MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 10

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Everyone who was waiting for the Han family fell asleep at night, and Lu Lixiao started exploring the Han family at night again.

Having just tasted the benefits of completing the plot mission, Zhou Ziruo excitedly asked, "Where shall we go tonight?"

Lu Lixiao said: "Do you still remember the room where you woke up after being knocked out?"

"Han Ruizhi's body has been removed, what can be in that room?"

Lu Lixiao said: "That's where Madam Hu lived before she died."

The courtyard where Mrs. Hu, who was once favored by Mr. Han, lived is now abandoned. In addition, the location is remote, and there is not even a night watchman nearby.

Standing in that dilapidated small room, Zhou Ziruo still felt shuddering, perhaps due to psychological reasons, even though Han Ruizhi's body had been moved away long ago, he still felt a **** smell in the air.

Lu Lixiao lit the lamp, and the dim light shone on the yellowed walls, adding a decadent atmosphere. Most of the furniture in the house is still there, but it has been rotted since it was left unattended for 16 years, and ants even built nests in some places.

The two stood in front of the bed, Lu Lixiao knocked under the bed with his sword, then turned to look at Zhou Ziruo: "It's empty. Do you really want to see it?"

"Yes, what is there to be afraid of... Isn't it just a female corpse..." Zhou Ziruo is actually quite afraid. Who in the modern society has the opportunity to see corpses often? Not to mention a corpse that has been decomposing for sixteen years!

Lu Lixiao glanced at him, said nothing, took two steps around the bed, and said, "Come with me to lift the bed."

In order not to be discovered what they did tonight and not to split the bed directly, Zhou Ziruo first rolled up the moldy mattress and quilt and threw them on the ground. There was too much dust accumulated in the past sixteen years, which choked him to death. Out of breath, he looked up and saw that Lu Lixiao had covered his mouth and nose with a black scarf at some point, and immediately complained: "Brother Xiao, why didn't you give me one? I almost died of coughing!"

Lu Lixiao threw a black scarf to him, Zhou Ziruo covered his nose and mouth, the two of them worked together to lift the bed, and found that there was still a thick layer of wood under the bed. Then remove the wooden planks, revealing a metal coffin that is one person long.

"This is probably to prevent the smell of the corpse from escaping."

Open the lid of the metal coffin, as expected, a corpse that looks like a mummy is lying inside. The clothes, teeth, hair and skin of the corpse were mostly rotten, but judging from the figure, it was a woman.

"This is Mrs. Hu?" Zhou Ziruo whispered to himself.

"It shouldn't be wrong. The fox that Taoist Mu skinned and divided was just an ordinary fox." Lu Lixiao didn't mind the horrible mummy and the unpleasant smell in the coffin, and leaned over with a candlestick to examine it carefully.

The bones of the corpse were pitch-black from the throat down to the ribs. If Zhou Ziruo had seen Master Xing's Ninth Grade Sesame Officer, he knew that he had obviously died of poisoning.

"This is the collusion between Mrs. Han and Taoist Mu! It is estimated that the child Madam Han conceived is also fake. She slandered Mrs. Hu and asked Taoist Mu to collect the demons, poisoned Mrs. Hu and hid her under the bed...too vicious!" Zhou Zi If Ruo finished speaking angrily, he saw Lu Lixiao looking at the corpse with a thoughtful expression on his face, "What's wrong?"

Lu Lixiao was still silent for a while, then raised his head and said, "Miss Han said that Mrs. Hu was four months pregnant, and the four-month fetus was already formed, but why didn't the bones of the fetus appear?"

Zhou Ziruo endured his nausea and inspected the coffin carefully. Although the corpse had been decomposed for sixteen years, fortunately it had not been moved, and it was well preserved. Most of the bones were connected. nothing!

Fuck! What the hell? What about fetal bones?

"It was taken away." Lu Lixiao said flatly.

"Huh? Mrs. Han, the stinky Taoist priest, and the proprietress of the teahouse, who would deliberately take away the bones of Mrs. Hu's child?"

Lu Lixiao crossed his arms, "The three of them may not be the only ones who know that Madam Hu's body is here. As far as the motive for taking away the fetal bones is concerned, Master Han is the most sufficient."

"Master Han?"

If Han Li took away the bones of the fetus, then he must have seen Mrs. Hu's body, that is to say, he knew that Mrs. Han and Taoist Mu teamed up to frame Mrs. Hu! If Zhou Zi thought of Han Li's big-bellied and tumble-like image, he couldn't associate it with the words "bear humiliation, endure humiliation, try hard work and work hard".

"But this is just a guess, and there is no evidence to prove it." Lu Lixiao shrugged.

The two searched the coffin carefully again, but found no other clues, so they put back the coffin lid, wooden planks, and bed boards layer by layer, and finally put the mattress on. Everything looked the same as before. As long as you don't come to this room every day to guard, you will never find that anyone has been there.

It was already midnight when we returned to the small courtyard arranged by Han Mansion for Lu Lixiao, both of them were covered in dust, and went to the bathroom to clean it one after another. When Zhou Ziruo dried his hair and returned to the inner room, he saw Lu Lixiao leaning against the head of the bed reading a book with his legs crossed.

Zhou Ziruo shook his head when he saw the big characters "Resentful Infant Record" on the cover of the book. He couldn't understand the hobbies of Lu Lixiao and Han Ruizhi. If he read ghost stories before going to bed, he probably wouldn't be able to fall asleep all night.

As soon as Zhou Ziruo climbed into bed, Lu Lixiao peeked out one eye from behind the book, and said in a natural tone: "I'm tired these two days, pinch it for me."

It took Zhou Ziruo a split second to realize what he meant, and then he said "Damn" in his heart, are you tired? Do you think the young master is not tired? After all, you have practiced martial arts and you will be able to float on the water. I am out of breath after running for two steps!

"I'm so sleepy..." Zhou Ziruo wanted to push it away.

"Offset the debt." Lu Lixiao gave him a look of "Do you love it?" and hid his eyes behind the book again.

Zhou Ziruo grinned to his ears with blue veins on his forehead, his two rows of white teeth shone coldly, and he said in a strange voice, "Why do you feel refreshed as soon as you touch the bed? Really! Hehe!"

Lu Lixiao turned over, lay on the pillow and continued to read his bedtime reading, while Zhou Ziruo knelt beside him and tapped on his back with his small fists. If Lu Lixiao turned his head at this moment, he would be able to see the ferocious expression on Zhou Ziruo's face, as if he wanted to punch him down and smash him into a meat paste and eat him in his stomach! But even if he didn't look back, he still threw a sentence to Zhou Ziruo: "Be careful of face cramps."

I go! Do you have eyes behind your back? ?

Zhou Ziruo hurriedly took back the flying five sense organs.

Anyway, Zhou Ziruo and Lu Lixiao chatted about Han Ruizhi's murder: "Master, do you think the female ghost in my dream has something to do with this incident? If she is really the ghost of Mrs. Hu, she Why did you lead me to that garden instead of taking me to find her body to make her innocent?"

"I don't know."

"She's not trying to kill me, is she? Sucking my energy back to life or something?" It's always played like this on TV.

"That female ghost gave you dreams three times and never hurt you, so she shouldn't have any malice towards you. In this case, there is a possibility that she has something to ask for you." Lu Lixiao said while reading.

Zhou Ziruo's hand stopped, "Is there anything you want from me? No, what can I do for her?"

"It's not that you can do anything for her, but that she can only enter your dream in this mansion, so she can only turn to you for help. Ordinary people are too yang and she can't get close, but you are a demon and she is a ghost. It’s all dark.”

How can you have a bad temper? The young master is a good man with sunshine, strong blood and vigorous blood!

"Master, who do you think killed Han Ruizhi? Was it a human, a ghost, or a demon?"

"Humans, ghosts and demons are all possible. There are not enough clues to make a conclusion." Lu Lixiao turned his head and looked at him with unclear eyes, "You really want to catch the murderer who killed Han Ruizhi?"

Zhou Ziruo nodded. Of course, there are a lot of points! Upgrade! The mall is unlocked!

Lu Lixiao turned half of his body on the bed with his elbows, pinched Zhou Ziruo's jaw lightly with two fingers, narrowed his eyes slightly: "You want to avenge him? Huh? That's why you stay by my side?"

Emma! The male protagonist's awkward possessiveness has exploded again!

"Where! Master, where are you thinking?" Zhou Ziruo held Lu Lixiao's hand to show his loyalty, "I just want to find out about this matter and just repay Han Ruizhi's life-saving grace that day! Master, you are so kind to me. Well, of course I am willing to follow you! When you find out the case, I will go back to Qingyang Mountain with you! By the way, are there many female foxes on Qingyang Mountain?"

Lu Lixiao slightly raised the corners of his lower lips, and in just a moment, he retracted his expressionless expression, pulled out his hands and lay back on his face, "Stop hammering, give me a shoulder squeeze."

"Oh." Zhou Ziruo rode on Lu Lixiao's back to help him massage his shoulders, sighing while pressing, these shoulder muscles, tsk tsk, firm, strong and elastic, it feels so **** good!

From behind, he saw that Lu Lixiao's Book of Resentful Babies stayed on a picture spanning two pages for a while, and then his eyes focused on the picture. The content of the picture was that someone dug out his heart and gave it to someone Although it is a black and white painting, it creates a more eerie atmosphere than a color painting.

Lu Lixiao had been staring at this page of painting for a long time, Zhou Ziruo felt that he was thinking, and leaned over to take a closer look at the mystery of this painting, at this moment Lu Lixiao got up suddenly, Zhou Ziruo was overturned by him, And unfortunately, it fell headfirst to the outside of the bed.

Lu Lixiao grabbed Zhou Ziruo who had already fallen with his long arms, rolled on the bed and rolled over on Zhou Ziruo's body, Zhou Ziruo felt his world spinning, and then Lu Lixiao's face was filled in his vision.

Although the first time he saw Lu Lixiao and Zhou Ziruo, he thought he was handsome, but seeing him at such a close distance without hindrance, this face that he could see every day actually made him feel flustered.

Zhou Ziruo felt the air warm up, and the room was so **** quiet, Lu Lixiao looked at him indifferently without avoiding it, which made his face start to burn.

Lu Lixiao brushed away the messy hair on Zhou Ziruo's cheeks, and let him go. Zhou Ziruo sat upright like a carp, and hurriedly changed the subject: "What did you find just now?"

The book of Resentment Infant was closed in the confusion. Lu Lixiao turned to that page, pointed to the person on it and said, "This story is about a man who dug out his heart and gave Resentment Infant to eat. Since then, Resentment Infant has flesh and blood, gradually Resurrected."

Zhou Ziruo didn't have time to comment on this unimaginable story, because the fragmentary clues from the investigation in the past two days suddenly popped into his mind.

The missing fetal bones, the body of Han Ruizhi whose heart was dug out, the garden with the pool, the black wooden box that fell next to the tree hole, the female ghost who walked to the other side of the pool in a dream... After heavy fog, it seems that there is something connecting these clues Woke up, as if something was about to come out.

Lu Lixiao took a pen and paper, and wrote down the names of the relevant people one by one, and also wrote down the abbreviated names of the fetal bones, heart digging, Tanshuiyuanzi and other clues.

The two lines lead from Mrs. Han and Taoist Mu to Mrs. Hu, Lu Lixiao said: "Sixteen years ago, Mrs. Han played a monster-catching show with Mrs. Mu in order to get rid of Mrs. Han's new love, Mrs. Hu. Madam Hu was killed, and her body was hidden under the bed in Madam Hu's room."

Zhou Ziruo took the pen and crossed the word "teahouse proprietress": "Ms. Hu's maid found out the truth of the matter, so she planned to be kicked out of the Han family. She should have nothing to do with Han Ruizhi's death."

Lu Lixiao connected a line from Han Ruizhi and the female ghost to Tanshuiyuanzi: "Han Ruizhi went to this place before he was killed, and the female ghost in your dream also guided you here. Suppose this female ghost is Mrs. Hu, or knows Some inside information hints at something." A line connected the female ghost with Lady Hu, and then to Han Ruizhi, "Sixteen years ago, Han Ruizhi was only a five-year-old child. Deep friendship. Then the only connection between these two people is—" The line connected to the fetal bone, "—Ms. Hu's child and Han Ruizhi are blood siblings."

Zhou Ziruo said to his heart: "In other words, the garden is related to Mrs. Hu's child!"

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