MTL - Card-Chapter 524 thorn removal

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A rare serious expression appeared on Nick's face: "Fatty, are you going to promise the principal?"

Rossi put his arms on his head, looked up at the sky, and said, "How is that possible."

"That's good." Nick lay down in relief and said with a smile: "That old fox can eat people without spitting out bones. I don't like his way very much. What Star Academy glory, clichés, don't bother me! I don't have a father or not. Mother, there is nothing to worry about, you are just a brother, but I don't want you to be a gunman for others."

"I don't like it either." Fatty said indifferently: "These years, other people don't know, don't you know? Others only look at my beauty, how do they know what's the difference between me and house arrest? Hmph, the elites cultivated by the academy? I just want to eat, eat, sleep, and sleep. Didn’t this happen? I’m the only one who is with me, and I’m the only one alive. They’re geniuses too, but unfortunately, they’re all dead.”

Fatty's words were full of resentment and sadness.

Nick looked around suddenly nervously.

"Don't panic, at this time, how can they move me?" Fatty sneered, with a confident face: "From the staff of the Second Army that I defeated, as long as they don't escape from the Star Academy, they won't move me anyway. Moreover, They calculated that as long as I don't leave, you won't leave the Star Academy."

Nick's eyes were bright, showing a bit of chill.

Luo Xiju smiled lightly: "How can I make them wish? If I guessed correctly, Tang Hanpei will definitely have a backer! Others only thought that Tan Yuwen colluded with him, but I guess he must have taken aim at those carding techniques. . With his surname, make a decision and then move. Before launching, ten preparations have been completed. These card equipment technologies fall into the hands of others, or they are no different from Faya, but they fall into the hands of Tang Hanpei, hehe, The principal and the others probably haven't seen this clearly."

Nick was horrified: "Is Tang Hanpei so powerful?"

Luo Xiju sat up, his eyes deep: "Moying Gemini challenged Shuangyue Hanzhou, was defeated by Baiyue, and was attacked on the way home, one death and one injury, which directly led to a full-scale war between Moying and Shuangyue Hanzhou. Hey, Mo Why did Ying Gemini go to challenge Frost Moon Hanzhou? Who ambushed and attacked the two on their way back?"

Nick is not a fool, so shocked that he almost lost his voice: "Do you suspect Tang Hanpei?"

"Yeah." Fatty nodded solemnly: "But there is no evidence yet. Then, during the battle in Luoyou City, he killed Qiao Yuan, and let the Federal Comprehensive University form a deadly revenge with Zhongda Shufu and Faya. After returning, he He was placed under house arrest without any excuse. But the Federal Comprehensive University was already in danger. Under the suppression of the two, the Federal Comprehensive University was in jeopardy. At this time, he finally took action and seized power in one fell swoop. Immediately appointed Song Chengyan to turn the tide and make his reputation temporarily No two. This series of events, seemingly accidental, has a faint thread connecting them."

Nick finally showed a look of astonishment.

"To set up the Tang camp and seize the card equipment technology, he only lacks one condition now." Fatty was fascinated.

"What conditions?" Nick asked subconsciously.

Fatty Huo Di opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed: "An excellent commander!"

"Excellent commander?" Nick murmured, suddenly raising his head: "Will he come to you?"

Fatty laughed dumbly: "How is it possible? He can deceive the Zhongda Academy because the Zhongda Academy is not known for its combat power. I believe that he is not stupid enough to kill the Xingyuan directly." The voice suddenly became solemn: "I suspect that he may already have a suitable candidate! Or..."

There was a rare look of hesitation on his face.

"Or what?" Nick asked eagerly.

"Or, he is actually an excellent commander himself!" Fatty looked stunned.

Nick's face turned pale, and after a while, he forced a smile: "You guys are starting to talk nonsense! If he is so strong, why did he hide for so long, he would have started fighting long ago."

"It may be that a certain condition is immature, and he has no certainty to win a fight." Speaking of this, Fatty Huo Di opened his eyes, his face extremely solemn: "I understand! He is waiting for the mechanical card technology! Yes, he must be Waiting for the card machine technology!"

He murmured in disbelief: "The other five are in danger..."

"It's not that bad!" Nick thought he was laughing hard. Fatty's guess made him feel a little flustered. Over the years, as long as Fatty said it, ten times it has become a fact. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but anxiously said: "Then what should we do?"

"What's the matter with us?" Fatty stretched and lay down again: "They beat them, the harder they beat, the safer we are."

Nick regained his spirits, paid attention to his surroundings secretly, and said in a low voice, "Can we escape while the chaos is happening?"

"It's fine for you alone." Fatty shook his head: "I can't run away. Besides, my parents are still in their hands."

Nick was stunned: "If you don't run, why am I running? Just let Tang Hanpei smash the Star Academy into pieces, so that you can be free."

The fat man smiled, unable to describe his loneliness: "For people like me, no matter who wins, unless I turn to them, there is only one way to go."

Nick was silent, he knew that the fat man was telling the truth. In the eyes of every person in power, people like Fatty are their favorite and most feared characters. After a long while, he said angrily: "Otherwise, we'll just do it ourselves! I don't believe it, with your brain, you can still be eaten to death by the old fox! We try to rescue your parents, but we won't be able to go to China. , we will go to the Puju area. If the Puju area can't accommodate us, we will go to Baiyuanfu and Mohadi! Anyway, I will accompany you wherever you go! It's better than staying here and waiting to be slaughtered! "

The fat man didn't speak, he didn't know what he was thinking.

The city of West Delhi was soon under the control of the wooden camp. All the small forces obeyed obediently and cooperated very well. They all knew that such a strong force would not stay in such a remote place for too long.

This is a strange force.

Wooden word camp, they have never heard of it. Until now, their leader has never been seen. The camp was also in a state of order. Except for Kaxiu who occasionally patrolled in the air, the arrival of the wooden camp did not have any impact on the daily life of West Delhi. On the contrary, because of the existence of these patrol Kaxiu, the city's public security has reached the highest level in history.

These kaxiu are all guys who kill without blinking an eye!

They had seen those uncooperative Kaxiu with their own eyes, and they turned into a corpse. The strength of Kaxiu in the wooden camp is extremely terrifying, and he has that fierce and awe-inspiring aura, and he is too timid to even approach. However, the discipline of the wooden camp is very strict. Except for the patrolling Kaxiu, the other Kaxiu stayed in the camp, and no one took a step.

These small forces were trembling at the beginning, and then gradually got used to it. They found that as long as they didn't provoke these people, these people wouldn't care what they did. And aside from a few ingredients that swept the market, the team didn't do anything else. Even the mopping up of these raw materials, the wooden word camp paid in full, so that the small forces in these places that had already done a lot of bleeding were stunned.

Every day, the logistics team of Muzi Camp will come up with some cherished materials for auction. These materials produced in the depths of the jungle are usually rare good things. After the businessman tried to take a batch of materials and then sold them, making huge profits, the place became crowded. However, I can only speak with Odie here. Anyone who dares to bully others here will be killed directly.

In addition to auctioning rare materials, Muzi Camp will also purchase a large number of other materials. These materials include a wide variety of components, including card parts, card-making raw materials, and various medicines. The purchase price given by Muziying is very kind, and the merchants are more and more diligent.

Gradually, more and more businessmen benefited. The city's security has also improved rapidly, and the market has become prosperous. From the initial fear, people began to hope that the wooden camp can be stationed here for more time.

Chen Mu just stayed in his laboratory every day, ignoring the appearance of things outside the window.

Ordinary Kaxiu's training is still extremely hard, Xiao Bo and Sang Hanshui are surprisingly consistent on this point. However, not everyone has complaints. For so many days, they have been living in the jungle, and after finally entering a city, they are still locked in the military camp. At this point, many seventh-level card repairs are also secretly complaining.

Fortunately, although most people are dissatisfied, they can still accept it. After all, they can clearly feel that their strength is constantly improving, and they have just received the legendary digital series cards, they can't wait to soak in training all day.

"Finally everything is ready." Chen Mu murmured.

"Wood, are these things useful?" Xiaobumo asked with a bit of admiration. He thinks that wood is amazing. Some things that look tattered can turn into many strange things when they are in the hands of wood.

These days, his appearance has changed a lot, not only has he grown taller, but his size has become a lot bigger. Originally dark skin, I don't know if it has been in the snow for a long time, but it has turned a lot whiter. This also made his two thick black eyebrows look even more conspicuous, giving the impression that they were drawn with ink.

And the progress of his strength made Chen Mu stunned. If it is only about the card-free flow skills, Chen Mu is no longer Xiaobumo's opponent. Xiaobumo can now use air skills very easily, and his talent in this area is very outstanding. In addition to inheriting Weah's simple, direct and lethal features, his air skills have changed a bit. As soon as he made his move, he had a bit of icy aura, very much like those beasts living in the snow forest.

But he looks like a curious kid now.

Chen Mu touched Bumo's head and smiled, "You can only know if you try it."

"Well. We've been busy for so long, so of course it has to be useful." Xiaobumo said as a matter of course. He had a look of excitement and anticipation. These days, he was busy with Mu Tou Weah, but he never knew what he was busy with, and now the mystery was finally revealed.

That morning, Chen Mu personally issued an order that the entire camp would take turns on holiday on this day.

In the morning, the fifteen guards and youth guards can move freely, and in the afternoon it is the turn of the five battalions. However, everyone is only allowed to move in the city of West Delhi, and is not allowed to leave the camp with a meter, and it is forbidden to communicate with the outside world. After this holiday, there will be close to a month of closed training.

When the order came out, the whole camp cheered!

Fifteen seventh-level Kaxiu and 100 youth guards took off their degree instruments and walked out of the camp happily under the envy of the other team members.

Citizens of West Delhi were surprised to find that for the first time, the gates of the heavily guarded military camp, which had been closed for a while, had opened. Some Kaxiu in combat uniforms came out and looked around curiously. Citizens were a little worried at first, but soon they discovered that these card repairs were full of desire to buy, and they almost bought what they saw, and they were very generous, and they didn't bargain at all. The merchants are naturally smiling and enthusiastic.

Kuang Shi looked around, but no one followed. A sneer appeared on her face, and she needed to hand over the instrument when she left the camp. She knew that Chen Mu was afraid that the news would be leaked, and used this method to prevent them from contacting the outside world.

It's a pity that the road is one foot high, and the devil is one foot high.

She did not act immediately, but pretended to go shopping, carrying a large bag in her hand. She quickly recalled in her mind that there should be no flaws in her usual behavior. Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little happy.

After a little calculation, there are 115 people who left the camp this morning, and the boss has no way to track them! And the behavior of blatantly stalking is bound to arouse the dissatisfaction of all the team members.

In the wooden camp, there are too few people the boss can trust.

Kuang Shi was in a happier mood, but her vigilance did not weaken, and she has been paying attention to everything around her. However, she didn't find any stalking people, and her heart finally let go. If someone is tracking, she does not believe that anyone can avoid her eyes, but she has professional tracking training.

She strolled around in a crowded place for a few times, and even changed a few clothes in the middle. No one would associate her with that gentle female Kaxiu again.

Looking at the time, she felt that it was almost the same. Once again confirming that no one was around, she naturally pushed open a small business hall for long-distance communication. Except for advanced communication cards, the communication distance of ordinary cards is very limited. Such communication cards capable of long-distance communication are expensive and cannot be afforded by ordinary people, so such business halls specializing in long-distance communication have sprung up everywhere.

The reason why I didn't re-purchase the communication card is out of In such a small city, there must be not many shops selling such advanced communication cards, and if you buy such an expensive communication card, it will definitely be sold. Card staff were very impressed. After the investigation, it is easy to expose yourself.

She sneered in her heart, this must be a trap left by the boss.

The number of the connector, she kept in mind.

She started dialing numbers.

At this moment, a tense atmosphere pervaded a heavily guarded room in the barracks of Muzi Camp. If Xiao Bo and Sang Hanshui were here, they would be surprised to find that the members here were all Kaxiu from their former uncle's house.

Dozens of large and small light curtains divided the entire room into many parts, and everyone stared at the light curtain in front of them, as if facing a big enemy.

A Kaxiu's pupils dilated suddenly: "I found an abnormality! The location, the long-distance communication business hall, No. 97, Beili Street!"

This sentence is like a fuse, and a silent battle begins quietly.

(To be continued)