MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 7

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In his sleep, Zhou Ziruo dreamed of the female ghost again. She stood in the pool in the garden, walking step by step towards the deep water, her long hair spread out and floated on the surface of the water, this time Zhou Ziruo felt that she was not like Zhenzi, but a bit like Chu Renmei in the old corpse in the mountain village .

Zhou Ziruo wanted to go up to her and ask her what she wanted to do in bringing him to this garden, but when he just stepped into the pond, a chill shot up from the bottom of his feet and woke him up. Zhou Ziruo opened his eyes on the bed, it was dawn, and he kicked the quilt, his feet were really cold.

The voice of Lu Lixiao talking to someone could be heard from the outer room. The moment Zhou Ziruo sat up, he found that Lu Lixiao's words were barely traceable and paused for a moment, and he couldn't help but be convinced by Lu Lixiao's keenness.

Zhou Ziruo got out of bed, his legs were chilly, and then he remembered that he was not wearing pants. While Lu Lixiao was away, he hurriedly opened the closet and took out a set of clothes to change into. After tidying up carelessly, he stood in front of the mirror, and saw in the mirror a slender and very young strange boy with black eyes on his handsome face. People, perhaps due to race reasons, clearly have a very pure face, but every expression between the brows and the bottom of the eyes always seems to reveal a little bit of charm.

This natural (male) vixen face made Zhou Ziruo feel chilled in his heart. It seemed that even if he became a human, he would not be able to return to his original self.

Zhou Ziruo walked out of the bedroom in frustration, and Han Qiaozhi who was sitting at the table looked over in surprise. In fact, she heard something when Zhou Ziruo was looking through the closet in the room just now, but it was not easy for her to ask if Lu Lixiao didn't say anything, but now that a big living person appeared out of thin air in Lu Lixiao's bedroom, she couldn't calm down anymore.

Lu Lixiao still ate his porridge as if nothing had happened, Han Qiaozhi hesitated: "Lu, Mr. Lu... this is..."

Zhou Ziruo was afraid that Lu Lixiao would say "he is my pet", so he quickly answered, "I am his junior!"

"Junior Brother...?" Han Qiaozhi looked Zhou Ziruo up and down, and the robe that was tucked into the corners and felt too baggy clearly belonged to Lu Lixiao.

"I just rushed to Kill Fox Castle last night to find my brother, and my clothes were dirty after traveling for several days, so I borrowed my brother's clothes to wear!"

"Oh... that's right..." Han Qiaozhi was blindsided, "May I ask what the young hero's name is?"

"My name is Zhou Ziruo, and you can just call me Xiao Zhou! I'm visiting late at night, so I don't want to disturb the family. Please forgive me for causing trouble to the Han family by coming uninvited!" Zhou Ziruo used to be a salesman, and being able to speak well was the foundation in the basis.

"No trouble, no trouble! Young Master Zhou is being too polite. You are Mr. Lu's younger brother and a distinguished guest of the Han family! I didn't know you were here, so I didn't prepare breakfast for you. Fortunately, the kitchen made more pastries. You eat some too!"

Zhou Ziruo exchanged greetings with Han Qiaozhi while sitting on a stool to get a pastry to eat. Lu Lixiao, who had been silent all this time, said, "Miss Han, I lost my way in the garden of the mansion yesterday and strayed into an abandoned garden with a water pool. I don't know what it is. place?"

Han Qiaozhi's smile froze suddenly, his expression struggled for a moment, and finally he said weakly: "That's... that's the garden that Daddy built for Mrs. Hu..."

"After entering the mansion, Mrs. Hu was unhappy all day long. To please her, my father built a garden, but before the garden was completed, Mrs. Hu... Dad was not in the mood to make a fuss, and my mother turned a blind eye to the garden. If people meddle in the affairs of the garden, the garden will be ruined..."

"So that's how it is." Lu Lixiao said.

Han Qiaozhi changed the subject: "By the way, Mr. Lu, since the younger brother is here, Qiaozhi will ask the servants to arrange another courtyard!"

Zhou Ziruo was still thinking about the garden, but when he heard that he could have his own house, he immediately became very interested.

Unexpectedly, Lu Lixiao glanced at him and said, "No need."

"But there is only one bed in this room, so it's not convenient for the two of you brothers to live together?"

That's it! Zhou Ziruo thought.

Lu Lixiao got up, looking as if the dust had settled: "He came here uninvited, why bother the family? Miss Han, if it's convenient, can you take Lu to pay homage to Mr. Han?"

Han Qiaozhi agreed to come down, and went to ask the servants to come in and clean up the dishes. As soon as she went out, Lu Lixiao turned to Zhou Ziruo, who was secretly slandering for the failure of the private courtyard. Zhou Ziruo put on a smiley face, "Master? What's wrong?"

"Your name is Zhou Ziruo?"

Zhou Ziruo resisted the urge to throw something at that name, "Yes!"

"Who named it?"

"My dad!" This is a game setting.

Lu Lixiao gave a faint "oh" and said, "Didn't you say last night that you didn't know that you could transform yourself? Why do ordinary foxes also take people's names?"

This **** insight and logical reasoning ability! Zhou Ziruo grinned dryly with his white teeth bared: "Recently, foxes have become popular with people's names too! People's names are nice and easy to distinguish, so convenient, don't you think? Hehehehe."

Fortunately, Lu Lixiao didn't continue, and changed the subject, "Do you really want to live in a courtyard by yourself?"

"Where? I like sleeping with the master the most! The master's quilt is the warmest! Who wants to live in a cold house alone?" Zhou Ziruo hurriedly showed his loyalty.

Lu Lixiao didn't say anything, but just looked at him with unclear eyes.

"Well, I can't come out naked if I don't wear your clothes..." Zhou Ziruo whispered.

Lu Lixiao nodded: "So?"



"Can you get me some clothes?"

"Where can I get you clothes?"

Don't be funny, who can't see that Han Qiaozhi is fascinated by you, it's not easy for you to ask her to order someone to go to the tailor shop in the castle to get a dress!

"Master~~" Zhou Ziruo hugged Lu Lixiao's arm and shook it vigorously, "Do you want a dress that fits you~~~"

vomit! I almost vomited up the breakfast I just had. However, Lu Lixiao seemed to like this, and Zhou Ziruo raised the corners of his lips almost imperceptibly, he was so handsome!

The two followed Han Qiaozhi to the room where Han Ruizhi's body was parked again. Zhou Ziruo took the incense and worshiped three times, then inserted the incense into the incense burner, and glanced casually at Han Ruizhi's coffin. It was pitch black last night, but now that there is enough light, he felt that the coffin was a bit out of place, but he couldn't tell what was wrong after looking carefully.

After paying homage to Han Ruizhi, Lu Lixiao asked, "Did Mrs. Han say when to move Mr. Han's body to the mourning hall? That small courtyard is too remote and dilapidated, and it insults Mr. Han's identity."

Zhou Ziruo sighed, Lu Lixiao is really good at clichés.

Sure enough, Han Qiaozhi was fooled without hesitation: "Master Mu said that this room is the most yin place in the entire Fox Killing Castle, and it is suitable for him to use Yin energy to expel the resentment in his brother's body. Only when the resentment is exhausted can he expel it." My brother's body was transferred to the mourning hall. My mother listened to Taoist Mu."

"Oh? Mrs. Han trusts that Mu Daoist very much."

"That's natural. Mother and Taoist Mu have known each other for more than ten years. Back then, Taoist Mu helped mother get rid of the fox demon!"

"Really." Lu Lixiao said.

Then Han Qiaozhi wanted to accompany Lu Lixiao to the garden to see the scenery, but Lu Lixiao rejected the beauty's invitation after finishing the information, saying that he wanted to go back to his room to read a book. Han Qiaozhi caught Lu Lixiao in his arms and recommended the rich collection of books in Han Rui's house, but Lu Lixiao pretended to decline a few words, and "reluctantly" accepted the proposal under Han Qiaozhi's persuasion.

Mrs. Han ordered Wu Zhuangyuan to lock the courtyard where Han Ruizhi lived. Han Qiaozhi went to find Wu Zhuangyuan to get the key. Lu Lixiao entered Han Ruizhi's room, crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and sent away Han Qiaozhi who was eagerly waiting to choose books with him.

Lu Lixiao walked to Han Ruizhi's large bookshelf that filled the entire wall, and observed the types and titles of those books. Zhou Ziruo walked around Han Ruizhi's spacious and luxurious room, and secretly sighed that it was indeed the house where the rich second generation lived. He walked to Han Ruizhi's desk.

There was still an unfinished calligraphy on the table. Han Ruizhi's handwriting was as gentle as his own. Zhou Ziruo picked up a few books on the desk and looked through them. He found nothing unusual, so he went to Han Ruizhi's bed again.

"What are you doing?" Lu Lixiao turned his head and said at this moment.

Zhou Ziruo picked up Han Ruizhi's pillow, "See what he has to read before going to bed."

There really is a book under the pillow, called Resentful Infant Record. Zhou Ziruo flipped through it, and found that there were some stories of resentful babies spread among the people, accompanied by vivid illustrations.

Overall it's like a modern day horror story, not sure if it's true or not, but basically it's all false. I didn't expect that Han Ruizhi, who seemed so indifferent to the world, would actually like to watch these, it was serious enough.

Lu Lixiao called Zhou Ziruo, saying that he was leaving, and Zhou Ziruo took the book with him. Lu Lixiao saw him and asked him, "What is it?"

"Mr. Han's bedtime reading—Yuan, Ying, Lu!" Zhou Ziruo suddenly unfolded a particularly frightening picture in the book before Lu Lixiao's eyes.

Lu Lixiao didn't even move his eyebrows, and reached out to take the book and looked at the picture carefully, then calmly closed the book and stacked it with the few books he picked.

Zhou Ziruo let out a "cut" in his stomach, and glanced at the books that Lu Lixiao took from Han Ruizhi's bookshelf, they were full of ghosts and ghosts, it turned out that Han Ruizhi was an ancient ghost interest.

The two of them were walking back to the room, when they passed the place where they turned to the small courtyard last night, Lu Lixiao suddenly asked, "Have you ever wondered why the female ghost directed you to the garden with the water pool?"

"I thought about it, but I can't figure it out. I dreamed about her again this morning, and I woke up just as I was about to ask her!" Zhou Ziruo said.

Lu Lixiao took a closer look and said, "Have you ever thought about the identity of that female ghost?"


"I was a person in this mansion before I was alive, and I have a kind of obsession with the garden with the water pool—"

"Ms. Hu??" Zhou Ziruo suddenly realized.

That's right, why don't you go to other places and have something to do with the garden every time? Because that garden was specially built by Mr. Han for Mrs. Hu! Can…

"But even if it's Mrs. Hu, what does it mean for her to lead people to the garden that Master Han built for her?"

Lu Lixiao's voice softened slightly: "Do you remember that Miss Han said that the Japanese and Han masters saw Mrs. Hu in the bedroom with his own eyes on the day of exorcising the demon sixteen years ago, but after Taoist Mu came out with the fox, Mrs. Hu disappeared. If That fox was not transformed by Mrs. Hu, and Mrs. Hu is dead, so where should Mrs. Hu's body be in the mansion for the past sixteen years?"

Zhou Ziruo shivered with horror, feeling a chill.

Could it be that Mrs. Hu's body was really lying under the water like Chu Renmei?

Last night Lu Lixiao was still bathing in that pool, and he even drank several mouthfuls of pool water when he transformed into a human form inside! If that was the case, wouldn't there be a female corpse that had rotted for sixteen years not far from them? ? Didn't he drink the water in which the corpse was soaked? What's the difference with drinking formalin!

Oh leak! He refuses to accept it!

Read The Duke's Passion