MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 6 Nie Yi is here

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Although Qi Jingchen was "laying a dead body," the outside movement was actually "clear". ### 卡蒂诺 手机 读 ###

Guan Jiayu's approach did not surprise him, and Qi Yaoyao's behavior ... was also expected of him.

Guan Jiayu is a very selfish person who knows how to be better for herself. People like her are often more likely to survive in the last days.

However, such a person can't make a deep friendship, because she can still greet you in the last second, and the next second will sell you to live a good life.

Qi Jingchen had eaten her losses in her lifetime, and of course Guan Jiayu herself did not please her-she was immersed in the dream of having a large number of supplies and living in a large safe area, and was killed.

How could those people really give her so much? Killing her was the best deal for those people.

As for my sister ...

Qi Jingchen always felt that his younger sister was good everywhere. Out of gratitude to her adoptive parents, and out of her love for the younger sister who had grown up, he was very happy with her. His adoptive parents were even more so to her biological daughter. It ’s a lot of love ... The result is such a favor, but Qi Yaoyao has become a "little princess" who can do nothing, or that the princess is sick.

She feels that her parents and brothers have to be kind to her. She will lose her temper with her parents if she does n’t agree with it. In the past, because her parents said something to her and made her learn like Qi Jingchen, she refused to eat. The family coaxed and coaxed and then smiled again.

She was used to being a young lady at home, and she was honest to outsiders, and she was especially good at coaxing ... If it weren't for this, people like Guan Jiayu would not be friends with her.

According to what Qi Jingchen had learned from adoptive parents before, Qi Yaoyao gave Guan Jiayu a variety of things because he sympathized with the "abuse" of his parents by Guan Jiayu. He had money and asked him to eat this at every turn. Eat that.

Generally speaking, his sister is a spoiled girl.

Qi Jingchen was disappointed with this younger sister, but he also knew that his younger sister was not a bad person and had no bad intentions. At least he preferred his younger sister to be a princess, rather than his younger sister to Guan Jiayu.

Speaking of it, if it ’s not the end of time, when his sister grows up and contacts the society, I ’m afraid it wo n’t be like this ... There are really a lot of people who have had trouble with their families in the second and middle years, and his sister will be like that in his last life. It has something to do with him too much.

Qi Jingchen sighed, but still didn't talk to Qi Yaoyao.

Qi Yaoyao was still at a loss at the moment.

She watched Guan Jiayu and the fire-powered person take things away from home, but she didn't dare to stop them.

When Guan Jiayu saw the man killing the zombies with a fireball, he only felt that the man was strong, so he wanted to be attached to the man. But when Qi Yaoyao saw the man killing the zombies with a fireball, he was only afraid.

She was full of fear of the man, and she did not dare to refuse the man ’s request. Even the Guan Jiayu who suddenly stood up before, she was actually a little scared, and she could n’t return to God. She did n’t understand how Guan Jiayu was. Suddenly that's it.

In the past with Guan Jiayu, Qi Yaoyao always felt that he was protecting Guan Jiayu, helping Guan Jiayu, and even felt that Guan Jiayu ’s life would be miserable without himself, but until Guan Jiayu was so light She easily deceived a psionicist and followed, and she realized that things were completely different from what she thought.

Guan Jiayu did not close the door after going out. Qi Yaoyao looked at the zombies killed at the door, her eyes became red again, and for a moment, she even thought of death.

Her parents are probably dead, and all the zombies are outside. She could be eaten by a zombie accidentally ... but her brother is still ill ...

When Qi Yaoyao was used to by her parents, she never thought about caring for her parents, but now that her parents have no news, her brother is bedridden, and she started to remember her brother.

Hurrying to get up and close the door, Qi Yaoyao started to pile back the things that had been piled up at the door. After finishing this, she counted the things that could still be eaten at home.

There are two bags of rice in the house. One bag has been opened and one bag has not been opened. Guan Jiayu took the bag unopened and left one bag unopened.

There is water. They have used some of these days. The fire-powered person took away some of them, but also left some. This water is definitely not enough for washing and flushing, but if you just take Come and drink, but you can stick it for a while.

But no matter what, they are all sitting and eating ... Qi Yaoyao pumped low again.

Previously, the good news was that she didn't care about the food and water, but she had to pay attention to it at this moment. That's when she suddenly realized that her snacks were a little quick a few days ago.

They obviously should save food, but Guan Jiayu has been desperately eating ...

Quiet at home, Qi Yaoyao couldn't help but think of many previous things.

When she was a child, she had a good relationship with Qi Jingchen. Qi ’s father and mother had to work. On weekends and summer vacations, Qi Jingchen always took her to take care of her. She was always proud to have an elder brother. "Brother". Because of this, when Qi Jingchen went to college, she was very sad.

That's when she knew Guan Jiayu.

Guan Jiayu's parents were very bad about Guan Jiayu. She only cared about Guan Jiayu's younger brother. She even saw Guan Jiayu's mother playing Guan Jiayu with her own eyes ... All this made her feel pitiful. There is also growing concern for Guan Jiayu.

Guan Jiayu then told her a lot. For example, her parents adopted her brother to let her brother take care of them. By then, a daughter would definitely not be able to get anything. For example, her brother would never really treat her sincerely.

Of course she didn't believe it. She just thought it was Guan Jia's alarmist words, but her parents always used his brother to educate her ...

Why did her brother never spend money arbitrarily when he was a kid, what her brother had done well in the past, what her brother was the most obedient and would help the house ...

The more she listened and became more unhappy, she began to make conflicts. If her brother could coax her at that time, it would be okay. As a result, her brother said that he would work, and he would only return when the New Year. ...

Qi Yaoyao sat in the living room for a long time and finally stood up. She should feed her brother something to eat.

But the last milk had been stolen by Guan Jiayu. What else could she give her brother? Not to mention this, her brother has been drinking only water and milk, and the body can't stand it.

Qi Yaoyao thought and thought, and finally grabbed a handful of rice and placed it on the chopping board, smashed it with the knife handle, and then infiltrated the broken rice with water.

As soon as the crushed rice was washed with water, white rice water was washed out. Qi Yaoyao was holding the water, and he would feed it to Qi Jingchen.

The raw boiled tapioca rice was not really delicious to Jingchen, and was even disgusting ... He finally opened his eyes.

"Brother! You are awake!" Qi Yaoyao almost wept.

"Well." Qi Jingchen glanced at his sister, and drank the bowl of rice water. Although he didn't want to live, if he died here, Qi Yaoyao would definitely not be able to survive ... In the last days, many people like Qi Yaoyao who had not experienced anything before, could not stand the despair of day after day. Suicide.

The taste of Taomi Shui is really not good, but fortunately, it is not polluted, and there are not many miscellaneous things added. Although Qi Jingchen faints because of the poor water quality, it doesn't really spit out.

Qi Yaoyao couldn't be happier when he saw Qi Jingchen eating: "Brother, this rice should be soaked for a while, I'll make some soak for a day, and then I will give you something to eat!"

"..." Qi Jingchen took a deep breath, and felt that his head, which had been hurting for so many days, hurt even more: "It will be awkward." This kind of weather keeps soaking the rice ... if I don't change the water, I will probably have a pot Sour water comes.

If they change the water ... how can they use water so luxuriously now?

Qi Yaoyao suddenly blushed. She was only fourteen years old and never cooked. She did n’t really know anything about it ... she did n’t think there was anything wrong with it before, but suddenly thought that her brother seemed to be in junior high school. Run home every day to cook for her.

When parents gave birth to her, she was not too young. Her grandmother was already 70 years old. The 70-year-old man always made the dishes unpalatable. She did n’t eat the food cooked by her grandmother. Burn back.

"Brother, you will get better." Qi Yaoya wiped a tear, his expression was firmer.

When Guan Jiayu was still there, Qi Yaoyao spent most of his time with Guan Jiayu. After all, two people would feel relieved to talk, but now Guan Jiayu is gone ...

Qi Yaoyao laid the mat on the bed where he slept in Qi Jingchen's room, moved all the water and rice in the house, and lived in this room.

"Brother, those quick-frozen dumplings are broken because I'm too stupid ..."

"Brother, how do you say this world will become like this?"

"Brother, do you think parents are OK?"


That night, Qi Yaoyao Xu Xuyu talked for a long time before lying down and sleeping on the ground.

After Qi Jingchen woke up in the middle of the night, she looked at the girl lying under the bed for a while, and closed her eyes again.

The next day, the group of people temporarily stationed in this neighborhood last night started to move things into their car and was ready to leave.

They cleared a lot of zombies in this neighborhood last night, and also opened some doors to collect a lot of materials. At the same time, there were quite a lot of things to be moved. At the same time, some of them finally dared to clear up the zombies yesterday The people who went out also gathered downstairs, sorting things out.

When the team left, those residents of the community who had come downstairs drove to follow them ...

Qi Yaoyao has been watching all this upstairs, but he did not run.

This community is closed. Yesterday, the people in the team blocked the gate with a truck and some boxes, so that outside zombies could not get in. But today they opened the gate and rushed out, and there were a lot of zombies. Staggered into the community.

There are still some people in the community who haven't left. Some of them are because they do n’t have a car, some are afraid of contacting the outside world, and some are waiting for the country to rescue them. No matter what the reason is, they chose to stay. They were relieved that there were no zombies in the community, but now, there are zombies ...

Someone did not know if it was because of the collapse, and suddenly screamed, and then those zombies who were wandering aimlessly suddenly walked towards the place where the cry came.

Qi Yaoyao covered her mouth and did not dare to move. Until this moment, she found that some of her previous practices were so stupid. If there were too many people screaming before, they might have been surrounded by zombies. .

For the next few days, both Qi Yaoyao and Qi Jingchen ate rice that had been soaked in water for two or three hours. The taste of this thing was really bad. Qi Yaoyao was hungry and could still eat it, but Qi Jingchen felt that the water was coming. The harder it gets, the more he can't help vomiting.

On the tenth day of the last days, both Qi Yaoyao and Qi Jingchen were stink. Qi Jingchen had been lying down, eating only a little bit of food every day, and the whole person had lost a lot, but Qi Yaoyao's changes were actually greater.

Although Qi Yaoyao was originally not fat, she was also plump, but at this moment the baby fat on her face had disappeared, and there were still thick dark circles on her face. The hair that had not been taken care of was even more messy, like before Than is like changing people.

This is the day when she never opened the door to the house these days, and she never even spoke loudly. She put on several thick clothes Qi Jingchen wore in winter, put on thick shoes, and opened the door of their house. The ground entered the opposite room.

The zombies of the opposite family had been killed, and the male owner had left, but there were still a lot of things left in the house. Qi Yaoyao was excited when he returned, holding two cans of milk powder and a can of rice noodles, and also used plastic bags. I picked a few canned foods for babies, pea puree molar noodles baby noodles ... these are all good things right now!

Qi Jingchen opened his eyes again.

"Brother, they have barrels of water in their house, and there are still half of the barrels left. I'll move over." Qi Yaoyao lowered his hands and said excitedly.

Qi Jingchen smiled for the first time after his rebirth. Qi Yaoyao's appearance before that, even if he went to the safety zone, he can't live, but now ... if luck is good, Qi Yaoyao should live a few years.

Qi Yaoyao also moved half a bucket of water back. When he tried to go out, he found that he couldn't do it.

Their movement here attracted a zombie, and at this moment, the door of their house was blocked again by a zombie, and the sound of a gurgling sounded again.

"Our food can be eaten for a month!" Qi Yaoyao ripped the corners of his mouth to comfort Qi Jingchen, but finally couldn't help crying.

Time passed day by day, because the house could not be cleaned and the toilet could not be flushed, the house began to smell a strange smell, but this time, Qi Yaoyao, who had always been known to have cleanliness, did not complain.

Not to mention Qi Jingchen, although he thought it was all disgusting, he had encountered it before, and was totally tolerable.

In a blink of an eye, it was the fifteenth day of the last days.

Qi Jingchen expected that the army that came to the hospital next door to carry medicines and medical equipment still had not arrived. There were more and more zombies outside, and there were more than one zombies at their door. There were two.

Just the day before, there were still people in their community jumping upstairs, and finally fell into a mud to become a zombie meal ...

Qi Yaoyao's words are more and more, he almost constantly talks in front of Qi Jingchen, always wakes up at night when he sleeps, and then goes back to Qi Jingchen ...

Qi Jingchen was still sleeping most of the time.

At noon that day, Qi Yaoyao scooped two spoonfuls of rice noodles and mixed them with water, and brought them to Qi Jingchen to feed him.

In fact, in Qi Yaoyao's opinion, milk powder is more nutritious, but unfortunately Qi Jingchen took a bite of milk powder and spit it out, but that rice noodle was barely edible.

They were half-eaten, and suddenly there were some messy sounds outside.

Qi Yaoyao was a little curious, and a sudden knock came from their door!

"Brother, Zombie ..." Qi Yaoyao's face turned pale.

The zombie should not have evolved at this time ... Qi Jingchen frowned slightly and was about to sit up, and suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from the door: "Is anyone inside! Qi Jingchen! Are you inside?"

Qi Jingchen's expression was blank for a moment, and she lay down again relaxed, but Qi Yaoyao rushed to the door excitedly at this time: "Yes! We are!" She yelled a few times, and burst into tears, then went to the door to move thing.

The person outside the door shouted again, "People inside the door keep off!"

"Ah?" Qi Yaoyao let go of her body almost subconsciously, and then she saw that the door that had helped her block the zombies for many days was burned by a hole in the door lock, and then was also It opened with the refrigerator standing horizontally.

A young man in a black sports suit, over 1.8m tall, drilled into the door quickly. He rushed to the door of Qi Jingchen's room without even looking at Qi Yaoyao.

Then, after seeing Qi Jingchen, who had not taken a bath for half a month in the summer, the whole man smelled of sweat, Qi Jingchen showed a stunning expression.

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