MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack System-Chapter 7 Inverse attack on the end of the world (7)

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The dense fog slowly dissipated, and when everything on the platform was clearly visible, the audience was quiet.

I saw that Ye Si-nian stood in the face with his hands on his face, not so much as he was participating in the challenge of the ring. A casual look was like watching a boring movie.

On the other hand, Yang Jun, the audience was surprised to find that the strong firepower abilities in the impression did not know when they were hit by the edge of the ring. They were lying in the water in the middle of the water, and they kept vomiting blood in their mouths.

Qin Shiyue’s position was very close to Fujian and Taiwan. His eyes were brightly staring at the youth on the stage, only to feel the heart full of surprise.

He always knew that he was strong, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful! It’s incredible to easily defeat the strong base in the number of hands-on!

For a moment, Qin Shiyue’s heart seemed to be full of things, so that he could not speak at all. He could only obsessively use his eyes to portray the perfect side face of the youth on the stage.

He must get this person!

Qin Shiyue took a deep breath and ignited the light that he was determined to win.

There are still people who still have doubts about Ye Sinian’s ability, but after this battle, where can anyone dare to lie?

The whole scene was quiet for a few seconds, and suddenly a shouting cheer was heard.

The referee slammed awkwardly, and the eye with amazement swept across the ring, Yang Jun, who had almost no vitality, and looked at the ugly face of the willow under the fascinating look.

He is just a small staff, although the strength is ok, but there is still no confidence in such things.

It is natural to seek advice from Ye Liu.

How did Ye Sinian give him this opportunity?

The phoenix was scornful, and Ye Siian faintly said: "Can you announce the results?"

"When, of course!" was stunned by the eyes that did not contain emotions. The referee only felt that the body was cold, no longer dare to play any ghost ideas, and nodded in a hurry, screaming: "Before the end of the test, Ye Siian wins! ”

The cheers of the audience shook the sky.

Yang Jun smirked, remembering the gambling promise that he had been very proud of before, only to see his face burning, as if he had been slap in the air for a few dozen slaps, it is really better to die.

Ye Sinian stared at the direction of Ye Liu and slammed her lips.

In contact with his gaze, Ye Liu and Li Feiyan slammed their heads and suddenly raised a slight hunch.

They haven't had time to export to stop, and they see Ye Si Nian slowly picking up a piece of paper.

The hands gently pressed down, and the different audiences gradually snorted, staring at the obvious words that Ye Si Nian had to say, and the audience returned to silence.

"This is my gamble with Yang Jun." Yesian shook his lips and shook his hands in the fluttering paper. The words that made him surprised everyone: "Whoever loses will leave Ye Family and will not return for life." ""

I kindly gave the audience ample reaction time, and Ye Sinian’s smile on her lips became more and more clear: "Since I am winning now..."

"Stop!" Ye Liu suddenly stood up and stared at Ye Si Nian's eyes as if to choose someone.

Li Feiyan also stood next to him, his chest violently undulating, obviously suffocating.

"This gamble is black and white. Is the father planning to let Yang Jun carry a shame on his promise?" Yessyan raised his eyebrow in surprise and opened his mouth in disbelief.

"Yang assistant is doing a good job for Ye Jiaxuan, how can you make such a bad thing for the beast!" Li Feiyan screamed as if he had done something big.

"This gamble is prepared by Yang’s assistant for Ye Jiaxuan." Ye Sinian glanced at him with a mocking look: "Since he wants to drive me out of Ye Family, why should I let an outsider?"

"Yang Jun is not an outsider!" Li Feiyan is simply out of anger. He hates Ye Si Nian often hangs on his mouth and laughs at him as a foreigner of Ye Family. Where can he endure? The new hatred and old hate broke out together. He simply forgot where he was and resentfully pointed to Ye Sinian and said: "What qualifications do you have to say others! You are an outsider!"

Ye Si Nian slammed a fiercely, as if he had not responded, and opened his mouth. Unbelievably, Li Feiyan, who looked angry at the audience, looked at the side of the leafy willow, and his eyes were a little red. It’s up.

When Qin Shiyue used a force, he even directly crushed the crystal nucleus that he was used to, but he did not feel it at this time. He only looked at the young man on the stage and watched him try to cover up or cover up. Unable to be helpless and fragile, watching his red eyes and ignorant eyes, distressed can not be suppressed.

Ye Si Nian watched his own father bow down and softly comforted the impetuous little lover. He even owed his eyes to the son on the stage, biting his teeth and anger: "I know that you have long seen me not pleasing to the eye, but I didn't expect you to think that I am an outsider!"

"Who do you think you are!" When he looked at the eyes of the condemnation, Li Fei said that he was dying, regardless of the prevention of Ye Liu around him. He said: "It is just a kind of woman who is born of a woman! I have never cared about you!"

Ye Si Nian’s pupil slammed and looked at Ye Liu, who was holding Li Feiyan, as if he finally recognized the reality and licked his lips. The hopes and hopes of the eyes were extinguished little by little. Muttered: "Father, is this gambling appointment you are..."

The voice is getting lower and lower, and the young people on the stage bowed their heads in vain, like a child who can't find a way home. It is so fragile that people feel bad.

He clung to the struggling lover, Ye Liu did not hear Ye Si Nian's whisper, but he did not hear, but the people around the ring were clearly heard.

Although I didn’t understand the words behind him, they were holding a lively mentality. The most important thing was the brain-filling ability. Naturally, the brain had already made up a big grievance drama, only to hate to go home immediately. The forum broke out and I had a good time.

Even if some people didn't look at the excitement at the moment, the young people who were obviously sad on the stage were also pity. In contrast, the ruthless and unruly Ye Liu, who was cruel to his parents, gradually became dissatisfied.

Ye Liu, while appeasing the lover in his arms, thought about the electric turn and pondered the solution.

Li Feiyan can forget where he is, but he can't, and he is so easy to cultivate his reputation. He is not willing to ruin it.

So this matter must be solved.

Since Ye Si Nian and Yang Jun signed a gamble, then this is the end of the matter, he can only leave one.

Everyone knows that Yang Jun is his confidant, no matter how to deal with it in the future, but under this view, he can't give up, or who will remain faithful to his cadres?

Fortunately, he had no feelings for this child. Although his ability to show was beyond his expectations, he was nothing compared to his cohesiveness.

Making a choice in an instant, the face of the leaves will be cold, and the eyes will look like a torch to the ruthless Ye Si Nian, cold channel: "Yesian, you know what is wrong?"

"What's wrong with me?" Yesnian looked up without a trace, his eyes were red, his heart was gray: "Father, you just want to find an excuse to drive me out..."

Ye Liuyi, I was amazed at how Ye Si Nian would know his own intentions, and he saw a pale face of a young man on the platform. He said: "In this case, I have no face to leave, Mr. Ye rest assured, I will immediately Leaving Ye Family, no longer bothering you and Li Feiyan’s two-person world..."

After all, the mournful youth closed his eyes and a few drops of crystal quietly fell.

The world has a good feeling for those who are good-looking, and they also have a natural bias towards the weak. At this time, the young and beautiful young people are so sad that they can’t be suppressed on the stage. Where can they still be seen?

The owner of this Ye family is too worried! For the little lover in his arms, he did what it was to force his son to leave home!

Ye Si Nian’s scene of defeating Yang Jun in the blink of an eye is still vivid, so a son with strong ability and good filial piety, who doesn’t want it? Ye Liu actually wants to drive him out of the house!

Although the world has been dark since the end of the world, most people are only forced to do so. The forces under Ye Liu’s hands are so big, but even their own sons are unwilling to raise them. Is there any humanity? !

The whispers of the people around him kept coming into the ears, and the face of Ye Liu was instantly lost to the extreme.

But as soon as he moved, he was dragged by Li Feiyan in his arms.

"Let him go!" Li Feiyan's eyes were red, and he did not let his eyes look straight at Ye Liu's eyes.

The heart knows the difference between the lover and Ye Si Nian, and Ye Liu moves the larynx. Although he just wants to say something beautiful to save some images, but taking into account the feelings of Li Feiyan, thinking about what to say is unhelpful. .

The pale-looking youth insisted on going down the ring, and it seemed that the love of the dear was hurt to the extreme, and even the walk was faltering.

Suddenly, a tall figure appeared beside him, and the young man was carefully taken into his arms with a complete protective posture.

The cautious movement is like treating a rare and precious.

Qin Shiyue's two eyebrows were wrinkled tightly, carefully grasping the waist of Yessian, whispering in his ear: "Don't be sad, there is me."

Ye Si Nian was as if he was in the arms of his arms, his pale face buried in his shoulders, and he covered his neck with a heartbreaking and fragile gesture.

Feeling the burning tears falling on the side of the neck, Qin Shiyue only felt that the heart seemed to be caught by an invisible hand, and the heartache was reached to the extreme.

The fierce eyes swept through Ye Liu and Li Feiyan, who were not far away, and Qin Shiyue’s heart was fleeting. He gently shot the back of Ye Si Nian, and said softly: "We are leaving here. ”

Ye Si Nian still kept his neck in his posture, only nodded in his arms.

In the past, the people who were confident and confident were so disappointed that they were so sad that Qin Shiyue only hated those who hurt him.

But after all, he is not a reckless person. He knows what the public can't do under his eyes. He can only temporarily suppress the temper in his heart and take people out halfway.

On the platform, Yang Jun, who was in the pool of blood, spit out another blood. The power was ruined and seriously injured. At this time, he was weak to the extreme.

Struggling to turn his head, Yang Jun moved the bloodshot eye, and his eyes fell on the back of Ye Liu and Li Feiyan.

It is a fact that the power is abolished. If a waste person who has no power is rejected by the Ye family, his life will be miserable in the future!

In order to survive in the future, he must not leave Ye Family!

Yang Jun spit out a blood, his face was gray and gray, and the past was covered with mild eyes and dark tides.


"General Qin, what do you mean!" Ye Liu looked at Qin Shiyue across the conference table, even if he tried his best to suppress it, his mouth still leaked full of anger.

"What do you mean?" Qin Shiyue's pupils were as dark as a deep pool, and his eyes were indifferently swept away, and his tone was faint. "This is the best solution for the base."

"We have been preparing for so long, and you disagree with it!" Li Feiyan, who is sitting in the secretary's position behind Ye Liu, couldn't help but ask questions.

He really saw this Qin Shiyue is not very pleasing to the eye. He used to think that he was a pure military character, but he did not expect him to be so insidious, not only to cover the funeral dog Ye Si Nian, but also to swallow a few shares in the base. The forces, plus the army that he had in his hands, are now even stronger than they are!

Thinking of Ye Si Nian, Li Feiyan’s expression could not help but linger.

I thought that he didn't have the blessing of Ye's family. The days after that must have been terrible, and he said that he would die in the zombies.

I didn’t expect Ye Si Nian to know when he had caught up with Qin Shiyue, who has never been involved in the base. Now he is in the heavily guarded laboratory every day, not only does not live as miserable as he thought, even more than before. I don't know how many times comfortable!

He was born with revenge and revenge, wrapped in the hatred of Haotian. Now that the enemy is getting better and better, where can he tolerate this breath?

But no matter how angry he is, he is not as good as human beings. He can only temporarily suppress his hatred and let him live comfortably for a few days.

As long as his zombie vaccine research is successful, he will be grateful and revered by the people of the world at that time. What can Qin Shiyue, a small Jingcheng small person, count?

Qin Shiyue sneered through Li Feiyan’s expressionlessly but still reveals his ambition and malicious eyes, and he sneered in his heart.

Ye Liu really lived back more and more, and put a son who is so good in the year, but he tried his best to please the heart and mind.

While exhaling the excuses of the disabled person in the institute to eradicate dissidents, while secretly sinning his abilities to do experiments, this rumored that the simple Li Feiyan can be a good person?

That is to say, Ye Liu was fascinated by the beauty, only to see the person on the pillow, and he should not know if he was wearing a green hat.

Thinking of the scene that I had accidentally seen on a certain day before, Qin Shiyue was full of malicious hooks.

I wonder if Ye Liu would not have thought that the lover who could not hold the palm of his hand would roll up with the loyal heart.

That Yang Jun is also a monk. He was able to survive tenaciously when he was abolished. Although he became an ordinary person, he is still a good means, and he is still a good assistant to Ye Liu.

Although it seems that Yang Jun secretly made the means at the beginning, but they all rolled together, even if there is hidden feelings? Moreover, they did not know how many times they put a green hat on Ye Liu.

What do you think is a good year!

Qin Shiyue took the teacup and concealed his uncontrollable smile by drinking tea.

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