MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 308 Back to earth

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It's easier than ever to take all the elven people away. % し

The Elven clan counted more than 10,000 when they counted the newborn babies. The trial land is absolutely adequate. They have no property!

It took Nie Yi two days of hard work to take all the defensive magic formations outside and bury the ground of the elves who had just laid the ground, so that everyone entered the trial ground.

Ferro naturally went in, and after watching it, he couldn't help but feel envious and jealous of Nie Yi. When Nie Yi said that he had a bound space, he also wondered whether it would be a space instrument left by a certain space law sage. As a result ...

The space in which this trial land is so stable and can make people survive is not ordinary space at all. I am afraid that only the space **** can make such a space.

The relationship between the **** of space and the goddess of life is very good. I am afraid that the **** of space gave the goddess of life. Now it is Nie Yi.

"You're lucky." Ferro sighed sighingly from the trial ground.

"Indeed." Nie Yi said, if he was unlucky, he would definitely not have a chance to be born again.

"Let's go." Qi Jingchen said, it was a pity to see the Elves' resident place-this place has spent their numerous wood-based crystal nuclei to supplement the wood-based energy, and now he is really reluctant to leave.

However, the woody energy that was bred in this forest was taken away by the tree of life, and now they should be supplemented ... And most of the crystal nuclei are absorbed by the tree of life, it has not been released yet, and can be brought to earth Go up.

"Um." Nie Yi nodded, and his colleague gave Ferro a branch of the tree of life.

"This is ..." Ferrow looked at the leaves of the tree of life in shock.

"Here it is." Nie Yi said, Ferro was an old man, and once the magician showed his old appearance, it showed that his life had begun to end.

In Hyer, there are not many things that can increase lifespan, and the most famous of them is the leaves of the tree of life.

Ferro looked at the fresh leaves on his hands, and his expression was a little excited. In these years, he has come to the Elven resident many times, and the reason why he came here in the beginning was actually to pick the leaves of the tree of life To give himself the intention to continue his life, it was just that the situation of the elves was really miserable, and he was embarrassed to start the life tree later.

"I'll set up a few more magical arrays." Ferro said, he also knows that he should pay for the peaches, and Nie Yi gave him the leaves of the tree of life, and of course he must give something back.

Ferro quickly added some magical formations to the Elven resident before leaving with Nie Yi.

Not long after they left, someone came here with a team.

"The Elven Forest is ahead, let's go quickly!" Humane headed.

"Master, the elves seem to be very powerful, should we do some more preparation?" Someone said.

Hearing the words of the people next to him, the head of the people sneered and said, "The Elves are very powerful? This is a long time ago, the Elves are now ... hehe!"

A message spread quickly in the team. Everyone in the team knew that the elves had completely fallen, and now the life was extremely difficult.

After knowing this news, the people in the team are inevitably a little excited. Now that the Elves are gone, their actions will be much simpler. When the time comes ...

"Can we catch a few elves?"

"And the tree of life, if you can bring it back, it is invaluable!"

"The elves are said to be very good at spawning all kinds of magic plants. There must be many magic plants at their station!"


The headed person heard the words of his men and ticked up at the corners of his mouth. Now the Elves, if there is Mozhi, it will be strange. But it doesn't matter if these people think so, they will be able to work harder when fighting.

He took his men into the forest, and was very quiet along the way without encountering any obstacles from the elves.

When I found this, the man's brows frowned slightly, but he relaxed again quickly. Now that the elves are afraid they are scared, how dare they run out and stop?

He continued to move forward with confidence, and then ... saw the tall walls.

This is wrong! He had visited the Elves before, and there was no such wall! According to their ambush outside the Elven Forest, no one has entered the Elven Forest these days.

What is going on here?

The headed man looked at the wall in surprise, and finally gritted his teeth and made people go to attack.

They came here this time and brought four saint-class powerhouses, but the saint-level powerhouses will not easily shoot. They must wait until the opponent's upgrade power comes out before they can start. This is the agreement of the entire Yale saint-level powerhouse in the war. Holy pride.

If someone provokes himself, even if the opponent's strength is low, the holy class will not mind chopping them, but if the other party does nothing, the pride of the holy class will not do anything.

The four holy strongmen rested in the camp at the rear, and the headed wizard guided his men and attacked the wall.

"This wall has the scriptures of the earth-based law sage." Someone couldn't help it. Did n’t you say that the Elves are gone? How can they ask the Saints of the Earth System to help them arrange the magic circle?

The headed wizard looks ugly, but still says, "Keep attacking!"

These people are just like the magic array of the elven resident, but those magic arrays are either arranged by the upgrade powerhouses or by the magic teachers, which is not very easy to solve.

The only thing that pleased them was that those elves were afraid of them, so they didn't dare to come out and fight with them, so they didn't have to worry about being attacked when solving the magic circle.

Of course, their mood is still very bad. Watching their men hurt by those magical arrays, the head of the magician looks cold—when he knocks the outer layer of the turtle shell out, he must be sure to knock the elf inside. Ten thousand pieces of broken corpses, you have to dig the tree of life!

When this person put his words in his heart, in the place of trial, the elves were taking their children around the tree of life and watching the childcare video released by Connie.

After watching them, they sighed together: "Human children are really hard to bring!"

Or is it the children of the elves who are so easy to bring, they will have a certain memory when they are born, and they will respond to eating, drinking, and drinking. The key is ... no need to feed!

After seeing how humans feed, the elven queen didn't feel that it was troublesome to spawn special fruits for the elves. Many things are happy when they are compared.

In Hyeres, there are various villages and towns, and in those villages and towns, the ordinary people live, and there are very few magicians or warriors.

Qingshan Town is a very ordinary town. People here rarely leave this place. They have lived here for generations. Occasionally there will be such a magician or a few soldiers. But for them, a magician The world of warriors is still far away.

Most of them do not expect to be magicians or warriors. In fact, they care more about the livestock raised in their homes or the crops grown in the fields.

Only by serving the crops can they live a good life.

This town has always been self-sufficient, and few outsiders have come, but this day, three people came up.

Two of them were young guys, and they looked expensive, and one was a little older, but it wasn't a bad person to look at.

The residents of the town looked at the three curiously, guessing their identities, and saw their mayor, a third-level warrior greeted them: "Is the three magicians?"

"Yes." Qi Jingchen smiled and looked over.

"Is there anything I can help with?" The mayor asked again, with a respectful expression, but he didn't understand what the man was here for. Although they had beautiful scenery in Qingshan Town, they didn't have any magic-related properties, magic. The elements are not strong, because of this, magicians are generally reluctant to come to them.

"We want to buy some livestock." Qi Jingchen said.

"Buy livestock?" The mayor froze, and they would raise a lot of livestock in Qingshan Town, and merchants would usually come to buy it, but would it be a little strange for the magician to buy it?

"That's it. My teacher is currently experimenting with some medicaments. He plans to buy some livestock for experiments." Qi Jingchen said at the same time, thinking secretly in his heart that he must try to change clothes next time he buys livestock.

He now buys livestock like this, and it is always difficult for others to understand ... Of course, there are benefits, that is, no one dares to fool the magician, and it is always very fast to help him get the livestock.

"That's it," said the mayor. "I must help the three masters buy enough livestock right away."

"I don't want to be small, the price is not a problem," Qi Jingchen said, leaving the matter to the mayor. He believed that the mayor was afraid to fool him as a magician.

The next day, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen left the town with enough livestock. On the same day, three of them appeared again in another town ...

In the future, they even teleported, going to several places a day to order livestock food, and then at the time they teleported in order to pick up the goods.

These animals were also finally put into the trial land by Nie Yi.

Those animals were put by Nie Yi in the passage of the trial land, and they had little to do with the people living in the square or the temple, but found that there were so many beasts, whether they were elves or humans, They are all speechless.

These stinky things are ordinary animals, ordinary animals that they totally despise! They even want to live in one place with a herd of livestock!

But ... the taste of these ordinary animals is surprisingly good, and some of them are softer than Warcraft meat ...

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen did not know the thoughts of the people in the trial land, and they really loved the acquisition of livestock.

As long as they think that their bodies are filled with all kinds of meat, they have a feeling of contentment.

Of course, Ferro felt very speechless about this, and could not understand why Nie Yi used such precious space artifacts to pack a group of livestock.

Over time, they finally came to the battlefield of God.

The town outside the battlefield of God is still very lively, and there are still many people who come here to explore.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen looked at everything here and couldn't help thinking of when they were here a year ago.

At that time, they didn't understand Hyer and were incompatible with this strange world, but one year later, this feeling had long since disappeared.

The expressions of both were a little missed, but Ferro was a little excited. He looked at everything in front of him, his lips couldn't help trembling.

That's it ... this is where the Dark God laid down. Some of his companions died here ...

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen glanced at Ferro: "Let's eat something and we will enter the ruins?"

"Okay." Ferro nodded, and then said, "You release Manuel and the two little guys, and they'll help them when they find a way."

Nie Yi nodded, and soon released the person, and said, "Ferro, after we go to Earth, can you block the passage of space between the two worlds?"

"Are you afraid that the people of Yell will go to slaughter on the earth?" Ferrow glanced at Nie Yi, and then said, "Rest assured, I have a way to cover that passage unless they find a space law saint that is stronger than me. Or, there is a **** to do it himself, otherwise I believe no one can destroy it.

"Thank you," Nie Yi said.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen came to the vicinity of the passageway on the earth, and people from the bright gods guarded it.

The people of the Light God surrounded the entrance of the passage, but did not dare to approach it without the above command. And the passage, according to Manuel, has become more and more stable, but as it stands now, if there is no With the help of the space wizard, he couldn't come back on earth.

Fortunately, they decided to go to the earth in advance, or the people on the earth might be a tool that some people use to threaten them.

I don't know what's going on on the earth now ... Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen met each other, feeling a little excited.

There aren't many people in the Guangshen denominations watching the passage, and everyone is lazy.

There is a magic circle arranged by the Magister here. Even if Fa Sheng wants to go in, there will be a big movement. They do n’t have to worry about anything. Moreover, after they said there was a crack in the space, no one came here at all. .

"I heard that the Rose Empire and the Holy City are at war, I don't know what's going on there."

"We are really boring here, if only I could go to war!"

"Yes, if only I could go to the battlefield ..."


The man guarding the space near the passage talked about one of the soldiers who was eating and suddenly frowned: "I seem to see a shadow inside."

"There are people in it? Do you think too much? The magic circle of the Magister is here. Who can go in silently? Even Master Manuel can't get through?" Someone said next to him.

When the soldier heard this, he also felt reasonable, only when he was dazzled.

Manuel, who was about to enter the space channel, heard the conversation between the two, and twitched at the corners of his mouth. These people ... He Manuel is unable to walk through the magic array set by the Magister, but he cannot stand it ... There is still space law in this world!

This is the second time Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen have crossed the space channel.

They used the coordinates left by Lancelot, so the place where they landed this time was where they left.

There is no doubt that the Taoyuan Safe Zone is the best and largest safe zone on the planet.

Although the Son of God has left, relying on what the Son of God left, the people in the Taoyuan Safety Zone still live far beyond ordinary people. Because of the existence of the jujube tree, they have no shortage of plants and no food .

As the head of the Taoyuan security zone, Ping Shengchao has been busy every day this year. When he hurriedly walked through the Taoyuan security zone with the information, he greeted him respectfully and respectfully. Some emotion.

He used to be ... not a promising person. He always could only be a younger brother behind Nie Yi. At the beginning of the last days, he was still dyed with yellow hair, a little jumbled look, and he was not awakened. Yes ... At that time he always thought that he should not live long.

But he survived, and lives better than most people.

He awakened his abilities, found his parents, had his lover, and even became the director of the safe zone. In the Taoyuan safe zone, he is definitely one of the happiest people, and all of this is all By Nie Yi.

I don't know what happened to Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen ...

Others don't know, but Ping Shengchao knows it. Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen are not going to a good life. They are going to another world to find a way out for the earth.

Although the source of the dark air over Antarctica is now sealed, the dark energy that has spread throughout the world has not decreased much, and zombies are still everywhere, and human life is not much better.

Not to mention anything else, they have a great shortage of food. Although the tube is full, everyone is short of meat.

Before the end of the world, many people were tired of eating meat, and the fat was even hesitant, but now they cannot eat fat.

Thinking of the good taste of meat, Ping Shengchao couldn't help licking his lips.

Last week, a sow in their safety zone died. The sow is very old and the skin is not thick, but everyone still eats it cleanly ... He won a victory over a piece of skin Fatty meat, after simmering cabbage, it tasted incredibly fragrant.

"Ping Shengchao!" A voice sounded, Ping Shengchao turned his head, and saw Zhang Zihai walking towards him with some people, and those who were behind also carried a lot of supplies.

They had collected all the things that could be used near the Taoyuan Safety Zone. This time, Zhang Zihai went far away to collect supplies. It had been out for a week. Now he saw Zhang Zihai, and Ping Shengchao's eyes showed joy.

Zhang Zihai was also very happy. He hadn't cleaned himself, and it was not good to go to Ping Shengchao. He stared at Ping Shengchao with a hot eye for a while, and then said, "I'll find you later! You brought good things! "

When the Taoyuan Safety Zone was just established, people who went out to find supplies often could get some meat, but now such opportunities are becoming less and less, because there are basically no living things outside.

Although there are few, there are occasional ones. Zhang Zihai and they went out this time and caught a mutant fish.

The fish was very large. It was hiding in the water. They couldn't catch it at all. As a result, the fish wanted to eat people. They saw them passing over the bridge and jumped up and bite them ... in the end, they caught them. ?

According to the current regulations, they can divide half and hand over the other half to the safe zone.

The people in Zhang Zihai's team divided the half of the fish. Each person had only three fingers wide and three fingers thick. Those who were single had already eaten into their stomachs on the road. People like Zhang Zihai had a family, Bring it back basically.

After handing in the supplies, Zhang Zihai went to the bathroom to take a bath, changed his clothes, and found Ping Shengchao with the fish in ice: "This time we went out and got a big fish. It's up! "

Many of them can still get such a big piece of fish, and you can see that the fish is really big ...

"Half the parents, half of us braised?" Zhang Zihai said.

"Okay." Ping Shengchao nodded, and then that evening, a small piece of fish appeared on their table.

In order to avoid humility, Ping Shengchao divided the piece of fish into two halves. He and Zhang Zihai slowly tasted it, and finally ate it completely, leaving no soup at all.

"When will I be free to eat meat ..." Zhang Zihai said.

"If Nie Shao and Qi Shao come back, maybe they will bring back some meat." Ping Shengchao said.

"I don't know when they will return ..." Zhang Zihai also remembered those people. As a result, while he was thinking about it, someone suddenly ran to him: "District Chief, District Chief! The Son of God is back!"

The Son of God is back? Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen are back?

Zhang Zihai stood up in a victorious victory, ran towards the outside, and then found that the place where Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen left at first had a soft light, and the light disappeared. People they knew appeared before them.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Qi Jingchen, many people knelt down in excitement: "God!"

"The Son of God is back!" Someone cried with joy.

After Qi Jingchen settled down, he also clearly felt that there were countless white light spots flowing towards himself, and then appeared around his body, or simply entered his body.

This is the power of faith.

After arriving in Yell, he could also receive the power of faith on earth, but this power of faith has become less and less over time. It is thought that people on earth no longer remember him all day.

And now that he is back, the power of faith has suddenly increased ...

"God will bless you." Qi Jingchen said, and then the bright energy radiated from him, eventually covering the entire Taoyuan safety zone and some satellite safety zones built near the Taoyuan safety zone.

"It's the Son of God! The Son of God is back!" The people in the Taoyuan Safety Zone felt the bright energy falling on them, and their expressions became extremely excited.

They didn't see anything, but they knew the Son of God must be back!

The satellite city near the Taoyuan safe area is basically people who came to the Taoyuan safe area in this year.

Although many of these people have contacted Qi Jingchen, they are not very familiar with Ji Jingchen. Now they are suddenly shrouded in light energy, their bodies become warm and warm, and the dark energy accumulated in their bodies is completely dissipated than going to church. Asking the priest to bless himself is even more effective, which undoubtedly made them a little hesitant: "What's this? What's wrong?"

"Yeah, what is this?"

"Dark energy is all gone, so great!"


These people talked curiously, and in the end, it was the humanity who came from the Taoyuan safe area: "It is the Son of God! The Son of God must be back!"

People in the Taoyuan safety zone kneel down subconsciously, and those newcomers also kneel down.

They have all seen the doctrines left by Qi Jingchen, and they also believe in the bright theology. Now everything that Qi Jingchen has shown is undoubtedly a miracle in their eyes. It also makes them believe in the bright theology even more.

The power of faith generally requires something to be catalyzed. Now this blessing used by Qi Jingchen can be regarded as a catalyst. After he used the blessing, he was surrounded by countless powers of faith.

Nie Yi can already see the power of faith. Now he sees Qi Jingchen's body covered with small white light spots. Qi Jingchen is surrounded by such small light spots with a holy atmosphere.

Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen like this and felt a kind of heart-warming feeling. He couldn't help hugging Qi Jingchen at last, then kissed Qi Jingchen's face.

Nie Yi is the companion of the Son of God. Everyone in the Taoyuan Safe Zone knows that they don't care about it. Ferro, the space law saint, and Manuel, the space wizard, didn't know this before, and his expression suddenly froze.

Manuel, in particular, felt that he couldn't get back to him: "What's going on? Two men ... this is two men!" As a magician who likes to study all kinds of things, Manuel is in men and Nothing was spent on women's affairs, and men and men didn't even understand it.

Manuel was too surprised, but Ferro felt nothing: "Rare and strange, isn't it just men and men?" In the dark abyss, let alone men and men, even people and Warcraft can see ...

Compared with those terrible guys, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen stood side by side and looked pretty good.

"I am back." Qi Jingchen did not manage the two space magicians around him, but looked at Ping Shengchao and others in front of him.

"You are finally back!" Ping Shengchao said.

As soon as Nie Yi landed, he had already sensed the place of trial. Although he came to the earth from Hyer, the trial land can still be opened, and there are no fewer people and things in it.

Looking at these people in front of him, Nie Yi released Sun Chengzhang and others.

Sun Chengyi and others were feeding livestock in the trials. Others didn't like those animals, but they were quite fond of them, so they asked the elves to breed a lot of forage and feed them.

How surprised the magicians and the elves of the Chenyi Mercenary Regiment for the animals, let alone for a moment, they don't have any strange feelings, they are feeding the animals with pasture, and suddenly left the trial On the ground, I also found myself already on the earth, and was really taken aback.

Ping Shengchao and others were equally surprised-why did Sun Chengdi appear out of thin air?

"The Son of God is amazing!" Someone looked at Qi Jingchen in admiration, thinking that it was also a kind of miracle.

The Son of God saved all of them, saved the earth, and went to other worlds ... Don't say that just a few people have been changed out of thin air, even if he turned out a group of pigs out of thin air, they will not be surprised.

Qi Jingchen looked at the surrounding conditions. There were many people in Nie Yi's trial land. He had the intention to release them all, but the place was too small and inappropriate at the moment, and he had to arrange for them first. Only place ...

But at this time, they should also make these people happy ...

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen shared their hearts, and they looked at each other. Qi Jingchen said again, "I came back this time, and brought a lot of people, and brought a lot of animals."

After Qi Jingchen finished speaking, Nie Yi released hundreds of pigs at a time.

Yell's pigs are similar to those on Earth, but there are some differences. Apart from that, these pigs are at least twice as large as those on earth.

A fat pig suddenly appeared, and the people around Nie Yihe and Qi Jingchen almost glowed with green eyes. Looking at these pigs couldn't help but drool.

Some people slumped down to observe the **** of these pigs, and then excitedly called: "These are boars! They are all males!" As long as there is only one breeding pig, the other boars are all raised. Can kill meat eaters!

Everyone looked at these pig's farts | stocks, and swallowed at their ** parts, this scene made Ferro and Manuel shudder.

Are there any special hobbies for these people?

The author has something to say: \\ (^ o ^) / ~ Finally, I do n’t have a card! !! This chapter is fat today!

Thank you dear mines and rocket launchers (づ ▔3▔) づ

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Fei generally threw 1 mine

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