MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 280 Connie arrives

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The huge pale green light curtain almost covers the sky, enveloping an area. It is not thick enough to let people see the situation behind the area, and there are lush plants with countless plants.

This looks like an ordinary wooden cover covering a piece of land, but this is not the case.

From this hood, they can feel powerful energy, which is full of vitality energy. It is probably that this energy is too vigorous, and the plants in the hood will grow so well and grow so lush.

Those plants are not uncommon, but now ... they have become magic plants, and where they are surrounded, there is a tall stone building that looks like an enlarged castle.

The elves like to live on trees and like to stay in the natural environment. They will build tree houses, but rarely build stone houses. The huge castle should have nothing to do with the elves, but it has nothing to do with everything around it. Staying in harmony ...

"If you like it, I will build one for you in the future!" Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen.

When Qi Jingchen heard Nie Yi's words, he guessed what Nie Yi's meaning was-let him not watch.

Nie Yi now estimates that he wants to find a completely empty house to lock him up, so that he can't see anyone except Nie Yi, and can't see anything ... Unfortunately, he can't bear to ...

Qi Jingchen couldn't help showing a smile, and then finally he could look away from the green light curtain and look at the surroundings.

A large piece of land around the green light curtain has been emptied. Now many people are stationed here. Those elves came to stop them before. However, most of them are not elves.

Sure enough, many of those elves couldn't stop them, but they didn't know why everyone would live here, but didn't enter the ruins ... Couldn't this green light curtain go in?

Qi Jingchen was a little curious, and then he heard the warrior who had been here before Eric said, "This was not the case here before. There was no green light curtain, no dense plants, only a run-down castle."

"Some of you have gone in before?" Suddenly someone came up and looked curiously at the person who spoke.

This person is not high-level. He is a six-star warrior. Seeing Qi Jingchen and others looked at it with curiosity, he smiled and said, "I am a member of the Red Fox Mercenary Corps. Are you new here? Chang asked me to pick you up ... A few elf came here a few days ago. Those elf are hostile to us like crazy. If you don't get together, you will be killed by those elf. "

"Oh, you Red Fox mercenary regiments don't have to say these sounding words if you want to pull people, who doesn't know that the elves have stopped them? They can break in and they don't have to be afraid of those elves if they want to come." .

At the same time, someone came again: "I am the Duke William of Will, will you join us?"

Eric didn't expect that they would be the target of so many people when they first arrived, but he was absolutely satisfied with the situation and adjusted his expression: "Everyone, we are new here, we do n’t understand the situation here. I wonder if I can ask you? Of course, we will also tell you everything we know. Some of our mercenary regiments have gone in before. "

Those would certainly not reject Eric's offer.

Now they are all clear about the situation on the ruins. Even if Eric does n’t ask them, he can know the specific situation from others. What Eric ’s men see inside is very curious. Still enough precious information.

Qi Jingchen and others finally figured out the specific situation.

Although the ruins were very complete when they were first discovered, there were not many surprises. Although they attracted many people, they were definitely not as spectacular as they are now.

The Elven Tribe is even less likely to appear. The remains of the Elven Tribe have been explored by humans so far, but the Elven Tribe has never intervened and should never be the same thing.

The reason for attracting so many people this time is that the ruins suddenly changed.

One day, while some mercenaries were searching in the ruins, they were suddenly thrown out by an inexplicable energy. At the same time, the entire ruin was shrouded in a huge magic circle, and everything in the ruins began to happen. huge change.

For example, the plants suddenly flourished, or the dilapidated castle suddenly became towering again.

What's more, even the Magister cannot open this magic circle and enter it!

The magician cannot enter, even several magicians can't enter the place where the cooperation, at least arranged by the Holy Power, what exactly is there?

In Hyer, news can spread slowly and quickly.

Those who work in the city write a letter to their home. It is obvious that the family is outside the city and it may take several days to see it, but instead it is a magician ... A magician wrote a letter to a friend in another country. Find a special Warcraft to send the letter to help deliver the letter, maybe after a few hours, his friends will be able to see the letter.

Not to mention some magicians, they still have some special methods of transmitting messages, such as space magicians, they can "teleport" certain information to a fixed place in a short time.

This ruin was not surprising before, although some people were curious, but everyone did n’t care too much, and the information related to it was not passed quickly, but when something magical happened here, the whole Yale immediately spread to follow it All kinds of information.

For a while, a lot of people started to gather here. Three days ago, even those elves came.

"A large organization like us is not afraid of those elves, but many people who have been singled out have been killed or driven away. If you want to enter the ruins peacefully, it is best to find an organization to rely on." Those who spoke to them suggested Road.

Qi Jingchen and others also know this. Others think they can only come in by defeating the elves, but they know this is not the case, and it is better not to provoke those elves.

"Thank you for reminding me that I have decided to join the mercenary alliance." Eric said that these people who came to them and wanted them to join had various powerful forces. They were not strong enough to let those large forces value them. To the extent that if you join, it will only become cannon fodder, the mercenary alliance will be different.

Before the elves arrived, there were already many small and medium mercenary regiments beside the ruins. Later, in order to deal with those elves, they eventually chose to form an alliance.

This mercenary alliance is only united for a short time, the purpose is to avoid those elves to pinch them as soft persimmons. It is really a mess inside, but chaos also has the benefit of chaos, right? At least they don't have to listen to others.

Eric made a decision. Those big forces did not force it, and they left. Nie Yi did not like to listen to others' orders. He took Qi Jingchen and a wild boar and went to the mercenary alliance. The mercenary alliance has many people and occupies a large area. Different mercenary regiments are scattered in the entire camp. Their arrival has not attracted much attention from these people. Of course, these people have not kept them away. Seriously.

Since the elves started to stop people coming here one after another, all who can come here are those who have the ability.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen just sat down to rest, and someone came: "Are you new? Have you met the elves?" He was curious when he saw Qi Jingchen and others, and said, "I am the mercenary union responsible for intelligence gathering. , So I want to ask you something. "

In the mercenary union, there are special people responsible for collecting intelligence. Some of them will hide and secretly collect information, but others will collect it fairly.

For example, in this case, it is obviously easier to obtain information with a clear identity.

"We've met the elves." Eric told them about them, and learned other things from this intelligence officer, such as before they arrived, many of the elves originally stationed here ran out. Seems to be seeing some great enemy.

That Dark Warcraft is the enemy of the elves? Qi Jingchen secretly wrote down the news.

No one can open the magic circle outside the ruins, so they can only wait ... After Nie Yi and others settled in, Qi Jingchen started cooking.

Eric didn't like Qi Jingchen, but he actually talked to Qi Jingchen, but Nie Yi couldn't stay away from Qi Jingchen.

Now seeing Qi Jingchen cooking, he looked over with interest: "I didn't expect your cooking to be so good."

Qi Jingchen didn't speak, Nie Yi looked at it coldly.

Eric had something to say, but he couldn't say anything when he saw it ... People with problems with the magic core have always been the hardest to deal with.

He thought about it, and was unwilling, and finally tempted and said, "Can you invite me to dinner?"

"No!" Nie Yi looked at Eric angrily.

Eric smiled and sat down. Nie Yi lived anyway, he didn't care about him.

His sister shouted headache all day long and was uncomfortable, but the problem was not serious, but Nie Yi ... Hehe, there was probably Qi Jingchen's help before, and his problem didn't show up, but now ... Qi Jingchen told him Can't help it?

Four series of magicians, such monsters should not exist.

While Eric was thinking about this, the people around them flashed, and suddenly one more person came!

Both Eric and the general were instantly on guard, but that person was a dish that Qi Jingchen had just prepared: "I'm starving! To find you, I haven't eaten enough for a long time! "

The voice was crisp and sweet. The master of the voice was very ordinary. Of course, she was ordinary but superficial. Qi Jingchen knew that she was actually a big beauty who was a big country.

Because this person is Connie.

Seeing Coni suddenly appear, Qi Jingchen's eyes flickered, but Nie Yi suddenly snatched the bowl from Coni's hand.

"Smelly boy!" Connie gritted her teeth and looked at Nie Yi. She was an elf. In order not to let her companions find that magic could not be used, even if it was Nie Yi's current situation, he couldn't stimulate Nie Yi with mental strength .

Therefore, she could only watch her own before being robbed!

This guy Nie Yi is really terrible!

Connie looked at Nie Yi in anger, then turned and looked at Eric: "Hey, you guys, I'm hungry, get me some food!"

Eric didn't want to agree, and frowning at Connie, this look ... he suddenly found that Connie also knew each other.

"Do you still want me to be thrown out?" Connie sneered.

Eric recognized him immediately. Wasn't that the elf in Central College? !!

Read The Duke's Passion