MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 315 Xinjiang City Security Zone

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Since I ’m going somewhere else, I ’m sure to bring some people. Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen thought about it, and finally brought Connie Filo, Ping Shengchao and Zhang Zihai, and Qi An. The kittens, meanwhile, put some people who took care of the animals in the trial place, and let them take care of the animals in other safe areas.

"I'm also a space law sage, can you not think of me as a transport plane?" Ferro took Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen to teleport while complaining.

"I'm the real transporter." Nie Yi said without hesitation that not only was the meat of the livestock that had been processed in his trial land, but also a lot of live animals and many people, he was It's an authentic transport plane ...

Hearing Nie Yi's words, Ferro had nothing to say at the moment, and hurried away.

The city safety zone is located on the plateau in the northwestern part of China. It was sparsely populated before the end of the world, and there were naturally fewer zombies after the end of the world. Because of this, many people came here for thousands of miles.

The Jiangcheng Security Zone is made up of local people and various people who come from the outside. The number of people at the beginning was very large, of course, there are only 20,000 people left.

Probably because the city is relatively high, the dark energy is relatively not so rich. When Qi Jingchen and others came here more than a year ago, they could collect some food in the wild, and later Qi Jingchen helped them clean up. After the land, their lives are better.

But it's just better.

Most of the people who survived were psionics, and they would not turn into zombies when the dark energy outside continued to become rich, but the food was still insufficient.

Several times, they all wanted to leave here to go to the Taoyuan safe area, but thought of all the troubles they might encounter on the road, they fell down and gave up. There are still a few ordinary people in this safe area who do n’t say that most of them are different. Capable people have not fought with zombies. They really want to leave here. I am afraid that they will die more than half before they reach the Taoyuan safe area.

Jiangcheng had plenty of sunshine before the last days, but now the sky has become gray.

Li Qi looked up at the sky, sighed, and then led the people to continue on his way.

He came out to collect supplies, and was mainly responsible for wandering around those orchards in the wild. If there were still living plants, and these plants had yielded fruit, they were picked and brought back.

Of course, he will also bring back some other things, such as occasionally they can catch prey that has not died.

The wind with dark energy was very uncomfortable on his face. Li Qi licked his lips, took out the kettle and took a sip, only to find that the water in his kettle was almost finished.

Pass the kettle to the water magician who is next to you, and let the water magician fill themselves with water. Li Qi said thank you, and then took a big sip of water: "I used to love all kinds of things and run all kinds of places all day Looking for food, I did not expect that until now, I could only fill myself with water and saturate. "

"Who isn't? I used to be picky, but now I have to eat everything? It's a pity that I don't have anything for me now," someone said next to me.

Everyone, you say it to me, and afterwards, someone suddenly said, "Did you say something, will people from the Taoyuan Safety Zone come again?"

"It would be nice if they came early ..."

"Yes, we can have enough food when they come."

"And the Son of God ... I would love to go to the Taoyuan Safety Zone to see if it would be nice to meet the Son of God."


Listening to the words of his followers, Li Qi also thought of the God Son he had met at first, and his eyes inevitably revealed the longing: "If the Son of God can come to us once more, it will be fine if I can follow the Son of God ... "He is very strong and has not been dragged down by his family. In fact, he really wants to go out for a walk. Unfortunately, it is too dangerous outside.

As he was saying this, Li Qi suddenly opened his eyes and looked away: "Look at it, what is that? A few people suddenly appeared there!"

"Someone is in the sky!" The people around Li Qi said immediately, all of them looked at the sky for a while.

"It is the Son of God!" Li Qi's face showed an excited expression, they saw the Son of God! The Son of God is in heaven.

Li Qi and others saw Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen, and Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen also saw them.

Ferro was unfamiliar with the earth, and it was impossible to teleport them directly into various safe areas, like this time, he was near the safe area of ​​Jiangcheng.

It's still a long way from the security zone of Jiangcheng, but when you see someone below, they don't plan to teleport anymore.

Looking at the people below, Qi Jingchen smiled: "Are you guys in Jiangcheng Security Zone?"

After Li Qi had met Qi Jingchen at the beginning, Zhi Qijingchen worshipped especially. Now when he heard Qi Jingchen ask himself, he immediately said: "Yes ... yes ..."

Seeing this, Qi Jingchen smiled and threw a bright magic on these people in front of him, and then said, "Troubleshoot your way."

"Okay ... okay ..." Li Qi responded, and faintly took Qi Jingchen to the security zone of Jiangcheng.

All the supplies in the Jiangcheng Security Zone are now distributed. When Qi Jingchen and others passed, they were distributing food.

They grow some crops, but they are not enough to eat, and everyone's food is very shabby. For example, today's food is only a bowl of soup for each person, plus an egg-sized dough.

Sluggish soup: P 恚 greedy shallow 2 slowly and quietly converge 髁

The crops grow slowly, the forage grass grows fast, the forage grass is not poisonous, and people can also eat it. They simply multiply some forage grasses, and then chopped the soup to drink.

A woman took the soup and immediately drank a few sips. She finally felt that her stomach was comfortable, and she couldn't help but said, "I don't know when I can eat meat."

"Eat meat? What are you thinking blindly? Just now, who can still eat meat?" The human next to me said: "I now hope that people from the Taoyuan Safety Zone can come and let me have a full meal."

As they were talking, there was a sudden noise outside the cafeteria: "The Son of God is here! The Son of God is here! The Son of God is also bringing a lot of meat!"

meat? Can they really eat meat? Everyone was busy crowding out, and then they saw the gods who had been here floating in the sky.

Here is the Son of God!

The godson didn't talk to them, but he just waved his hand, and suddenly a beautiful ... elf appeared?

The beautiful elves with long green hair suddenly appeared in the air, and then all parts of their safe area suddenly began to grow various trees! The vines that they carefully planted in the safe area suddenly bloomed and grew large grapes.

"All the crops are mature! All mature!" Someone cried excitedly.

"It's wheat, a lot of wheat!" Another person recognized the crops that suddenly grew around them. They felt that some grains had fallen down, and now it seems that they are all seeds.

"There are greens!" "There are peanuts!" "So much food!" People are getting more and more excited.

Connie is a bit helpless, she has returned to the Holy Power, Holy Power! She is so strong that Nie Yi even let her grow vegetables!

However, Nie Yi was also growing vegetables, but it made her balanced.

No, she's still a little unbalanced, because Nie Yi's skill in growing vegetables is better than her ...

Qi Jingchen and Connie are both in the air, but Nie Yi has already landed. Connie can get this hand, but it is actually related to him-all the seeds are sprinkled by him, and many plants were born by him!

He has other things to do besides giving birth to plants, such as releasing the animals he brought with him.

Nie Yi has surrounded a large circle with trees in the safe area. After Connie recovered the green energy, he put a hundred large-scale livestock into that circle.

"It's a pig!" "A big sheep!" "A cow!" People who have been very excited before are even more excited for a while.

"The Son of God is amazing!"

"Long live the gods!"

"Long live the gods!"


Someone shouted and knelt on the ground, and after a while everyone fell on his knees.

These people are wearing thin clothes, but at this moment, their eyes are full of hope, but they have seen miracles!

Qi Jingchen first appeared before, pulling them out of despair, and now it gives them a longing for the future ... For a time, countless forces of faith swarmed towards Qi Jingchen, and Qi Jingchen's side was suddenly covered with white light spot.

Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen with such excitement, and at the same time, many people were holding flashlights in search of various things in Yell's vast cave.

"Advanced spar!"

"Here is the soil magic plant again!"

"Oh my god, it's the level demon plant ..."


Many people are talking in excitement in the caves. Even if they are in such a place full of soil energy, many of them are very uncomfortable, but they are still very happy.

Among them, the most happy is definitely Tenot.

Holding the flashlight, Tenor walked back along the mark he made, and the joy in his eyes was almost concealed.

He found the plant that their family needed, and he even found two!

The magic teachers of their Zamute family have been saved, maybe they can improve their strength!

The mandala cave is a treasure that has never been developed before. This time, everyone naturally has learned a lot. Almost all the people who bought a flashlight to enter the 10,000-meter hole and came out were happy.

Unfortunately, although flashlights are easy to use, they are effective, and after a period of time they do not turn on ... Fortunately, they have generally used this to find things that are ten or even twenty times more valuable than flashlights.

People excitedly discussed their own gains, and at the same time they couldn't wait to buy more lamps to go back. At this time, they suddenly found that they could not find anyone selling lamps.

How could this be! Now that they have sold such good-to-use lights for thousands of holes, they should keep selling them! How could you run away with a single shot? !!