MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 272 Forest of warcraft

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Nie Yi's makeup techniques are average, but he is a good learner.

He repeatedly applied it on his face several times, and then learned to make himself look different. Of course, he was ugly, and at the same time he relied on his face with scars and dyed hair to make himself Very different from before.

After doing all this, Nie Yi stood up, took off his clothes, and put on a set of magic robes with ordinary materials.

After Yell didn't have a camera, after he had tossed himself like this, unfamiliar people would definitely not recognize him for the first time, and the holy city would find it harder to find him.

Qi Jingchen sat at the table and watched Nie Yi's movements. The anger that had risen because of Nie Yi's unauthorized upgrade finally disappeared.

Nie Yi's situation is not right now. Qi Jingchen is very clear about this. He is afraid that he cannot come to Nie Yi hard but only soft.

Therefore, when Nie Yi changed his clothes and turned to look at himself with a cold face, Qi Jingchen took his hand: "Did you eat?"

Of course, Nie Yi has not eaten yet. He looked at Qi Jingchen coldly for a while, then shook his head.

Nie Yi's cold eyes made Qi Jingchen a bit uncomfortable. His mental strength stretched into Nie Yi's mind. It turned out that Nie Yi even used his mental strength to build a defense layer in his mind. After he was not allowed to enter, he was even more unwilling. adapted.

Nie Yi has always been completely open to him, but now it's better, he will hide it!

There is a symbiotic contract between the two people. If Qi Jingchen really wants to enter Nie Yi's mind, it is okay, but he feels that some of the disordered mental power and magic power, and his own head is faint. Qi Jingchen simply Don't dare break through, lest you hurt Nie Yi.

Helplessly gave up his intention to investigate Nie Yi's situation, Qi Jingchen took a piece of meat with a fork and handed it to Nie Yi's mouth: "Eat a bit."

Nie Yi opened his mouth to eat the piece of meat, and continued to stare fiercely at Qi Jingchen.

"You're in a bad situation right now. Continue to upgrade will only make your situation worse and worse, don't do it anymore, okay?" Qi Jingchen looked at Nie Yi and asked with a little voice: "You will let this I worry."

Nie Yi's eyes brought a little temperature, but soon, the blood vessel bursting eyes appeared cold again: "This is not your problem! You eat quickly!"

Qi Jingchen had no appetite at all, and he did not want to eat the food in front of him. When Nie Yi saw this, he forked a piece of food and put it in front of Qi Jingchen's mouth: "Hurry up!"

After Qi Jingchen had eaten some, he sneered and stopped feeding, and then ate all the rest. After eating, he picked up Qi Jingchen again, and then helped Qi Jingchen dye a black hair to red, and gave Qi Jingchen changed into a gaudy dress.

The material of that suit was very good. Qi Jingchen had seen those trousers wearing this in the holy city, and had seen some young businessmen wear them, but I never really thought of wearing them myself.

After all ... this color is too fancy.

But if he really hates it, he isn't too hate. Speaking of which, he used to want Nie Yi to show him such clothes.

The clothes were very complicated and colorful, but unexpectedly suitable for Qi Jingchen. The wide clothes and his red hair made him look more and more beautiful and tender.

The coldness in Nie Yi's eyes disappeared, as if a fire was about to burst out, then he picked up Qi Jingchen and returned to the forest again.

Nie Yi did not hold Qi Jingchen to walk again this time. After arriving in the forest, he put Qi Jingchen down: "You follow me!"

This time, Nie Yi walked very slowly, and he no longer used fire-based water and wood-based magic, and only used earth-based magic when he needed to open the road.

He had scars on his face, and his face was fierce, and now he looked like a terrible temperament magician.

When Qi Jingchen looked at Nie Yi like this, he always felt a bit uncomfortable, but more worried—Nie Yi, can he recover? He didn't want to see Nie Yi keep doing this, let alone make Nie Yi suffer.

Although Nie Yi didn't say anything, Qi Jingchen's head was always faint.

The symbiotic contract will link the lives of the two of them, but it will not link their magical powers. Nie Yi's magic core is wrong, but Qi Jingchen's magic core is good. Qi Jingchen can only feel that some of Nie Yi's The nucleus is unstable and the pain is felt.

The pain he feels is far less than Nie Yi's. Now he will have headaches. Is Nie Yi more serious?

But even so, the footsteps Nie Yi stepped in front of him are still very clear, allowing him to step forward firmly and firmly.

"Nie Yi, go slowly." Qi Jingchen said.

Nie Yi's speed slowed down, Qi Jingchen went up a few steps, and said again: "Nie Yi, you should know what I was like in my last life. At that time, I was just a skeleton, so I never thought about it with you. In the future, but after being reborn, I will love you more and more, and I will love you more and more. "

Such words are very nasty to Jingchen. He never thought he could say such words before, but thinking of Nie Yi's current situation, Qi Jingchen still said it.

"Don't say it!" Nie Yi interrupted Qi Jingchen's words. He knew that Qi Jingchen cared about himself. After all, they had lived together for so many years. When he was just born again, Qi Jingchen didn't want to live, but he couldn't see him die.

But does Qi Jingchen love him?

Qi Jingchen did suddenly agree to be with him after they signed a symbiotic contract ...

Nie Yi's eyes gradually became red again, and the magic core in his head turned faster and faster, and even released the magic power to make him more painful, but this pain made him have a weird pleasure.

He needs pain to calm himself down, of course, if it can not affect Qi Jingchen, it is even better.

Struggling to soothe his magic core, Nie Yi continued to move forward.

He is doing a despicable thing now, and he decides to tie Qi Jingchen to himself and prevent Qi Jingchen from contacting anyone.

He will live with Qi Jingchen for two months in a two-person world. When the time comes, he will take Qi Jingchen back, and then find a way to cancel the contract between Qi Jingchen and himself.

He can't use the contract to force Qi Jingchen to be with him, nor does he hope that Qi Jingchen will be affected by him because of the contract.

There is something wrong with his magic core. If he accidentally becomes an ordinary person, if Qi Jingchen and him have been bound by a contract ...

Nie Yi was increasingly disgusted by the contract between the two.

Nie Yi took Qi Jingchen for a long time, and even saw the crowd.

It's not a small village, or it should be called a town. It is located in a forest surrounded by mountains, but there are many taverns and hotels, and there are many people coming and going, including a lot of soldiers and soldiers. Magician.

Most of these warriors and wizards are of low to medium level, but they are murderous. They are very different from the holy city magicians and warriors who are noble and superior. At a glance, they know that they often experience fighting.

Nie Yi's breath was similar to theirs. His footsteps kept walking toward the town steadily. Qi Jingchen looked at the surrounding situation and stumbled to follow.

Nie Yi turned his head almost immediately. Qi Jingchen saw this and blinked at him—if he wanted to disguise, he would definitely not be able to use bright magic in an open manner, and he would only pretend to be an ordinary person.

Nie Yi turned his head and never looked at Qi Jingchen again.

Nie Yi's murderous spirit is very strong. As soon as he entered the town, it attracted many people's attention.

Many warriors and magicians who rely on hunting for World of Warcraft in the wild do not like wearing badges on their bodies, so Nie Yi is only wearing a magic robe. They are not surprised. They just sigh a few words in private and feel this. The momentum on people is too terrible.

"Sir." At the door of the town, several people immediately came over, and bowed towards Nie Yi. They were ordinary people. They stayed here hoping to have the opportunity to lead the soldiers and magicians here and get some tips. .

Nie Yi glanced, and finally clicked towards a little ugly boy behind him: "You, come here!"

The teenager was only 13 or 14 years old. He didn't dare to compete with the adults in the past, so he hid in the end. Now Nie Yi spotted him. Then he came up with surprise and sincerity: "Master ! "

"Take us somewhere to live," Nie Yi said.

"What's better for adults, still ..." the young man asked.

"Of course the best place!" Nie Yi said without hesitation.

The teenager was frightened by Nie Yi's emotionless eyes. He nodded and didn't dare to delay, and immediately began to lead the way: "Master, go this way."

"What is this place?" Nie Yi asked.

"Our town is called Kara!" Said the teenager.

This young boy must answer Nie Yi's questions, and after asking questions such as which city is the closest city to this place, and who's the land to which he belongs, he knows where he is now.

The former Lord Saint took them all the way and even sent them to the edge of the World of Warcraft Forest.

The World of Warcraft Forest is very wide, and the area can add up to the land of the three empires. They are now in a small forest extending from the World of Warcraft Forest. At the same time, it also belongs to the Weir Empire.

This town is the kind of town near the World of Warcraft that allows mercenaries to rest and exchange supplies. Some people buy various special products in the World of Warcraft Forest, and some people sell all kinds of merchandises such as weapon scrolls.

Although the price of selling all kinds of things in the World of Warcraft Forest will be much cheaper than outside, and the price of buying scrolls and potions will be much more expensive than outside, but many mercenaries will still trade with people here for convenience.

Nie Yi quickly understood the situation here, and at this time, he also came to the best hotel in the town.

"I want the best room here," Nie Yi said, then threw a four-star magic crystal directly.

This is just the price of a glass of wine at the Chenguang restaurant in the holy city, but it is a lot of wealth here. General mercenaries have magic crystals in their hands, but they are absolutely reluctant to take out such things to live in the shop. of.

The owner of the hotel, a one-star warrior, showed an excited expression on his face, but quickly said carefully: "The best room here has been wrapped up by the Lion Mercenary Group."

Not long ago, the Lions Mercenary Corps all wrapped up the nice rooms in the hotel. Now they have only a few poor rooms, just because they understand that those rooms must not be good rooms to deal with this guest, the boss Will tell the truth.

"Let him show it to me!" Nie Yi said, and then the mental energy emanated from his body. He felt that there was no one better than him.

This is a strong world, and since no one is better than him, there is no need for him to be wronged.

Nine-star magician is not enough to see in the holy city. In such a place, it is enough to attract attention. It is already a strong one. At least the so-called Lion Mercenary Group, their strongest person is just a seven-star warrior.

The seven-star warrior was the head of the Lion Mercenary Regiment. He quickly came downstairs and gave up his room to Nie Yi.

These mercenaries live a life of licking their swords. They are better at knowing current affairs than anyone else.

The soldiers in the holy city who do not know the heights and heights of the city may still go against those who are stronger than themselves, but these mercenaries will never do such stupid things.

"Master Magician, my room is the best in this shop!" Said the seven-star warrior respectfully, this town is a very common place to stay, and even a little messy, and you usually don't see the strong ones. The nine-star magician should already be the strongest person here.

"Well." Nie Yi answered, and politely went upstairs, and he took a few steps and threw two more things.

He gave the head of the mercenary regiment a four-star wind rabbit whose hind legs had been cut off, and gave the young man two gold coins.

The head of the Lion Mercenary Regiment was a slap, and then a joy, the magic rabbit of the wind rabbit has not yet been dug out, the other party clearly gave him a four-star magic crystal!

Their mercenary regiment is not bad, but Warcraft is also cunning, it is not easy to catch, and with their strength, under the condition of ensuring their own security, they can only catch five stars and six stars. A four-star magic crystal can't afford it.

Of course, there was one thing that made him feel very unfortunate, that was that the magician had cut off one leg of the wind rabbit ... You know, the complete wind rabbit skin is very valuable, not only for making scrolls Many nobles also like gloves made of wind rabbit skin.

As for the boy who got the gold coins, he was also very happy, on the one hand because he got the gold coins, and on the other hand, because he was given a gold coin, he was a powerful magician.

In this case, even if he has gold coins on it, others will definitely not dare to **** it.

The people downstairs did not know Nie Yi's response. After he took Qi Jingchen upstairs, he took out a blanket and spread it on the bed, and then pushed Qi Jingchen down and directly pressed Qi Jingchen.

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