MTL - Bourne: Command and Conquer-Chapter 814 , well, not much effect

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Chapter 814, well, it doesn’t have much effect…

 Zhang Yong saw Feng Jiliang from a distance.

But it took a while for Feng Jiliang to see Zhang Yong.

 Wait until he realizes something is wrong. It's too late. surrounded.

Although the other party does not have many manpower. But it already has a favorable position. A fatal blow can be delivered at any time.

 Feng Jiliang reacted quickly.

 If you find that the content is incorrect, please use a browser to access it!

  Sometimes, it takes time to find out who is under your control.

 Then go up to the room and sleep.

The other party was telling him intentionally or unintentionally that I can now talk directly to the attendant room. If you want to sue me, it won’t be that easy.

Do you want?

Do you want?

Do you want?

 As long as your heart moves, I guarantee you will never go back.

So he woke up Feng Jiliang and said, "You can go."

 “Golden and glorious?”

 “Don’t take your hands off…”


"take away!"

"do what?"


 If you die, just die.

 Zhang Yong also gathered his team and prepared to work.

 Zhang Yong accepted it humbly.

 “Can you get rid of it quickly?” Zhang Yong is not interested in foreign countries.

"Because someone is accusing me behind my back!" Zhang Yong said kindly, "I can't do anything about him. I have to do some damage."

 Zhang Yong was obviously bullying him. He was very cooperative.

 “Don’t betray me.”

 “You are cruel enough!”

 Sighing secretly. This Zhang Yong is obviously a rookie. However, sometimes it is really reliable to do things!

“Watch that Red Party traitor being killed by the Red Party.”


It is impossible to understand at a glance.

Discovered that it was his own men who had all turned light blue.

After all, this guy has only been in the industry for a short time and has not learned many insidious and despicable manipulations. He has no intention of harming anyone. Still at the primary stage.

Both of them left Shanghai with excuses.


Pretending to be reserved. Wait for the other person to speak.

 The radius is five hundred meters, which may include many, many people.

 Zhang Yong immediately recorded it.

 “Who have I betrayed?”

 Zhang Yong said coldly.


 But he is different. He and Zhang Yong indeed had no personal grudges. It's all business.

 He stood behind the wall. Don't give the other party a chance to plot.

 “Mention it orally. Not in writing. You figure it out yourself.”

However, it will be less difficult to target two people at the same time. With their two identities, it was very easy for them to come up with $50,000.

"What is the problem?"

 He is quite smart.

Hmm, it doesn’t do much...

 The important thing is distraction.

 Who is Zhang Yong here for?

 Xu Enzeng. Or Ye Xiufeng. And Chen Guofu.

 “Fifty thousand?”

 Obviously knowing that Zhang Yong wanted to kill the Red Party traitor. There was nothing he could do.

 Since Zhang Yong knows so many things. The identity of the boss must also be known.

If there is a conflict with Zhang Yong at this time, he will definitely be the one who suffers in the end.

“Let me tell you the truth, Madam needs half a million dollars to buy a plane.”

 “Hand in your gun.”

 Feng Jiliang's lips moved slightly.

"Someone else compiled a piece of information for him, saying that someone was coming from Hangzhou. He was a very important person. As a result, he believed it and reported it. As a result, he was immediately identified by the Red Party. You don't even think about it, Huichun Hall Where is your boss?"

 Flip out. It will only kill yourself. A good man does not suffer immediate losses. Others are not here for him.

"I want to get Du Yuesheng or Huang Huangrong, and it costs one hundred thousand dollars. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Feng Jiliang was dubious.

at this point. He had nothing to say.

 In addition to red dots and yellow dots, there are white dots on the map. Whether it is other people or his own subordinates, they are all white spots.

 The result was blocked.

 Once Red identifies the traitor, he will act quickly. Absolutely no sloppiness.

 “Yeah! Soon...”

 Assassination? With map monitoring, ordinary people can't kill him.


 Just this alone makes me happy to cooperate.

 He noticed a word: attendant's room.

 It was impossible to tip off the news. It's just a boring topic.

They are all densely packed.


what's the situation?

 Hurry to check.

 More than ten hours have passed since the incident. The red side should have finished its work.

 As for whether to buy a plane or not. That's something else. This is beyond their control. They are only responsible for making money.


"Do you think the Red Party members are all idiots? Don't you suspect that there is something wrong with the wounded man?"

“In that case, you still dare to stop me? Aren’t you afraid that others will accuse you of sympathizing with the Red Party?”

"You have taken control of these foreign lands. Then tell Huang Jinrong. He will definitely be willing to exchange it for fifty thousand US dollars."

 “You are worried that the traitor will be eliminated by the Red Party.”

This Zhang Yong has indeed never betrayed anyone. Keep your mouth steady.

"I have something to do..." Feng Jiliang frowned.

Logically speaking, he should not believe Zhang Yong’s words.

 Others will only tell the committee member what is appropriate for him to tell. Naturally, no one said anything about things that were not suitable for the committee to know.

 “Others make me unhappy. I make others unhappy. It’s that simple. Do you want to sit down?”

  If it is before, check the relevant annotations one by one.

 No need to do it now. When you see the two blue dots that are relatively far apart, you will know that it is the two of them.

 Come downstairs. He found Feng Jiliang sleeping listlessly on the table. The other agents also had their heads drooped, waiting for time.

 “Zhang Yong, don’t go too far.”

"you ask me?"

 “You help me. I can mention your name verbally.”

 Feng Jiliang immediately gave the order.

 Some information that the Fuxing Society Secret Service does not have is in the possession of the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

 On this issue, Feng Jiliang has never hesitated at all.

I don’t know whether Zhang Yong did it intentionally or unintentionally. Anyway, he mentioned this word.

 Suddenly I noticed that the map display had changed.

 “Okay. Sit down!”


 Zhang Yong smiled coldly. Keep hitting the opponent.


 “Hand in the gun.”

 Feng Jiliang spoke, "I know a group of foreigners..."

 Feng Jiliang is an old fox...

 They all sat down. There is no need to hide it.

 Feeling hungry. look at the map. Found everyone there.

 I couldn’t help but feel a little emotional in my heart. This guy is really a newbie! But it climbed so fast!

 Mainly because of this guy Feng Jiliang, I really have no personal grudges with him. Catching the red party is his move. It's business. We bumped into each other several times, and Feng Jiliang was very cooperative.

"Haha. You have indeed achieved your goal. You have been identified as a traitor by the Red Party."

not good!

The scene in front of me feels so absurd.

 Some of the nearby white spots quietly turned into light blue.

 He needs to deal with the wounded immediately. Otherwise, he will be quickly eliminated by red.

 He did not expect that Zhang Yong actually knew so many things.

 The Party Affairs Investigation Department and the Fuxing Society Secret Service are sworn enemies! How is it possible to cooperate?

 Follow me and make money!

“The person named Miao is just a small character. What’s the use of catching a small character? You can’t understand if you take a long-term view to catch a big fish?”

"I won't hit or scold you. I've never complained about you in the attendant's room. Is that too much?"

 “Where are your people?” Zhang Yong pursed his lips towards the hotel next to him.

If the Party Affairs Investigation Division had been replaced to lead the investigation of the shelling case, Dai Li would definitely have been thrown into an army prison.

 It is impossible to give him money directly. Once discovered, the consequences would be disastrous. But if it's to someone else, that's fine.

"You can report the truth about my obstruction." Zhang Yong said lightly, "The death of the Red Party traitor has nothing to do with you."

  Sixty-two. Two-four-three. Five-seven. Seven

 “Each person needs 50,000 yuan, which is less difficult.”

It is said that even Du Yuesheng and Huang Huangrong suffered secret losses. They didn't dare to openly confront Zhang Yong.

 “What traitor?”


 It's just right, right next to the hotel. Just find a room and lie down on the bed. Fell asleep comfortably. When I woke up, it was already night.

 It’s considered protection!

  I don’t know what they are doing.

 Feng Jiliang was dejected. Nod. Agree.

Zhang Yong’s smile is thought-provoking.

 Nor does he eat alone. I’ll take your information and give you benefits later.

 “Then I said…”

 It is said that snakes have their own paths, and rats have their own paths. Indeed.

 “No more than eight hours.” Feng Jiliang did not hide it.

 Other people have not changed. Feng Jiliang's men are still white. Only Wei Fangquan, Chen Hai and others have changed.


 The only consequence is to offend two big bosses at the same time. The chance of being assassinated increases dramatically.

 Feng Jiliang's face was not very good.

 In fact, there is no use in doing so. It has no impact at all on the Party Affairs Investigation Department. The other side doesn't lack dozens of shell guns.

"Appreciate further details."

 What if the other party is dying?

Safety first.

There is no other way. At this moment, Zhang Yong has too many amulets attached to his body. Just one case of shelling the presidential palace can involve many people.

Feng Jiliang hesitated to speak.

 He believed what Zhang Yong said. Madam does need half a million dollars.

 If you focus on one person, the other person will be easily defeated. put all one's eggs in one basket.

 “Say a name that has nothing to do with you. But you can control it.”

"you say."

No matter what, the red traitor cannot be saved.

As long as that person has nothing to do with him, Feng Jiliang, no one can find out.

 Zhang Yong looked at his watch. It's ten o'clock in the evening. It's late at night.

"The red party member you sent back before is a traitor at all. You guys planted him here. You think I don't know? What a joke! If you stick your **** in the Party Affairs Investigation Department, I know what you are going to do. How can you hide it with all your tricks? Who? Not even the Red Party can hide it!"

This subtle movement showed that he was ready to speak.

 “I know! I also know what you are going to do.”

“The owner of Huichun Hall is a member of the Red Party…” Feng Jiliang said slowly.

 It seems like this. This is called crowdfunding.

 “Let’s discuss something.”

Hey, the light blue dots just look comfortable. It is clear at a glance where his subordinates are.

“You want me to attack them both at the same time?”

 In this matter, he actually gave Feng Jiliang a chance.

 On the contrary, I can give you eye drops everywhere. I'll beat you to death.

 So he said a name. There are also corresponding addresses.

 Oh, the committee won’t know about this.

 This change is good. very good.

“According to your experience, how long does it usually take for the Red Party to eliminate traitors?” Zhang Yong asked seriously.

 “I’ve known it for a long time.” Zhang Yong responded coldly, “But what I want to catch is a Japanese spy.”

 Because hesitation will really kill you.

 He turned around and ran away subconsciously.

 Go do something else. No time to tinker with red.

With just one glance, you can find out where your subordinates are. Has anyone behaved unusually?

 You need to wait eight hours! He will not leave until the Red Party traitors are dealt with.

 The white ocean, the green dollar bills, the heavy gold bars, the red pounds...

 Feng Jiliang was choked.

Hmm, it doesn’t do much...

 “Let’s go.” Feng Jiliang didn’t say anything and left with his men.

"To each other. In fact, this is all business. It seems that the two of us have no personal grudges. Right?"

 Indeed, he is different from Ye Wansheng. Ye Wansheng and Zhang Yong had a personal grudge. Because he almost killed Zhang Yong.

 It’s not that it will cause harm to thousands of years or anything. Mainly because it is more difficult to cash out. Especially large quantities.

 Hold my elephant legs to the Councilor and Madam!

What's the use of being stuck with the color red all day long?

 “I really have….”

 Then, he realized that he seemed to have been tricked. The Red Party deliberately used false information to lure out the traitors.

  "You are farting. You are doing something unnecessary. You deliberately found a Red Party traitor to ruin my good deeds. I haven't settled the accounts with you yet!"


 “Say a name that has nothing to do with you.”

 For example, Feng Yunshan and Dou Wanjiang, where are they?

During this period, it would also be good for the Red Party to seize a team leader of the Party Affairs Investigation Department and distract him.

 The map shows that they are a hundred meters away.

 Before, Zhang Yong felt that the map was too big and difficult to distinguish.

 “Withdrawn.” Feng Jiliang said truthfully.

 In fact, Feng Jiliang still secretly felt that Zhang Yong was not cunning enough.

 This is a reward for providing information. Zhang Yong did not ask for his information in vain.

 The Party Affairs Investigation Office still has one or two years of work to do. When China and Japan go to full-scale war and the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperate, they will be unemployed.

Even if the lawsuit goes before the commissioner...

“Zhang Yong, what do you want to do?”

Tanavaro gave him seven days. But he himself hopes to get it all done within five days.

“What’s in it for me?” “I don’t need money. It will be good for you in the future.”

 “Yes. This matter. You help me. It’s good for you. Really.”

If Xu Enzeng or Ye Xiufeng knew about it, Feng Jiliang's life would be difficult.

 Zhang Yong then recorded it.


 “You are hindsight…”

However, Zhang Yong has nothing to fear.

 Really, he wouldn’t want to give it to anyone else. One hundred thousand dollars, he could definitely get it.

 But, for a moment, Zhang Yong could not think of any means of revenge. So I can only do some pediatrics. Anyway, it's good to make the other person feel disgusted.

 Zhang Yong continued to remain silent.

it's good now. The mark on his hand turns light blue. It suddenly became much clearer.

 Feng Jiliang was silent. Heaven and man are at war.

 So he sat down.

 Feng Jiliang nodded.

 The Fuxingshe Secret Service has its own intelligence channels. The Party Investigation Office also has its own intelligence channels.

“Zhang Yong, you are obviously not a red party member, why do you want to get involved in these things?” Feng Jiliang was puzzled.

 In the final analysis, Zhang Yong is still young. Not cruel enough. The hands are not spicy enough.

"quite fast."

If he is assassinated one day, he will not regret it. What he wanted to do has been done.

 “But we have achieved our goal.”

“Your secret service also has the responsibility to exterminate the red bandits…”

 “He’s only gone temporarily. We’ll catch him soon.”

 Bring your thoughts back.

“When the Red Party traitors are killed, I will naturally let you go back.”


 These two addresses. Zhang Yong knows it all. But I really didn’t know that there was a huge amount of foreign soil hidden inside.



 Even if you are on the battlefield in the future, you will be able to easily control the battlefield situation.

 “Yes. But Du Yuesheng also has it.”

 Zhang Yong waved his hand.

  Regardless of Zhang Yong’s current position, he is a team leader without even a staff establishment. However, he can talk directly to the attendant's room. I also have a part-time job in the Air Force. It's really red. It's a shame this guy is so low-key. If it had been him, Feng Jiliang, he would probably be floating when he walked...

"Why bother?"

have no choice. Feng Jiliang could only raise his hand.

“Even if I don’t stop you, you’ll still say I’m suspicious!”

Xu Enzeng sued him behind his back, so it was natural for him to hand over the gun of Xu Enzeng's men.

"I know you have something to do. I also know that you are in a hurry." Zhang Yong replied calmly.

 Immediately everyone stepped forward and took away all weapons.

 Feng Jiliang thought for a while. It seems right.

Feng Jiliang hesitated to speak.

 The red team of the past seems to be back again.

 So he mentioned two addresses.

 50,000 US dollars. Worth staying up late.

  【To be continued】

 (End of this chapter)