MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 265 Heal

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Hearing the words of the six elders, Lancelot's heart was like falling over the river, but he dared not reveal anything. At this time, the door of the six elders' door was opened.

"Come in," the elder Six said again.

Lancelot took a deep breath and walked into the door.

The six elders turned around and looked at Lancelot. His face did not show the slightest expression, but it gave people a feeling of pity for the world: "The problem between Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi is really troublesome."

"Six elders ..." Lancelot saluted and then kept silent.

The six elders did not care about Lancelot's silence, and said, "After signing the symbiotic contract, their life and death are linked. Once Nie Yi has an accident, Qi Jingchen cannot be spared, even if he has an artifact. Qi Jingchen is like this. , How can he become the Pope of the Shinto religion? "

Symbiotic contract? Lancelot raised his head violently. As a saint, he was naturally well-informed, and what the symbiotic contract was was clear.

This kind of contract is rarely used, and there is a relationship between Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen?

Lancelot had never thought of this before, and now suddenly knew that it was a despair.

Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi even signed a symbiotic contract. Qi Jingchen cares that Nie Yi is willing to completely link the lives and feelings of the two?

Qi Jingchen was right, Nie Yi was indeed his most important person ... Lancelot laughed bitterly, and then felt that he wanted this and was desperate.

He wanted to serve the God of Light all his life. How could he have thought that way? Even Qi Jingchen should not be like this.

Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi signed a symbiotic contract. His life and death were tied to Nie Yi. As the six elders said, can he still become a pope?

There are many secrets in him. If he could not become the pope, without the support of the bright theology, what would he become?

But it was only a short moment that Lancelot's mind had flashed countless thoughts.

The six elders said at this time: "The symbiotic contract between Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen should have been signed before they came to Hyer. They probably didn't know that such a contract existed at the time. Maybe they would sign a contract. As a result, this has undoubtedly brought great trouble to Qi Jingchen. "

"What trouble?" Lancelot asked subconsciously, and then realized that he shouldn't speak to the Six Elders like this, and then bowed his head: "Sorry, I'm too anxious to speak, but I'm a little worried."

"Now the people of the three empires want to align with Jingchen," the six elders glanced at Lancelot. "They jealous of Qi Jingchen's artifact. They should not align with Jingchen, but the people around Qi Jingchen are different. . "

Lancelot was shocked, and almost immediately thought of Sun Chengyu, who had just been seriously injured.

"Today, one of Qi Jingchen's men almost died? This time it was one of their men. Will it be Nie Yi next time? If Nie Yi is in trouble ..." Six elders sighed.

If Nie Yi had an accident, Qi Jingchen would also have an accident! With this in mind, Lancelot could not sit still.

"You go and watch Nie Yi," the elder Six finally said, and then said, "I don't know how these two people signed a symbiotic contract. Such a contract will always tie people more and more tightly. If they can't Unlocking the contract as soon as possible will really only lead to life and death in the future. "

"Untie?" Lancelot looked at the six elders in surprise. Could the symbiotic contract be unlocked? Don't you say that this contract is insolvent?

"The symbiotic contract can also be unlocked. If there is a gap between the two, the contract will naturally loose. After that, if one of the two actively cuts off the symbiotic contract, it will naturally be unlocked ... … "The six elders spoke slowly.

When the six elders spoke, the room suddenly became unusually quiet. His eyes were fixed on Lancelot, and Lancelot's expression suddenly seemed to be fixed.

It took a long time for the six elders to look away from Lancelot.

Lancelot had a momentary puppet, and then quickly woke up, not even finding his puppet.

Seeing this, the six elders said, "You need to pay more attention to the three empires."

"Yes." Lancelot responded, and his brows frowned. The people of the three empires flew to power, and now they have begun to guard against their bright deities. It is clear that their bright deities do not compete. Idea.

Lancelot told a few more things to the elder, and then left the elder's residence. After leaving, he found himself covered with cold sweat.

It was at this time that he had time to think about the information revealed by the elders.

First of all, the life and death of Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi have been tied together. If others do this, there is nothing to hinder, but if Qi Jingchen is like this ... Can he still be a good son in the future?

Also, how did Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi sign a symbiotic contract? Is Qi Jingchen really voluntary?

Lancelot suddenly thought about what he heard that day. Qi Jingchen didn't say much at the time, but it was a bit cold, and even let Nie Yi quickly give way ...

Covering his forehead with his hands, Lancelot closed his eyes.

The conversation between Lancelot and the six elders Qi Jingchen knew nothing, and now he was treating Sun Chengzheng, whose bones were broken.

Among the people he and Nie Yi brought to Yaer, Qian Mingfeng, a magician in the wind department, had learned some simple medicine before. Although he couldn't do the surgery, he would deal with the trauma and know how to connect the bones.

When Nie Yi went to find someone, he found him, and then asked him to help Sun Chengxuan with bones so that Qi Jingchen could treat Sun Chengxuan.

There are differences between men and women, but in the face of life and death, this is just a trivial matter, and to be honest, now Sun Chengxi's chest is completely unreadable and has nothing to look at.

Qian Mingfeng used a knife and hook to take out the bones that Sun Chengyu had pierced into the lungs and even the liver, and put them where they should be. When he did this, he could not stop sweating, but fortunately he kept on The ground was sweating, but his hands were always stable, without shaking.

What's more, the wind magic he has has kept him fast.

Qi Jingchen has repaired part of Sun Chengyu's internal organs with bright energy, blocked all the bleeding mouths, and now sees Qian Mingfeng's position of the bones, he immediately connects them with bright energy.

Bright magic has a very good healing effect, but it looks like a person's arm has been chopped, and there is no way for him to regenerate his limb unless the Holy Power is strong.

But ... In fact, if you don't throw the broken limb but press the broken limb against the wound, and then find a bright magician to help yourself for a short time, the broken limb will still grow up again.

Sun Chengyi's situation is a bit similar to this.

Her bones are broken. If Qi Jingchen does not care about those bones and help her directly, she may have no bones in her chest in the future, and then the broken bones will not be removed from her lungs, and her internal organs will continue to be stuck ... ...

At that time, even if Sun Chengxuan survived the bright magic treatment, she will become a wasteful person, but now Qian Mingfeng and Qi Jingchen reconnect the broken bones in her body and clean up the bone fragments, she can slowly recover all Grow up.

After handling Sun Chengyi's chest, Qian Mingfeng treated the wound on Sun Chengyi's leg again. The whole process lasted a long time. After finally connecting Sun Chengyi's shifted fingers, Qian Mingfeng said, "OK!"

Qi Jingchen was relieved and immediately urged the Mirror of Light to heal all of Sun Chengxuan's injuries.

Sun Chengzhen's breathing calmed down, but bright magic couldn't make so much blood lost, and some bones had broken some fragments, and she recovered as before. She was lying there, her face pale, completely different from the lively spirit of the past.

Because Sun Chengyi once threatened to love Qi Jingchen, Nie Yi has always disliked her and was always on guard, but this time she was lying there naked and Qi Jingchen helped her to treat her, but Nie Yi did not stop at all until she saw Sun Chengyi's wound He recovered and threw a piece of clothes on her the first time.

The clothes slowly drifted down, covering Sun Chengyi, Nie Yi said: "Let's go and let Yu Yuehui dress her."

Qi Jingchen nodded, stood up and relaxed for a while, then went out.

And he and Nie Yi just went out, and a fire magician with a teacher of Sun Chengyi rushed up: "Sun Chengyi is all right?"

"It's all right," Qi Jingchen said.

The fire magician was obviously not convinced. Although he tried to keep calm, his lips couldn't help shaking up and down: "It's good to be alive, just to be alive."

Qi Jingchen saw him in a severe blow, and asked, "Would you like to go in and see?" Yu Yuehui should now help Sun Chengzhen to put on her pajamas.

This fire magician suddenly looked at Qi Jingchen at this time: "Master Qi Jingchen, I have a request, hoping to get your consent."

"What request?" Qi Jingchen asked puzzledly. Although Sun Chengzheng's brother took care of Sun Chengzheng, and often came to Chen Chengquan at places like Chenguang Restaurant Printing Factory, Qi Jingchen was not familiar with him.

"I want to propose to Sun Chengyi, and I hope you can agree." The man suddenly exclaimed.

propose? Qi Jingchen was a little surprised, and then said, "This is Sun Chengyi's business. You shouldn't tell me."

The man froze, and then nodded again and again: "That's right, I made a mistake ... But I think I should still tell you, I will take good care of her and never abandon her."

"I'm relieved," Qi Jingchen said. With Sun Chengzheng's character, if someone dares to be with her and abandon her ... haha, can that man still be okay?

Although the man in front of him is Sun Chengjun's elder brother, his magic level is higher than Sun Chengyu, but Qi Jingchen really doesn't think he can always be better than Sun Chengyu.

Thinking about this, Qi Jingchen saw that Sun Chengxuan's teacher was standing not far away. After seeing Qi Jingchen, the magician nodded to Qi Jingchen, and then said nothing, but his eyes were full of worry.

By this time, Sun Chengyi's brother had already entered the room.

Not long after he entered, he ran out again, and then looked at Qi Jingchen with excitement: "It's amazing, you even cured her, she's completely fine!"

Before Sun Chengyi was going to compete with others, he came to see it specifically, so he saw the process of Sun Chengyi's injury. At that time, Sun Chengyi's bones were broken and his chest collapsed. He thought that Sun Chengyi would survive, I will be sick in the future.

In Yell, those who suffered the same injuries as Sun Chengyi were basically incapable of recovering. The bones of one of his uncle's chests were interrupted. Although he was cured by a bright magician, he remained. With chest pain and coughing problems, you can even feel that there is a missing bone there, but Sun Chengyi ... Now it looks clear that Sun Chengyi is all right!

Is this the power of the Lord of Artifacts? Can such injuries be cured so quickly?

This magician was very excited, looking at Qi Jingchen's eyes brightly: "Master Qi Jingchen, you are indeed the master of the artifact, really great, you will be my most admired person!" Excited, he even wanted Hold Qi Jingchen's hand and kiss.

Before Qi Jingchen moved, Nie Yi quickly rushed forward, and then dragged the person away--this guy wanted to take advantage of Qi Jingchen ... never allowed!

Lancelot came to see this scene when he came over.

He always knew that Nie Yi had a strong desire to possess, and now he felt it intuitively again. Does Qi Jingchen like this?

Lancelot quickly walked down, then said to Qi Jingchen: "The news of the contestant was found."

"Who is it?" Qi Jingchen asked.

"He is a freelancer, and his teacher brought him to sign up. They do not belong to any country or school. He had no reputation before, but his teacher is very famous ... he did not hurt Sun Chengyi. , I think someone should have directed it. "Lancelot said, then looked in the direction of the referee.

With the power of the three empires, it is too easy for such a person to help them do things.

Qi Jingchen's eyes flickered and he guessed something.

He now ... just bullying ...

"How is Sun Chengzheng? Should I ask the six elders for help?" Lancelot asked again.

"She is all right." Qi Jingchen said: "Lance, I will not watch the next game."

"Yes." Lancelot nodded. He wanted to ask about Qi Jingchen's symbiotic contract, but it was obviously inappropriate now.

Qi Jingchen did not return to the referee seat, but found a spacious carriage, and then took Sun Chengyu back to the manor where he and Nie Yi were located outside the city.

That manor is very suitable for healing, he thought it was good to let Sun Chengxi live there.

The man who had been tempted to propose to Sun Chengyi because he was still okay hasn't awakened, so he failed to propose. Now he sees that Qi Jingchen is going to take Sun Chengyi away, and he suddenly said he wanted to go.

Qi Jingchen glanced at him and agreed.

The carriage then left Central College. Lancelot watched the carriage go away, and his heart was disturbed again.

At the same time, some people at the Central College also spread the news that Qi Jingchen is the master of artifacts, so he is very good at treating wounds, his chest collapsed, his bones broken, and he can be cured-Sun Chengzhen is all right now It's up!

"Is this fake? Sun Chengzheng's injury at that time is no problem to save his life, but there will be sequelae."

"But I heard the admirer of Sun Chengyi. He said that Sun Chengyi was fine."

"If Qi Jingchen can really help people with injuries without sequelae, that would be great!"


There was a lot of discussion, and in the principal's office of the Central College, the smiling headmaster always smiled, his expression suddenly a little excited.

Many people know that the principal's family is happy. There is a husband of Zhansheng and a son of Zhanwang, but she does not know that she always has a regret.

The principal's son had a daughter more than thirty years ago. It was a very beautiful girl with a strong magical talent. All of this was very beautiful at first. Never thought that later, the girl would suffer in a battle. Hurt ...