MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 83

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Liufang Bieyuan is located in the well-known wealthy area of ​​Tongyang City. It covers a vast area, with exquisite pavilions and three thousand clear waters. To build such a gorgeous and huge courtyard in the north of the city where every inch of land is expensive, the owner must be either rich or noble, but those who want to make friends are all in vain, because the owner is not seen in this courtyard all year round.

As time went on, the dignitaries in the city also got used to the uniqueness of Liufang Bieyuan, and gradually stopped coming to be rejected, and when no one noticed, Liufang Bieyuan was silently full of people.

Under the sunlight, the crystal-clear white marble reflects a figure walking at a leisurely pace, passing through the corridor and back into the courtyard lined with rockeries, the melodious sound of silk and bamboo flowing in the fresh air, lingering in the ears.

When he reached the gate of the main hall, Gu Jue heard the person who made his heart tremble softly say: "Mr. Siqin, there is a wrong dance here..."

"Today is always bad, don't study!"

The quiet music in the palace came to an abrupt end, and Gu Jue could almost imagine the fearful look of the girls secretly looking at each other. He stepped into the hall at the right time, relieving the atmosphere that was about to become icy, "Master, Miss Cang."

Gu Jue bowed respectfully, and when he raised his head, he saw a flamboyant and eye-catching fiery red robe, which further accentuated his white skin, his black hair was loosely pulled up by a green jade hairpin, and his slender eyebrows were slightly raised. He looked at him coldly and turned back.

The girls who had just breathed a sigh of relief were all trembling slightly in shock. The palace lord has always been moody. She smiled one moment and then became angry without warning the next. In the past, every time Mr. Gu came in time, he could help people out of trouble. Today... it seems that even Mr. Gu can't be coaxed...

Just when everyone thought "I'm going to die", Cang Shuiyao picked up the mahogany Yueqin, sat down on the floor and tuned the strings, the clear and slow "dongdongdong" broke the cold air lightly like a jade stone falling into a pool of water .

"If the heart is not calm, everything will go wrong."

All eyes were on her, and Si Qin Jiangyue's slanting black eyes turned to her, and she raised her eyes slightly, but she smiled calmly, half-downcasting her eyes and not looking at him, as if she didn't know that he was surrounded by him Dangerous breath, gently plucked the strings.

Gu Jue had already mentioned it, and couldn't help but stepped forward, "Master..."

But Siqin Jiangyue showed the stubborn look of a child being told what was on her mind. With a "hum", she turned and fell into the long couch, grabbed the jade pot on the table and held it high, and raised her lips to catch the liquor that was flowing down.

Cang Shuiyao's smile deepened by two points.

Gu Jue breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Master, Wu Sheng has already confirmed that the Gu family's Xuanming Pearl will appear in this Xianmeng family competition."

"Nonsense. Ruowu Xuanmingzhu, what is he doing here? He needs to confirm it?" Siqin Jiangyue raised her finger to wipe off the clear drink from the corner of her lips, threw the jade pot out of the round window behind her, and sent back a crisp voice The sound of jade breaking.

Gu Jue is not worried now, he has been by his side for many years, and he knows very well that the other party's dog temper is essentially the same as that of a spoiled child. Although irritable and irritable, most of the time he is just a paper tiger who climbs down the steps given to him, of course, excluding the qualitative leap after his anger exceeds a certain critical point.

"Master, the Dabi of the Immortal Family is right in front of us. For convenience, shall we set off for the stronghold at the foot of Zhuri Mountain..."

Si Qin Jiangyue considered his proposal for a moment, then suddenly asked, "How is Li Sheng?"

"Li Sheng told me just now that the inexplicable resentment in Yun Lan Xuan can probably be collected tonight."

Si Qin Jiangyue's casual expression didn't know whether she had listened to his words, and she suddenly broke into a bright smile: "Let's leave tomorrow morning, but I have to bring a little guy."

Gu Jue froze for a moment, and was about to ask, Siqin Jiangyue ignored him, got up and strode out of the hall, her fiery red robe swaying bright red waves behind her.

At the gate of the hall, Siqin Jiangyue paused slightly, then turned her head and said, "Shui Yao, teach me the dance just now tonight. I don't believe there is anything in this world that I can't surrender."

Cang Shuiyao said: "If Mr. Siqin is interested, I will accompany you."

The music girls retreated one by one with their musical instruments in their hands, and only Gu Jue and Cang Shuiyao were left in the hall. Cang Shuiyao still hung her head down and plucked the strings, as if she didn't know the existence of the other person. After hesitating, Gu Jue took out the score that had been revised today from his sleeve, came to Cang Shuiyao, knelt down and said softly, "This is my new piece, Shuiyao, do you like it?"

Cang Shuiyao pressed the slightly vibrating strings with her slender fingers, and the soft tone of Yueqin disappeared in the air. She raised her eyes and faced Gu Jue's young and handsome face, her lips stretched softly: "Little guy, I am old enough to be your ancestor."

"So what?" Gu Jue was still smiling.

Cang Shuiyao stared at him silently. The young man in front of him had a city that far surpassed the gentle appearance, and the vicissitudes and darkness that he should not have experienced in his age. but it is…

Cang Shuiyao sighed inexplicably, and took the sheet music, "I'm interested. The song last time was beautiful, thank you."

Gu Jue smiled and said, "I only have a rough grasp of rhythm, so I don't dare to take credit for it. Both of these two scores were edited by Mr. Zijin from Yunlanxuan."

Cang Shuiyao said: "Master Siqin once praised me that there is a son of Yunlanxuan who has excellent piano skills, and he has a rare heart for playing the piano! Presumably, it is the son Jin? Heh," said Here she shook her head and smiled jokingly, "Fortunately, Mr. Siqin just admires Mr. Jin, and has no intention of snatching him back."

Whatever you like, whatever you want, grab it by your side.

The frightening Mistress of Jiangyue Palace, who once stirred up **** storms in the world, was actually such a naughty child. This was only discovered after she was brought back to Jiangyue Palace to really have in-depth contact with that man.

There are many people in this world who follow the way of the strong, and hegemony is power. In the final analysis, they just rely on the power in their hands to wantonly commit unforgivable crimes. But that man seemed to grow up in the primitive nature, a wild beast, and of course followed the rules of survival of the fittest for all creatures in the world.

In his cognition, there is no right or wrong, no good and evil in the world.

Humans and beasts may not be fundamentally different.

Simple... yet extremely cruel.

As night fell, some places in Tongyang City shed their daytime and plain clothes and turned into grotesque monsters and ghosts.

Wine-colored long street, red lights and green shadows.

The tall man stomped out of the casino angrily, knocked the crooked drunk to the ground, and strode away amidst harsh and blatant curses. Walking out of the city gate all the way to the dark woods outside the city, the man finally stopped. In the deep-set eye sockets were a pair of dark and prey eyes, flashing dangerous evil in the dark night.

"Come out."

Following his stern warning, there was a small rustling sound from behind, Lu Lixiao brushed away from the bushes and walked towards the man, stopped two steps away, staring at the man with Shen Tunnel, unbelievably cold .

" are still alive."

The man narrowed his eyes to look at Lu Lixiao, half a moment later his cloudy pupils shrank suddenly, "You...! Could it be..."

"It's me. Lu Lixiao, the son of Lu Chenzhou."

The unformed surprise on the man's face turned into anger, making him even more gloomy, "Son of Lu Chenzhou?!"

Lu Lixiao held it up, and the cold scabbard reached the man's throat, "Lu Qianfan, tell me, why are you still alive? What happened in Lujia Village twenty years ago?"

The man stared at him in astonishment, after half a moment he recalled his words, grinning twice, suddenly resorted to a set of strange moves, and retreated a few meters away like a ghost.

"I want to know, follow up!"

Under Lu Lixiao's deep breath was uncontrollable resentment, he tightened his grip on the hilt of the sword, and flew after him.

In the dead of night, Zhou Ziruo secretly left Zijin's room and came to Hualou Zhuohua's room.

He took a small lantern and took a photo on Zhuohua's dressing table, a thin layer of dust spread, but he didn't see the comb, probably because Mu Qijun hadn't put it back yet.

The false news spread throughout the building at night, and Zijin mentioned a few words to him at night. The murderer should be paying special attention to the progress of the case, so it is impossible not to hear it. According to Lu Lixiao's analysis, the murderer was not a skilled killer, and his psychological quality must not be up to standard, so he would definitely jump over the wall in a hurry.

Probably because he arrived too early, Zhou Ziruo was hiding in Zhuohua's closet, waiting for no one to come, so he simply came out of the closet. Lu Lixiao said that he would come to Yunlanxuan at night, and now he is probably in ambush nearby, so although Zhou Ziruo was left alone at the murder scene, he was not at all afraid, and sat down in front of the dressing table carelessly, and took Zhuohua The Linghua mirror is used as a demon mirror to shine on his face.

Last time he felt that the quality of this mirror was particularly good, and it was indeed so when he looked at it again today. In the ancient times when all the mirrors blurred people into one piece, such a high-definition mirror that can count even the eyelashes must be very valuable.

Zhou Ziruo looked in the mirror from various angles as if taking a selfie. The sound of the watchman on the street passing through the silent night fell faintly in the house.

The sound suddenly sounded like a hammer hitting Zhou Ziruo's head. He froze for a moment, placed the Linghua mirror on the dressing table to face his face, and took out from his waist the ordinary black wooden comb that he planned to use tonight , Take off the hat, look in the mirror and start combing your hair.

The watch sounded again, but Zhou Ziruo couldn't hear it. He looked at the Linghua mirror mechanically and slowly repeated the movement of combing his hair with dull eyes. The night wind howled, swept away the faint fire in the lantern, and the room fell into deep, cold darkness.

Zhou Ziruo suddenly came back to his senses, and the wooden comb in his hand fell to the ground with a "slap". The water chestnut mirror in front of him was endlessly dark in the night, as if it was connected to another world. In that world, a pair of green eyes lit up in the darkness, and those eyes stared at him fiercely, bursting out purple-black Bloodshot, conveying crazy joy. There was the sound of something crawling on the ground, and those eyes approached him.

Maomao's cold sweat soaked Zhou Ziruoman's back, and the calmness he had trained in the critical moment after passing through, made him use his remaining reason to pull out the short sword in his boots, pull out the scabbard and point it at the pair of swords. Eyes: "Don't come here!"

Those eyes were startled, as if they were really intimidated by the cold righteousness that Buli exuded. Zhou Ziruo saw this violently beating heart gradually calm down, and the natural fear of ghosts faded a lot after he subdued a ghost with his own hands.

There is a ghost living in the mirror!

It turns out that the female ghost sister conveyed this message!

It's not uncommon for women to comb their hair in front of the mirror in the middle of the night because they love beauty. Could it be this ghost who killed Zhuo Hua?

"I...didn't-kill-people..." The ghost tilted its head and said in a hoarse voice as if it knew Zhou Ziruo's suspicion. As for how he knew he was tilting his head, it was because the angle of those two shiny green eyes changed.

"Then why are you hiding in the mirror? If I didn't have a magic weapon in my hand, you wouldn't have killed me if you crawled out?" Whether Zhuo Hua was a ghost killer is debatable, but Zhou Ziruo absolutely doesn't believe that this ghost can't kill people .

"Because you...summoned me...the summoning contract...I can't violate it...just like you were summoned into this world..."

"Summoning?" Zhou Ziruo pointed at the ghost with Buli, "What do you mean? Who summoned me?" He clearly came through!

There was impatience in those eyes, "You were summoned from another world with a powerful summoning technique...don't you know?"

"Nonsense! You don't know anything! This world is a game, and you're just piling up data! Summon a P! I have a system in my brain!" Zhou Ziruo jumped up from the stool. He didn't believe it, but the more he told himself that he didn't believe it, the more something like a thick fog filled his heart. He couldn't see clearly, but he was flustered!

"This is - the real - world... You pass through the medium - being used... summoning - summoning - so far ... the medium has a spirit... in your mind... If you don't believe it... the spirit - sooner or later will materialize ..."

materialization? Humanized? ?

spirit? ? system? ? ?

【Emergency situations! Emergency situations! This map has not been debugged and perfected, users please leave immediately! Users please leave and leave! 】

Zhou Ziruo: ...

debugging? He believed in its evil! I have been to this room several times, why is it going to be debugged tonight? ? ?

The Nima system is not like this. Here, there is no silver three hundred taels to jump out to add to the show, it is really impossible for him to believe this ghost's nonsense!

[Users please leave immediately! Users please leave immediately! 】

Zhou Ziruo ignored the annoying mosquito-like buzzing of the system, and asked the ghost in the mirror, "How can I know who summoned me?"

"The caster—that is—the subject is in the... center of the world..."

[Users please leave immediately! Users please leave immediately! 】

Zhou Ziruo understood.



Who else but the hero? ? ? The so-called hero is not the hero of the game at all, but the hero of his destiny after he came to this world!

Zhou Ziruo felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

land! Leave! Xiao! !

Lu Lixiao summoned him to this world, and pretended not to know his origin! ! When he met him the first day, he knew that he was not from this world! !

Damn! !

【Emergency situations! Emergency situations! The murderer has five seconds to arrive at the scene! The murderer has five seconds to arrive at the scene! Users please hide now! Users please hide now! 】

This is really a guilty conscience and showing off again and again. When did the system remind him to avoid the murderer? ? Don't you just push him wherever there is danger every time? ? Zhou Ziruo angrily stuffed the rhombic mirror into his chest, picked up the lantern and wooden comb on the ground and quickly hid in the closet. Almost as soon as he closed the closet door, the door was pushed open little by little carefully.

Someone sneaked in, closed the door and went straight to the dressing table, groping around for a glowing black wooden comb. Zhou Ziruo squinted his eyes and stared at the figure in the dark light through the gap in the closet, and he recognized it after a while, the man was—

The author has something to say: Little Theater:

In fact, our big boss dog is easy to bully when he doesn't lose his temper. Sometimes when Gu Jue is in a bad mood, he will be happy when he complains, for example——

Siqin: Shuiyao, Shuiyao, do you think my dance looks good? (☆▽☆)

Cang Shuiyao: It looks good, but I think it can be like this here... O(∩_∩)O~~

Siqin: Well, it can still be like this here...

Cang Shuiyao: Then here it can still be like this...

Siqin: Here...

Cang Shuiyao: Here...

(Loop N times like this)

Gu Jue: The two of them are both hundreds of years old together, and they are still struggling. →_→

Siqin & Cang Shuiyao: /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ Immortality is not our fault. . .

I'm sorry, but it's actually my fault as the author that they don't get old.

Read The Duke's Passion