MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 89

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There are hundreds of immortal cultivating forces in the world, and the one that has stood at the head of many immortal cultivating forces for hundreds of years is the family of the Four Immortals and the Three Aristocrats. The four celestial sects are Qingyang Mountain, Changle Sect, Xuanyang Sect and Yaohua Palace. The third family is the Murong family, the Yun family, and the host of the Immortal Sect Disciple Competition - the Gu family of Zhuri Mountain.

Zhuri Mountain is located a hundred miles outside of Tongyang City. Because the green hills soar into the clouds, it bears the name of the mountain of sunrise, so it is named Zhuri. The family of Xianmen III is only ranked in the middle, with the intention of climbing to the top of the Nine Heavens and competing with the sun.

However, if the Gu family wanted to trample the other six sects under their feet, they might have thought about it a few decades ago, but now they can only be wishful thinking.

There are countless branches of the Gu family's great business, but the generation of the main family is sparsely populated. When the Gu family was once prosperous, the thirteen sons of the head of the family, Gu En, could be described as crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and heroes emerged in large numbers. However, in recent decades, the Gu family has committed a crime of Tai Sui. The eye-catching moments suddenly fade away, and in the end there are only the mediocre Gu Er, the withdrawn Gu Qi who doesn't make friends with others, and the smooth-talking **** Gu Jiu. The head of the family, Gu En, suffered major changes, and passed away within a few years of depression. The younger generation was still young, and the two and three Gu could not support such a large family. In the hands of Gu En's old mother and the wife of the former head of the family - Mrs. Gu.

Sixty or seventy years ago, Old Madam Gu Xue Ruyu was once a rare beauty in the world. How many young talents from various immortal families had bowed down under her skirts. Thinking about how many times she had offended the former head of the Gu family when she came to her family. The man weeps in pain in secret! Now Mrs. Gu is nearly ninety years old, her youth and beauty are no longer there, but her ambition and courage in her youth are still undiminished. In the Gu family whose descendants have long lost their ambitions, she is still firm in her former family's plan The determination to develop the Gu family into the head of the family of immortals has never slackened in the slightest!

This time the Immortal Family Grand Competition is scheduled to be held in Gu's family, which is the result of Mrs. Gu's hard work. Mrs. Gu intends to let other sects and aristocratic families see that the Gu family still retains its former style during this competition, so that the rumors that the Gu family is about to be forced out of the Four Immortals and the Third Family will be self-defeating. .

However, just seven days before the start of the big competition, Mrs. Gu, who has always been dignified, calm, moody and angry, lost her temper.

As soon as the sky was lit, all the children of the Gu family, regardless of their age, gathered in the square that was only used on important occasions and could accommodate thousands of people. For example, the Gu family members of the second and third brothers can barely stand, while those of the next generation can only kneel upright. On the high platform in the northernmost part of the square, Mrs. Gu's short and crooked body is sitting taller than her. In the two or three times as wide chair, he held a spiritual wood crutch inlaid with blood-red spirit stones, and stared sharply at the dark crowd of Gu's family members in the square with his shiny eyes under his thick eyelids.

From Mao to noon, the light of dawn gradually turned into scorching sun. Among the juniors kneeling on the ground, some of them were weak or untrained, and their faces were already pale with sweat. Not only them, even those standing elders who were not accustomed to Wu's female relatives were also dizzy and breathing disordered.

But Mrs. Gu didn't speak, no matter how uncomfortable she was, no one dared to express anything.

After the application time passed, the people who had been hungry for a long time and had been exposed to the sun for a long time finally saw Mrs. Gu taking a sip of the tea handed over by the maid. The grandson of Gu's parents, Gu Qinghuan, who was at the front of the high platform, scolded angrily: "Sinister!"

Gu Qinghuan is the only son of Gu Dajun who passed away, and the great-grandson of Gu Laotaijun. Because Jin Sun lost his father and mother since childhood, Gu Er and his wife who assisted Gu Laotaijun in managing Gu's family doted on him endlessly, even far away. More than his own son, Gu Qingyan, who doted on him. Gu Qinghuan has never been in trouble since he was a child, but no matter how big or small his mistakes are, his second uncle pampers and covers them. Now that he is nearly thirty years old, he does not have the responsibility and stability that a man should have in his thirties. The scourge of unbuttoned straw bags.

Mrs. Gu took care of the family affairs and neglected to discipline her great-grandson. When she found out that Gu Qinghuan's seedling had been completely crooked, she couldn't get it back even if she broke it. She had no choice but to tell Gu Er to keep a close watch on him, in case he did something wrong. Tian broke into a big deal, but as a grandson of a famous family who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth and thought he was arrogant and domineering, Gu Qinghuan would be sorry for his idiot name if he didn't do something. And rise.

Although Gu Qinghuan has done countless stupid things since he was a child, he still stuck to his bottom line and never killed anyone. But this time is different. A few months ago, Gu Qinghuan passed by a small village called Baihe Village at the foot of Zhuri Mountain, and fell in love with a handsome girl named Qianyun in the village. Regardless of the girl's already engaged marriage contract, she insisted on snatching her home and becoming a concubine. Gu Qinghuan, as a descendant of the Gu family, was born with extremely poor aptitude and didn't work hard the day after tomorrow. In the end, the villagers of Baihe Village collectively drove them out of the village with pots, pans, hoes, sticks, knives, and palladium.

Gu Qinghuan, who fled back to Zhuri Mountain in embarrassment, couldn't bear the anger, and couldn't bear to reveal that he had been taught a lesson by a group of villagers when he failed to rob the civilian girl, so he stole the strange medicine developed by his seventh uncle and sneaked back to Baihe Village alone. , Poured the strange medicine into the well where the villagers of Baihe Village used to cook and fetch water on weekdays!

Gu Qi of the Gu family is obsessed with pharmacology, and spends years at home researching and developing some messy strange medicines. He regards medicines as more important than his own life, and is a real weirdo. Finding that his medicine was missing two bottles, Gu Qi mobilized the whole family to search around, and let out the news that the medicine was a semi-finished product that had not yet been successfully developed, and if it was not done properly, it might cause death!

Gu Qinghuan, who originally only wanted to teach the villagers of Baihe Village a lesson, was frightened and stupid. When Gu Qi found him, he recognized him in a daze. After he told the whole story, the Gu family sent people to Baihe Village At that time, the small village that used to live and work in peace and contentment was already gloomy.

Six villagers died in Baihe Village, and among them was the girl Gu Qinghuan had a crush on, Qianyun.

The Gu family stands among the seven righteous forces, and has always been a hero, punishing evil and promoting good, but now such a scandal has happened, it is ironic.

When she was young, the old lady Gu was also a heroine who hated evil and hated her. What Gu Qinghuan did made her furious, but she was even more afraid that this matter would be caught by other immortal families as pigtails and beaten so that the Gu family would never stand up. No matter how angry and sad, Gu Er can only find a way to suppress the matter.

Gu Erzi wiped Gu Qinghuan's **** very clean, and the Gu family has no future troubles, but the old lady Gu is very disappointed with this eldest grandson. Although it was Gu Qinghuan who made the mistake this time, Mrs. Gu could see clearly that the juniors of the Gu family seldom had the demeanor of their parents, and many of them relied on their status as members of the Gu family. Since the death of most of the thirteen sons and the death of the head of the family, Gu En, he has become content with the status quo, adhering to the golden mean, and has no ambition to make progress! If one day she closed her eyes and kicked her legs, what future would there be in handing over the Gu family to these people?

Taking advantage of the basket that Gu Qinghuan poked out this time, Mrs. Gu beat and whipped all the members of the Gu family present. Although she was old and her frame had shrunk to only two-thirds of her previous height, she became angry. The old face all over the gully and the shrill old voice still made all the juniors bow their heads in guilt and horror, and kept silent like a cicada!

Gu Qinghuan knelt and crawled under the stage crying with snot and tears all over his face. After the old matriarch had scolded enough, he gasped for breath, then knelt on the stage and hugged the old matriarch's legs, confessing his mistake hoarsely.

Gu Qinghuan is indeed a scum, but after all, he is the eldest grandson of the Gu family's generation. The old lady Gu touched the top of her great-grandson's head, sighed deeply tiredly, and was furious.

Seeing that the old matriarch's anger seemed to have vented a lot, all the children of the Gu family in the audience secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Although those who should stand still had to stand still, and those who were kneeling did not dare to get up, gradually, there was a sound from the crowd. There is a lot of chatter, especially among the juniors who are not calm enough.

"Hmph! He, Gu Qinghuan, broke into such a big thing. Whether he should kill and pay for his life or think about it behind closed doors is his own business. Why did great-grandmother drag us all here to kneel here so early in the morning?"

"That's right. I was driven here before I woke up. I haven't had a sip of water since morning. My throat is so dry! This Gu Qinghuan is really harmful! Qingyan, are you right?"

The two Gu family juniors who complained in a low voice cast their eyes on Gu Qingyan who was still kneeling upright. Gu Qingyan looked up to the stage when he heard the words, and through the gap in the crowd in front of him, he saw Gu Qinghuan hugging the old lady His legs were crying and he raised his palms to swear an oath, while his father Gu Er was standing beside him, helping Gu Qinghuan to talk to Old Madam Gu attentively.


There was another call from the side, and Gu Qingyan lowered his eyes and remained silent.

"Great-grandmother is really partial to Gu Qinghuan. If we kill someone, it is not impossible for us to be expelled from the gate! Gu Qinghuan just needs to hold his great-grandmother's leg and cry twice and make a bet. Even the second uncle is helping He!" One of them said jealously, and said to Gu Qingyan: "Qingyan, the second uncle is your father, remember when you were young, you only skipped a martial arts class for half a day, and the second uncle punished you to kneel for half a month, how can we He didn't even listen to his pleadings! Now, how do you see him treating Gu Qinghuan? Don't you feel angry that he loves Gu Qinghuan far more than you?"

The two children of the same generation wanted to urge Gu Qingyan to express his opinion. At this time, someone turned around and said: "Qing Huan's parents died when he was young, and the second brother loves him. You two should say a few words less, and be careful not to fall into grandma's opinion." It made her old man displeased in her ears."

The deliberately low voice couldn't hide the innate gentleness in it. Gu Qingyan raised his eyes to look at the person who was speaking, and the two children of the same generation next to him spoke contemptuously.

"What's none of your business? You have to act like an elder here?"

"'Grandmother' is also your name? Do you really think of yourself as the Gu family? But it's just a wild..."

"Qingfeng, Qingce, shut up!"

The two juniors were sternly stopped, and they whispered unwillingly: "Yes, Uncle Ninth."

Gu Jiu glared at the two juniors, and immediately turned to Gu Jue with a friendly smile: "Ah Jue, don't be as knowledgeable as these juniors, I will tell the second brother to let him punish them properly."

Gu Jue didn't show any concern on his face, and said with a light smile, "Thank you Brother Nine for your protection, but there is no need for punishment. How can I take children's jokes to heart?"

The two juniors secretly exchanged a look of disdain, their lips twitched, and they cursed silently: "Bastard."

Gu Qi, who was standing not far away, cast a disinterested look here, and then turned back bored.

After the meeting, Gu Qingfeng and Gu Qingce followed Gu Qingyan from left to right, complaining cursingly about the long-lasting family discipline meeting. After scolding Gu Qinghuan, he began to scold Gu Jue. Gu Qingyan walked in front and suddenly turned around to watch them.

Gu Qingfeng and Gu Qingce were stunned at the same time, and the curse of the word "wild species" also stopped, "What, what's wrong?"

Gu Qingyan said in a solemn and cold voice: "Gu Jue is our fourteenth uncle, this is confirmed by great-grandfather and great-grandmother! If you continue to criticize him behind his back, don't follow me all day long, I don't want any gossip to spread Into the ears of great-grandmother!"

Gu Jue's identity has always been an embarrassing existence in the Gu family, and there are many people in the family who talk about him, but Gu Qingyan is Gu Er's only son, and Gu Er is now helping the old lady to manage the family, to put it bluntly In the future, the old lady Gu Junxian will go, and the Gu family will most likely be handed over to Gu's second hand. But compared to Gu Qi, who doesn't hear anything outside the window, and Gu Jiu, who is devoted to medicine, and Gu Jiu, who is really incompetent, Gu Jue is young and promising, smart and resolute, but he is very much like the former head of the family. The same generation, invisibly threatened Gu Er to take over the Gu family.

The thirteen sons of the Gu family were all the sons of the old lady Gu, but Gu Jue was the grandson of the former head of the family and another woman. Gu Jue is a thorn in the heart of the old lady Gu, but the old lady Gu is very generous to him, and has no objection to him as the blood of the Gu family. Anyone in the Gu family can talk about Gu Jue behind their backs, but Gu Er can't, and neither can Gu Er's son Gu Qingyan, otherwise if it gets out, it means that Mrs. Gu is suppressing the grandsons of the former patriarch and other women!

Gu Qingfeng and Gu Qingce looked at each other, they understood the joint, so they obediently shut up.

The day of the Immortal Sect Disciple Competition is approaching, and people from other Immortal Sect families will arrive at the Gu family one after another in the near future. The three of Gu Qingyan happened to have walked near the vestibule, and when they heard people said that there were guests, they consciously went to greet them .

Unexpectedly, as soon as the three of them arrived at the open iron gate of the Gu family, they heard a commotion outside the gate. Gu Qingyan stepped out in two steps, just in time to catch a glimpse of Gu Qinghuan pushing a slender boy out, the boy stepped on the ground, and was about to roll down the long steps, Gu Qingyan immediately flew over, his eyes quickly hugged the boy by the waist .

"Young fellow, are you alright?" Gu Qingyan staggered a couple of steps with the help of the young man before he stood still. He lowered his head to look, and his eyes instantly froze on the seven-point pure and three-point enchanting face of the man in his arms.

However, Zhou Ziruo did not give a weak and pleasant reaction that fit the face of this male vixen. Instead, he broke away from Gu Qingyan, pulled out the silver chain around his waist, and slashed at Gu Qinghuan.

"Nimma push me? I'm going to do justice to you today, you idiot!"

The author has something to say: I didn't have time to update it yesterday. I wanted to write more in this chapter today, but I was afraid that there would be too much content and people would not be able to distinguish the complex relationship within the Gu family. I want to draw a table to explain it at a glance, but the APP can’t see the picture, so I will explain it again in words

Madam Gu and the previous head of the Gu family were husband and wife. Madam Gu’s son Gu En is the head of the Gu family. Gu En had thirteen sons (not born to the same woman), ten of them died and now only three remain. It is Gu Er, Gu Qi and Gu Jiu. Gu En's eldest son, Gu Da, has an orphan who is the grandson of Gu's parents, Gu Qinghuan, and Gu Qingyan is Gu Er's son. The children of other brothers will appear in the sequel. After ten of Gu En's thirteen sons died, they also became depressed and died.

The above are the descendants of Mrs. Gu, but Mrs. Mrs. Gu’s husband is also the former head of the family and a woman she knew outside. This woman gave birth to a son for him. That son is Gu En’s brother and is dead. , but there is an orphan, Gu Jue. According to seniority, Gu Jue should call Mrs. Gu Grandmother, but in fact he has no blood relationship with Mrs. Gu.

Did I make it clear? ╮(╯_╰)╭

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