MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 282 Trial Land

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The huge green light curtain shook gently, and ripples rippled on it, as if a stone had been thrown into a calm lake.

This magical array contains powerful energy, but now the energy in it is passing away quickly, as if somewhere was broken.

Qi Jingchen is not a wood magician, but he can feel that there is a problem with the magic array in a place far away.

"Magic formation was destroyed." Nie Yi said that he was a wood magician and felt that the situation was clearer. This magic formation should be destroyed by human violence.

Connie and Nie Yi felt the situation clearly, and "hehe" said two times: "Those people are coming soon!" She seemed a little angry, but soon became interested.

After the three of them talked, they looked at the ruins quietly, but those around the mercenary alliance could not calm down at all.

"What's wrong?"

"The ruins are about to open?"

"Last night there seemed to be a few big men over the Weil Empire. They ruined the ruins?"

"I don't know what will be inside ... if there is an artifact, we will send it!"

"What are you thinking blindly? Can we, if we get the artifact, keep it?"


Everyone talked, and then ... began to hurriedly put away their tents.

Qi Jingchen has read some books. There are often a group of people waiting for a secret to open such a description. Those who are waiting outside are generally prepared early and stand neatly, but here ...

The mercenary alliance is composed of some small mercenary groups.

Some people are collecting things, some are yelling, they are a mess, even worse than the vegetable market.

"Damn, who **** in the camp?"

"Where's my knife? Where did it go?"

"Which **** hit me just now?"


Not only the Wuhe people here, but also some big forces, such as those in the storm empire who came here on a wind hawk, and suddenly saw the situation changed, they had to come out of the tent and then collect The tent shouted its own wind hawk.

Everyone is in a mess, of course, some people are still very leisurely at this moment. For example, some magicians who are waiting are still at ease.

At this time, Eric, who was still sleeping in the tent, had already crawled out of the tent.

After Eric came out, he saw the movement in the light curtain with his eyes wide open, then immediately said to the two men who were outside: "Go and inquire, what happened!"

The two men quickly left, and many people ran towards the place where they heard the news, preparing to inquire about the news. At this moment, everyone can be said to be busy.

Those elves went out in batches all day to stop people, but rarely appeared around the ruins. At this time, they also ran out. One of the older elves even put their hands on the magic array, it seems that they are in a thin Feelings.

Qi Jingchen also had the intention to inquire about the news, but Nie Yi pulled him away, and Nie Yi himself did not have much interest in the ruins. The last two of them stood idly beside them ...

Thinking of Nie Yi's problem with the magic core, Qi Jingchen was inevitably anxious.

"I'm hungry, you cook for me." Nie Yi said suddenly to Qi Jingchen.

Qi Jingchen glanced at Nie Yi, barely suppressing his anxiety, "What do you want to eat?"

Nie Yi didn't speak, and soon he took out some ingredients. Qi Jingchen took a look and felt warm.

These are what he likes to eat.

Set up the stove and Qi Jingchen started cooking.

Noisy outside, the green light curtain is still shaking, but all that seems to have nothing to do with them ...

People coming and going are a little speechless when they see the situation here-when is it now that these people are still cooking and have problems in their minds?

Since this ruin is not taken seriously, what are you doing here?

Seeing Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen like this, Eric was also a little depressed, and suddenly began to wonder if he had called them wisely.

Qi Jingchen turned a blind eye to everything around him. He put the food in the pot, and thought of Connie, who was obviously an elf. Why did he become a dark Warcraft at night? When he asked before, he wondered whether it was possible that the Warcraft was raised by Connie. As a result ... the Warcraft was actually Connie?

Qi Jingchen looked at Connie, and wanted to ask Connie why he became Dark Warcraft. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw that Nie Yi was staring at himself tightly.

He is forbidden to speak, so ... write?

Connie made a disguise and now looks like a normal looking girl. She sat on a small stool next to her, leaning her chin on her head and looking at Qi Jingchen, and smiled after seeing Qi Jingchen's expression.

Although Qi Jingchen didn't speak, she guessed what Qi Jingchen wanted to say.

Connie's mouth was motionless, but Qi Jingchen's voice came to her mind: "Actually, I'm fine. I've been used to it for many years, and it's fine. If not, I'm afraid I'm dead. "

Although it is horrible to say that every night it will become ugly, dark Warcraft, which makes it difficult for her, a beauty-loving person, to accept it all, but for a long time, she slowly got used to it.

And if it weren't for that, she would have been dead for a long time, so how could she live as well as she does now?

That man turned her like this to save her.

Connie smiled at Qi Jingchen again, and then Nie Yi suddenly appeared between her and Qi Jingchen, blocking her sight, and his mental strength covered Qi Jingchen entirely, so that Connie couldn't use her mental strength anymore. Communicate with Qi Jingchen.

Connie: "..." This student really hates when something goes wrong!

Qi Jingchen is still curious about Connie's situation, but thinking that the result of his investigation of Connie may be that Connie had to tear the **** scars, so she didn't ask, just concentrated on cooking.

There were pains in his head all the time, but probably the pains continued and never stopped, so that he gradually got used to it ... Was this the case of Nie Yi's life?

Thinking about this, Qi Jingchen couldn't help sighing, and then began to cook more and more intently.

I do n’t know if it ’s a coincidence. Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen just ate something, and the magic circle that shrouded the whole ruins trembled.

The ruins are about to open? Qi Jingchen looked at it curiously, and as a result, after seeing the green light curtain trembling violently, it seemed like a balloon that had been pierced and suddenly burst.

They came late. Many things have not been seen in person, but they have also heard a lot of news. For example, there have been many wizards trying to destroy the green light curtain before, but it has no effect ... In this case, how can this light curtain be today? Suddenly broke?

Everyone was in a daze, and they saw that the person whom Eric had sent to inquire about the news came back: "This morning, Fa Sheng came! The bright deities are here too!"

Eric took a subconscious look at Qi Jingchen and asked, "Who came from the Bright God?"

"It is the Bishop of the Bright Deity in the Empire of the Weir Empire, Eva." The person who went out said, "The magic circle was destroyed by several Holy Powers of the Empire of the Weir Empire. This magic circle has been around for a long time and lacks energy. So the Holy Power quickly destroyed it. "

Those who know the news are the first to know about it, and they know it relatively late. Of course, some people who are still yelling around do not know it at all.

But whether you know the specifics or not, after a brief cyanosis, everyone didn't hesitate in the direction of the relics that were no longer covered by the magic circle.

Those in the mercenary alliance ran fast, and then their so-called mercenary alliance broke up in the shortest time.

Some of those who ran out ran directly towards the castle, while others ran to the plants that grew wildly after the whole ruin was enveloped, and then began to collect various plants.

The former wants to have luck in this relic, and it is better to get some precious items, while the latter is self-aware and intends to leave some good things outside.

Qi Jingchen originally wanted to go in the first time, but saw Connie standing quietly on the side, but was not anxious.

Eric originally planned to act with them. After seeing this scene, he naturally stopped and stood beside him. At this time, they realized that the big forces were not moving.

"Teacher, what shall we do next?" Eric looked at Connie and asked respectfully.

Connie ignored him at all.

There was a little embarrassment on Eric's face, and just then the elves moved.

"The elves must know what, follow!" Connie said to Qi Jingchen.

Their team quickly followed the elves and fell from a distance, and besides them, other people also followed. The team from the Storm Empire all rode the wind eagles, and then the elves Circling above.

The elves were obviously very angry about this, and even turned their heads to glared at those who followed them, but they also knew that they couldn't beat so many people and could only give up.

Everyone else rushed towards the castle, but instead of going to the castle, the elves came to the square outside the castle.

This square is very, very large and can hold tens of thousands of people. Now it has been ruined. Many plants have grown in the middle of the paved stones. It looks like a square but not a small forest.

Some early mercenaries have even dug plants here.

Leading by these elves were the three elders of the elven tribe. He stopped in the square, his expression very solemn.

Their elves have been deteriorating over the years. In order to maintain the vitality of the tree of life, they can only input energy for the tree of life every day, so that the strength of all people has repeatedly declined ...

If this goes on, the elves will perish, but they have no way to change all this!

Feeling the change here this time, they were all excited, looking forward to finding what the goddess of life left here and saving the tree of life, but ...

When they came here, there were already many humans here!

Will so many humans destroy this ruin?

The elves have reached the end of the road. They really don't want humans to take away the things left by the goddess of life to the elves, so they always stop killing the mercenaries who are close to them.

It's a pity that there are too many people, and the strength of their fighters has dropped so badly that they can't stop them at all.

Thinking of this, the elder's three elders' faces were darkened, and at the same time they remembered something, or a Warcraft.

The dark World of Warcraft, which once snatched the tree of life, which can grow branches, appeared here!

Although the tree of life had begun to go downhill, it was not as fast as it is now, until the tree of life suddenly began to breed that branch ... They originally thought that the branch might be the vitality of their elves, but unfortunately the branch was unexpectedly Only Dark Warcraft was robbed.

That **** dark Warcraft!

The three elders were filled with anger, but soon he calmed down and began to investigate the surroundings.

He knew that they were followed by a lot of people, but he didn't care, what was left by the goddess of life, naturally only their elves could get and use it!

Those humans thought that the castle was the key, but the three elders knew very well that the treasures of their elves should be related to the tree of life, and now he was trying to find the branch of the tree of life.

The elves like to leave a lot of information in the tree of life, find the tree of life, and they will know what is going on here.

"What is your Excellency looking for?" Eva, the bishop of the Vial Empire's Bright Deity, came out and asked while the three elders were searching.

Eva is a woman. Most of the bright magicians are very beautiful and make people want to be close, so is she. Although she is very old, the female Magister still looks very young, with a holy light on her body.

"It has nothing to do with you." The three elders said coldly when they heard Eva's words, and then looked at several holy strong men beside Eva with a cold face.

There are many good things in the relics of the elves, but it is not reasonable to attract the strong, especially the holy strong.

After reaching the Holy Level, ordinary things are useless and meaningless to them, as well as things different from their own magic department. Therefore, even if the treasure may be hidden here, the Holy Power will not reasonably come. Yes, after all, the human empire does not have the holy power of the wood system, and other people, even if they get the artifact left by the goddess of light, it is meaningless to them.

But now, there is a Holy Power ...

The three elders didn't know why these people came, but he didn't like them.

Hearing the elders reluctant to say, Eva smiled mildly and did not force, but just stood beside him and looked at the elders quietly.

Several other holy-level strong men stood near Eva, watching the three elders equally quietly, waiting for the next action of the three elders.

The three elders' faces were a little ugly, but at this moment, he could only put on his face.

Choosing to ignore these people, the three elders began to search nearby with their mental strength. After searching, he quickly found his goal.

It was a piece of dead wood, a piece of thick dead wood that was surrounded by various vegetation and could only be held by two people.

This dead wood looks very ordinary, but as long as it is an experienced elf, it will be known that it is not ordinary dead wood-this is the dead wood left after the branches of the tree of life die.

The three elders have seen a lot of such dead wood, but now they see it again, but still feel sadness from it.

Did the goddess of life give up their elves? How else would they watch them go to death?

But they don't want to die, they want to live ...

The three elders reached out and took hold of the dead wood in front of them, intending to read the information on it.

After the eyes of the three elders were placed on the dead wood, Eva also saw the dead wood, and showed mercy below: "The God of Light is above."

The three elders glanced at Eva, only angry and unhappy with Eva's sympathy. At the same time, his mental power and magic power also entered the branch of the dead tree of life.

Just then, the situation was abrupt.

From the dead wood that has no trace of life, a powerful life energy suddenly emerged. This life energy spread out, and then all the people who stood beside the dead branch and stood on this run-down square suddenly All disappeared!

This includes all the powerful people, but also some people just watching the lively side, of course, including Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen.

Many people rushed to advance the castle, but found nothing inside, and when they came out, they found that the situation outside had changed, but at this time, even if they were bare-chested and regretted, it was too late.

Those who ran to the nearby magical plants had some gains at this time, but they did not suffer at all, they did not want to experience the danger of nine deaths, and after finding some things, someone quietly left.

Of course, some people leave, and some people are still coming here, and they soon discover that even if the dead wood has disappeared, they may not be able to find out the true secret of this ruin, but they can still find a lot of good things in it. .

No wonder some people think that there is a treasure here before the magic circle has appeared ...

The situation outside the ruins, let alone, now, those who disappeared under the shroud of green light have appeared in a huge hall.

Nie Yi hugged Qi Jingchen when the light came. Now he still maintains this posture and is watching everything around him alertly.

Those elves and those with great power have also come here, and now they are as alert as they are. A holy powerhouse looks at the elders' three elders: "Where is this?"

"This is the temple of the elves." The three elders looked at the statue of the goddess of life not far away, and then knelt down, and as soon as he knelt down, the other elves also kneeled down.

It was a lifelike statue with a beautiful woman carved on it.

The woman was surrounded by plants, and a small tree on her hand was showing a gentle smile toward the front. Who was not the goddess of life?

There is no negative energy on the statue of the goddess of life, and the vigor and vitality that have been indulged for many years have calmed down and felt at ease for everyone who entered here.

If they enter the temple of the Dark God, they may encounter accidents, but this is the temple of the Goddess of Life.

The goddess of life loves life and does not like death. The elves she creates, even eat only the fruits of plants ... they entered the temple of the goddess of life, and nothing else, at least life is not affected.

It's just ... what the **** is going on here?

Why is there a relic unknown to the elves?

Eva's face was puzzled, and she frowned at everything around her. At this moment, the walls around the hall suddenly made a roar. At the same time, some dark caves appeared around the hall. A beautiful song sounded at the same time.

The elders' three elders had been holding a heart before, but now they finally relax and have some smiles on their faces.

"Do you know what?" Eva looked at the three elders, her expression was still mild, but her words were cold.

"This is the trial place for the elves." The three elders said: "Every elven can enter the trial place once, but you can't get in, even the Holy Power can't get in."

"Nonsense." The leader of the Storm Empire is a wind war king. He is a very irritable man. After looking around himself, he finally pointed at a person who had previously picked plants in the square. Here comes the intermediate warrior: "You, go in!"

The mercenary was suddenly pointed, his eyes full of unwillingness, but he did not dare to disobey the war king, and could only approach the black hole carefully.

His movements were very careful, lest he be greeted by death after entering the black hole, but he thought more.

He failed to enter the dark cave, but was blocked by a transparent film.

After discovering this, the mercenary showed a happy face. He struck this layer of film vigorously and found that the layer of film had a little more joy on his face. Then he found the humanity of the Storm Empire: "I can't enter ... "

"You're glad you can't get in?" The leader of the Storm Empire looked at the man with a cold face, and suddenly took out a knife from his waist and waved it.

The soldier who went to the temptation had no time to scream, his head was separated from his body, and blood was scattered on the ground.

The war king's face was cold, and he said to the people around him, "Carlo, go and see!"

The man named Carlo came forward, but still couldn't break the film.

I am afraid, as the three elders said, only the elves can enter.

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