MTL - Broken-Winged Angel-Chapter 48 Start reading

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The car just stopped in the yard, their angry big hands began to tear the clothes on my body, and the custom-made high-class dress in France turned into a pile of rags.

"You should listen to me first." I hurriedly dodged, but I didn't dare to struggle too much. After all, I did the wrong thing first. I have promised many times that I will not escape from them.

"Do you think we will still believe in your little lie that is full of lies?" Zhao Yibo bitten **** my neck, leaving a dark mark.

"I didn't lie. When you went to see me, I was ready to come back." With a warm pain in my neck, I quickly shouted out.

"Why are you coming back? Are you not so unwilling to marry us? Are you not so determined to escape from us?" Zhao Yuxuan also began to knelt on my chest, my white chest in his The big hands are constantly changing shapes.

"But I regret it. Yan Bonian told me to grasp the happiness in front of me, don't regret it after I lost it. I don't want to be a stranger with you, I am going to come back the next day. I have fallen in love with you." Alright." I cried out.

The violent actions of Zhao Yibo and Zhao Yuxuan stopped. They looked at each other and seemed to flash a feeling similar to excitement, but they were quickly covered up by them.

"Are you deceiving us again? Is it to escape the impending punishment? You are saying that you love us while betraying us and hurting us. Is this your love?" Zhao Yuxuan ridiculed his mouth.

"You haven't hurt me too. But I forgive you, can you forgive me once?" I cried and cried, I don't know what kind of means they would use to deal with me. The experience I had had made me feel Scared.

"Did you not feel our change? In order to meet your requirements, we have been trying to change ourselves, but have you put our changes in your heart?" Zhao Yuxuan said with a little pain.

I am stunned. I did not put their changes in my heart. I have been indulging in the tragic experience of self-blame and self-satisfaction. I want to escape with one heart and one mind, and I have gained a long-awaited life. I have not noticed that they are gradually changing and have not taken them. This heart is in my heart. It turns out that I am such a selfish person.

"I was wrong..." I cried aloud. I should not only think about my feelings, I should not ignore their efforts and efforts.

"You are now late to admit your mistake." Zhao Yibo said relentlessly. He thought that I was apologizing for my escape.

He forced the almost naked me up and strode to the basement.

We once again came to the weird room of my funeral virginity. The room has been decorated in a simple way, with some simple furniture added, but the mirrors on the walls and ceilings have not been removed.

The big bed in the middle of the room, which can accommodate five people, was covered with bright red satin sheets, which was the only thing in the room that was full of joy.

I was forced to throw it on this big bed. Even though the bed was covered with thick cushions, I was dizzy because of the shock. I haven't waited for me to return completely, and they have rushed to me.


"Little liar, how do you think we will punish you to impress you?" Zhao Yuxuan whispered in my ear, but the words contained deep pain and hatred.

I really hurt them!

I cry helplessly. Because of my wrong move, because of the deep pain in their eyes, and because of the violent storm that is about to endure.

They started to wreak havoc on me.

Zhao Yibo suddenly kissed me hard, his hot tongue slammed into my mouth and spit in my mouth. His big hand slid down my neck to the curve of my neck, and my fingers began to knead on the firmness of my chest, giving me a burst of pain.

"No..." I instinctively resisted, but I don't know what I resisted.

"No permission! Do not refuse us any more." He whispered.

"Ah..." One exclaimed, my body suddenly straightened. Zhao Yuxuan’s fingers entered the body that I have not completely wet without warning.

"Baby, you are really sensitive. I haven't started yet." Zhao Yuxuan teased and the movement on his hand suddenly began to speed up.

"No... too fast... I can't stand it..." I exclaimed.

"You can." He ruthlessly continued to speed up his hand and reached into the second finger. Two fingers completely spread the fragile passage in my body, causing a slight pain.

"No... don't..." I cried helplessly, slender hands holding his big hand and trying to pull him out of my body.

He grabbed my wrists with the other hand and fixed my hand above the head. Zhao Yibo immediately picked up the tie he had just untied from the bedside table and forced my hands together. Together, tied to the bedpost.

Zhao Yuxuan’s fingers continued to twitch in my body and joined another member. His thumb also began to draw a circle on my heart, trying to arouse my desire.

His mouth and Zhao Weibo’s mouth were simultaneously on my chest, which contained my left and right **** and began to **** hard. I suddenly felt a numbness from the chest to my body. I bowed my body and greeted me. To them.


Suddenly, Zhao Yibo took a bite on my nipple, and the intense pain broke out. My tears could not help but flow out.

"Not enough pain, you haven't felt the real pain yet." His face was facing my face, his expression mixed with frenziedness and lust, so he looked dangerous and attractive.

"I am wrong... don't torture me..." I cried and cried for them. Torture is painful, and the torture from the loved one brings double pain.

"You will always remember today." He swore.

His avatar entered my body after a hard push, and the scorpion was set in my body. He rode in my body and began to rhythmically move. The hot avatar was even more mad at the moment he was about to leave me. The fierce action advances, and the violent action almost pierces me.

His hand fell on my breast and supported his body. I suddenly felt heavy pressure and intense pain bursting out of my chest.

"You are too heavy..." My weak protest. But my pain did not cause him to pity, but he worked harder.


At the same time as I screamed, Zhao Yuxuan’s fingers penetrated into my mouth and gently stroked the walls of my mouth. His index finger and **** caught my tongue, forcing it to stick out, and then he bowed his head. My pink tongue is sucking hard.

My body can hardly bear the feeling of mixing pain and pleasure. I cried sobbing, tears like a broken pearl constantly rolling down.

Suddenly, Zhao Yibo untied the tie tied to the bedpost and picked me up from the bed. He took me to the huge mirror on the left wall, pressed me against the mirror, and entered me again from behind.

My body is tightly attached to the cold mirror, and the cold touch from the mirror makes my body have tiny particles. My plump chest was squeezed and deformed on the mirror to form a lustful and demon picture.

"Look at yourself, isn't it beautiful?" he said evilly.

The strange and enchanting woman in the mirror controlled by **** makes me cry only helplessly.

He punctures hard in my body, this position allows him to enter me more deeply, and he almost touches my end. My body swayed up and down with his violent movements.

My body is already very familiar with sex. Under his fierce attack, a familiar heat flow gathers in my body and gradually reaches the limit.

"Ah..." This heat violently erupted in my body, my body jerked back and my mind was blank.

Soon I was awakened by the physical pleasure and fierce rhythm. I opened my eyes and saw that Zhao Yibo was still riding on me, and his face was full of lust.

"I don't want to..." I felt my body was on the edge of the explosion again, and I was weeping.

He paused a little, pulled out of my body, let me face him, then entered me again. He pulled my hands and let me hug his neck, and his big hand forced me up on my slender waist. My feet have completely left the ground, and all the weight is supported by the big hand that he holds my waist and the part of him that goes deep into my body.

Zhao Xuan Xuan’s fiery male began to poke me from behind, and when I didn’t have an early warning, he suddenly entered me from another channel behind me.

"Pain..." The unbridled martyrdom was so dry, and his entry caused me severe pain. I cried, my feet began to move indiscriminately, and my body twitched with pain, but this movement accelerated the speed at which he entered my body.

His hands stretched out from his hands, covering my two white and plump breasts, and holding it hard to knead, my chest deformed in the palm of his hand and caused a strong pain.


They started the same rate in my body, my body continued to fluctuate with their movements, and the **** exposed from Zhao Yuxuan's fingers continued to rub on Zhao's strong chest. I once again entered a climax.

This night, I repeatedly stunned and woke up. They used me in various positions to occupy me on the bed, on the chair, on the cupboard, and on the wall. The climax of each time took away all my physical strength, but I still trembled and twitched because of the strong stimulation they brought.

Night, there seems to be no end.

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