MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 56

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Jiang Tao's luxury carriage was parked outside the mansion, which could be seen from a distance. Zhou Ziruo was a little surprised, he thought Jiang Tao was going to soak in the wine pool and meat forest until tomorrow morning, but he didn't expect that dude to know how to go home.

As he got closer, he could hear the sound of arguing. Lu Lixiao's gaze changed slightly, and then he walked forward quickly. Zhou Ziruo didn't understand why he followed, and when he saw the scene in front of Jiangfu's gate, he was stunned.

I saw Jiang Tao being protected by several guards from the Jiang Mansion, and he kept protruding his head out to look lewdly. On the opposite side, Mu Qijun pulled Xue Hua out of the scabbard half of Leng Mo with an angry face.

Lu Lixiao only glanced at the situation and roughly guessed what was going on, walked over and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

"Fourth senior brother?" Leng Mo turned his head in surprise, then put his sword back into its sheath and ran over.

Mu Qijun said: "Are you all alright?"

Zhou Ziruo was puzzled, "What can we do?"

Only then did Leng Mo realize that Zhou Ziruo was behind Lu Lixiao, and was speechless for a moment. There was no news of Zhou Ziruo after leaving Qingyang Mountain these days, how could he suddenly appear in Yiyang City? And where did the fox who was inseparable from Lu Lixiao go?

At this moment, Jiang Tao pushed away the guard and smiled, waving the folding fan with the picture of a beauty: "Beauty, I didn't lie to you, did I? I really regard Lu Daxia as my honored guest!"

"Presumptuous!" Leng Mo was about to draw his sword again, and Mu Qijun hurriedly stopped him. He knew that Jiang Tao only dared to take advantage of words, and he didn't dare to do anything to Leng Mo.

It turned out that Mu Qijun and Leng Mo sent Su Zhongfan to the temple, and then Yiyang City reunited with Lu Lixiao. When they arrived in the city tonight, they accidentally heard about what happened outside the Tianxiang Pavilion the day before yesterday. However, passers-by spread falsehoods, saying that the outsider offended the city's dandy Jiang Tao and was arrested and brought back to Jiang's house for rectification. Leng Mo heard the description and thought that the outsider looked like Lu Lixiao, so he rushed to Jiang's house. Jiang Tao, who had been fed yellow soup all night, came up to tease Leng Mo boldly when he saw Leng Mo, and the handsome young man who provoked him immediately wanted to draw his sword to kill the people, but luckily the guards in the mansion rushed out in time to avoid the **** disaster in front of the door .

The misunderstanding was cleared up, Leng Mo was still glaring at Jiang Tao, Jiang Tao didn't care, and heard that Mu Qijun and Leng Mo were Lu Lixiao's companions, so he asked his servants to arrange two rooms next to Lu Lixiao's guest room for them. , Then went back to the room and went to sleep.

As for Lu Lixiao and Zhou Ziruo who left Qingyang Mountain and still slept in the same room and the same bed, even the beautiful young man who never cared about foreign things couldn't help but look at them several times hesitantly, and Mu Qijun even used The eyes put the label "with JQ" on their heads.

The four of them gathered in the room to exchange information from the past two days. Zhou Ziruo said, "We found out that Master Uncle Duan Peng met Liu's daughter, Liu Mei, after he came to Yiyang City." The mystery hidden in the piano will be explained in detail.

Liu Mei's handwriting, which was not handed over to Jiang Yan, lay on the table, and the crooked words on it were clearly reflected by the bright light. Next to the handwriting is the thin peach wood chip.

Mu Qijun and Leng Mo exchanged glances, both of them were puzzled.

Lu Lixiao said, "Has Su Zhongfan made any new discoveries?"

Leng Mo nodded, "Su Zhongfan remembered that 30 years ago after Master Uncle Duan Peng took Su Wan away, he heard from the villagers that someone came to Daohe Village to find Master Uncle Duan Peng a few days later."


"The man inquired about Uncle Duan Peng and left. He stayed in the village for less than half a day. Su Zhongfan didn't see the man, but he remembered that some villagers said that the man claimed to be Senior Duan's junior! "Mr. Mu Qi said.

"Master Uncle Duan Peng's younger brother went to look for him? Uncle Duan Peng should have accompanied Su Wan to relax in Yiyang City, and that person also came? Then he should have met Su Wan!" Zhou Ziruo turned to Lu Lixiao, "Xiao Brother, if we can find that person, we may be able to find out about Su Wan's whereabouts."

Lu Lixiao frowned slightly, his deep eyes stayed on the peach wood chip, wondering what he was thinking.

Mu Qijun said: "Things...may not be so simple!"

"What else did Village Chief Su say?" Zhou Ziruo asked.

Mu Qijun also glanced at the mahogany piece, "You know that Village Chief Su's bone scroll was bought from a alchemist, but in fact he knew about the bone scroll more than ten years before he got it. Combined with spirit sand and spirit ink, ghost spirits may be born. This incident is one of the ghost stories that the person who claimed to be Senior Duan’s junior told the village children, and there is another story in it... a thousand-year-old locust tree can attract ghosts!"

Zhou Ziruo was stunned when he heard the words, and suddenly grabbed the cloth on Lu Lixiao's arm, "I know! Uncle Duan Peng who Liu Mei met thirty years ago—"

"—It's not the real Uncle Duan Peng at all." Lu Lixiao said calmly.

Thirty years ago, a person impersonated Duan Peng and came to Yiyang City, got in touch with Liu Mei, and gave Liu Mei a piece of thousand-year-old locust tree!

"Liu Mei separated from Master Uncle Duan Peng when she was very young. If a man of the same age as Master Duan Peng claimed to be her fiancé Duan Peng when she became an adult, it would be difficult for her to tell the truth from the fake. She treats each other with courtesy, and I'm afraid it will be even harder for her to be suspicious given her situation at the time." Leng Mo analyzed.

"Why did that person impersonate Uncle Duan Peng? Liu Mei is just an ordinary poor woman! If you say you have a crush on her, why do you just let her suffer in Jiang's house?" Zhou Ziruo couldn't figure it out.

Lu Lixiao said: "So I'm more inclined that the person didn't impersonate intentionally. At least it wasn't intentional at first. Maybe it was just Liu Mei who identified the wrong person at first, but the person didn't explain, and the misunderstanding continued."

"Liu Mei hasn't seen Senior Duan Peng for more than ten years. It's impossible to catch someone casually and recognize him. That person must have the characteristics of Senior Duan Peng, at least he is very familiar with Senior Duan Peng! So it is very likely that he calls himself Senior Duan Peng's younger brother. ..." Mu Qijun carefully glanced at Lu Lixiao and Leng Mo, "It's very likely—it's true."

After he finished speaking, he and Zhou Ziruo looked at each other, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Thirty years ago, the disciples of Qingyang Mountain who were about the same age as Duan Peng, now there are only those elders left in the sect. The gate rules of Qingyang Mountain are strict, and ordinary disciples are not allowed to go down the mountain alone. Based on various clues, if the person who pretended to be Duan Peng is still alive, he can only be one of the few big disciples at that time. At that time, not many of the eight big disciples were still in Qingyang Mountain, including Lu Lixiao and Leng Mo's master, the current head Qiu Xigui!

Zhou Ziruo caught a glimpse of Mu Qijun's eyes peeping at Leng Mo, and knew that this guy was with him.

If the person who pretended to be Duan Peng back then was the murderer who killed Duan Peng, then the most likely person from the motive was the head of Qiu. When Mu Qijun and Leng Mo checked Duan Peng's information, they found out that Duan Peng was the most prestigious and powerful among the eight disciples back then, and if there is no accident, he must be the head of the school. It was also because Si Qin Jiangyue, the sixth student in the competition, defeated Duan Peng that he was not so convinced.

Of course, these are just guesses without evidence, but even if they were guesses, Lu Lixiao and Leng Mo probably wouldn't feel comfortable, after all, Head Qiu is their respected master.

There was an embarrassing silence in the room for a few moments before Lu Lixiao said lightly: "Put the case of thirty years ago together with this case. There are two cases. The first is that the murderer in the two cases is the same person, so almost It can be confirmed that the person is hiding in the door among the older generation. The second type is that the murderer in the two cases is a different person. Although I don’t know why the murderer who killed the elder brother imitated the crime from thirty years ago, the person must know The person involved in the case thirty years ago."

Leng Mo said in a low voice: "Although the matter of Uncle Duan Peng caused an uproar in the sect back then, it was quickly suppressed by the former head sect and strictly prohibited private discussion, and those who violated it were expelled from the sect. After that, the disciples who entered the sect Most of them have no way to know. Thirty years ago, a small number of disciples have been promoted to elders, and others have passed away or returned to their hometowns. Now, apart from the elders who experienced the incident at the beginning, they can only know from the records of ancient books. However, there are not many disciples in the sect who can freely enter and exit the library of classics."

What he said was rather reserved, and Zhou Ziruo directly translated in his mind: The suspect may be among several senior disciples.

First of all, if Qi Yunpeng and Zhou Zi don't consider it, then he is obviously a typical villain NPC who opposes the protagonist. His existence is to set up all dangers for the protagonist, to stimulate the player's sense of substitution for the protagonist, and then he is slapped in the face by the protagonist. Improving the coolness of the plot is not qualified to be a key character in the main plot, let alone a mysterious murderer!

Then excluding the deceased Feng Jing, as well as Lu Lixiao and Leng Mo present, only Wei Heng and Liu Nanqin were left.

Obviously the four people in the room understood this.

Although Zhou Ziruo didn't know the two of them very well, it was really difficult for him to choose one of the suspects among the upright and heroic second senior brother and the gentle and black-bellied third senior brother. Even he is like this, let alone Lu Lixiao and Leng Mo who have been in the same family as Wei and Liu for many years and have always had a good relationship.

"That... Hero Lu, what shall we do next?" Mu Qijun broke the cold air in a low voice.

Both Zhou Ziruo and Leng Mo looked at Lu Lixiao, Lu Lixiao thought for a while and said, "Let's go back to Qingyang Mountain tomorrow morning."

The implication is that the focus of the next investigation is the elders of the sect and Wei and Liu.

It was late at night, so Mu Qijun and Leng Mo went back to their rooms to rest. Lu Lixiao put away Liu Mei's handwriting, locust wood pieces and guqin, and then began to pack his luggage so that he could leave early tomorrow.

Looking at his silent back, Zhou Ziruo couldn't help wrapping his arms around his waist from behind.

After doubting his teacher, he doubted his brother who was as close as a brother. He felt that Lu Lixiao had suffered a thousand points of critical blows, and his mind was devastated.

He put his face on Lu Lixiao's firm back, and asked softly, "If... it's really Head Qiu, or one of the second and third senior brothers, what are you going to do?"

This question cannot be avoided, because no matter who the murderer is, at least he has bad intentions towards Lu Lixiao, he framed Lu Lixiao. Not only did that person commit a felony murder, but he had also been lying to Lu Lixiao all along.

Lu Lixiao paused for a moment, then continued to collect things, and replied, "Take him out and ask him why. Then send him to make atonement."

Zhou Ziruo was quietly relieved that Lu Lixiao always had his own principles and opinions, and would not be blinded by any emotions or things.

He suddenly discovered that he liked Lu Lixiao like this.

The author has something to say: If the subject of the next article is an A|V actor with a sudden brain hole, will anyone still read it? . .

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