MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack System-Chapter 113 Cannon fodder counterattacks spiritual aliens (eight)

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On the pair of fascinating eyes, Ye Sinian tightened the handle of the handle. In the dim light, an unspeakable atmosphere flowed indoors. For a moment, the two men looked at each other.

The man stared at the top of his body and suppressed his own yiss years. The burning gaze fell on the lips that he kissed more vividly, and the cold hands slowly rose across the fabric.

The tight lips slammed a slightly sinister arc, and Ye Sinian’s pair of phoenixes, which were originally very colorful, slowly twitched twice, and the long curly eyelashes trembled, as if they were soft at the tip of the human heart. The feathers move gently and scratched.

The movement of the hand slammed.

As if he was very satisfied with his reaction, Ye Si Nian’s smile on his lips became more and more distinct. He held one hand on the shoulder of the man and looked at his well-defined face with his eyes, slowly leaning down. body.

It was close to the place, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became awkward.

Ye Si Nian pulled the corner of his mouth and looked straight into the depths of the strange eyes. The dagger that had been close to his throat gradually loosened his strength. The cold knife tip pressed against his rolling throat and slowly slipped.

The delicate five senses are accompanied by a slightly pale complexion. The man who was suppressed by Yessian did not seem to have a slight weakness. He blinked and almost indulged in the danger of scalp tingling.

"You said……"

The arc of the evil spirit of Ye Si Nian is getting bigger and bigger. His thick and long eyelashes tremble gently, and he squats to look at the man’s chin with a blue cicada, and his beautiful tongue sticks out. I narrowed my eyes under the gaze of the man’s temperature, and the voice was low with a touch of temptation. “I am fine?”

"Of course..." The cold blood that felt stagnant in the body began to burn hot until it boiled. The man in black squinted his eyes, and put his hands on the lower back of Ye Si Nian, gently pushing him into himself. In the arms.

In the man's chilly arms, you can only see his white jade ear, the hoarse voice in the ear, straight to the scalp numb, Ye Si Nian licked his lips, want to press The heart suddenly flutters with excitement and excitement, but the heart is uncontrollably speeding up the beat and the blood is boiling.

"You wake me up, take me back to the world..." The cold hands of men slid up and down the back of Ye Si Nian's muscular lines, and the language, posture and movements were incomparably ambiguous.

Ye Si Nian unconsciously smashed his eyebrows. The strength of the man's hands pressing the shackles was somewhat large, and the temperature was very low, but his back muscles were trembled with no reason.

The heartbeat is getting faster and faster.

"I am the moon." The man's hoarse voice with a few joyful meanings, one hand pressed at the tail of the leaves of Ye Si Nian, the lower body of the two men fit tightly, he moved his legs, but there is no real The effort to break the suppression of Yesian, but to enjoy the intimate distance between them, close to the ears of Yesan, the voice is more magnetic: "Don't forget, huh?"

The low nasal sound made Ye Si Nian tremble, and his heartbeat seemed to have missed a shot. He opened his mouth and only thought that the scorpion was a little dry: "Moon? The ... the general of the moon?"

"Afraid?" The moon burst into a smirk, and couldn't help but gently pick up the small and rosy earlobe in front of him, sounding very proud of his identity.

"Not afraid, but..." Yessman frowned frowning, reaching over his tight shoulders with black cloth, and raised his eyes against the pair of slightly golden eyes, saying: "Then you Isn't it five hundred years older than me?!"

Looking at the tangles above the body, I can't write the face of the five characters of "Old Cows and Young Grasses".

Month: "..."

Isn't this entangled difference?


It was late at night, and Sun Lin was lying on the bed, but he could not turn around.

Although I have known my own sexuality, I have never encountered a person who has made my heart move. The second is to cover up my secrets. He has always paid attention to keeping a distance from other men, not to mention the relationship, sometimes Even casual physical contact can make him nervous.

People who know know that he can't see the sweaty movements. Although he is the default, the most real reason is only his own.

He didn't want to, just didn't dare.

but now……

In my mind, I quickly flashed the face of the five senses with a beautiful look. Sun Lin’s face suddenly tightened, and he bit his teeth, but he still couldn’t dispel the desire to sink into it.

Close your eyes, the dream that is fascinating but still addictive is still so clear.

The beautiful and simple boy is lying on the grass, the white complexion and the green under the body form a sharp contrast. The slightly thin body is put in a tough posture, and it is constantly embarrassing under the strong impact. .

Sun Lin squinted openly and stared blankly at the void in front of him.

The moonlight sprinkled through the window into the room, and the room was dim.

"Take me... Hey! Go..."

The ear seems to echo the boy's uncontrollable embarrassment. Hey, the kind of being wrapped up is absorbed quickly. The feeling is almost completely subverted by his mind, so that he only wants to sink in this way, and can no longer care for others.

The hands clenched the sheets underneath, and Sun Lin looked pale and looked at himself.

When there is no one, nothing can be hidden.

How to disguise, he can't deceive his own heart.

He Sun Lin, who likes men...

Even if it is a dream, what exists in the dream... is also a man.

The chest couldn't help but tremble. Sun Lin clenched his teeth tightly, and his hands were covered with blue veins. He buried his face in the pillow.

The moonlight was a little dim, and in a dimly lit room, a nearly transparent figure appeared on the edge of the bed, looking at the man who was struggling in bed.

The breeze came in through the crack in the window and gently blew his half-length hair on his face.

The night is very quiet.


The next day.

Yessian slowly opened his eyes and lay down on the bed for a while before he could clear the memories of his mind.

The scene last night was still vivid, and the man’s kiss was not disgusting at all, even faintly familiar, so...

His wonderful lover has become a floating in this life?

Still an antique float? !

Sit up and sit up, Ye Sinian frowned and looked around in the room, his eyes were puzzled and awkward.

Last night, the cold embrace that was holding my eyes was gone.

Ye Si Nian blinked and turned his head to look at the dagger not far away.

The dagger with its black handle and a delicate scabbard lay quietly on the table and there was no trace of anomalies.

So... everything that was last night was just an illusion of my own?

Thinking of his own possibility of imagining a lover into such a presence, Ye Si Nian shook his eyebrows, and his expression was subtle.

Your own taste should be... not so heavy...

The expression was awkwardly stunned for a moment, and Ye Si Nian’s movements looked slightly sideways.

A white pillow was placed on the bedside with his own pillow.

Ye Si Nian was relieved for a long time, and the heart that was raised finally put down and reached out and patted his chest - okay, not his own fantasy!

But the action of taking the chest was only half done, and he suddenly stiffened.

Lovers are really only antiques floating, it seems... not as much as their own taste...

With a black line under the bed, Ye Sinian patted the crumpled pajamas and walked out with his slippers.

Since everything last night was true, why isn’t it now?

Is it...

Ye Si Nian's expression tangled and stopped, and looked back at the curtains that were thick enough to block all the light.

Should not see the light dead...



Lin Xiaobei, wearing a duckling pajamas, was cleverly nestled on the sofa full of plush dolls, holding the dirty bear doll in his arms and sneaking into the living room from time to time.

The moon was staring seriously at the TV not far away. If the enemy was close, he frowned. The slender hands seemed to be casually placed on his lap, and the muscles of his body were tightly tightened. It is ready to be sent.

"Hey! You vulture! I dare to rob the teacher too!! Look at the sword!"

I saw a violent drink in the box of the square, not far away, and the moon was shocked. I was stunned and watched the little man in the robe **** pull out the sword and sip the clothes to the clothes. The monk rushed over.

For a time, I saw the light and shadow shimmering clothes fluttering, the two villains on the bamboo forest, you come to me, the bamboo sea like the waves rippled under their feet, playing the name of a dimly lit day.

Month: "..."

What is this peerless martial arts? ! The power is so powerful!

Tightly frowning, the moon looked down and looked at the thin shovel that he had grinded out because of practicing the sword. His heart actually gave birth to a kind of unfortunate regret.

He had thought that the current people had no strength, but they did not expect...

Sure enough, there are people outside the sky!

I don't know the complicated sighs in his heart. Lin Xiaobei holds the doll in his arms, and his heart is curious and wronged.

The uncle who is dressed in a strange look looks like himself, but why does he look so fierce?

And... obviously the same, why should he grab his own TV?

Lin Xiaobei silently shrunk in the sofa, and a pair of glass-like scorpions glanced at his straight figure from time to time, and then glanced at the TV that made a fierce fight.

Uh... I really want to watch cartoons...

When Ye Si-nian tangled his face down from the upper floor, he saw such a scene of black lines.

The man in black costume sat in a beige modern sofa, staring seriously at the TV not far away, and his muscles were tight.

On the other hand, the child holding the doll almost completely fell into the sofa, and a pair of big eyes flickered and looked at the man's head with pity.

The man with long black hair in the jade crown turned a blind eye to him, watching TV seriously and seriously.

The brows shook unconsciously, and Ye Sinian subconsciously put light on her feet and squinted at the TV screen, trying to see what was so attractive in the room.

In the quiet living room, three pairs of eyes stared straight at the screen.

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