MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack System-Chapter 66 Counterattack through the species. Ma Wen (3)

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Strongly press the anger of the heart, Yang Yu soft fingertips whitening, but the bottom of the eyes is full of tears of the surplus, with a crying road: "Mu Feng ... you ... you are not like others, so look for Is this ridiculous excuse to perfuse me?"

Ye Si Nian's eyebrows froze, and took a sip of the cool coffee on the table, saying: "I didn't perfuse you."

Feng Yan swept, inadvertently swept across the table to open a new film investment plan, eyes on the actor's photo on the meal.

The knuckles knocked on the table, and Yesi did not care to reach out and pick up the photos. She waved at Yang Yurou and said, "Look, I like this."

Yang Yurou stunned his eyes wide open, and looked incredulously at the photo. The man with his upper body, his bronze muscles glazed under the light, and the side lines slightly back to the head were cold and rough, even if it was still. The photos also make it hard to ignore the male hormones that come to the fore.

The strange feeling in my heart is getting heavier and heavier. Yang Yuru frowned and said: "Gu Yu?"

In the heart of the move, aiming at the starring name on the plan, Ye Sinian nodded naturally and put the photo on the table. "Yes, I like this, so Miss Yang, we don't Suitable."

Yang Yurou opened her mouth. She certainly didn't want to give up the golden turtle that she was about to get, but she never thought that there would be such a wonderful reason for breaking up, and the strange feeling that she couldn't tell, she actually stopped talking, I don't know. What to say is good.

Before the dissolution of the monk in the north of the monk, she began collecting Mu Feng's information very early. To be honest, this kind of high-quality man is indeed the Prince Charming of every woman. He has more money, more handsome, and more important is private life. Very checkpoints, never had any bad style problems.

You know, Mu Feng is the president of the entertainment company! There are countless handsome men and women around him. He has cleansed himself to this point. If she didn't investigate that she knew that he was in good health, she would doubt whether he had any hidden words!

Such a person, this is very attractive, and her original fiancé is such a fallen dude, how can she not be tempted?

She tried her best to make her parents "accidentally" get to know Mu Feng's parents, and in the face of Mu Feng's parents, she had been holding the temper for so long and good lady, which made Mu Feng nod and promised to look everywhere. Is this now? Is everything in the bamboo basket empty?

"Send Miss Yang out." Yesan did not want to entangle her again. He told the assistant at the phone that he nodded to Yang Yurou with a blank expression: "Miss Yang, I still have a job, no. delivered."

When his voice just fell, he heard a polite knock on the door. The young man with flat glasses pushed open the door and smiled at Yang Yurou politely.

"Mu Feng..." Yang Yu's face was a weak and helpless injured expression, but his heart was secretly worried.

Although Mu Feng was not eager for her attitude before, but the gentleman is gentle!

Why can't she believe that wonderful reason! I acted like Mu Feng's preference for such a long time, innocent and kind, gentle and careless, and consciously acting so well that even I almost cheated, how would Mu Feng suddenly turn away?

Certainly someone is stalking from it!

I think of those who are just like myself, secretly paying attention to Mu Feng, who wants to marry into the "good girlfriends" of Mu's family. Yang Yu's eyes are shimmering, and I feel a little more intense conspiracy theory!


Temporarily clearing the boundaries with one of the heroines, Ye Sinian took a long breath on the back of the chair.

He is naturally not afraid of the kind of male actor. After all, the man is still barely able to eat and drink. He simply does not pose a threat to him, but his fiancee is still exempt.

That kind of fiancee who eats people without spitting bones, or who likes to take it away!

After thinking about it, Yesan’s heart moved and picked up the mobile phone and sent a text message to the assistant.

Since even the dog's blood stems of the past and present life are coming out, how can he forcefully win love?

Eye-catching and e-mailing, Ye Si-nian looked forward to hooking his lips.

Putting the phone on the table, the slender fingertips paused, or reached out and picked up the photos on the table.

Speaking of it, this man who was temporarily used as a shield is still not bad!

His eyes slid down the man's smooth back muscles, and Ye Siian quickly gazed at the sharp waist, which lifted the phoenix to look at the handsome face of the man.

Gu Yu.

Both the original owner and himself are no strangers to the name.

As a background, the mysterious background of the tough big shadow emperor, Gu Yu has been famous for a long time, and the wind is also very good in the circle, in addition to the character is somewhat ruthless, almost can be regarded as a national male god.

But such a life winner is nothing more than a cannon ash on the road to the male leader.

Unlike the hatred of the original owner, the reason why the actor is not pleasing to the eye after success is to put him to death in an unscrupulous manner, but at the root of it, he feels that he is looked down upon.

When Fashion North has just upgraded to the fifth level, the upgrade reward is a **** movie with a homosexual theme. The role of the male actor is very demanding on the actor's acting and temperament. It is not a new actor to solve the problem. .

The previous films have been very successful, and the film and television companies in the name have also made some names. Shangbei can’t help but feel a little fluttering. I feel that I am already a successful person who has gained a foothold in the circle. I am not satisfied with always adopting some lesser-known little actors, so he turned his attention to Gu Yu, who has been known for a long time and has the reputation of “box office protection”.

However, Gu Yu refused his invitation.

Shangbei is not reconciled. He didn't know that he could accept other actors before he met Gu, but he couldn't see anyone else after he learned the biography of Gu Yu!

A good script should naturally let a good actor perform!

He confidently entangled Gu Yu for a long time, and even used the public opinion to create coercion. He released the news that Gu Yingdi appeared in the **** movie. The time was aroused by the fans. For a time, the entertainment news of the whole league was reporting the news that Gu Yingdi will be participating in the **** movie for the first time.

However, just when Shangbei was full of thought that he would compromise on this, Gu Yu, who had remained silent, spoke.

Since you are so disgusted with homosexuality, why create a movie of homosexuality?

A simple question on the social networking site will almost regain its back on the dust and just stepping forward to the success of Shangbei.

Shangbei itself is really very disgusted with homosexuality. He can hardly imagine how two big men can be together, but this world of advocating tolerance and freedom has passed the same-sex marriage law for 800 years, but the **** is different. Gay is here. People in the world don't seem to be so strange.

So Shangbei, who “dislikes homosexuality” but wants to create a gay-themed movie, seems a bit strange and out of place.

Shangbei himself is also arguing that this world is very different from his original world. Every time he “creates” a script, he must make more or less modifications. The script is inevitable in the process of this modification. Will bring his own emotions and values.

He looked at the movie with disgusting gaze, how could he restore its original appearance?

In the original world, the audience was stunned. For a long time, it was impossible to let go of it. The kind of painful and desperate love that did not consciously feel bad, in his hands became an exchange of interests. The bare meat. Want...

It has always been very picky about the script, and Gu Yu will naturally not accept this kind of movie without any connotation, purely through his reputation and betrayal.

The use of public opinion to coerce makes him more uncomfortable, so he has always been irritated by a person who has always been a good temper.

Gu Yu has been famous for a long time. His character is trustworthy in the circle or in the eyes of the audience fans. He said that Shangbei hates homosexuality, and Shangbei definitely does not feel good about homosexuality! There is no feeling of it, he is also hypocritical to shoot a **** movie! Even in the previous interview, I said that I was moved to cry when I was creating!

Simply shameless!

So for a time, Shangbei’s reputation for money, inferiority, and shamelessness instantly ruined the image of his long-running prodigal son who had worked hard before.

However, Shangbei is the protagonist with the golden finger. After all, he was systematically punished because the task was not completed. However, with the help of the system and a lot of confidantes, he still came out of the shadows.

However, this incident has become a stain of his life, and his road to success has become more difficult and tough.

All of this is because of Gu Yu’s words.

How can he not hate? How can I not revenge?

After all, if it wasn’t for the slightest words of his own time, would Gu Yu say so directly?

A person who looks down on himself, shouldn’t he retaliate?

Therefore, it is similar to the original owner's drunk driving accident. The self-disciplined checkpoint has never been chaotic. Gu Yu also died of alcoholism on the bed of a certain Yanxing...

Ye Si Nian picked up his eyebrows coldly.

In my heart, I ordered a row of wax for myself, this difficult brother and brother...

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