MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 2

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Zhou Ziruo, whose head was being held upside down, raised his eyes, and the first thing that caught his eyes was the firm chin and cold thin lips. His gaze moved up and passed the straight bridge of the nose, and met a pair of deep and sharp eyes.

For a moment, Zhou Ziruo felt a kind of panic that he couldn't hide from, as if his eyes had penetrated his fox skin and saw his inner human emotions.

The servants' footsteps and shouts came, Zhou Ziruo struggled violently, Lu Lixiao glanced at the direction he ran from just now, and stuffed him into his clothes. There was a lump in his chest immediately, but because he was tall, he didn't look particularly conspicuous.

Zhou Ziruo spread his arms and legs close to Lu Lixiao's body temperature, and when he heard the servants coming through the thick cloth, he immediately remained motionless.

"Lu, Mr. Lu!"

"Lu remembers that Mrs. Han asked to start exorcising evil spirits in your house tomorrow night."

"Young master Lu misunderstood. The little ones are chasing a fox. All foxes in the Fox Killing Castle will be skinned and dismembered! Has Master Lu ever seen it?"

Lu Lixiao felt the little thing in his arms tremble twice when the servant said the words "peeling and splitting limbs", and replied flatly, "Never."

"You guys are interrupting me, please leave first."

A group of people hurriedly searched elsewhere, Lu Lixiao quietly watched them run away, then turned and walked to the only guest room in the small courtyard.

He entered the room and put the long sword in his hand on the table. Zhou Ziruo wanted to get out from his lapel, but he suddenly pressed Zhou Ziruo's head through the clothes and looked towards the door.

Zhou Ziruo, who had turned into an animal, had much sharper hearing. He heard voices coming from the courtyard, and one of the voices was the girl who asked someone to slap him to death.

"Just get here, and give me the tray!"

"Miss, it's very heavy, let the servants carry it..."

"Stupid you! Of course, Mr. Lu will be moved if I bring it in personally!"

Zhou Ziruo pursed his lips and shook his head, because he thought that the girl was too beautiful just now, he was really blind.

A moment later there was a knock on the door, Lu Lixiao opened the door, and the girl stood outside the door with a tray full of wine, vegetables and pastries: "Mr. Lu, Qiaozhi is here to bring you dinner."

"Please trouble Miss Han, thank you." Lu Lixiao took the tray and put it on the table, and Han Qiaozhi consciously followed.

Seeing that Lu Lixiao didn't intend to speak again, Han Qiaozhi took the initiative to find a topic: "Qiaozhi heard that the servant in the mansion bumped into the young master in the afternoon, so he came here to apologize to the young master."

"It's just a misunderstanding."

The room became quiet again, Lu Lixiao strangled this hookup in the bud, which made Zhou Ziruo very happy.

Han Qiaozhi was very embarrassed, it was obvious that Lu Lixiao didn't intend to let her have an in-depth conversation, but she didn't want to let go of the opportunity, so she was so entangled that she twisted her handkerchief into twists.

Unexpectedly, Lu Lixiao turned around and asked, "I don't know why your castle is called Killing Fox Castle? And why do you hate foxes so much?"

Han Qiaozhi seemed to have seen the dawn, she opened her mouth to speak, but her maid hurriedly whispered in her ear to dissuade her, Han Qiaozhi stopped when she was on the verge of speaking.

Lu Lixiao sat at the table, "If it's inconvenient to tell, just pretend that Lu didn't ask."

Han Qiaozhi had a premonition that Lu Lixiao was going to see off the guests next, so she went forward and poured a glass of wine from the jug, and sat down on the stool: "This is a long story."

It means that the Killing Fox Fort was originally called Hanjiabao. Han Li, the owner of the Hanjiabao generation, was cowardly by nature.

Sixteen years ago, Han Li went out and met a country girl surnamed Hu, and took her back to the mansion as a concubine. Mrs. Han was furious, and Han Li, who had never dared to resist his wife, had a fierce argument with his wife. Madam reluctantly agreed that Mrs. Hu should stay in the Han Mansion.

Mrs. Hu lived in the mansion for a few months, and rumors began to spread among the villagers and neighbors of Hanjiabao, saying that the new concubine in Han's mansion was a vixen. Han Li ignored the rumors, but suddenly one day, Mrs. Han, who was pregnant with Han Li's third child, had a miscarriage.

Mrs. Han lost her fetus and insisted that Mrs. Hu had harmed her with sorcery. Han Li did not believe that Mrs. Hu was a demon. Mrs. Han scolded him for being deluded by a fox spirit and invited a Taoist with profound Taoism. The tall man entered the small courtyard where Mrs. Hu lived, and after half a day came out with a white fox in his hand, saying that it was Mrs. Hu's real body. Han Liduo went into the small courtyard, but he couldn't find Lady Hu at all.

Mrs. Hu was there when the old man entered the small courtyard, and Han Li saw it with his own eyes. Now Mrs. Hu was gone, only the fox in the hands of the old man was left. Now Han Li couldn't help but believe it.

The expert said that Mrs. Hu is a thousand-year-old fox demon who **** human blood. He set up a formation in the square of Hanjiabao, and invited the villagers in the castle to watch the demon removal. The fox is nailed to the ground with four peach wood nails in a big shape, burns amulets and sprinkles wine, removes the fox's limbs one by one with a sword, and peels all the skin below the head!

Hearing this, Zhou Ziruo gave a shock.

"Since then, the Han Family Fort has been renamed as the Fox Killing Fort?" Lu Lixiao asked.

Han Qiaozhi nodded.

"This time the Lingtang invited me to enter the mansion to get rid of the evil spirits. Could the evil spirits have something to do with this matter?"

Han Qiaozhi's maid gave her miss a lot of winks, but her miss didn't have time to look at her at all. Anyway, she had already said so much, and she didn't care to say more.

"To be honest, the evil that my mother invited Mr. Lu to get rid of was a fox transformed into an evil spirit! From a few months ago, neighbors and villagers said that they often saw foxes running around in the castle at night, but The leader of the martial arts teacher has been guarding for several nights, and he has never seen a fox... Oh, except this afternoon! Qiaozhi also saw a fox this afternoon, and the fox was so frightening that he wanted to jump on me and bite me!" Han Qiaozhi covered her heart weakly, wanting to cry, "I'm so scared to death!"

Zhou Ziruo gritted his teeth when he heard it, he has seen what it means to talk nonsense out of nothing. When did he pounce on her and bite her? Also, he is obviously a very cute baby fox, so why is he so scary?

Lu Lixiao turned a blind eye to Han Qiaozhi's lovely appearance, but said: "Sixteen years ago, that expert had set up an array to get rid of the fox demon, so the fox's soul should not stay in the castle, let alone transform into a ghost." For evil spirits..."

"Young master Lu misunderstood, the evil spirit my mother asked you to get rid of is not the fox demon!"

Lu Lixiao raised his eyes and saw that Zhou Ziruo who was hiding on his chest also pricked up his ears.

Han Qiaozhi looked around, as if she was afraid of someone else's eyes in the room, and said in a low voice, "Qiaozhi heard from my mother that in private, that vixen...was four months pregnant! Everyone It is said that the evil spirit in the castle was transformed from the stillborn little fox!" After finishing speaking, he sighed softly, "Although that Lady Hu is a fox demon, she still has father's blood in her belly, and she is our sibling. .As a result, Mrs. Hu committed a crime and killed two people..."

Lu Lixiao glanced slightly, but did not make a sound.

Unknowingly, it was late at night, and it was unreasonable for men and women to live in the same room, so Han Qiaozhi had no choice but to get up and leave.

As soon as Han Qiaozhi and her maid left, Lu Lixiao grabbed Zhou Ziruo's thin leg, pulled him out of his arms, and threw him on the ground.

Zhou Ziruo followed the trend and saw Lu Lixiao walking towards the inner room, he jumped onto the stool and onto the table, hugged a small plate of pastries on the table, and ate voraciously.

He choked on a piece of rice cake after eating too fast, and just when Zhou Ziruo thought he was going to choke to death instead of being starved to death today, he put a bowl of water beside him.

Lu Lixiao said blankly, "Drink it."

Zhou Ziruo's fox paws hugged the edge of the bowl, buried his head down and gulped a few gulps, before finally swallowing the piece of rice cake stuck in his throat. He raised his head and wanted to say "thank you", but when he opened his mouth, he realized that he couldn't speak human words.

Lu Lixiao opened the window and looked outside, then turned to Zhou Ziruo and said, "There is no one now, you should leave the house."

【Ding! During the plot, it is not recommended to leave the map. 】

Not to mention that the system doesn't advise Zhou Ziruo to leave, even if the system tells him to leave, he won't dare. If you are accidentally caught by some night swimmer, you will be skinned and dismembered!

Zhou Ziruo pretended not to understand, buried his head down and drank water.

Lu Lixiao didn't say anything else, closed the window, picked up the jug and poured another glass of wine.

The mellow and fragrant aroma of the old wine immediately filled the air. Lu Lixiao noticed the little fox on the table staring at the glass of wine in his hand, and asked in a low voice, "Can you drink it?"

Zhou Ziruo wanted to nod, but as a fox, he shouldn't be able to understand human speech, so he restrained himself in time.

Lu Lixiao poured out the clear water from Zhou Ziruo's bowl, and poured half a bowl of wine into it. Zhou Ziruo stuck out his little tongue and licked it, and immediately felt drunk, seeing that Lu Lixiao didn't bother him to drink his own, he also lowered his head and licked the wine in the bowl by himself.

Zhou Ziruo has a good capacity for alcohol, and he often socializes with clients at the wine table and has practiced drinking a thousand glasses, but now he has become a baby fox, and he will return to before liberation. After drinking half a bowl of wine, there were three Lu Lixiao in front of him. The three Lu Lixiao stood up from the table. Zhou Ziruo jumped up, stretched his limbs and threw himself on his chest in a big shape, with a hair hanging down. The tail dangled.

Lu Lixiao grabbed Zhou Ziruo by the back of the neck to pull him off, Zhou Ziruo's four paws pressed hard together, almost dunking into his clothes, his head was raised up, and a pair of black eyes met his dark ones.

Lu Lixiao's quiet eyes moved slightly, and he didn't try to tear him away again, just let him stick to his chest like a New Year's painting and walked into the inner room.

Lu Lixiao put on his clothes and lay on the bed, with the long sword leaning against the head of the bed, where he could reach it at any time. Zhou Ziruo sat down on Lu Lixiao's warm chest after eating and drinking, lamenting sadly that Tian Juyingcai lost his good life just like that, while snoring to meet Duke Zhou.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the cold wind was raging, and the entire Fox Killing Castle gradually fell silent.

A crow with shiny fur flew into a remote and abandoned courtyard in the Han Mansion, landed on an old tree branch that had grown for an unknown number of years, and uttered a hoarse cry at the huge full moon.

The bean-like light was dying from the window of the dilapidated hut in front of the old tree. The light in the hut was dim, and the blood was dripping on the ground. There was a man whose limbs were nailed into the ground with peach wood nails, lying in a big shape.

Under this person's sky-blue gown with exquisite dark patterns, his limbs have been severed from his body, and not a single inch of skin below his head was left.

The author has something to say: I met MyStyle classmate on the first day of opening a new article, so touched~ There are surprises for you in chapter 20~

I went to buy lemons last night, and I saw a very good little golden retriever outside the convenience store, who was only a few months old. He was squatting at the door of the convenience store, and he didn’t respond when his owner asked him to go in, because in the convenience store There is a little girl at the door of the store who is crying because she is afraid of being bitten. The dog just squats there motionless, no matter how the owner shouts, she won’t go in~(≧▽≦)/~The little golden retriever is so cute, I must raise one Ahhh!

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