MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 299 Chenyi Mercenary Regiment

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The first to come out were the more than a thousand people trained by Nie Yi. Most of them did not reach the level of wizards who could fly in the sky. They did not know that the place where they came out was actually in the air, and they fell naturally. The people in front are already stunned. The ground is full of people, and the people behind will naturally fall.

The elves watched the people falling like dumplings, and they were a little embarrassed.

What can these people do for them? I'm afraid nothing can be done?

In fact, they don't need others to help them with their work, and they don't have any work to do. As long as they have sufficient wooden magic, they can build beautiful wooden houses on their own to produce delicious fruits.

"Gather." Nie Yi saw everyone fell off, immediately.

Hearing Nie Yi's words, those who fell down stood up in a hurry, and then came to Nie Yi to discharge the neat team. They all stood upright, with their chests closed and their eyes squinted. They looked very spirited.

This is what Nie Yi demanded from them in the previous two days, and anyone who doesn't obey will be beaten, so even if these magicians and warriors are not used to being restrained, they are still obedient.

Even if the Magister provoked Nie Yi, he would be tied to the wall. Their resistance is definitely useless, and they can only obey Nie Yiyan.

What's more, it is good to listen to Nie Yi's words ... The previous collective promotion made these people convinced of Nie Yi.

Mira kept watching Nie Yi and others, and she was surprised to see those people lined up the team so neatly.

These people don't look like ordinary mercenaries at all, they look like a group of soldiers!

After the more than a thousand people all came out, the heavyweights in the back should also play.

A group of wizards and warlords, and a war sage suddenly appeared near the tree of life.

These people have high strength and naturally did not fall, so they hung in the air after appearing, even if they converged, they made people dare not be underestimated.

Mira jumped up, clenched his fists and looked at Nie Yi: "What do you want to do?" So many masters, and a group of "mermaids" who are no different from soldiers ...

Could these people come to help the elves? Does this divine messenger have any other purpose?

Even the elf queen frowned, and the three elders were full of confidence in Nie Yi: "Mira, don't be disrespectful to God!"

At this time, the Red Fox and others had seen the surrounding situation and raised their eyebrows in surprise. Before that, they were worried that the elves might be oppressed by the elves who are very unfriendly to humans. No ability to bully them?

Although people like Red Fox haven't been to the Elven Forest, they still know the situation of the Elven clan. Naturally, they know that the Elven Clan has fallen, but the Elven Clan has actually disappeared like this. Missed.

Looking at the group who looked very poor, and aimed their elves with weapons, the red fox and others couldn't help but feel proud and brought some out of their faces.

Compared with the elves, he indulged in being controlled by people and lived a much better life ... The Red Fox was in a good mood, but only for a while.

Because behind him, a female voice suddenly rang: "Mother tree, catch them all!"

Catch it? The Red Fox instinctively felt wrong, but from the huge tree of life behind him, a lot of branches had been sticking him out.

The Red Fox did not hesitate to resist, but found that as a sacred power, he could not break away from the leaves at the same time. At the same time, the wizards and warlords around him were also treated like him, all "Caught" by that huge tree of life.

The elves have picked up their weapons, and now they are a little dumbfounded to see this scene. It is at this time that everyone notices that there is still a person standing in the air, which is an elf.

Connie wore a gorgeous green dress hanging in the air, and then said to the elves in front of her: "Now the tree of life has recovered, but what are you afraid of?

Connie raised her chin high, then turned her head and said to the tree of life again: "Mother tree, shake these guys to wake them up, then let them go."

Connie's voice was crisp and sweet, but whether she recognized her elf or did not recognize her, she felt inexplicable.

That's the mother tree! May I listen to her? She did what she said before, just by chance?

However ... the mother tree actually grabbed the masters and shook them before putting them on the ground.

"Did you see these people? There is nothing to be afraid of," Connie said again.

"Connie ..." The elf queen looked at Connie with a complex expression. She was a little proud when she became the elf queen. She felt that she had finally won Connie, but in fact? Looking at Connie's appearance now, she has been much better than her.

"Connie!" Mila also screamed, Connie is her idol! She has always admired this elf.

"It's me, I'm back," Connie said, then turned around and hugged the tree of life.

After embracing the tree of life, Connie looked again at her clan: "We will definitely get better and better in the future."

The red foxes and others were a little bit depressed after being "entered" by the tree of life. The elves looked at them and looked at Connie full of worship.

Nie Yi looked at Connie's expression but was a bit unwell. He wanted the power of the Elves' faith, but at this moment ... there was even a little faith power flying towards Connie!

Fortunately, Connie does not use the power of faith. He can also use the godhead to attract that power of faith.

After feeling that Nie Yi's expression was a little bad, Connie's mouth twitched.

"God healed the tree of life, he must be able to change the elves too!" Connie looked at Nie Yi, bowed down and performed a ritual, and at the same time could not help secretly slandering-she is Nie Yi's teacher! Can Nie Yi not let her show off for a while?

"God makes everything possible!" Said the three elders.

"God make it! God make it!" The elves were excited, and now they were convinced of Nie Yi.

Holy strong men can be caught by God to work!

This meeting of the elves was successfully completed.

However, the elves did not leave immediately, but looked curiously at the powerful foxes and the thousand men of Nie Yi, and Nie Yi talked to his thousand men or informed them. They said: "No matter what you did before, you will be a member of my mercenary regiment."

These thousand people did not have the opportunity to oppose it, so they boarded Nie Yi's ship, but Nie Yi was going to get a mercenary regiment, but his name was not yet set.

As a nameless person, Nie Yi finally consulted Qi Jingchen.

"Let ’s call it Chen Yi Mercenary Corps." Qi Jingchen is actually a nameless one: "Morning in the morning, shining brightly." These two words have a good meaning. Morning represents the beginning and hope of the day, and Yi again It has a bright meaning.

"Good name! Much better than Chenguang!" Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen with excitement. This name brought both of their names into one word, and Qi Jingchen really loved the depth of his love.

People of the Chenyi Mercenary Regiment: Is this name good? Hold up? What exactly does this mean?

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen first opened Chenguang Restaurant. Anyway, they started to use the words Chenguang into Yell's language, but this time they went directly to Chinese, and no wonder they couldn't understand.

While the members of the Chenyi Mercenary Regiment were still studying their mercenary regiments, Nie Yi said to them, "You make something to eat first, and then you sleep. There is still much work to do tomorrow. "

"Yes!" Chen Yi's mercenaries reunited, Nie Yi should continue to train them tomorrow, right? Before Nie Yi trained them for two days, several of them have been upgraded. If they continue to train in the future ... Will their strength become stronger and stronger?

All of them were mercenaries. The days of licking blood with their blades settled the family. They ca n’t go back for a while and do n’t worry, but they are anxious to improve their strength.

"Where do we live at night?" At this time, Red Fox couldn't help asking.

"This large piece of land here can be used anywhere." Nie Yi looked over.

"This is open space." Red Fox said. How can open space live? There was a place in the previous trial where there was no rain, but there was no place to block the rain.

"That's it." Nie Yi said, as he talked, the mud in front of him rolled and turned into a small two-story building in a blink of an eye.

For the soil magician who can use countless hard earth walls to block the enemy in a short time, it is not difficult to build a house ... Seeing this one is not very beautiful, Nie Yi fired the fire. The magic spreads on the ground, and with the magic of the soil system, the mud ground is directly burned into tiles.

Then, he tossed the walls of the house in the same way, and planted many flowers behind the house.

A beautiful little villa was built like that.

This small villa is very similar to the one where Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen lived on the earth, but it is a style that the Yells have not seen before. It immediately attracted many people to watch. Circle a large piece of land as a garden and keep them out.

Finally, the little tree of life climbed into the wall and took root next to the villa.

"This house is so beautiful!"

"I will build a house like this in the future!"

"me too!"

Some elves talked about it, but at the end they were a little worried-they could only use wood magic, not soil or fire ...

"You can have a subordinate help you build a house for you." Connie walked past these elves and said immediately when they heard their tangle.

Yeah ... didn't they think those people were fine? There is something for them now! Those people can help them build a house!

The elves looked at the Chenyi mercenary group, their eyes suddenly became eager.

The people in the Chenyi mercenary regiment were full of fog. What happened to these elves? Shouldn't you fancy them?

Red foxes are a little speechless, they still have nowhere to live!

With Nie Yi as a demonstration, both the Chenyi mercenary regiment and the masters such as the Red Fox are eyeing the soil magicians among them.

These soil magicians have never changed their houses before, but now they have to bite their heads, and finally, they have also built a burrow ...

Most of the elves and the mercenary mercenaries did not sleep that night. The elves were too excited because they had encountered a lot of things. In the environment, I dare not take the slightest care.

After meditating for a while, they sat together and talked, but Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen both had an extra "happy" night.

Although there is no romantic tree house to live in, the small villas you built yourself are also good, which is suitable for them to communicate in depth.

The next day, when the sun rose again, the sun fell from the middle of the thin leaves of the tree of life, and everyone rose.

The mother tree of the tree of life was very spirited yesterday. Today ... the elves were very excited to see the numerous young buds just growing on the mother tree.

They looked at the tree of life quietly, with pious expressions.

"The water is already boiling, put the jerky in!"

"What about bread? Take it out and bake it."

"What a hell, is this the place where the elves live? I didn't even want to order some dishes and find some mushrooms for soup!"

"I'm a magician, and I don't want to eat these unpleasant jerky anymore, and this bread, it's moldy!"

The members of the Chenyi Mercenary Regiment got up early in the morning to cook, and there was no doubt that their noisy behavior made the elves a bit unbearable.

"Mother tree, these guys are so noisy, you should twist them all up and shake them!" Mira couldn't help it.

"But ... Xiaomi La, I like these hilarious children." A voice sounded in Mira's ear.

This voice made Mila subconsciously feel close, but she didn't belong to anyone she knew. Mila froze slightly, then looked at the mother tree not far away.

A branch of the mother tree waved at her, looking like he was greeting him.

The Chenyi mercenary group was still talking and noisy, but Mila's heart was quiet. She lowered her head and her eyes were wet.

Nie Yi prepared breakfast for Qi Jingchen, and after eating with Qi Jingchen, he walked out of the small building he had just built, and then came to the place where the Chenyi mercenary regiment was located.

"Gather!" Nie Yi said.

Most of the Chenyi mercenary regiments have already eaten, and a few of them are eating slowly. They have not finished the food on their hands, but when they heard Nie Yi, they dared not eat any more. Everyone quickly ran to the open space in front of Nie Yi and gathered.

Several of them ran a little slow, and then ... they were smashed.

The fruit that smashed them was a fruit born by Nie Yi. This kind of fruit is called stinky fruit. It cannot be eaten and has no medicinal value. It is very, very stinky.

Stinky fruits hit those people, and they immediately stink. In the next time, they will not only live in the stink, they will inevitably suffer.

People who want to come with these people in a small team will definitely "supervise" these people in the future to prevent them from being late.

"Today, you first run five laps around the residence of the elves, the soldiers come to me to lead the stones!" Nie Yi said. This time, the road to be run is relatively long, and the speed he requires will be relatively fast. Can the magician run easily without the stones? Warrior ... According to the strength, let's get stones of different weights!

Nie Yi used the soil-based magic to create blocks of stones, and when everyone was ready, they ran with them.

"Nie Shao was very kind this time! We didn't even need to move the stones!" Said Rev. Aurora, happily, and soon found that he was too happy.

Who tells her why the elves' residence is so large? Five laps! Five laps! Is Nie Yi going to let them run for a day?

They did not run for a day. Under the encouragement of "Nie Yi", they ran for more than half a day, and then all fell to the ground.

You know, they're not just running! Nie Yi will also throw fireballs and water polo at them along the way. If they do not pay attention to the road while running, they may fall into the pit dug in advance by Nie Yi or be dragged away by plants ...

Why are there four series of magicians in this world? Is this still alive?

Arora accidentally fell into the mud pit on the road. The white pastor's robe had become black. She used to care about her image. Now ... she is so tired and hungry ... Arora has no image Lying on the ground, watching the sky began to fatten.

Just then, the soft light enveloped them, and all of them recovered a lot of energy under the nourishment of bright magic-Qi Jingchen shot.

Qi Jingchen's magic is so pure, she really deserves to be an artifact ... Aurora was thinking about this, and was suddenly poured down by a stream of water.

She was taken aback, and found that more than one was watered, there were dozens of people ... what did they do wrong?

"The person I washed out came out and started cooking!" Nie Yi said.

It turned out that watering them was not punishment, but helping them take a bath? Arora was speechless.

She went out with the others and was dried by Nie Yi. Nie Yi even provided two fresh Warcrafts for them to cook broth.

Alora almost made a lunch with everyone else.

Look at the layer of foam floating on the pot in front of you, smell the broth without the slight fragrance and the boiled vegetables next to it, and look at the hands that were burned while cooking, Alora raised his head and looked at the Qi Jingchen in the distance.

When they were running, Qi Jingchen was sitting and watching, passing by Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi would throw some more fireballs at them; while they were cooking, Qi Jingchen was holding fruit and waiting for food, fearing that the oil smoke would cause Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi to block The ice wall is blocking, now ... there are ten dishes full of color and fragrance in front of Qi Jingchen!

How can the gap between people be so large? !!

But ... they're actually pretty good. Those who don't get the job of cooking are now digging!

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