MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 87

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"Don't go!"

Across Siqin Jiangyue's chest, Zhou Ziruo felt the sharp wind piercing his back! However, Siqin Jiangyue just dodged to the side lightly, Xuehua's swift attack full of killing intent was completely missed, and then no one saw how Siqin Jiangyue made the move, but saw Leng Mo spitting out blood and flying upside down go out!


Mu Qijun scrambled to catch up, Lu Lixiao flew over and grabbed Leng Mo's shoulders, holding him firmly.

Siqin Jiangyue turned around and said coldly: "Little devil."

Leng Mo supported the ground with frost, and her beautiful eyes were burning with two clusters of bright fire, "Siqin Jiangyue! Six years ago you wiped out the enmity of my Leng family, and I will demand it back from you with my own hands!"

"The Leng family...?" Si Qin Jiangyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and suddenly realized, "I remembered, the Leng family in Nanxun. So there are still people alive?"

His tone seemed to be talking about the delicious food that he had eaten before, so simple that it was full of sins. Before Leng Mo saved Mu Qijun and hit the city wall with his back, he hurt his heart. At this moment, he was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood and knelt down while supporting the sword!

"Mo!" Mu Qijun guarded him behind him, looking up nervously.

"Don't hurt them!" Zhou Ziruo blurted out.

Si Qin Jiangyue withdrew her cold gaze, and instantly turned into spring flowers and warm water, "Okay, I'll listen to you!" After saying that, he seemed too lazy to look at others, turned around and strode forward with Zhou Ziruo in his arms.

Leng Mo wanted to go forward, but was pushed into Mu Qijun's arms by Lu Lixiao. Lu Lixiao threw away the inseparable scabbard, and the sword groaned like thunder. When Siqin Jiangyue heard the movement behind her, she didn't even move her eyebrows. Just when Buli was about to touch the fiery red robe flying on his body, a sharp sword rushed out from the side with a mighty force to challenge Buli. open!

Siqin Jiangyue's treacherous movement was steady and fast, and he was getting farther and farther away from the city wall in a few breaths. Zhou Ziruo's ears were blown by a strong wind, and through Siqin Jiangyue's shoulders, he saw a ghost coming out of nowhere. A tall man wearing a black iron helmet and covered in iron armor stopped Lu Lixiao, while Leng Mo had already passed out on Mu Qijun's chest.

Lu Lixiao saw Zhou Ziruo being taken away by Siqin Jiangyue, but no matter what he couldn't get rid of this man in the iron mask who appeared suddenly. The man in the iron mask seemed to have no idea what kind of moves he would use, and he was so familiar with how to suppress him that he couldn't get even half a gap!

"Who are you! Why are you so familiar with my Lu family's swordsmanship?"

The man in the iron mask didn't say a word, Lu Lixiao suddenly feinted a shot in exchange for a momentary gap, even a momentary mistake by a master could cause life and death to be reversed, but Lu Lixiao didn't take advantage of this advantage to sneak attack, but stretched out his hand Unmask the man in the iron mask!

The man in the iron mask quickly made a countermeasure, the mask slid to his brows, he resolutely gave up the fight, and the long sword went straight to Lu Lixiao's face to force Lu Lixiao back a few steps, then turned around and flew away through the night. Lu Lixiao chased him for some distance, but the other party had completely disappeared in the dark night.

He stared at the front tightly, and said to himself in a deep voice: "That familiar feeling... Who is it?"

At the same time, Zhou Ziruo had been taken by Siqin Jiangyue to the foot of the mountain outside the city.

The long motorcade had already been waiting here, Wu Sheng led people kneeling everywhere, Si Qin Jiang Yuefei landed on the ground, looked around, and asked, "Ah Jue has returned home?"

"He said to take a step to see the situation first, just in case." Wu Sheng replied respectfully, and couldn't help but look at Zhou Ziruo in Siqin Jiangyue's arms strangely.

Wu Zhuangyuan's shocking face completely brought Zhou Ziruo's mood back to reality from the annoyance caused by Lu Lixiao. He looked up at this evildoer who excitedly rushed towards the luxury carriage in his arms, and the belated shock caused him to fall into a momentary state of blank mind and aphasia.


Demon... Dao... Giant... Owl...

...Really Big Boss...

"Shuiyao, look, this is the little guy I was talking about! Do you think it's cute?" Si Qin Jiangyue held Zhou Ziruo in front of Cang Shuiyao, who was poking out of the car window, like offering a treasure.

Cang Shuiyao recognized Zhou Ziruo, her eyes lit up, and she said "ahhh" in surprise, as if to say "little guy, is it you?"

Zhou Ziruo was stiff...

It turns out that you are in the same group.

Siqin Jiangyue put Zhou Ziruo on the ground, pinched and touched his hair and face, and assured him: "From now on, you will be from my Jiangyue Palace. Don't worry, no one will dare to come to you with me here." Trouble."

Zhou Ziruo was under a lot of pressure.

It was so easy to rebel from Qingyang Mountain to Jiangyue Palace...

Although he didn't plan to continue being a disciple of Qingyang Mountain after dumping Lu Lixiao, he didn't want to be a little devil of the devil way either! I'll go! !


A weak voice from the side asked for instructions, Zhou Ziruo looked at the man in black who was waiting there cautiously at some point, and always felt that his fair and pretty face gave him a sense of kindness.

Until Wu Zhuangyuan next to him looked at the man in black in surprise, "Li Sheng? You also left Yunlanxuan?"

Lisheng! It turns out that this is the real Lisheng! No wonder seeing him in Qingfeng Building after that night always felt something was wrong!

Zhou Ziruo realized later that when he was looking for Lisheng, he found the oolong of a big devil by accident. He regretted so much that his intestines were green. If he had known that night, he would have followed everyone to find someone in peace, why did he run to Zhuohua's room with such low legs! Now it's time to catch the big devil!

"Yun Lanxuan's subordinates have collected all the grievances. Most of them come from the fetuses that the girls in the building accidentally conceived and finally knocked down. Originally, the grievances of those fetuses would naturally dissipate shortly after they were formed, but due to Yun Lanxuan's terrain is full of yin, which actually makes the resentment accumulate..."

"I know all these things. Is there anything else to report?" Siqin Jiangyue took the container full of resentment presented by Li Sheng and fiddled with it lazily. The large group of black air in it is thick, and even because of the nature of monsters, one can almost feel the heavy feeling of darkness brought by those resentments.

Li Sheng quietly observed Si Qin Jiangyue's hard-to-discern expression, and said with cold sweat dripping from her heart, "This subordinate is incompetent... I have collected all the rhombic mirrors in Yunlanxuan, tried all methods, but failed Summon the grieving ghost in the mirror... please, please master... punish..."

Unexpectedly, Siqin Jiangyue didn't lose her temper when she heard the words, but she smiled in a good mood, and stretched out her hand to pull out the mirror that Zhou Ziruo hid in the skirt of her clothes.

"Of course you can't find that grieving ghost, because that thing is here with the little guy!"

Before Zhou Ziruo had time to say anything, he saw that Linghua mirror was thrown on the ground, and the blood-red rays of light formed a small circle to surround it, and the ghost in the mirror crawled out in embarrassment, growing into a human body. Size, prostrate on the ground.

"...Little man—Ji Liu...See...My lord—"

Zhou Ziruo "cut" in his heart.

The ghost is also so powerful, this ghost chatted with him for half the night and didn't even mention that he has a name! Ji Liu? He also has beef tenderloin, pig tenderloin and boneless chicken tenderloin!

Siqin Jiangyue looked at the ghost on the ground who was so lowly in the dust, and asked, "Who turned you into a mirror ghost to help you parasitize in the Linghua mirror?"

"Little man—after death...turns into a grieving ghost...inhabits the mirror— leave..."

Before he finished speaking, Siqin Jiangyue swept his wide sleeves, and he fell to the ground amidst a series of explosions, rolling on the spot in pain!

Si Qin Jiangyue said coldly: "Just because you dare to deceive me?! Do you think I didn't know anything about you before you were alive? Where did you get the power to turn yourself into a ghost? Are you alive? It is extremely stupid to be deceived by that sanctimonious genius when you are young, and it is even more stupid to be used and covered up after death! If you don’t want to die, answer the questions of this seat truthfully! Who turned you into a person? What does it look like now?"

Ji Liu struggled to get up on the ground, and replied with a hoarse voice: "Little man—I don't know who that person is...Sixteen years ago—after the death of the villain...the ghost lingered in Yunlanxuan...will soon—disappear...that person will The villain caught...he said—it can help the survive forever...he took the villain to...a stone room...inside—there are many ghosts...there are grieving ghosts, evil ghosts, evil ghosts...and many more Corpses...infernal corpses, walking corpses, evil corpses, blood corpses...what happened after that...the little man...can't remember...again—woke up—and perched in...the mirror...the little man—don't recognize that person..."

"Where is that stone room? What are its characteristics?"

"The villain doesn't know... the exact location... I just remember—on top of the stone gate... there are...crescent...patterns..."

Siqin Jiangyue narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking about his words. Ji Liu was trembling all over and lying on the ground, after a few moments he looked over again, his tone became much calmer: "You don't have much ghost energy left, and you don't have enough Yin energy, you don't have a few days left to live."

Ji Liu begged: "Little man-know... I beg my lord...Let the villain-return...Yun Lanxuan...the villain promises...don't do evil again...the villain just wants to...look at...the villain's adopted son...Zijin..."

"Zijin?" Zhou Ziruo was surprised, "Are you Zijin's adoptive father?" The last time he listened to the corner of the wall, he remembered that Zijin mentioned that the "Uncle Liu" who raised him was abandoned by the guests in the past. With this relationship, Zhou Ziruo really couldn't bear Ji Liu's wish to come to nothing, "That...Si, Siqin...Senior, can you...send it back to Yunlanxuan Zijin?"

Siqin Jiangyue rubbed Zhou Ziruo's face like a puppy, waved her hand, and Li Sheng put Ji Liu back into a Linghua mirror, saluted, and flew away with the mirror.

"Master, please tell me how to deal with these two people." Wu Sheng brought the guards and escorted two people up, Zhou Ziruo turned his head and saw that it was Wang Han and Zhu Sha. He almost forgot about these two guys, just now Jiangyue Palace under the city wall clearly only came to Jiangyue Siqin and the man in the iron mask, when were they arrested?

Siqin Jiangyue's face was full of interest, and that breathtakingly beautiful smile made people's hearts jump! Wang Han and Zhu Sha knelt on the ground, trembling involuntarily.

"Originally, no matter how you two little Xiami make trouble, you are not qualified to be in the eyes of this seat, but if you dare to bully this seat's little boy, you can't be tolerated—"

Little boy Zhou Ziruo: ...

Little Shrimp Wang Han & Cinnabar: …

Si Qin Jiangyue took out Wu Sheng's saber, and used the tip of the knife to pick up Zhu Sha's chin. The cold knife surface pressed against her skin, making Zhu Sha even breathe intermittently. He smiled brightly and looked at Wang Han: "Are you willing to kill and set fire to this woman, and want to wander the world with her? Alright, then I will fulfill you pair of wild mandarin ducks. I will cut off her face, Picked out her tendons, pulled out her tongue, gouged out her eyes, cut off her nose, and gave you some herbs, let you take her away and take care of her day and night, okay?"

Every time he said a word of cinnabar, his face turned pale, and finally he almost fainted on the spot, but in his serious tone, the picture he described appeared uncontrollably in his mind, and he couldn't help showing a feeling of disgust. color.

Seeing this, Si Qin Jiangyue snorted mockingly, "But it's too boring, I changed my mind. It's better to throw you into the deep valley full of poisonous snakes and give each of you a knife. This knife is not just for you to take Come to kill snakes for self-defense. There is an antidote that is invulnerable to all poisons hidden in a hidden place in the valley, but the antidote is only half a pill. Only by killing the opponent, the competitor, can you survive. Is it like Is your proposal much more interesting?"

"Forgive me! My lord, please forgive me!"

"I don't know that this little brother belongs to the young master... I don't dare to do it anymore! I beg the young master to spare me!"

Wang Han and Zhu Sha kowtowed like pounding garlic, begging for mercy, and occasionally met in the corner of their eyes, their eyes were already filled with fear and almost murderous hostility, as if they had been thrown into the deep valley full of poisonous snakes at this moment! Even half an antidote can't guarantee whether it can resist the snake's venom, but as long as there is any hope of surviving, it must not be snatched away by the other party!

In the face of the contradiction that it's either you die or I live, the unbreakable chain of affection between the two of them when they faced the murder a few hours ago was easily broken.

"Hahahaha..." Siqin Jiangyue laughed loudly, raised her knife and quickly slashed on the two of them twice, their clothes fell off immediately, Wang Han was fine as a man, but Zhu Sha screamed and hugged her towering chest .

"What's the point of being in love until death? When the other party loses attractiveness and becomes a burden, or threatens the slightest interest of each other, why don't you just turn your face and deny him? It's so boring!" Si Qin Jiangyue threw away the long knife and pulled out Throw the soft whip around the waist on the ground, "take off their clothes, take off their skin, and then smear honey and throw them into the mass grave to feed snakes, insects, rats and ants! Remember to make sure the blood is enough to cause the corpse in the mass grave to change , let them live and enjoy the taste of being torn apart by the evil corpses and being eaten bite by bite."

Wang Han and Zhu Sha's faces were ashen, and they shouted in horror. And Wu Sheng had ordered someone to tear off their clothes, picked up the whip and "slapped" it on the naked flesh of the two. The whip that Siqin Jiangyue carried with her was naturally impossible to be an ordinary whip. As soon as he whipped it down, he saw that Wang Han's thick and hard skin had opened a shocking mouth of blood, and the flesh and blood inside were almost visible!

The two cried out in pain while wriggling their naked bodies like caterpillars to avoid it. After a few strokes, they were covered in blood and became two blood men. Cang Shuiyao frowned slightly with her slender eyebrows and looked at Si Qin Jiangyue who seemed nothing had happened for a while, then sighed silently, and pulled up the curtains of the carriage.

The corners of Zhou Ziruo's mouth twitched when he heard the screams, and after hearing Siqin Jiangyue's proposal just now and then looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but sympathize with Wang Han and Zhu Sha. He could feel that every word Siqin Jiangyue said just now came from the heart and was serious!

are you crazy…

Really neurotic...

It's better to be brought to justice by the government to kill and pay for his life, and it's over. If he falls into the hands of such a psychopath, he will have to suffer double torture and torture both mentally and physically before he dies...


Zhou Ziruo sighed, but Siqin Jiangyue proudly asked for his opinion, "What do you think?"

"I, I..." Zhou Ziruo's lips were trembling, and under Si Qin Jiangyue's expectant gaze, he said tremblingly: "That... did you find the ghost in the Linghua mirror that night?"

Siqin Jiangyue nodded: "I can see through the small tricks at a glance."

"Then, then you gave me Zhuohua's comb... because you found blood on it?" Zhou Ziruo recalled the details of Siqin Jiangyue's refusal to use that comb that night.

Si Qin Jiangyue said: "At that time, the blood had dried up long ago, and the naked eye could not distinguish it at all, but even so, I can still smell a slight smell of blood."

dog nose? ? ? Too sensitive? ? ? The blood that has been dried for more than 20 days and you can smell it just a little bit? ? ?

Si Qin Jiangyue didn't continue to discuss this matter, and urged: "Little boy, tell me quickly that you like the way the master handles these two little shrimps for you?"

Zhou Ziruo was sweating coldly.

This person doesn't understand what it means to change the subject? ? ? How could he like such **** violence? ? He was afraid that one day if he accidentally offended him, he would be punished like this, so how could he say something against his will like "like"! !

"It's insane, it's extremely cruel!"

That is, although Wang Han and Zhu Sha are not good things, such a way of death is too inhumane!

Zhou Ziruo nodded in agreement, and then suddenly realized: Who spoke his mind? ? ? Here are all people from Jiangyue Palace, which hero is so brave and fearless?

Pooh! The people of Jiangyue Palace shrank like quails in front of Siqin Jiangyue, how could they have such courage? There must be a righteous hero coming!

As if to confirm Zhou Ziruo's conjecture, the silver light suddenly flashed in the dark night, only the sound of piercing the sky was heard, and the Jiangyue Palace gatekeeper who was beating Wang and Han flew out without warning, a silver chain like a galloping The white snake engulfed Wang and Han, and their figures disappeared behind the night.

All this happened in an instant, the whole process was smooth and neat, and it was completed without giving anyone a chance to take measures to stop it!

Openly robbing people in front of the lord of Jiangyue Palace, is it a **** passing by? ?

Zhou Ziruo's blood boiled, and he immediately imagined the earth-shattering battle between the master of the righteous way and the tycoon of the evil way. Who would have thought that the disappearing silver light lit up again, and the silver chain pierced through the air, and this time it was actually coming towards him!

no? ? Accidentally injured the friendly army! !

The silver chain reached Zhou Ziruo's heart in an instant, and just when Zhou Ziruo thought that his heart was about to be pierced, the silver chain turned a corner, wrapped around him twice, and then his feet left. The ground was pulled forward by a strong force!

The author has something to say: lying on the bed last night, I suddenly felt the bed shake, thinking it was an illusion, and after a while, I saw the news that there was an earthquake in Jiuzhaigou. . .

I hope these catastrophes will pass soon

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