MTL - Card Room-Chapter 541

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Chapter 541

Xiao Lou did not escape. Although he has a light card in hand, if he escapes now, the surrounding criminal police have every reason to shoot him. He took a deep breath and calmly followed Yu Hanjiang into the police car.

No wonder the expression on Yu Hanjiang's face was so surprised when he saw the information department found out the owner of the strange number during the police meeting this morning. Xiao Lou was hiding in the drawer and didn't see the number. When he crawled out of the drawer, the projector was turned off. He didn't know what the information department had found. He didn't expect that the strange call received by the deceased would be related to him!

The appearance of Zhang Hengyu's body in the specimen showroom also surprised Xiao Lou.

But calm down and think about it carefully, and it's easy to think-this is framed and framed.

He has no grievances or grudges against others in this world. He is just a university teacher who has his duty. He doesn't know Ning Xue or Zhang Hengyu. Who would frame him?

Xiao Lou guessed that this might be the work of the hunter.

The hunter does not directly come to his door to kill him, but uses this method, perhaps because the theme of this world is "heart puzzle solving". The hunter is also subject to certain rules and cannot directly act on him. You can get rid of him by the police.

Xiao Lou's mind turned quickly, carefully sorting out all the details after entering the secret room. At present, Xiao Lou does not know how many "criminal evidence" the police have about him. He must calm down and wait for Yu Hanjiang to try him before deciding what to do next.

The sound of police sirens kept echoing in my ears, and there was an awkward silence in the police car.

With the black curtain pulled by the window, I couldn't see the world outside.

I don’t know how long the car stopped. Yu Hanjiang got up and asked Xiao Lou to get off. Xiao Lou followed him all the way to the interrogation room. Yu Hanjiang closed the door and motioned Xiao Lou to sit on the opposite side.

Xiao Lou calmly sat on the iron chair and raised his head to look at Shang Yu Hanjiang.

The eyes of the two met in the air, and Xiao Lou did not panic at all, but appeared calm. His eyes are as clear as water, calm and calm, without any trace of guilty conscience.

Yu Hanjiang also looked at Xiao Lou calmly, pressed the headset, and whispered, "Let Xiao Wu in."

After half a minute, Xiao Wu walked into the interrogation room with a pile of materials, and leaned in Yu Hanjiang's ear and said, "Team Yu, the results of the appraisal have come out. Take a look."

Yu Hanjiang flipped through the materials blankly, and said, "I will ask Professor Xiao a few questions, and you will record them."

Xiao Wu said "OK" and took out a pen and paper while sitting next to him.

Yu Hanjiang also sat down, tapped his curled fingers on the desk lightly, thought for a few seconds, and then asked in a low voice, "Professor Xiao, what is the relationship between you and Ning Xue and Zhang Hengyu?"

Xiao Lou replied calmly, "I don’t know Ning Xue, Zhang Hengyu is my student. As the class monitor, he often contacts me privately, and the content is related to the course. For example, let me send him the t-courseware during class, or find I want reference materials."

Yu Hanjiang said, "Do you know about Zhang Hengyu and Ning Xue being together?"

Xiao Lou said without hesitation, "I don't know, I never ask students' personal feelings."

Yu Hanjiang raised his eyes to look at him with Leng Rui, "136258965xx, is this phone number yours?"

Xiao Lou was stunned--this phone number was indeed his, but it was the number he used when he was in school. It has been abandoned for two years. Unexpectedly, this old number would actually reappear, and it would be used by hunters!

Xiao Lou was surprised but remained calm on the surface. He slowly said, "This is the number I used when I was in school. After I stayed at school to teach, because the school gave all teachers a unified group number, there is no phone fee for calling each other. There is still 100g of free data a month. I think the group number is more convenient, so the original number is never used again. The number I use now is 158746986xx, which should also be stored in Team Yu’s phone."

Yu Hanjiang took out his mobile phone, opened "Xiaolou" in the address book, and said, "Yes, I have your number. However, an ID card can bind several mobile phone numbers, starting with 136. You bought it under your real name." He glanced at Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, tell Professor Xiao the results of the investigation in the business hall."

Xiao Wu took out a printed report and said, "136258965xx, this mobile phone number was purchased by a student named Xiao Lou seven years ago in the business hall of Renmin Road, Jiangzhou City, and the traffic is 100 yuan. The package has been used for seven years so far. On the 1st of every month, this number will be recharged with a fixed charge of 100 yuan through Alipay. Moreover, each month’s telephone bill and data will basically be used up, and the signal area of ​​this number has always been In Jiangzhou."

Yu Hanjiang raised his eyes to Xiao Lou, "How does Professor Xiao explain?"

The phone bill is charged on the 1st of every month. This is Xiao Lou's habit for many years. He didn't expect that the other party could even imitate his habits.

Xiao Lou calmly said, "Obviously, this number has been stolen. I did not cancel the old number when I changed the number. This is my negligence, but I have sent all my relatives, friends and colleagues the information to change the number. The information is recorded. Stay in the phone."

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and put it on the table, "Team Yu can check it out."

Yu Hanjiang took the cell phone and looked through the SMS records. He did find the message Xiao Lou said, "Hello, excuse me, this is Xiao Lou, this is my new mobile phone number, please save it. The old number will start today. Disable."

This information group was sent to all people in the address book.

Yu Hanjiang watched the group messages, thoughtfully.

Xiao Lou went on to say, "After the number was changed, the original number was stolen. Such examples are not uncommon. Does Team Yu believe that I am the murderer based on just one phone number? Isn't this too sloppy?"

"Of course I have other evidence." Yu Hanjiang took out a red phone, opened the album and showed it to Xiao Lou. "You said you don't know Ning Xue, this is the phone of the deceased Ning Xue. Why does it appear in her album? A lot of photos of Professor Xiao?"

"..." Xiao Lou was speechless for a while looking at the photos in the album.

"There are frontal photos of you when you lecture in class, your profile when you are driving, and your back when you are walking-there are hundreds of single photos of various angles." Yu Hanjiang said lightly, "It seems, Ning Xue It's your little girl, who likes you very much."

Xiao Lou frowned displeased, "What does this mean? I was secretly photographed, I don't even know."

Yu Hanjiang said, "According to my investigation, six months ago, Ning Xue and her boyfriend Zhang Hengyu came to the Medical University to listen to your courses. After listening to your class, she became obsessed with you, and because of this she had a private relationship with you. ,Is that right?"

Xiao Lou said coldly, "My class is always open, and students from other majors often come to attend. I don't remember anyone who came to my class six months ago, let alone whether she was Ning Xue."

Yu Hanjiang said, “In Ning Xue’s mobile phone, there are many records of calls with the number 136. We also recovered the album data and found some screenshots of the chat records she deleted, all of which were to send messages to this number to express her love. The other party also responded that she liked Ning Xue very much, but her status was so different that she was not suitable for being public at the moment.

He opened the restored chat screenshot to Xiao Lou. "Professor Xiao has a look, are you familiar with these chat records?"

Xiao Lou looked at the screenshot of the chat silently, and did not reply.

This time, the method of planting and framing is very clever. Through a mobile phone number he abandoned, he forged the so-called "truth" of his private relationship with Ning Xue-unless someone who pirated his number is found, Xiao Lou is really indefensible.

Yu Hanjiang's expression became extremely serious. He stared at Xiao Lou's eyes and asked word by word, "Where were you at 9 o'clock last night?"

Xiao Loudao "Liu Qiao and I have been watching the finals in the gymnasium of the Conservatory of Music since 7:30 last night. After Ye Qi sang a song, we went to the backstage to find Ye Qi. The time should be around 9 o'clock. Ye Qi and Liu Qiao took a group photo."

Yu Hanjiang opened his mobile photo album and found this group photo. "The time on the photo shows that it is 8:55."

Xiao Lou's heart suddenly jumped-at 9 o'clock exactly, the number 136 called Ning Xue, and Ning Xue talked to this person for 5 minutes, after which Ning Xue was pushed into the lake and drowned.

At 9 o'clock exactly, he and Liu Qiao had already left the backstage, ready to walk out of the gymnasium. Due to the complex roads in the gymnasium, the two of them were not familiar with this place. They walked round and round and spent several minutes. When they went out, they just heard a scream from the lake, and then they found Ning Xue's body.

In other words...Only Liu Qiao could prove his innocence during the critical period of Ning Xue's murder.

Sure enough, Yu Hanjiang said, "From 8:55 to 9:10, only Liu Qiao knows what you did, right?"

Xiao Lou nodded calmly.

Yu Hanjiang said, "Unfortunately, Liu Qiao is missing, so I can't testify for you."

Xiao Lou "..."

Just now he asked Xiao Liu to go to the Conservatory of Music to look for Ye Qi. Xiao Liu turned and walked away. There were many plainclothes criminals downstairs. It is possible that when those people wanted to arrest Liu Qiao, Liu Qiao noticed something wrong and slipped by borrowing a card.

Fortunately, Liu Qiao was smart enough to run away. Otherwise, once Xiao Lou and Liu Qiao were arrested by the police at the same time, no one would be able to find out the truth and clear his grievances.

The hunter wants to plant the blame, and of course he will not let Liu Qiao go. Xiao Lou could almost guess the next script-Liu Qiao liked Zhang Hengyu, and because of love and hatred, he and Xiao Lou joined forces to kill the couple Ning Xue and Zhang Hengyu.

——Only when Liu Qiao is also a suspect, she cannot give Xiao Lou an alibi.

Sure enough, Yu Hanjiang said, "Do you know the relationship between Liu Qiao and Zhang Hengyu?"

Xiao Lou shook his head, "I don't know."

"Liu Qiao is a student in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, why did you come to listen to your forensic class in the afternoon? Also, after class, the classmates said she went to the lounge alone with you. What did you discuss?" Yu Hanjiang put his hands on his chest , Asked blankly.

"She came to the lounge to meet me because she wanted to go to the Conservatory of Music to find Ye Qi with me..." Xiao Lou said that it was hard to believe her explanation. One is a professor in the Department of Forensic Medicine, and the other is a student in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This reason is simply untenable.

Xiao Lou did not explain any more, looked up at Yu Hanjiang, "Team Yu, pay attention to evidence in handling cases. All your current reasoning is based on the premise that the mobile phone number 136 is my own use. However, you cannot rule out the possibility of my account being stolen. Sex."

Yu Hanjiang raised his eyebrows and said calmly, "Of course I will not lock you as a suspect based on a mobile phone number. We also conducted a comprehensive search of the laboratory building and found the first scene where Zhang Hengyu was killed. Some hair-the results of genetic identification have confirmed that the hair mixed in the blood at the crime scene belongs to you and Liu Qiao."

He pushed a few photos of the scene to Xiao Lou, his eyes sharp, "The phone number is stolen, and the hair is stolen?"

Xiao Lou "..."

Seeing Xiao Lou's face gradually turning pale, Yu Hanjiang slowly said, "You have been dating Ning Xue for half a year. Unfortunately, Zhang Hengyu knows about the secret relationship between the two of them. Zhang Hengyu wants to expose you. As a professor, you are prying your own students into the corner. , With a female college student who is ten years younger than you, it’s awkward to spread out. To avoid damage to your reputation, you decide to kill."

"Liu Qiao and Zhang Hengyu were in love for a while, and we found a picture of Liu Qiao in Zhang Hengyu's mobile phone. Later, Zhang Hengyu transferred to Ning Xue and fell in love with Ning Xue. Liu Qiao was jealous and wanted to get rid of these two people. , You hit it off."

"Last night, you went to the Conservatory of Music to watch the finals. You separated the auditorium at 8:50. At 8:55, you went to the backstage to take a photo with Ye Qi and forged an alibi. At 9 o'clock, you called Ning Xue and asked her to go to the lake. While stunned her with special drugs, Liu Qiao put on Ning Xue's shoes, hugged Ning Xue and pushed her into the lake. He hid behind you, waiting for someone to find the body before showing up and pretending to pass by."

"After returning to the police team to finish the transcript, Liu Qiao asked Zhang Hengyu to negotiate with Zhang Hengyu in the laboratory building. You hid and knocked Zhang Hengyu out. You two divided his body into specimens. Liu Qiao's roommate confirmed that she had a whole night last night. Did not go back to the dormitory at night; and the surveillance of your community showed that you did not go home last night. Because you are busy handling Zhang Hengyu's body."

"Also, you suddenly told the teaching assistant this morning that you were going to attend an academic conference, and asked him to help you substitute the class, but I checked, you are not on the list of invitations for this conference. You bought a ticket to go abroad this afternoon, so you want Afraid to escape, right?"

Xiao Lou never bought a plane ticket. But as long as he knows his ID card, others can help him buy a ticket online.

The hunter was so considerate, and he had to do tricks for planting and framing. Not only did he put a lot of photos of him and Liu Qiao in the photo album of the deceased’s mobile phone, he also left his and Liu Qiao’s hair at the scene of the crime. "Fleeing abroad" tickets can be bought for him.

Such a logical and detailed planting made Xiao Lou amazed.

If it weren't for Xiao Lou's knowledge that he didn't kill anyone, in the eyes of others, there is hard evidence that he really jumped into the Yellow River.

At Shangyu Hanjiang's deep gaze, Xiao Lou's mouth suddenly raised a chuckle. He looked at Yu Hanjiang's eyes and said, "Team Yu, do you really believe that I am the murderer?"

Yu Hanjiang looked at him calmly, "I don't want to believe it either. However, when the evidence is before my eyes, I can only enforce the law impartially."

Xiao Lou put a smile away, his eyes were also calm, "I have a few words, I would like to have a separate talk with Officer Yu, can you turn off the monitoring of the interrogation room, please go out temporarily."

Yu Hanjiang waved his hand outside, turned off the monitoring, Xiao Wu also consciously retreated.

When there were only two people left in the room, Xiao Lou lowered his voice and said in Yu Hanjiang's ear, "If there is a possibility of one in ten thousand, am I framed?"

Yu Hanjiang frowned, "Framed?"

Xiao Loudao "No one saw me using that phone number with my own eyes, and hair is the easiest thing to collect."

Yu Hanjiang's eyes were deep, "Who would spend so much energy to frame you?"

Xiao Lou sat back in the chair, crossing his fingers together, and gently laying flat on the table. He looked directly into Yu Hanjiang’s eyes, his expression was calm, his gaze was sincere, "I don’t know who that person is, but he must want to use your hand to get rid of me. I will not plead guilty. Before I caught Liu Qiao, neither did you Way to convict me."

Liu Qiao escaped in a timely manner. Since he was "jointly committing crimes" and could not catch Liu Qiao's "accomplice", the police would naturally not be anxious to deal with Xiao Lou. Otherwise, with the current "iron proof" situation, Xiao Lou and Liu Qiao could even be convicted and prosecuted by the police.

Yu Hanjiang looked at Xiao Lou suspiciously, "You mean, Liu Qiao was also wronged?"

Xiao Lou nodded and said, "With my current suspicion, you can formally imprison me, but I am worried that someone in the police will be against me. Before the truth is revealed, I hope Police Officer Yu will monitor me 24 hours to prevent me from being here. 'Suicide in the prison'."

If there are hunters in the police force, they might actually fake the illusion of Xiao Lou's "suicide in fear of crime".

Xiao Lou wasn't sure where the lurking hunter was, but he could be sure that Yu Hanjiang was not the hunter. Although there is no memory of the card world, the character and thinking of the person in front of him is still the same as that of Yu Hanjiang in the past-selfless and jealous, but he will not wrong an innocent person.

Therefore, Yu Hanjiang is the key to breaking the game.

Yu Hanjiang seemed to understand the deep meaning of Xiaolou's words, and he said solemnly, "Don't worry, I won't let you have an accident until the truth is revealed. Moreover, the suspect commits suicide while in custody, and I also have to bear the responsibility."

Xiao Loudao "This case is not simple. To find out the real culprit, there are still some people who need to be investigated. I will give Team Yu a list and hope that Team Yu can summon these people for detailed inquiry. They may know some inside information."

Yu Hanjiang nodded and handed Xiao Lou a pen.

Xiao Lou quickly wrote a string of names on the paper--

Long Sen, Qu Wanyue, Chu Huaying, Tang Ci, Gui Yuanzhang, Mo Xuemin.

Since the hunter wants to use the police to get rid of Xiao Lou, Xiao Lou can also use the police to find teammates in this world.

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