent of Qi Jingchen.

Qi Jingchen, a few children who do n’t want to go to school before, have seen it. Some people have been studying for many days, they ca n’t even write the simplest words, they have intellectual problems, others are born with less control over their behavior, and others Before the thief was used to petting, he even stole the teacher's things after school.

When Qi Jingchen passed, the school happened to be over. He knew that Norman had a few friends here, so he gave him some cakes, then let go of his hands and let him play.

After doing so, Qi Jingchen strolled around by himself, but didn't want to stroll around, but suddenly he saw a high-ranking senior soldier mixed in the school.

This school teaches the simplest knowledge. There will be some children from ordinary families in the North District, but warriors and magicians will never appear here. How could this person come? Thinking about this, Qi Jingchen's mental strength swept away immediately.

What that soldier found, looked at Qi Jingchen, determined that Qi Jingchen was not malicious, and then continued to speak to a fourteen-year-old boy in a language with a strong accent: "Can this form of multiplication formula make me copy one? And why is that? "

That young boy was one of the people that Yu Yuehui picked out to teach Arabic numerals. He would be a student when he was taking a Chinese class, but he would be a teacher when he was taking a math class. Now, he is being asked The students who just emerged pulled and asked questions.

The soldier did not wear a badge. The boy did n’t know he was a soldier, but he told him what multiplication was, and gave him a copy of the book he had, let him copy the multiplication formula above. .

The warrior carefully held the boy's book, came to a table, and took out parchment paper to start copying.

"Parchment is too expensive. You can study without parchment and buy some ordinary paper or notebooks." The teenager saw next to him and gave advice to the other party.

"That's what you use? What's the price?" The soldier asked.

"A copper coin can buy a large piece of paper." The young man laughed. "I can use a piece of paper for several days!"

The soldier's face showed a little surprise, then nodded: "Thank you for your information."

The next class will not be a math class. When the teenager saw this, he sat beside the soldier and took out a newspaper and read it.

He is a math teacher, he can get some money every month, and he has money to buy newspapers.

Guangming Daily is cheap, but there are a lot of illegible characters on it, so he didn't buy it, instead he chose the morning paper. Many of them work in the morning newspaper. This is a newspaper from Master Qi Jingchen. Of course, he has to support it!

"What is this?" Said the soldier again.

"You really don't understand anything! This is the morning paper, there is a lot of content on it, but unfortunately I don't understand a lot." The young man said.

The soldier had copied the multiplication formula, he returned the book to the boy, and then said, "I know the words, I can read it to you."

With that said, the soldier ate every meal and read the contents of the newspaper in accented language.

The teenager listened very carefully, but the soldier was getting more and more surprised, because the front page of the newspaper wrote some things related to the upcoming competition. He came to participate in the competition, but many of the things written above were completely different. know.

"What is this? Someone copied it from the Light God?" After reading the text, the soldier could not help asking.

"This is a newspaper. Everyone sells it every morning. Five copper coins." The boy said.

"Write so many words, only five copper coins?" The soldier was shocked again.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" The boy asked puzzledly, and then remembered: "Yes, this is not transcribed, these words are printed."


"It's time for class! I'm going to concentrate on the class, I won't tell you, and if you don't learn how to recognize characters, go outside and give up your position. My newspaper can be lent to you," said the teenager.

This warrior is literate, and he really does not plan to learn to read. Holding the newspaper in his hand, he went outside, and then saw the magician who had been observing himself mentally, standing not far away.

"Hello." The soldier said to Qi Jingchen. From a mental point of view, Qi Jingchen was much better than him, so he was very respectful.

"Hello." Qi Jingchen said, "Aren't you from the Holy City?"

"Yes, I'm from Hongye Country." The soldier said.

Hongye Country? Qi Jingchen, the name of this country, is a bit impressed. Isn't that the country where only one person came to participate in the competition?

"Are you a fighter from Hongye Country who came to participate in the game?" Qi Jingchen asked.

"You know?" The man looked at Qi Jingchen in surprise.

"I know, my name is Qi Jingchen." Qi Jingchen smiled.

"You have an artifact ..." The man looked at Qi Jingchen in surprise, then bent over and saluted: "Hi Master Qi Jingchen, I am the eight-star warrior Hongshu of Hongye Country."

"You are here to participate in the competition, why do you live here?" Qi Jingchen asked puzzledly. The bright gods are rich in money and the rooms are numerous. They have arranged accommodation for all those who come to the Holy City to participate in the competition. It is still free. Come here?

"It's too expensive there," Mangrove said. Their Hongye Kingdom is a small country that cannot be too small, occupying a very barren land, because no one comes to invade them because it is too barren.

The place where they live is so barren. Naturally there is no way to support magicians or warriors. Although some people will come to their country to test their talents, but because their country is too barren, all people who have detected talents in the end , Basically left Hongye State.

Therefore, Hongye Country has always been composed of a group of ordinary people.

Mangrove has lived in this country since he was a child. He never thought he could become a warrior or a magician from the beginning. However, he also detected the talent of the warrior, and the talent was very good.

Others who have detected such talents will choose to leave Hongye Kingdom and never return, and even take away their family members, but he does not. Although he left Hongye Kingdom with a teacher for several years to study, but after achieving success, he returned to Hongye China, also began to rush for the Hongye Kingdom.

Over the years, he has been working as a mercenary, and made every effort to improve the situation in Hongye Kingdom. This time I heard that there are competitions in the Holy City. After the prizes are very generous, he came here with the intention of letting people know his country and exchanging prizes for money. He planned to participate in the competition.

Everything in the holy city was very new to him. He was curious about it, but soon found that the price in the holy city seemed too high ...

He was arranged to live there. It was free, but the food provided there required money. Those foods were basically made by low-level Warcraft or low-level magic plants, and the price was expensive.

He couldn't adapt to living with a few gold coins for a meal, and planned to buy food around, but found that the food around was more expensive!

A small bottle of wine without even any energy costs ten gold coins. The price in the Holy City is crazy!

He looked around, and then he asked people where they could eat and eat cheapest.

The cheapest place to eat and stay is of course the West End! Someone recommended him the West End, and he came here. He spent a little money renting a single apartment, and then took the money to eat in the recently opened cafeteria in the West End.

The cafeteria was actually for the staff of the printing press, so things were cheap and good, ten copper coins would be enough, and twenty copper coins would be good. Manshu was very satisfied. Just came to the school to attend a class.

He thought it was fun to teach children's rhymes here, and he wrote down some of the things he planned to take back. Of course, his favorite was math class.

Hongye Country is too poor. No one understands mathematics. Most people don't even count. When people come to their country to buy things, they can only look blank.

Hongshu once wanted to teach people in his country to count, but this was not an easy task, even he was slow to calculate, but the numbers taught by the school here can make people quickly calculate the results!

Manshu came to learn before he started the game.

The author has something to say: Second more ~ ​​

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