MTL - Bottom A, Top O-Chapter 7 Who is the person you want to sue? ? ? ?

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Nie Zihang looked at the person who came and didn't speak. The little girl at the front desk didn't know Yu Jingxuan, but she did know Shi Zhiyuan, and her face turned dark immediately.

In the whole law firm, who doesn't know that the boss' Omega ran away with another Alpha? Everyone carefully passed more than half a month, and did not dare to say a word of comfort, for fear of touching the boss's scale.

Good guy, this shameless O actually dares to come here, even when the boss is about to enter the estrus period.

The little girl felt that he was either plotting or plotting!

He immediately found a broom from the corner and swept the person out.

"Let Rang, Rang Rang! It's time, we're cleaning up, we're closing!"

Omega looked at Nie Zihang in bewilderment, and simply took a step forward and took Nie Zihang's hand: "Ahang, I, I really have something to look for you... Don't let Xixi drive me away..."

Xixi is the little girl at the front desk.

Nie Zihang threw the person away, took the hand sanitizer from the counter and poured it into his hands, his face was full of disgust.

"Don't tell me he's here to see me? Shi Zhiyuan, recognize your position. I've been with me for so long, and I want to beg if I want? Go back, we're closed."

Omega saw that Nie Zihang couldn't make any sense, turned to see Yu Jingxuan, and was stunned before remembering the identity of this person.

Immediately, he pulled Yu Jingxuan's arm like he was grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Officer Yu, please help me... You, you are a policeman, you can't ignore the safety of the people... I really have no choice... You help me, you help me..."

Alpha was pulled by the arm and immediately froze.

Shi Zhiyuan was wearing a light pink shirt and tight denim shorts today. I have to say that he is very good at highlighting his own advantages. This outfit not only makes him look narrow with a narrow waist and long legs, but also looks petite and provocative.

Now, this petite and provocative Omega has red eyes and a red nose, holding an Alpha police officer who is about to cry.

With this pitiful appearance, let alone a police officer, any Alpha with a sense of justice on the street will have to help.

Nie Zihang sneered in his heart, and simply sat down on the sofa in the reception, watching with all his leisure.

The captured Alpha's eyes were lowered, and the folder in his hand was tightly squeezed. The delicate and beautiful fingers bowed sharply.

After a while, he said, "Sorry, I'm not going to work today. If you are in trouble, you can call the police, or go to the police station for help. I came to lawyer Nie for personal reasons, and it's not convenient to help you right now."

Shi Zhiyuan stopped sobbing and looked at Yu Jingxuan in disbelief, probably not expecting that he would be rejected.

"Yu, Officer Yu..."

He grabbed Alpha's arm in a panic, tears streaming down his face.

But Yu Jingxuan was just stunned, and pulled out his arm like a snake.

Nie Zihang raised his eyebrows, this reaction surprised him a little. Although Chongtianou drunk indeed said that they and Omega are class enemies, but Yu Jingxuan is not like a person who brings personal likes and dislikes into his profession, especially his profession is a policeman and a public servant of the people.

"Officer Yu." He said slowly.

Alpha immediately looked at him.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but there was a sense of relief in his eyes.

Nie Zihang couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

I hate Omegas so much, I smelt it on my lap several times after I was drunk last time.

However, judging from this situation, Yu Jingxuan probably drank to the point where he was drunk and couldn't remember anything.

Nie Zihang calmly shifted his gaze to Shi Zhiyuan with a clear smile on his face, but when he looked at Omega, his eyes were cold.

"If you have anything to do with Officer Yu, you can talk to our receptionist first. Of course, if you have to have an interview with me, you can also chat with Xixi first, and I'll come over after I've dealt with my personal affairs."

The little girl at the front desk heard the order and hurried over to invite someone.

After Yu Jingxuan was led away, and only Nie Zihang and Shi Zhiyuan were left, Nie Zihang raised his legs and looked down at his former Omega.

"First, you delayed my vacation. Second, you made my guests laugh. Shi Zhiyuan, you are not mine now, and I don't need to accommodate you. I am not one of those who love you when you put some pheromones. Protect your Alpha. Get out of my law firm immediately while I'm still in a good mood."

It's not bad that he doesn't go to trouble with this Omega, but he's better, and it's in front of him.

Shi Zhiyuan was frightened by Nie Zihang, he took two steps towards him, but he didn't dare to go forward, he buttoned his sleeves and said, "I, I... He Cheng seems to have offended many companies and wants to fight him. Lawsuit, demanding compensation... But, no lawyer is willing to take his case... He threatened me to ask, ask you..."

Nie Zihang was about to laugh angrily.

The former dog man encountered an unsolvable problem, and even had the face to come and beg him.

These two people do not know how to write the word "face".

"No one took his case, so he came to me, didn't he? Want me to take it?"

"He Cheng said, yes, he is sorry for you... But he was detained for half a month, and he has already been punished, can you... That, write off the previous grievances... He doesn't care about the loss you caused him, and you also Don't... don't care if he stole your Omega... just treat it as an ordinary partnership, you can open the price..."

In the end, Shi Zhiyuan was not confident enough, and his voice became weaker and weaker.

"I was really coerced by him... He asked me to come over and tell you this... Ah Hang, if you don't want to pick it up, don't pick it up, I... I know it was wrong, at that time he used pheromones, I, I just... I don't either. Knowing what happened to me, I didn't do it of my own accord, Ah Hang, shall we start over..."

Nie Zihang played with the voice recorder in his hand. The red light was on, indicating that the recording was in progress.

Shi Zhiyuan obviously saw it too, and his face turned pale.

"Shi Zhiyuan, you said that He Cheng used pheromones to force you, you didn't do it voluntarily, did you?" Nie Zihang said, and put the recorder on the table with a snap: "Think about it before you say this. The words are quite important. The release of suppressed pheromones on an Omega is at most a detention fine. But if you force an unmarked Omega, you will violate the "ABO Criminal Code" and be sentenced to 10 years."

Omega was so scared that his legs were shaking, and his face was bloodless.

Who would have thought that just a conversation with his ex would be recorded as a testimony in court.

He is now in a difficult position to ride a tiger. If he said "yes", given Nie Zihang's character, he would definitely take the recording and report it directly. At that time, both he and He Cheng would inevitably be investigated.

But if he said "no", then he was lying blatantly... If it spreads out... If it reaches He Cheng's ears...

"I...I..." Shi Zhiyuan squatted in front of him and cried aloud: "Do you really want to force me like this... Ah Hang, I know I'm wrong, you forgive me..."

Shi Zhiyuan was playing a bitter scene here, and there was a sharp sound of chairs from the table on the other side of the hall.

"Hey, Officer Yu?" the reception girl hurriedly shouted.

Nie Zihang followed the voice and saw that Alpha, who was long in body and legs, had already hurried over.

Then, in his eyes, he was inserted between him and Shi Zhiyuan.

The slender fingers, holding a document, bluntly confronted him.

"Lawyer Nie, this is the case I want to entrust," he said.

After speaking, I probably felt stubborn, and added: "It's urgent."

Nie Zihang's eyes fell on the portfolio, and Alpha's neatly trimmed fingertips were glowing with light pink.

It looks innocent and harmless.

However, this was the first time he had seen Yu Jingxuan so anxious and completely out of proportion.

Out of bad psychology, he raised his eyebrows and decided to tease him.

"Officer Yu, although you are my guest, now is the time for me to deal with personal issues. Besides, my estrus season is coming soon, please stay away from me, I didn't put on the restraint sticker."

After he finished speaking, he put the file on the table: "I said, I'll go to you when I'm done with my personal affairs. If Officer Yu can't wait for this amount of time, he can go to another place."

Alpha pursed his lips tightly, his eyes fixed on the file. After being stunned for a while, he suddenly woke up and retreated to a safe distance: "I'm sorry."

Nie Zihang tapped his knees rhythmically with his fingers: "Well, give me a reason to take your case. If Police Officer Yu can convince me, I'll watch it now."

Yu Jingxuan pursed his lips and said, "Mr. Nie hates Alpha very much. I want to sue my ex-boyfriend and ruin his reputation. This should be what Mr. Nie wants to see."

Nie Zihang picked up the document and blocked the corners of his lips that couldn't help but laugh.

I said something messy, if this was really on the negotiating table, I would have been slapped by others to the point of scum.

However, seeing Alpha's nervousness about licking his lips, he finally gave up his bad thoughts and looked down at the document.

It just turned to the first page and didn't hold it, and it fell to the ground with a "pop".

Because, on the first page of the document, it was written in big bold letters: Sue He Cheng's assessment content.

Rao is a lawyer Nie who has seen countless storms and waves, and he can't sit still at this meeting.

What did Yu Jingxuan say to him just now? Want to sue his ex-boyfriend?

So... So, He Cheng is his ex-boyfriend? The Alpha who had three children was Yu Jingxuan's boyfriend? ? ?


"The ex-boyfriend you want to sue is He Cheng?"

Yu Jingxuan was also a little confused by his question: "I thought Mr. Nie knew... I'm just an ex-boyfriend."

Nie Zihang: "How can I know? You didn't say..."

Silenced halfway through.

Yu Jingxuan said it, the day he was drunk...

His wife, kidnapped my Alpha.

My husband kidnapped his wife.

My Alpha, kidnapped your Omega.

Said it three times.

Nie Zihang thought it was all drunken talk, but he didn't take it seriously.

He looked at the documents that fell on the ground, and then looked at Shi Zhiyuan next to him...

Omega has collapsed to the ground, dumbfounded.

Nie Zihang:…

Suddenly thankful: Fortunately, the most embarrassing thing here is not me.

The author has something to say:

Nie Zihang: I was terrified at the time.

Shi Zhiyuan: What have I done... (horrified)

Nie Zihang: Oh? I almost forgot, how about you? Compared with you, my embarrassment is really not enough to see at all.

Turning to look at Yuyu: Do you remember to lie on your lap and say I'm fragrant? Do you remember it all?

Yu Jingxuan: No! (sharply, ears red)