MTL - Bourne: Command and Conquer-Chapter 860 , Patriotic Aviation Movement

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Chapter 860, Patriotic Aviation Movement


 Zhang Yong slowly entered the silk shop.

 If there is danger, he will definitely not go. If there's no danger, be the first to go.

The person in front of me is not in danger for the time being.

This can’t be Fang Muyu’s “natal home”...

 If you find that the content is incorrect, please use a browser to access it!

 Find some medicines again. But no aspirin.


 As soon as I rolled my eyes, I got it.

 He knew about this patriotic aviation movement. There is historical information on it.

“I lurked in Yangzhou three years ago…”

Then show your embarrassment!

“Two bosses, since Commissioner Geng is here, if you want to be embarrassed, that won’t work.”

Yangzhou merchants no longer have to worry about extortion from others.

“We all feel hesitant and at a loss. We also ask Team Leader Zhang to give us some advice.”

 A rough count showed that there were a hundred and thirty.

 “Five radio stations?”

 Let the people in Yangzhou spend their own money. Or give it to Lu Huang?

 Sure enough, there are many, many, many oceans…

 The Japanese spy said that there are hundreds of thousands of people in the ocean, which is probably true.

 So much so that he didn't even pay attention to what the spy said later.

 Zhang Yong took it calmly. Skillfully opened the seal with one hand. I saw that there were banknotes inside. A rough estimate is that it is also 20,000 oceans.

How can it be?

 Zhang Yong’s eyes sparkled.

"You can not give Commissioner Geng a penny. However, each family needs to prepare two hundred thousand. Dayang. Are there any problems?"

 Then he shook his head.

what to do?

 The gold bars that Zhang Yong got were absolutely impossible to pay tribute to.

So much of it is found in the ocean. If all of it were dug out, it would weigh 10,000 kilograms! That is about five tons.

If anything goes wrong, the opponent will be beaten into a hornet's nest long before they get the weapon.

this is mine!

 Who betrayed himself?


 He couldn't help but clenched his fists.

 So many salt stamps. What a big boss.

 It seems that it is indeed possible?

 “It’s a little effort, but it’s not worth mentioning.”


 “I’ll let you go now, and then I’ll raid your shop.”

“Just to urge us to donate…”

 Hand count in person. Twenty-three large gold bars and thirty-five small gold bars. Fifty-seven in total. Sentaro Takasaki did not lie.

 Zhang Yong gradually became impatient. Big brother. None of this is the point.


It seems that the guy in front of me needs money?

It seems that as long as you give money, you can really escape successfully?


At least use a hammer to intimidate, so that the process can be considered complete!

 The spy began to confess.

“That’s right. Boss. Let’s come out and talk.”

Made, I always feel that my skill tree is wrong.

 The two looked at each other.

 Even if the King of Heaven comes, I won’t be able to **** it away.

“That’s it, Commissioner Geng came again and said something to us...”

 There must be something important.

 Sure enough…

 Go, go, go.

 Unless in front of Li Boqi.

“Then how do you think I knew you were a spy?”


 Now that the supplies are gone, how can he get over it? If he fails, he will be ordered to commit seppuku.

“Team Leader Zhang, thank you so much for saving me, my little girl is safe. It’s a great kindness that I will never forget.”

 Zhang Yong:? ? ?

Um? Confessing so quickly?

its not right! I haven’t even taken out the hammer yet! Are you giving in?

this is not good. It would make me feel very unfulfilled.

 Why does Zhang Yong keep walking?

  Turning head subconsciously. I found that there were people surrounding me quickly.

 “Think calmly!”

 It seems that they are also investigating themselves behind the scenes. Know that you are "greedy for money" and "lustful".

 Tekko has always been at odds with the Japanese army, so how could it possibly cooperate with the army?

So, where is Fang Muyu’s “natal family”?

 He wanted to run. Definitely. Who doesn’t want to live? However, after returning home, it will be difficult to do business!

 There are too many supplies stored in that silk shop.

 Why did he come to Yangzhou?

 “But, we really don’t have much money!”

 While delivering the banknotes, two beauties were also arranged to appear in battle.

 He immediately recognized Zhang Yong. I saw it in the Tao family's ancestral house. But there was no conversation.

 Incompetent and furious.

incredible. There were actually all banknotes inside. The face value is 100 silver dollars. A small stack of 10 sheets. There are 20 stacks in total.

 There is no need for salt stamps. dislike.

 He actually came to Yangzhou!

“Sir, what do you want?” A waiter came up.

So, in this case, the spy in front of me must be dealt with in a low-key manner.

 And some US dollars?

 Fang Muyu…

"Yes. It's me." Zhang Yong said with a smile.

 Appears to be in a difficult position.

 One is Su Youxi. One is Qu Ying.

 What is it?


 However, she was unwilling to give in.

Without Zhang Yong's protection and Zhang Yong's connections, she would have really gone to the countryside to be a village girl for the rest of her life.


 Keep digging.

 It is clear that if the banknote cannot be obtained, the beautiful woman will be dispatched directly.

“Answer honestly. I don’t care if you tell me the information or not. But if you dare to hide money, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world.”

 I don’t know what wrong path I will take in the future...

 Everyone, including Nightingale, is quite worried.

 “And, and…”

 Sure enough, five radio stations were found.

Didn’t Lao Cao go there? Just right.

 “No, no, I said. There are five more radio stations. And some other supplies…”

 “Boss Shen…”

 There are white dots with weapons at the back.

 You didn’t dare to directly disobey Commissioner Geng, so you came to me to confront me.

  Damn it!

 It turns out that there are salt stamps and U.S. dollars in the silk shop! Unfortunately, the amount of U.S. dollars is very small, only more than 800 yuan.

 “Oh, it turns out to be Boss Qu.”

**** it. It's him!

 Zhang Yong!

 “I’m Zhang Yong. Have you heard of it?” Zhang Yong led the spy around the corner of the street.

 “Which lady?”

 Zhang Yong suddenly remembered something.

 “Now, I let you go.”

He immediately put the gift box away and said slowly, "We are all our own people. Don't be so polite, two bosses. If there is anything else you need Zhang's help for, just ask."

 Japanese spies are always safe and deceitful.

 “If you don’t eat the toast, you will be fined with wine?”

 “My name is Sentaro Takasaki…”

 The guys in the silk shop didn't notice anything unusual. What they saw was the back of their boss. No handcuffs in sight at all. I didn't see the gun in Zhang Yong's hand either. I thought it was because my boss and the other party got to know each other so quickly. The business is probably settled.

 “Team Leader Zhang, please continue.”

 This can also provide a solid backer for the big merchants in Yangzhou.

 “Who are you?” the spy asked slowly. The tone was quite calm.

Just tell Lao Cao where the supplies are, and Lao Cao will naturally take care of them.

“Really? There is gold in your silk shop. Someone has already told me.”


 Hey guys, the big merchants in Yangzhou are rich! The banknotes are all 20,000 to 20,000 yuan.

Takasaki Sentaro is not a high-tech person.

 “How much money is there in the silk shop now?”

“I understand.” Qu Ying immediately pulled Su Youxi out.

 Just in a jar. It's not buried very deep.

 “You were betrayed. Your store was betrayed. You found an opportunity to escape.”

 Don’t even think about it.

 But, he really couldn’t figure it out. Who is the other party? Why is it so well hidden?

 Swallow all the gold bars.

 After joining Zhang Yong, she was also ambitious.

 Zhang Yong said that by August 1945, the empire would collapse. She really wanted to see that day.

 A win-win situation.

 The spy followed Zhang Yong out of the store. Go outside.

 This is not a thank you gift.

Who seems to have initiated it? have no idea. But now, the initiator has become Zhang Yong. It was Zhang Yong who promoted this matter.


It seems that I haven’t encountered sulfa since I came to this world.

 The point is…


 Everyone inside is under control. Take them all away. Empty the store.

 “Don’t leave? Forget it.”

 Suddenly I discovered that the white spot was Su Youxi.

 “Sir, please come inside.” The boy’s eyes suddenly lit up.

 So a two-pronged approach was adopted. Prescribe the right medicine.

 “I want to discuss a big deal with your boss.” Zhang Yong took out a stack of salt stamps. Shake.

  If it is pulled by carts, fifty carts may be needed. Too high profile. Leave it alone for now.

 Would you like to copy it along the way?

 They are all new and brand new. All packed in tin boxes.

 “Don’t say? Then...”

 “If anyone accuses you, I will handle it.”

 “Team Leader Zhang…”

But, it’s okay.

 Others come for him.

“If you two have anything to say, you might as well say it directly.”

"so much?"

 Lots of pistols!

 They are all top-notch shell guns. Excellent quality.


 It seems that we did raise several million yuan in the end. Used to purchase aircraft. But it seems that the purchase was not successful in the end?

 “Is it you?” The spy’s face was dark.

 Mrs. has money to buy a plane.

 No one can see it.

 At this moment, no matter what supplies they are, they are in great need. Radio stations, medicines, weapons and ammunition are all in short supply.

Who knows, the spy suddenly stopped him.

I told the Zhongtang that this is using your money to handle your affairs...

 “What about your attitude?”

 Seventy-seven. Seventy-six. One seventy-six. Two two three

 Commissioner Geng, of course, turned around and ran away in despair.


 She is actually here?

 What is he here to do?

 I walked out of the silk shop immediately and looked through the telescope outside.

 The spy suddenly choked. Speechless.


"I just want money." Zhang Yong showed a harmless smile, "You just need to give me money."

 “I’ll come back to you later.”

 Zhang Yong assured calmly.

 It’s a bit Yangzhou to make money and Yangzhou flowers. I want to take it home with you. Gotta spend it early.

 Zhang Yong was secretly amused.


 Why can’t I control this hand?

 The eyeballs are rolling. Already thought of a way.

 You old foxes, come to me to give you advice?

 Think I’m stupid!

You want me to block the gun!

Shen Zhongyu took out another envelope and handed it to Zhang Yong quietly.

“Of course, if you don’t want to donate to that place and you don’t want to be blamed, I have a way…”

I thought of it, Lao Cao.


 Finally, Shen Zhongtong and Qu Yaxian both nodded slowly.

I didn’t expect that this silk shop in Yangzhou would be so rich in supplies. Do you think he is the material den?

 This is the value of twenty thousand oceans.

 Zhang Yong did not wear a Chinese tunic suit. Light makeup.

 It was discovered that Shen Zhongtong was here. There was also a strange middle-aged man accompanying him. Two girls followed behind.

 Zhang Yong immediately led his men to surround the silk shop.

 Zhang Yong waved his hands lazily. Takasaki Sentaro hurriedly turned around and left. Run faster than a rabbit.


 Oh, I didn’t pay attention just now. Maybe I missed it.

 In other words, 20,000 oceans can already buy many lives...

 These two guys. Also used the beauty trap?

 Suddenly I remembered a medicine. Sulfa.

 The previous Japanese invaders' den only had weapons and ammunition, nothing else. He was already very unhappy. I felt very depressed for a while.

 Furthermore, the quantity has also been greatly reduced. Each family only needs 200,000 yuan.

It’s true that I didn’t learn anything good at all. All kinds of crooked ways can be mastered as soon as they are learned, and they can also learn by analogy. The master is better than the master.

 “What words?”

 Suddenly there was a prompt on the map. There is a white spot coming.

Yes, how did Zhang Yong know that he was a spy?

Then someone must have snitched!

If no one snitched him, how could Zhang Yong catch him at a glance?


 Zhang Yong waved his hand.

 Okay, from now on, there is no need to pretend.

 Do you want to give money?

  If you don’t give it, the person will die and the money will not be spent. It seems to be quite a loss.

 Waving his hands. Have people open nearby houses. This house is empty. unoccupied.

 But, others don’t know!

 He quickly moved forward, trying to catch Zhang Yong.

Keep looking.

 Open the seal. Wow, it is indeed a gold bar. There are all big and small.

Those guys are all fooled. What is this doing?

However, Zhang Yong ignored them. Quickly go to the back to find the gold symbol.

 “This young master, we meet again.”

 Be secretly vigilant.

 But, deliberately silent.

 The key point is that simply giving money does not seem to be considered rebellion. I just use money to redeem myself. It is a reasonable operation.

 Do you feel like something is coming to you?

 So welcome up.

 Prepare to take the team to raid the silk shop.

 The spy knew he had been exposed. was arrested.

 Zhang Yong put away his gun. He came up and hugged the Japanese spy's shoulders affectionately, as if he were his good friend.

  Or in front of other big guys. For example, Boss Dai.

 Hang them one by one!

 Is it because sulfa has not come out yet, or does it not exist in China?

This is how valuable it is!


“Of course, you can’t say it’s dedicated to Madam Chiang. Just say you support the patriotic aviation movement and are willing to donate to the Aviation Committee. You are willing to donate to the Air Force to purchase aircraft. Commissioner Geng will naturally understand.”

 It turned out to be him.

 Unexpectedly, it turned out that the other party was also a business colleague.

 Not only does it have a radio, but it also has many spare parts. Just perfect. You can move it just by carrying the iron box.


Nightingale is really worried. She did not want Zhang Yong to die suddenly. After all, she still had to rely on him to make a living.

Oh yeah! My mood finally improved. Finally a fat sheep was caught.

 He needs a hostage.

Over there, the spy boss also saw it and immediately put down what he was doing and came over.

 Hand open a hole. His expression remained motionless. I was a little surprised inside.


 Fell into a trap…

  Unfortunately, this place is too far from northern Shaanxi. Otherwise, he can really get a lot of supplies there. No one knows yet.

 But Zhang Yong turned around. Each hand holds two Browning M1935 pistols. They were all seized from the Party Affairs Investigation Department before.


Zhang Yong himself has a way to get more...

  They are all in the ocean, and there are no banknotes. Too much. For a time, there was no way to dig them all out.

 They had just established a foothold in northern Shaanxi, and their vitality was severely damaged and they were in urgent need of replenishment.

 I always feel that these salt stamps are not very practical.

 Medicines? This seems to be something the Red Party needs very much.

 “What else? Say.”

Where's the money? Where is my money?

 So, he directly interrupted the other party's narration.

Of course I left. Stay and wait to die?

 As for what to do after you leave? That is a future matter. talk about it later.

 At that time, she will kill everyone in the army!

not good!

 However, he was not willing to hand over all his money.

 Fortunately, I am making up for it now.

 He actually didn't notice anything unusual at all. Then he was caught.

"Yes Yes…"

"what else?"

Keep looking.

So, here comes the question. He doesn’t seem to be very familiar with the Red Party. How can he get the supplies there?

Oh, Cao Mengqi…


 Zhang Yong's eyes lit up again.

have a bee in one's bonnet…

 Sure enough, easy to find.

 Find the weapon symbol last.

“Team Leader Zhang, this is Qu Yaxian, the head of the Qu family.”

"I said, I said. There are more than fifty gold bars. Hundreds of thousands of oceans. And some other things..."

“We don’t have much money. But you can ask Yangzhou merchants for it.”

However, since the other party was willing to confess, he had no choice but to suppress his impatience. fine. The gold mark is still there.

 “Just do it!”

 I said, why haven’t you discovered it before?

OK, now that the atmosphere has been set off,

 Zhang Yong muttered secretly in his heart.

Takasaki Sentaro was caught in a dilemma.

 But there is a prerequisite, which is to get the supplies out of the silk shop. Put it in another place. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Cao Mengqi to operate.


There are so many places in the world, what is he doing in Yangzhou?

 Why not go somewhere else?

 More than fifty gold bars? Hundreds of thousands of oceans?

However, all his movements came to an abrupt halt. The whole person seemed to be frozen.

 He had no weapons on him. He doesn't have the temperament of an agent either. The spy felt nothing.

 Zhang Yong's eyes suddenly lit up.

 Continue to look for others…

"what are you up to?"

 Gradually something feels wrong.

 Let’s talk about it later when we have time.

 As expected, gifts from these big bosses are not so easy to get.

 Take the spy in with you. sit down. This way you can talk comfortably. Team leader Zhang Da still knows how to enjoy things. Can stand and never sit.

 “I won’t say anything.” The spy gritted his teeth.

Cen Zhaohai came up and handcuffed the Japanese spy.

"I surrender…"



 “Two hundred thousand per family. Dedicated to Madam.”

 Take it out, it’s heavy.

 Since the empire treated her badly, she abandoned her like a shoe. Then she won't be polite. Directly killing the empire.

 “Qu Ying, you go outside for a walk!” Qu Yaxian said.

 Just use part of it as a reward. I'll split the money later.

 The white spots are not important. What is important is that there is a white spot carrying the gold.

 With Mrs. Chiang as his backer, Commissioner Geng would certainly not dare to say anything.

 He quickly started thinking about it in his mind. There are actually five radio stations? This is an unexpected surprise. I guess the Red Party needs radio stations very much.

 “A small thank you is not a sign of respect. Please accept it with a smile, Team Leader Zhang.”

"You..." The spy's resistance suddenly became a little shaken.

 The Japanese spies are in front. Weapons are at the back. More than ten meters apart.

 A young and rich young man with little business experience happened to swallow all his skin and bones.

The big merchants in Yangzhou came forward, which was a good start.

 Very good, I have a goal again.

 Subconsciously want to break free. It turned out that he was restrained by handcuffs.

 But his current relationship with Boss Dai is very delicate. Not an enemy. not friend. Not a subordinate. A little awkward.

 “I said, I said. Don’t leave.”


“Mrs. Chiang, of course. She is now the Secretary General of the Aviation Commission.”

Ramble. It's all trivial matters.

 Who is it?

 It is estimated that Boss Dai will not meet him unless there is something very urgent.

 Finally, Zhang Yong simply ordered it to be closed. Stop digging just yet.

 In other words, there are actually 20,000 yuan in the gift box.

 Fell into a trap!

 The spy reacted quickly.

 There is a gold mark inside. It means there are gold bars. He couldn't wait.

 Sure enough, Yangzhou was once the richest place in the world!

 “Why are you so embarrassed?”

 The whole person stood like a log.

OK, give it all to them.

better than nothing. Swallow it all.


 Salt tickets?

“I’m here to catch Japanese spies. I’m here to ask for money from Japanese spies. The merchants in Yangzhou are from China. How could I possibly ask them for it?”

“Team Leader Zhang, I would like to hear the details.”

 “Team Leader Zhang, we listen to you!”

  【To be continued】

 (End of this chapter)

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