MTL - Bottom A, Top O-Chapter 22 Officer Yu, come to my side?

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During the difficult estrus period, Nie Zihang stayed at home for two whole days.

It rained heavily all night long. It didn't stop until last night.

City H has a good geographical location, and there has been no serious flood news in the past two days.

However, the surrounding areas suffered, especially the villages near Zhoudao, and the flood discharge areas of some large cities. When the flood came, no one was spared.

The push of the public account is one after another.

[Tonight, flood discharge! Please remember this humble little village. ]

[The whole county transfers! Before the dam collapsed, no one stayed here! ]

[To the cutest person. ]

All of them are reports from the state's official media on the front lines of flood control, which shows how tense the flood control situation on the front lines is.

Yu Jingxuan has not appeared since he sent him a message the day before yesterday afternoon.

The conversation between the two was still the day before yesterday.

Yu: [Mr. Nie, I am preparing to go out to work here. you should rest earlier. ]

Nie: [Go, pay attention to safety. ]

Fish: [Ok, so do you. ]

Nie: [Come back to report safety. ]

Fish: [Hmm okay. ][Fat fish swimming.jpg]

Nie Zihang turned his head to look out the gloomy window, it seemed that it was still raining.

Yu Jingxuan hadn't sent him a message until now, so he was probably still busy.

He yawned in boredom.

The combined heat of the past two days is fierce, especially at night, I can't sleep.

Yesterday, I struggled until after three in the morning before falling asleep. After I woke up and had lunch, I was lazy on the sofa for a while, and started to feel sleepy again.

He leaned on the back of the sofa, his eyelids were about to close, and the phone suddenly rang.

It was a voice call from Jiang Ming.

He pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

He didn't speak much for two days, and his body was burning and uncomfortable, and his voice was hoarse.

"Is your estrus almost over? Come out and have a hot pot with your buddies in the past two days? Everyone is here."

Nie Zihang rubbed his brows, "You guys can eat. I've been off for about 10 days. I've saved a lot of money, and I won't be free this week."

"Don't have time to eat? No matter how busy you are, you have to eat. Brother Cheng said that he met a small Omega recently, and he was introduced to him by his family. He said he wanted to find an elite Omega, but his height was stuck at 180, and he was resolutely not below 180. Brother Cheng was only 1 centimeter short, and they rejected it directly. Brother Cheng said, I can introduce it to you, and the fat and water will not flow to outsiders. "

Nie Zihang could not wait to roll his eyes.

The average height of Omega is 165, how can there be so many 180?

Isn't it just 1 cm, just wear a heightening pad. If he wants to find an O attack, but also wants a 180, it would be good for him to directly find an Alpha. The Alpha of this height grabs a lot. "

"The key is that his gender is also stuck. However, this little Omega is really good quality. Graduated from a graduate school, a world-class university, and has no choice in his speaking temperament. Besides, it's not surprising that people want to find 180, but he himself is 176. Brother Cheng said that Omega and his dad are business partners, otherwise he wouldn't be able to meet people."

176 Ah...

The first thing that flashed in Nie Zihang's head was a handsome face.

I don't know how tall Yu Jingxuan is.

Nie Zihang himself was a little over 1.8 meters tall, and Alpha was a little bit shorter than him, and it felt like he was about 178.

In this way, that little fish is really a little short in Alpha.

Nie Zihang let out a chuckle.

Jiang Ming on the other side of the phone line: ? ? ?

"What are you laughing at? Dahang, my buddy will introduce you to Omega. Are you playing D?"

Nie Zihang immediately smiled, "No. I'm not interested in such an excellent Omega. I like petite, soft and coquettish ones. It's not like you don't know."

Jiang Ming: "Okay... How's your life at home this typhoon?"

Nie Zihang put his legs up on the coffee table, turned on the TV unhurriedly, and played back and forth with the remote control.

"Whether the typhoon is typhoon or not, it has no effect on me. Anyway, I can't go out with the heat, it makes no difference."

"Don't underestimate this typhoon. It's different from the previous ones. I heard that the water level of the river on the west side of the river is equal to the dam. My friend lives there. He said that the water level had passed the dam for some time in the early morning yesterday. At that time, the small park next to it was flooded. The sandbags for fixing the embankment were transported by truck after truck, and a lot of special military vehicles for troops were urgently dispatched. We were in the city center, and we didn't feel it. They were on the riverside, I've been worried all night. My friend called me yesterday and said she couldn't, so she brought my daughter-in-law to live with me. "

Nie Zihang listened and listened, his expression suddenly became a little dignified.

Coincidentally, the TV just jumped to the TV station in H City, which was broadcasting the noon news.

The female anchor's unwavering voice came from the speaker: "Last night, the river in the Hexi area of ​​our city exceeded the warning line by 4.3 meters. After the efforts of firefighters, our city's armed police, civilian police and army soldiers, we finally saved our lives this morning. the embankment."

Because Nie Zihang's call was on hands-free, Jiang Ming on the other end of the phone could hear it clearly.

"Look, right? Hexi was particularly dangerous at that time, but other places were even more dangerous, and the news in H City was not as popular."

Nie Zihang didn't answer because he saw an ultra-clear big screen behind the female anchor.

On the screen is a photo of the policemen standing guard at the edge of the long embankment.

The third-to-last on the right side of the photo, a man in a police uniform, is especially conspicuous among a group of Alphas.

It was Yu Jingxuan who had been out of contact for two days.

Alpha was wearing camouflage, with his legs spread out, his hands behind his back and his eyes looking forward.

He was obviously slender, standing on the long embankment where the flood was rolling, but it was like an indestructible wall.

The next moment, the TV screen has switched to the scene of the dam in Hexi.

This is the picture from the early morning. The time is displayed at 5:00 in the morning. The sky is gloomy and terrible. The soldiers in camouflage uniforms lie on the "makeshift beds" made of life jackets, and lined up to fall asleep.

The camera swept away one by one, and the exhausted Yu Jingxuan was mixed in. It was a flash, but Nie Zihang still saw the bruises in Alpha's eyes.

On the top of the screen, big red characters are prominently written: Thank you to all the firefighters, the police, the armed police, and to all the soldiers. Thank you for your load, we slept soundly last night.

Nie Zihang looked at it, his eyes suddenly became sore.

I usually read a lot of this kind of news, but only when someone I know is also in it, I know how distressed it is.

"Jiang Ming." He said into the phone.

The other end suddenly stopped chattering: "Huh?"

"I have something to do, hang up first."

After speaking, without waiting for the other party to respond, he directly pressed the hang up button.

Then, he directly clicked on Yu Jingxuan's mobile phone number in the address book and dialed it.

In fact, Nie Zihang had no hope of being answered. After all, watching the news footage, he should still be standing guard at the dam.


The voice from the receiver has never been so long as it is today.

After ringing four times and no one answered, Nie Zihang wanted to hang up.

But my fingers were all pressed on the red button, and a dry and weak voice came from the receiver: "Mr. Nie?"

Nie Zihang was startled, and quickly removed his fingers.

"Yu Xiaoxuan? You're here. I thought you didn't have time to answer the phone."

The voice on the other end of the phone was full of fatigue: "No, the water level on the west side of the river is under control, and the gate has been opened downstream, which has helped us share a lot of pressure. There should be nothing to do next, just let us The police came back first. The troops went downstream for flood control, and the armed police and firefighters were still on the embankment.”

As he spoke, he was still panting.

Nie Zihang frowned, "Why are you breathing so hard?"

"Just went upstairs, climbed a few flights of stairs. At the door of the house... eh?"

After Alpha finished speaking, the sound of flipping things came from the opposite side.

"What's wrong?" Nie Zihang asked.

"I got a lot of mud on my clothes. I just went to the police station to change my clothes and came back. I should have put the key on the desk and forgot to take it back...Mr. Nie, let's not talk about it, I have to go back to the police station immediately. "

Then hurried footsteps were heard.

Nie Zihang flashed the image of this person sleeping on the ground in the early morning yesterday. Before his brain could react, he stopped the person one step at a time: "Yu Jingxuan!"

Alpha probably didn't hear it, so he just cut off the phone.

Without thinking about it, Nie Zihang dialed the phone again.

"Mr. Nie? Is there something wrong?"

Nie Zihang took a deep breath and said, "Come to my side."

The person on the opposite side was obviously stunned, and even his breathing was a bit chaotic.

The phone was quiet for half a minute. Nie Zihang thought it was because the phone hung up automatically. Then he heard Yu Jingxuan's flustered voice saying, "Mr. Nie, you are still in heat, I'm an Alpha..."

Nie Zihang chuckled at the phone: "Officer Yu, my estrus period is only three days, and it will end tonight."

"Don't worry, Officer Yu, you didn't drink, and my estrus period is almost over. I'm sure I won't lose control like last time. Even if Officer Yu doesn't believe me, he has to believe in his own control."

There was a long silence on the other side, and then a weak voice came from the receiver: "Then... I will trouble Mr. Nie tonight."

"Well, come here."

"it is good…"

The author has something to say:

Brother Nie: The flag stands up, isn't it just to cut it?╮(╯▽╰)╭

Aww, another thick day! (akimbo!)

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