MTL - Bottom A, Top O-Chapter 12 But what to do, he likes a little...

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In the room, the ventilation of the air conditioner was humming, and the three of them sat awkwardly beside the coffee table, and no one spoke.

Chen Xin took the materials given to him by his master, and took a peek at it for a while, and then for a while.

Master just handed Officer Yu an apple...

Officer Yu was taking small bites of the apple, his cheeks were bulging, and he could still hear the crunchy chewing sound.

Officer Yu is an Alpha... Master is approaching estrus again, and he doesn't know what happened to the two of them just now.

But no matter what happened, it was Master who leaked the pheromone. In theory, it was Master, the Omega, who felt embarrassed. But now... why do I feel that Officer Yu, who is Alpha, is embarrassed?


However, Officer Yu looks so delicate, he is not at all the same as the rough A outside.

While watching sneakily, the top of the head made another "pop" and was slapped.

He covered his head reflexively: "Ow! Master, why did you hit me again..."

Nie Zihang saw that his file was still on the directory page, and he was so angry that he slapped him again: "Look at it, look at the fart. Officer Yu is so good-looking? It's been a quarter of an hour, how many cases have you read? Yu? The police officer came here on purpose to hand over, so you're wasting people's time like that?"

Yu Jingxuan chewed on the apple and turned to look at the two of them.

"It doesn't matter, my class is in the afternoon. Chen Xin may be a little curious about me... Uh, most people will be curious, it's fine, I understand. You beat him twice in half an hour, it's not good..."

Chen Xin shed two wide kelp tears in his heart: woo woo woo, Officer Yu is so gentle, I made him so embarrassed, and he even helped me talk!

He quickly waved his hand to Yu Jingxuan: "It's okay, Master and I have always gotten along like this! Master only beats me when he loves me, this is all Master's full love for me! Officer Yu, just get used to it! I didn't treat Yu. The police officer is curious, I just think you are good-looking, take a second look, really! I will look at the file right now...Wowwowo, wow...go! Officer Yu, you are going to sue your Alpha ex...uuuuuu... "

He didn't finish the rest of the word because his master covered his mouth.

Only then did he realize what he had said, and his face turned pale with fright.

Nie Zihang took him directly to Yu Jingxuan: "I'm sorry, Officer Yu, I didn't take care of my apprentice. I apologize to you."

Chen Xin hurriedly folded his hands and bowed to the person: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Officer Yu! I didn't mean it, I didn't mean anything else, woo woo woo... Don't be angry, master is going to hit me again, no, angry not good for health…"

Nie Zihang laughed angrily, raised his foot and kicked Chen Xin's leg: "Oh, do you still know that I'm going to hit you?"

However, Yu Jingxuan stopped him again.

Alpha put his hands on his arms, clasping them lightly. The thin calluses in the palm of the hand rubbed against the skin of the wrist, and the heat continued to spread.

He should have used an inhibitor today, and the smell of orchids on his body was completely concealed, leaving only the acacia fragrance left on his clothes.

When I went to Yu Jingxuan's house yesterday, I smelled the smell as soon as I entered the door.

"Stop hitting Chen Xin, I'm really not angry." Alpha said softly, pressing his arm down: "Also, when Mr. Nie first saw the case, didn't he hold the document?"

Nie Zihang choked his throat.

Helplessly sighed: "Yu Xiaoxuan, I'm here to vent my anger on you, you're better off, stab me specifically, right?"

Yu Jingxuan was startled by the sudden intimacy of the address.

He hurriedly shook his head and explained, "No. No... I don't think Chen Xin is malicious. You disciplined him too hard, or in front of outsiders, it will hurt his self-esteem."

Chen Xin, who has been an invisible man next to him, nodded again and again: "Yes, I have no malice! I swear, I have no malice!"

Nie Zihang: "Huh."

Chen Xin immediately said, "I was wrong! I didn't mean anything, but I was wrong!"

Nie Zihang turned towards the corner and said, "Face the wall."

Chen Xin immediately packed up the files he wanted to watch, and squatted in the corner with ease. Obviously, it wasn't the first time he made a mistake.

After Chen Xin made such a fuss, it eased the embarrassment between Nie Zihang and Yu Jingxuan.

Nie Zihang kicked and kicked again just now, making himself hungry. He turned his head and said to Alpha, "I'll go get some food, Officer Yu, you can do it yourself."

Thinking of Yu Jingxuan's character, he added: "Don't be cautious. If you want to watch TV, let Chen Xin help you. If you don't want to watch it, check your phone. I'll be right back."

He was afraid that he would leave, and Alpha sat in the living room in a military posture, not moving for half an hour.

Yu Jingxuan obediently took out his mobile phone and said, "Okay. No hurry."

Nie Zihang then went to the kitchen with confidence.

There was a tinkling sound from the kitchen.

The door was half-closed, and from the perspective of the living room, only vague figures could be seen inside.

It looks like it should be cooking.

Yu Jingxuan watched for a while and felt that Nie Zihang should not come out for a short time, so he hesitated to open the chat dialog with Lu Feifei.

[Flying. are you there? ]

On the opposite side, it immediately says "Entering".

The next second, the friend's emoji package was immediately passed over.

[Your little cutie suddenly appears.jpg]

[I'm fishing for fish at work, what's up with the fish~]

Yu Jingxuan edited and edited for a long time before finally sending out the words:

[Have you ever been exposed to Omega's courtship pheromone? What does it feel like...]

[Little shark stopped thinking.jpg]

[Why do you ask this all of a sudden? Is there any research to do? I remember when you were at the police academy, you used to do confrontation training with Omega courtship pheromone. ]

[But speaking of it, there was a time when Omega was in heat in front of me, and the smell of was so appealing! At that time, I was the only Alpha, and the soft O couldn't even stand up, looked at me pitifully, and kept wanting me to hug him. But my model didn't match, so I didn't respond, so I called the police for him. ]

Yu Jingxuan: [So, there is still a reaction, right? ]

Lu Feifei: [Well, yes, it is an Omega pheromone after all. No matter how you don't like it, it's still instinctive~ Well, you shouldn't be really psychologically shadowed by He Cheng's scum A... Your police academy doesn't often do this kind of Omega courtship pheromone confrontation exercise, doesn't it? All Alphas can't resist instinct. You're good, don't overthink it. ]

Yu Jingxuan looked at the message from his friend and couldn't help but be dazed.

Omega's pheromone, no matter how you don't like it, there is an instinct...

After a while, he hesitated to type a string of words:

[What if... what if the model is the right one? ]

If AO's instinct is attracted, the model also matches... just like Mr. Nie's pheromone...

A series of question marks immediately came from the opposite side.

[What's right? Omega? How is it possible to have the right Omega model? ]

[You shouldn't be thinking about the OO love group? That group hates our Alpha the most, especially the Alpha we love! Also put pheromones on us? Oh, impossible! They would rather have their glands removed than courtship in front of Alpha. ]

Yu Jingxuan blinked slowly.

It was only then that I remembered that Mr. Nie's courtship pheromone was not actually directed at him. The reason why he smelled it was just an accident.

But what to do, he likes a little...