MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 79

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In the dark brothel, there are actually people who want to be dissatisfied and do mediocre things! !

Uh... Although it sounds fine, Zhou Ziruo thinks there is a problem. Not to mention that his face is so ugly right now that it can scare people soft, just pressing him against the door and kissing that person right now is not right!

Nima, he and Lu Lixiao had a falling out. What does it mean that he needs to find the female lead to prostitute him? ? Besides, he is just a brothel boy and not a young lady!

Zhou Ziruo felt that Lu Lixiao's thing that was pressing against him had gradually lifted his head, so he raised his knee confidently, intending to knock him down completely.

Hey! Do you think the young master is in vain? Let's see how you enjoy **** with the heroine in the future!

Zhou Ziruo's eyes flashed viciously, but Lu Lixiao seemed to know what he was thinking while molesting him, and stared at him coldly, and immediately turned into Zhou Ziruo.

Lu Lixiao picked up Zhou Ziruo's collar and threw him onto the soft bed, picked up the teapot on the table and pointed the spout at him, the cool tea poured over his face, Zhou Ziruo couldn't help closing his eyes, feeling that Lu Lixiao didn't know He took a soft cloth from somewhere and wiped his face, and then the boy's iconic hat was removed, and all the hair was scattered in the bedding.

Lu Lixiao threw away the teapot and the paint-stained cloth, leaned down, cupped Zhou Ziruo's face with both hands, and kissed him gently on his half-opened eyelids.

The anger in Zhou Ziruo's heart was suddenly suppressed by this tender gesture.

From a short distance away, he looked at Lu Lixiao's handsome face. He hadn't seen him for more than half a month, and it was obvious that he was thinner, making the outline of his facial features almost sharp.

"...What are you doing here?"

Lu Lixiao said, "I've been looking for you for many days before I found you here."

Zhou Ziruo silently admired Lu Lixiao's ability to find people, he drew this ghostly look and Lu Lixiao still found out that he had sneaked into Yunlanxuan, so he must have been looking for him without sleep or food.


Lu Lixiao looked for him and he lost weight. He gave Lu Lixiao a point in his heart, but he must continue to be cold in face.

"What are you looking for me for?"

"The spirit fox that I have worked so hard to raise for so long ran away without a word. Wouldn't it be too bad for me if I didn't find it back?"

"What!!" Zhou Ziruo's aloof style exploded with a "boom", and only after seeing Lu Lixiao's playful smile did he realize that he had been tricked again, so he turned his face away and ignored him.

Lu Lixiao stretched out his hand to brush away the strands of hair sticking to his cheeks, Zhou Ziruo opened his hand, "Don't touch it, I have nothing to do with you." The two of them piled up on the bed made this sentence unconvincing So he added another sentence that was very angry with Lu Lixiao, "Let our Da Mu be jealous when he sees him!"

This time, Lu Lixiao didn't show the essence of the jealous king, but talked about irrelevant things without pain: "Junior Brother Leng has been in a gloomy mood these days, and what you said that day really hit him."

Zhou Ziruo's fault with Leng Mo that day was purely an excuse to criticize Huai Huai. He regretted it after so long. What about people's interests?

He was guilty, but he still insisted: "Am I wrong? Our family's Da Mu is very popular! If he doesn't like it, just tell him clearly, don't hang him all the time and influence others to pursue Da Mu as true love! "

"Respect Mr. Mu as true love? Do you?" Lu Lixiao looked carefully.

Zhou Ziruo was angry: "You will find Er Que as your true love when you are riding a horse???"

"Er Que?" Lu Lixiao probably guessed the meaning of these two words, looked at him, "How is that impossible? Didn't I just find you?"

Zhou Ziruo was so angry that he was about to have an earth-shattering attack when he suddenly realized, " just said, what?...True love? Me?"

Lu Lixiao bent his lips and smiled: "Otherwise, who else is there?"

"Bai, where's Bai Lianhua?" Zhou Ziruo asked nervously.

Lu Lixiao was puzzled, "Miss Bai? What does it have to do with her?"

"Why doesn't it matter? You took her sword tassel and still tied it to Buli!" Although Zhou Ziruo vaguely knew that he had misunderstood Lu Lixiao and Bai Lianhua, this incident still made him brood.

Lu Lixiao sighed helplessly, and said, "That Jiansui was chosen by Miss Bai for her master, but her saber is too delicate, so I borrowed Buli to try the effect."

"…That's it?"

"What else do you think?"

If Zhou Zi thought about it, there was really nothing he could do. The depression that had weighed on his heart for so many days suddenly dissipated, and he complained: "Then you didn't make it clear to me that day, and even stopped me from touching Buli on her hand..."

"Because I'm jealous." Lu Lixiao said bluntly, "Even though I know that you and Mr. Mu will have nothing, I'm still jealous of your closeness with others, and the secrets that you don't want to tell me. So I deliberately Do it, let you have a taste of that."

Zhou Ziruo:! !

Who said the most vicious woman has a heart? ? A man's heart is as poisonous as a sea needle! !

But Zhou Ziruo was not only not angry at Lu Lixiao's jealousy of her husband, but felt rather moved...

ORZ...he can't be saved...

Lu Lixiao straightened his face, and looked into his eyes seriously with dark eyes, "I have thought about what you said that day many times these days. I have never looked down on you, and I have never thought of trampling on you." My are the one I love, the only one who will grow old with me in this life."

These were not the most disgusting words that Zhou Ziruo had ever heard in his life, but they were definitely the words that moved him the most. Because the person who said these words was Lu Lixiao, someone he also loved.

Before he knew it, Lu Lixiao slightly bowed his head and kissed him on the lips. If Zhou Zi didn't refuse, the hand on Lu Lixiao's chest climbed up and wrapped around his neck.

The sound of water entangled with lips and tongue resounded in the quiet room. Lu Lixiao's hand caressing Zhou Ziruo's cheek slipped down, and he untied his shirt and poked into his warm body. Zhou Ziruo pulled Lu Li unwillingly. Xiao's clothes, until the two fiery bodies are no longer intertwined with each other...

Zhou Ziruo accepted all of Lu Lixiao, this time was different from the past, in addition to the pleasure of ecstasy, it was also accompanied by great spiritual satisfaction. The indescribable happiness and joy produced by the thorough union of soul and body is unmatched by any experience in the world! Just like the boundless ocean, people just want to indulge in it, nothing is enough, just want to have each other deeper and longer, and never go ashore...

The lingering depths of the dream were suddenly replaced by icy darkness.

Zhou Ziruo's consciousness became clear, so clear that he was sure that he was in a dream.

He knew that in his dream, he was lying alone on a bed in a room of Yunlanxuan, not far from the bed, and a few steps away was a delicate mahogany dressing table. In the dream, he opened his eyes and was immediately taken aback by the scene in front of him.

In front of the mahogany dressing table, a woman in white was sitting on a round stool, facing the rhombic mirror on the dressing table, slowly combing her waist-length hair. She kept combing, and combing, from the top to the end of her hair again and again, and then repeated the process.

This scene was really scary, but probably because he had seen too many ghosts, Zhou Ziruo calmed down after the initial panic. Anyway, it was in a dream, and it would be fine when I woke up. Besides, this female ghost is still an old friend.

This is exactly the female ghost sister who has entered Zhou Ziruo's dreams several times in Fox Killing Castle and guided him to solve the case.

The female ghost sister's COS this time is a bit like Sadako's mother Shizuko in Midnight Ring, I don't know what kind of message she wants to convey.

"Sister ghost," Zhou Ziruo opened his mouth, and found that he could talk in his dream, so he asked, "Why do you come to help me every time? Are you a bug in the game or a program that provides ideas? By the way , what's your name?"

The female ghost paused in combing her hair, obviously hearing his words, it turns out that it is possible to talk in a dream. But the female ghost didn't respond, and suddenly disappeared in the same place.

"Wait..." Zhou Ziruo got up from the bed, and at this moment, he woke up.

Lu Lixiao's face was above, and the backlight looked a little dark, he patted Zhou Ziruo's cheek, "What? Did you have a nightmare?"

Zhou Ziruo was stunned for a while, then shook his head. The window in the room was wide open, and the moon was in the sky outside. He asked, "What time is it?"

"Zishi three quarters." Lu Li said with a smile.

"Too bad! I have to go back to Zijin's place right away!" Zhou Ziruo stood up like a carp, but was pushed back by Lu Lixiao.

"Why are you going back to his place? I've reserved this room, you have a good night's rest and come with me tomorrow morning." Lu Lixiao kissed his cheek again and again.

Zhou Ziruo still wanted to push him away, "Zijin must have thought I was missing, he would be worried..."

"I'll take you to say hello to him tomorrow morning. Do you really regard yourself as his personal boy?"

"It's not because of this..."

"Why is that?" Lu Lixiao stopped his affectionate behavior and looked at him.

If Zhou Zi understood, Lu Lixiao found out that he was investigating Zhuohua's case.

In fact, now that the knot between him and Lu Lixiao has been opened, and the relationship has become closer, there is nothing that cannot be said. But he didn't know how to tell Lu Lixiao so that he could reduce his shock and entanglement when he learned that he and his relatives and friends were just game characters.

They are born of a bunch of data, their fate, their sorrows and joys...all are decided by a pen in the hands of the screenwriter!

If this kind of thing happened to Zhou Ziruo, he would never believe it. If someone says this to him, either he thinks that person is crazy, or he is crazy...

Lu Lixiao doesn't believe in destiny, how could he accept it? How dare Zhou Ziruo dare to say this in such a casual situation?

After thinking about it, Zhou Ziruo said to Lu Lixiao seriously: "I have very sufficient and important reasons for coming to investigate Zhuohua's case, but...but I can't tell you right now! Give me some time, it won't be long, I will I will tell you everything, absolutely nothing to hide!"

Lu Lixiao looked at him for a while, and finally raised his hand to rub the top of his head under Zhou Ziruo's nervous gaze, and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

"Understood, let's talk when you want to talk."

Zhou Ziruo hardly believed that it was done so easily? Sure enough, the man has just satisfied the beast|desire, is he in a good mood? ?

Apparently Lu Lixiao was in a good mood, not only didn't get to the bottom of it, but he also took the initiative to ask him: "How can I help you?"

Zhou Ziruo turned his thoughts back: "This... I can't think of it for the time being. Anyway, you should pay attention outside, and let me know if you have any news... Oh, by the way, there was another deceased person earlier, which was Zheng Qingtian, the nephew of the prefect Zheng Qingtian. Yu, there may be some clues in the Yamen, can you help me get it?"

Lu Lixiao casually nodded, agreeing, sliding his fingers along Zhou Ziruo's delicate collarbone, and said in a low voice, "Wouldn't it be troublesome for me to see you if you stay at Yunlanxuan?"

Zhou Ziruo was right, he couldn't let Lu Lixiao spend money every night to visit prostitutes. So he proposed: "Why don't you also pretend to sell yourself and bury a relative to sneak in?"

Lu Lixiao's fingers changed to grab Zhou Ziruo's face, and said in a cold voice, "All my relatives have already been buried in the ground, who is hiding? You?"

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