MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 336 Take the initiative

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The rundown of the Elven Forest allowed Nie Yi to imagine how angry those people would be when they finally found an empty city, so his mood was very good. When the dark magicians were released, they were all on guard.

They were suddenly put into an unknown place by Nie Yi. As Fa Sheng, they could not go out without resistance. It was conceivable how scared they were, but when they were finally released, they saw all around them. It was a tree, full of woody energy but nothing else, all the vigilance and fear, but it disappeared.

There is no danger here, and it is also very suitable for human life.

Dark magicians are also humans. Although they feel close to places like the Dark Abys because they practice dark magic, they can't stand staying in such places, or even yearning for the outside world.

"Here ... is outside the dark abyss?" A dark magician looked at everything in shock, with a surprised and happy expression. They just stayed in the room for a while, and even changed places after coming out. .

"A lot of plants!" Said another dark magician. This person is not only a dark magician, but also an alchemist. He always likes to play with various materials. Unfortunately, in the dark abyss, there are not many materials to allow him. Fiddling.

"There are fruits." A dark magician picked a fruit next to him and stuffed it into his mouth. He was good at poisoning and made himself whole a poisonous man. He was naturally not afraid of eating a bad stomach.

After this dark magician ate several fruits, others couldn't help it. They picked fruits to eat, and found that they were not only poisonous, but also very delicious.

This fruit is a good thing! Someone has tucked fruit into their space ring without any trace.

"This is the Elven Forest." Nie Yi suddenly said, "God lets you live here later." The Elven Forest is remote and far away from humans. It is very suitable for these dark magicians to settle down. As for those elves ... he has decided to let The elves have stayed on the earth.

"Elf Forest?" These people were startled, it was the land of the elves!

"Now there are no elves in the Elven Forest, but the people of the Bright Deity have been here before. Maybe there are people nearby. You can look around and solve the danger in advance." Nie Yi wrapped himself in In the black cloak, people can't see his appearance, and the sound of magical processing is cold, but it is exactly the same as those of the dark magicians.

These people looked at each other, and the elderly Mai Fasheng, who was headed by them, immediately ordered some people to look around, and then asked Nie Yi: "God, we will live here in the future?"

"Yes, some of you want to go out with me, others live here." Nie Yi said, and then frowned and looked at the surrounding ruins.

The original residences of the elves, and the residences he later asked those soil magicians to build, have now been destroyed. Under the nourishment of wooden energy, a lot of flowers and plants have grown on the ruins. Can't live.

Each of these dark magicians is small and thin, and some even look at the skin on the skeleton shelf. Thinking of their previous state of lack of food and clothing, Nie Yi was not as formidable as the people who had forced the Chenyi mercenary regiment to work. With them ... And, to be honest, he is alert to these people.

Thinking of this, Nie Yi said immediately, "I will find someone to help you with your work."

Before that, he and Qi Jingchen only wanted to live a stable life so that people on the earth could live a good life. As a result, the people of the bright gods did not let them go ... Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen had already decided to take the initiative.

And if they want to take the initiative, their current strength is definitely not enough. I am afraid that they must first gather the dark magicians of the dark abyss and accept the power of the false god.

"Don't use it, isn't it just building a house? We can do it ourselves." The Dark Law, headed by him, touched his space ring and immediately got all kinds of skulls out of his ring.

Seeing this scene, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen frowned slightly-did these dark magicians want to make the elven forest look like the dark abyss?

Such thoughts flashed through their hearts, but everything that happened next was completely different from what they thought.

Those skeletons were not terrible dark creatures. They looked more like engineering soldiers. After leaving the space ring, they actually ran towards a place with waving shovels made of white bones, and then began to work tirelessly.

"These skeletons can help us build a house. On the ground, we can't bear to destroy everything. Our dwellings are built underground, and all the dark energy is gathered underground." This dark path.

Qi Jingchen had n’t shown much interest in these people before, but suddenly he had such a bit of interest in the Dark Dharma: “What ’s your name?”

Qi Jingchen's voice drifted with the pure dark magic power, and entered the bodies of these dark magicians, so that all the dark magicians were refreshed. The head of the Fa Sheng received a lot of benefits, saluting in front of Qi Jingchen "Darkness is upon me, my name is Oprah."

Oprah, this name is very familiar. Qi Jingchen thought for a moment, and remembered where she had heard the name-Connie was trapped in the battlefield of God at first, and would have died in it. Pula's dark magician released her ...

"I remember you ... the one who let go of an elf?" Qi Jingchen suddenly said.

Oprah knelt down on the ground, looked at Qi Jingchen in shock, eyes full of fear: "God ..."

He is a faithful believer in the Dark God, and has always been loyal to the Dark God, but in this life he has also done things that have kept him guilty-he once let out an elven on the battlefield.

Before the start of the battle of the gods, the dark magician didn't really dissatisfy the people of Yell, and there were many believers in the dark religion. When he was young, he was a dark magician and a nobleman. Very good, he even liked an elf.

But the battle of the gods began, with different magical powers, and people of different faiths fighting for their own gods. No matter how the war started, almost everyone has already become red-eyed.

At that time, he had killed his former friends who had different beliefs, but when he met Connie, he didn't want to start.

He released Connie.

Later, after the Dark God triumphed and killed many other gods, but disappeared in the battle with the Light God, no one knows this.

But even if no one knew, he was always guilty of the dark god, but what made him unexpected was that the dark **** knew this ...

Oprah knelt on the ground, her body lying on the mud, her old face was full of fear, lest she be guilty of being blamed, but Qi Jingchen didn't pursue it: "I don't want to have a second such thing."

Oprah knelt on the ground, knowing that Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen disappeared in front of him, and even after disappearing for a long time, he dared to get up.

Many of the dark magicians present were Oprah's disciples. They didn't dare to ask more. Oprah couldn't say anything to them. When they got up, they just let them take out all the black skeletons they brought with them. , Used to dig holes.

Ordinary people in the dark abyss have no way to live there. No one helps them. Over time, they, the dark magicians, will do gimmicks or control the skeletons to work for themselves.

These skeletons are completely unaware of exhaustion, they can be controlled with only a little mental power, and can work endlessly ... The city of the dark magician built under the Elven Forest was built in the shortest time.

At this time, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen were finally trimmed, and Nie Yi had already incorporated the golden divine power into his body.

This is a bit dangerous. After all, Nie Yi has too much divine power in his body, but there are no more lice, no itch, no more worry, and the difference between six and seven is not great.

Moreover, the seven series of divine power are gathered, and there may be any special effects ...

Of course, it turns out that the latter point is that they think too much.

After Nie Yi possessed the seven series of divine power, his magic core became more unstable. If it was not supported by the goddess of life goddess, he felt that he might explode.

"When you find the gods of other gods, you will be all right." Qi Jingchen said, they found the bodies of the gods in Antarctica, but there was only divine power and no gods in the corpses, and the gods must be elsewhere.

The goddess of life has always been wary, and it was the last time to participate in the war. I am afraid that I know what will hide the godhead. What about the godheads of other gods? Ordinary gods, why would n’t they hide the goddess that can provide strength to themselves before joining the war?

There should be a piece of the false **** in the dark abyss, so he can absorb the faith, as for the other ...

Both Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen thought of the **** of light.

The godhead is divided by the creation gods to the gods. The godpower is inherent in the gods. For the light god, the godhead is definitely more important than the miscellaneous godpower ...

"Let's go to the dark abyss first." Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen looked at each other and made a decision.

The **** of light is too strong, they dare not meet him directly, it is better to go to the dark abyss first.

Of course, the battlefield of Bright Deity and the Rosary Empire, they also have to go and see.

This war in Hyeres, they have decided to step in.

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