MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack System-Chapter 3 Inverse attack on the end of the world (3)

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The non-stop shot killed the zombies that followed, and Ye Siyan’s brows almost twisted into knots.

The zombie, who described the cockroaches, rushed up with his teeth and claws. Because of the extreme craving for fresh flesh and blood, the corners of his mouth continued to shed yellow, green and green sputum.

In the face of these zombies who did not feel enthusiasm and enthusiasm, Yesian only felt extremely hurtful.

So the fire tongue is more enthusiastic.

"Ye Shao is so handsome!"

"Yes! Good ability! I don't know how many levels of his power!"

"The family has money and is very powerful. The long is still so handsome. Do you know if there is a girlfriend?"

"Even if there is any more? As long as the ability is strong, there is nothing to open the harem!"



Qin Shiyue was standing on the side of the command and heard the hot topic in the car. I don’t know why I felt a little worried.

The line of sight is unstoppable and turned to the handsome back not far away.

The man was killing the zombies with no worries, but the back is just a fascinating cool and strong, and I don’t know the enthusiasm of others.

I don't know now, then after returning to the base?

How many people will be rushed into his arms?

Qin Shiyue frowns with a serious face and a hard, iron-like heart suddenly rises a sense of crisis that has never been seen before.

He simply handed the command work to his subordinates. Qin Shiyue licked his lips and took a few steps to the side of Ye Sinian. He fired a shot without a word, and the fire tongue swallowed the sickle of death, completely freeing those who were The bound soul.

At the corner of Ye Sinian's mouth, after the adjustment of the system, his five senses were strengthened to a high degree, and those who did not disguise the arguments he had long heard in his ears.

But he is not going to say anything.

To be honest, he enjoys the feeling that others are secretly jealous, and has been limited by the system for so many years. All he wants to do now is to enjoy it.


The news that Qin General captured the large amount of materials brought back by Qingyi County soon spread in the base. At the same time, the news that Ye Jiada’s young master Ye Si Nian killed the fourth-level zombies did not leave.

The former brings hope to the almost numb survivors to regain the city, and people seem to be able to foresee the future of all cities and the hearts of the people.

But compared to this, the latter's topic at the base is more intense.

After all, General Qin has long been famous. It is surprising to be able to capture Qingyi County, but it is not particularly unexpected. But Ye Si Nian is different.

As the son of the high-ranking Ye Liu of the base, everyone knows that he is a water-free abilities who have no lethality. Before I heard that he followed the mission, there were still private jokes that he was going to do mobile water. Now 乍The first reaction was to not believe when he heard that he could kill the fourth-level zombies with his ability.

But the facts are here, and with a lot of people saying that they have seen it with their own eyes, they can't believe it.

I believe it will be even more curious.

They all know the water system, but what is the strength of the water polo? How did it kill the fourth-level zombies?

That is a four-level zombie! Qingyi County is because only the four-level zombies let everyone talk about it, so the powerful zombies can not be drowned? !

Ye Sinian has no consciousness as a hot topic. He has found a new fun and enjoys it.

The Qingyi County mission is extremely perfect, and the most surprising thing is Li Feiyan.

Is the matter completely out of the trajectory, is the memory in his mind still 100% accurate? Can he still take advantage of the rebirth of revenge? !

Can't take revenge, then there is nothing unexpected about his rebirth!

Ye Si Nian lazily nestled in the sofa with a sip of drinking boiled water, even the pajamas did not change, the socks were not worn, and the feet were curled up in the sofa, a pair of lazy to the bones.

Not far from the dining table, Li Feiyan, who is having lunch, almost has to bite a silver tooth!

He doesn't want to see this person at all!

I stayed in the lab without sleep, and the research on vaccines did not make any progress. Yesterday, some people used this as an excuse to attack and criticize others, saying that they did not understand the experiment is a waste of resources!

What do they know? !

I have suffered so much in my life, and who knows this experiment better than him!

What is the use of experts who have theoretical knowledge! He will certainly develop a successful vaccine. Why should he allow them to join his team to get rid of the glory? !

A group of stupid villains!

I can't go anywhere, but why can I be so smart? !

He is obviously a dude who doesn't learn the insidious character! Why do you get the admiration of the base owners? !

Is it that he is born again to see how he has lived? !

He is not willing!

Ye Liu is busy competing with other people for the right to use materials and equipment. He has been busy for the first time and has no time and energy to comfort his little lover.

The eyelids were scornful, and Ye Si Nian’s eyes smacked through Li Feiyan, who was not far away, and his eyes were fierce. The mood became better.

Ye·Single Wang Sinian said that what they did before caused an indelible shadow on his soul.

So in the face of the single Wang, the show's love must be burned!

Ye Si Nian took a sip of water and sighed in a leisurely manner.

I don't know what Qin Shiyue is doing now?

His eyes flashed slightly, and Ye Si-nian held the glass and licked his lips.

As a single man who has been single for so many years, such a high-quality man, his attraction is simply a burst of ah~

Just don't know if he is a straight man?

Ye Si Nian's eyebrows picked up for a moment, but soon stretched out again.

Now, in the last days, there are countless men in the base who are combined for various reasons. Even if Qin Shiyue is a straight man, it would not be too difficult to bend.

Moreover, he is not necessarily a straight man! Straight men will look at him with that look? Straight men will be jealous for other men?

Maybe he doesn't even need a bend?

Speaking of him, he saved his life!

The grace of saving lives is to be honest, this is justified!

Hey, the name is right!


Qin Shiyue, who was unaware that he was being seen by people, was very upset at this time. He rarely replaced the military uniform and sat in the box with a blank expression. The lights were very dark and there was nothing wrong with it.

The box door was suddenly opened, and a group of men and women walked in with attractive steps and stood in front of the coffee table in a row, like the goods being displayed.

The young man who looks like a handsome figure looks arrogant and arrogant. He looks like a man and a woman. He has a slight lip and a peach eye. He will speak: "Qin General, can you see it?"

"What are you doing?" Qin Shiyue swept the men and women standing in a row, frowning at the young man, Shen Sheng.

"I am helping you!" The young man smiled and smiled. He walked over to him and pointed to the men and women who looked good. He said, "Are you not doubting your own sexual orientation? This is not the best way to test." ?"

"I am not interested in these people, let them go out." Qin Shiyue's brow wrinkles more tightly, his eyes are as sharp as a knife, with a smear of blood in the shadow of the knife, these men and women have no power, where can bear Can you live like this? He was shivering and shivering as he watched him.

"Then your eyes are too high!" The young man was shocked and said: "These are the best of our nights!"

"I was afraid of shaking when I looked at it. Is it still waiting for the goods?" Qin Shiyue frowned at the people who quickly escaped from the box like a big man, and they were very disdainful.

"Little uncle! You don't want to think about your own eyes!" The young man rolled his eyes and said uncomfortably: "You are so embarrassed, grandparents know?"

"But I am very curious!" Qin Song suddenly turned his head and looked at him, his eyes brightened: "What kind of beauty is this makes me this cold uncle suddenly opened up? I must ask for advice! ”

"Qin Ge, put away your careful thoughts." Qin Shiyue faintly glanced at him. "He didn't mean anything to me, nor seduce me."

"What?!" Qin Ge was really surprised this time. He widened his eyes and looked incredulously: "Then you are secretly in love? People still don't know? Do you want to be so frustrated!"

Qin Shiyue looked at him with no expression.

Inadvertently blurted out the heart, the Qin Ge excited mood suddenly extinguished, the expression stiffly laughed twice, bluntly transferred the topic: "Then you come over to..."

"Teach me how to chase people." Qin Shiyue opened his mouth with no expression: "You are experienced."

Experienced Qin Song: "..."

#冰山叔叔 is chasing his wife and cruelly forcing a simple scorpion, seeking the mental shadow area of ​​the scorpion#


Appreciating enough of the constellation's constipation, Ye Sinian put on his clothes and went out.

Destination - night.

Now is the end of the world, all the laws of the world are collapsed, and the darkness of humanity is magnified to the extreme.

In such a world of precarious survival of the fittest, the most demanding hunters are always venting.

Alcohol, *, gambling.

The crystal nucleus that is exchanged outside the base is spent like water, or drunk or sweaty or a lot of money, as if only in this way can they prove that they existed.

When there is demand, there is market.

In the end of the world, there are many handsome guys who are incapable of self-protection. You are willing to go out and countless bar clubs and private clubs have sprung up.

The night is one of the best.

Legend has it that the identity of the boss of the night is very mysterious. Tune. The method of teaching the young master is first-class, and the background is very tough, so even if it enters the gold, no one dares to provoke.

And its scale is not small, it looks like a small European-style palace from afar, shining under the light, and the slow music is coming from the distance, so people can't help but want to go in and find out.

It is the most famous gold cave.

Ye Si Nian has a long black trench coat and a pair of leather boots on his feet. He is dressed neatly and handsomely. Standing on the street is very eye-catching.

Slightly raised his eyebrows, Ye Sinian looked at the opposite side of the street with colorful lights and entertainment, and suddenly passed a trace of back to the past.

When he was young and frivolous, he also worked as a nightclub for a little prince~

Ye Si Nian pulled the corner of his mouth and silently crossed out the middle of the memory in his mind, and then he walked long legs toward the piece of light.


The original Lord finally died here.

I don't know how to take the original owner into the night, and how can the **** who abused the original owner die?

The boss of the night?

Ye Si Nian licked his lips, and suddenly there was some strange excitement in his heart. 2k novel reading network

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