MTL - Card-Chapter 601 Finale (end of the book)

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Half a year later, the ruins of Luoyou City. .

The once prosperous city has long been left in ruins. In a few years, this place has long been overgrown with weeds and has become a paradise for wild beasts. No one else will come here, except for the occasional return of the previous survivors.

A few years ago, Luoyou City was bombed into ruins by Tang Hanpei, which greatly reduced his positive image. As time passed, people gradually forgot about it. However, since half a year ago, Tang Hanpei personally designated the ruins of Luoyou City as a duel venue, which once again attracted the entire Federation.

In the past six months, the Federation seems to have returned to the previous time. There is no war, and all the forces are cautious and restrained.

Everyone is nervously craned their necks, with mixed feelings, waiting for this world-renowned duel.

This day has finally come.

Tang Hanpei is the number one Kaxiu in the world, and Chen Mu is a student of Nishizawa. This is the federation's top battle. Moreover, the meaning of this duel is not just a duel between two strong Kaxiu.

It will determine the trend of the entire federation, it will determine the life and death of countless people, and it will determine the future life of people.

There is no need to describe in too many words. On this day, all cities are on vacation, and all people stay at home and watch the magic card.

All platforms, and only one program, broadcast the duel live.

Kaxiu, who came from all over the place, was separated from the outer layer of the ruins, and even reporters from various platforms were not allowed to enter. The team of Dongwei and the Federal Comprehensive University surrounded the entire ruins. There was not much hostility between the two sides.

The confrontation between the two forces will be resolved by their leaders.

They need to face, it is an external aggression. Who knows if there will be hidden killers among these various card repairs on the periphery? As a result, the ruins of Luoyou City formed a very strange scene. The two sides, which should have been like water and fire, actually cooperated seamlessly. The two sides were not like enemies, but rather like a team of brothers.

Chen Mu and Tang Hanpei were floating in the air, and there were only two of them in the huge ruins of the city.

Looking at the ruins under his feet, Chen Mu couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he remembered the time in Luoyou City.

"This day has finally come." Tang Hanpei spoke slowly, his expression as calm as always, with a smile. The years seem to have left no traces on his face, and there is no change from the last time Chen Mu saw him.

"Yeah." Chen Mu stretched and relaxed.

Tang Hanpei looked at Chen Mu with admiration, and said leisurely: "From the first time I saw you, I knew that you would be extraordinary in the future. However, I still underestimated your potential. I only thought that you can only be a person. Card maker."

Chen Mu also smiled: "You think highly of me, I can't become a master card maker."

"Being able to create Dongwei is far better than a master." Tang Hanpei shook his head.

"That's not necessarily true. Without Master Rosenborg, I wouldn't have been able to create Dongwei." Chen Mu said honestly.

Tang Hanpei shook his head again: "That's you. If you change someone else, even if you have the inheritance of Rosenborg, you will not be able to create Dongwei. Otherwise, the Star Academy has the blood of Haina Vancente."

Chen Mu didn't want to argue, and smiled: "These things are not nutritious."

Tang Hanpei also laughed. He stared at Chen Mu and said seriously, "Caesar chose you as a student just so that you can challenge me?"

"Yeah. He is number one for you, but he still holds a grudge." Chen Mu said with a smile.

Surprisingly, in the face of Tang Hanpei, who is number one in the world, he did not have any timidity and tension, but was indescribably relaxed. The two were like good friends and talked cordially.

"It's really regrettable and fortunate." Tang Hanpei sighed.

"How?" Chen Mu asked curiously.

Tang Hanpei's eyes were deep and distant, and his voice fluttered in the wind: "Unfortunately, I haven't been able to play against Caesar in this life. Fortunately, Caesar has you as a student."

Chen Mu pondered these words carefully, and suddenly felt that pride filled his heart, and couldn't help but smile: "Then let's stop talking nonsense!"

Tang Hanpei's expression was a little helpless: "I still want to have a good chat. It's not easy to find someone to chat with."

After a pause, he immediately turned cold and indifferent: "But that's right, let's fight!"

The two facing each other in the sky suddenly showed murderous intent.

In a dim and musty hut, an old man sat in front of a light curtain. He had gray hair, a haggard face, and cloudy eyes. He coughed from time to time. Every time he coughed, blood would spill from the corners of his mouth. He ignored it and just stared at the two people on the light curtain.

"Good! Good! Good!" He murmured in his mouth, filled with relief and pride.

He coughed more and more violently, the blood from the corner of his mouth spilled on his body, shocking.

The old man didn't have the slightest pain expression on his face. Even if he coughed, he stared at the two people on the light curtain.

His coughing voice gradually became weaker, his pupils gradually expanded, and his voice gradually disappeared.

Caesar, whose body had been seriously damaged for a long time, died suddenly. This famous killing **** in the Federation chose such a way to leave the world. We can vaguely see the figure of the stubborn young man who left outright in order not to become a chess piece.

Over the ruins of Luoyou City.

"His name is Wang Ge." Tang Hanpei's tone was gentle. Beside him, a child with pink and jade carvings was floating in the air, sucking his fleshy fingers and looking at Chen Mu curiously with wide innocent eyes.

"Energy Puppet?" Chen Mu was a little surprised.

Tang Hanpei smiled slightly: "Seven-star card - [Wang Ge]!"

The energy battle couple was not unexpected to Chen Mu, because it was the strongest item of the Federal Comprehensive University. However, when he saw the child, he was still shocked. Not because the child is completely like a physical body.

but smart! This energy puppet actually has intelligence!

This was something he never imagined.

If you hadn't seen an intelligent energy battle puppet with your own eyes, who would believe that the research on energy battle puppet cards by the Federal Comprehensive University has reached such a profound level?

Wang Ge's black gem-like eyes rolled, and a chill came from the depths of Chen Mu's heart.

"Wang Ge, play with this brother for a while." Tang Hanpei's voice was so gentle as if he was coaxing his son.

"Eeeeeeeeee!" Brother Wang clapped his little hands happily, and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Chen Mu's whole body suddenly stood up, and subconsciously floated sideways!

Zi la la!

Three lightning bolts passed from where he was just now. Wang Ge's lovely figure was faintly visible in the air, and he seemed happier if he missed a single blow.

So fast!

Rao was experienced in a hundred battles, but Chen Mu was still frightened into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he has always been in the zero state, otherwise, it is hard to say whether he can escape the moment just now.

In the zero-style world, a white line jumped imperceptibly, Chen Mu's heart jumped violently, the airflow jerked, and a blazing red beam narrowly passed by.

Tang Hanpei in the distance took time to relax, clapped his palms, and said with appreciation: "Amazing! He is an energy body and is familiar with all energy attack methods."

While he was talking, Chen Mu was embarrassed to avoid the sound wave, the light blade, the power grid... This energy body is really familiar with any kind of energy attack. And it is easy to do, the frequency is fast, far beyond the limit of human card repair!

No, it can't go on like this!

Chen Mu flashed past Wang Ge's attack once again, and he threw a square metal box.

Just when Chen Mu was going to continue dodging, the imaginary attack did not come. Wang Ge actually appeared beside the metal box and looked at it curiously.

"Oh, what is this?" Tang Hanpei was also a little curious.


Chen Mu's eyes suddenly lit up, Tang Hanpei was not far from him at this time, but Wang Ge was still looking at the metal box.

Energy Puppet Cards are powerful battle cards, they can release powerful energy Puppets to help Kaxiu defeat the enemy. Energy Puppets are often powerful and difficult to defeat, but Kaxiu, who majors in Energy Puppets, is not without weaknesses. Compared with the powerful energy battle puppet, Kaxiu itself is much weaker.

Killing Kaxiu's body is the most commonly used way to deal with the energy battle puppet type Kaxiu, and it is also the most effective way.

Chen Mu swayed and rushed towards Tang Hanpei.

Suddenly, there was a flower in front of him, and Wang Ge actually appeared in front of him.

An energy cage appeared in his place just now, Xiao Wangge's pink and cute little face was full of anger, Chen Mu's behavior just now angered him.

"Yeah!" He waved his little hand and shouted in a milky voice.

However, in comparison, his attacks are by no means cute! If Chen Mu had to use one word to describe it, it would only be the word "storm" to describe it!

The overwhelming energy body poured down like raindrops!

Chen Mu couldn't help but his face changed slightly, he snorted coldly, and his figure suddenly blurred, like a fish bucking the trend upstream, struggling to move up.

【Evil Lord Eye】!

The red **** eyes appeared in front of him, and before Wang Ge could react, he directly used to kill—【Golden Tongzhi】!

The golden pupils in the **** eyes were indifferent and ruthless, and countless tiny golden light beams rolled towards Xiao Wangge like a soft golden thread.

Xiao Wangge seemed to be very curious about these golden beams. He paused in mid-air and looked at these golden filaments curiously, as if he had no idea how deadly these filaments were!

The golden filament sank into Xiao Wangge's body like a needle!

Nothing happens!

It was like throwing a stone into the lake, but the lake quickly returned to calm.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Xiao Wangge shouted happily, his black eyes widened as if he got something fun.

A chill filled Chen Mu's heart.

Looking at this cute and innocent little Wangge, he felt more and more terrifying!

"Hehe, I forgot to tell you that any energy attack is ineffective against Xiao Wangge. Moreover, he can analyze the attack and copy the enemy's attack. How about it, Master Chen, as a card maker, evaluate this piece Cards." Tang Hanpei watched the battle between Xiao Wangge and Chen Mu leisurely with a bit of ridicule.

As soon as he finished speaking, a giant blood-colored eye appeared in front of Xiao Wangge. In the giant eye, golden pupils were as if cast from gold.

In the field of vision, the golden light flashed, and Chen Mu had no time to dodge. In desperation, he had to activate [Jin Tongzhi] again!


The two [Jin Tongzhi] slammed into each other fiercely!

The blazing golden light group suddenly lit up in the air, as if the sun was pierced, and the golden light illuminated the entire sky.

Those Kaxiu who looked far away exclaimed in unison, dazzling golden light, strong energy fluctuations, and many people even subconsciously stopped breathing at this moment! The explosion level of the head-on collision between the two top powerhouses is enough to destroy half of Luoyou City!

Everyone couldn't help estimating Chen Mu's current strength in their hearts. The battle between Tang Hanpei and Qiao Yuan in Luoyou City was not enough to generate such power. Otherwise, Tang Hanpei didn't need to use the war card in the end, and he could directly turn Luoyou City into ruins.

In mid-air, Chen Mu was in a state of embarrassment, and only half of his upper body battle suit was left.

Not far away, Xiao Wangge opened his eyes with a smug smile on his face. In front of Tang Hanpei, a transparent energy shield blocked all attacks just now.

But a scary guy!

Chen Mu looked at the innocent Xiao Wangge. Compared with his own embarrassment, Xiao Wangge was as simple as drinking water, and even gave Tang Hanpei an energy shield. Sure enough, it is indeed an energy war couple, and the use of energy is undoubtedly their instinct.

"You don't know [Ying Po], otherwise, you still have the power to fight. [Xie Juntong] is the strongest beam card, how can you be so embarrassed against my [Wang Ge]? It's a pity, Liansu Han Hao doesn't know this trick either." Tang Hanpei said proudly.

[Ying Po], Chen Mu couldn't help but smile bitterly, it was quite difficult for him to understand [Jin Tong Zhi].

Tang Hanpei's eyes fell on the crisscross wounds on Chen Mu's body, and said in surprise: "No wonder you dare to challenge me, so you have something to rely on. Don't hold back, come on! Do Caesar's students just use such tricks?"

As soon as Chen Mu moved, he appeared beside Xiao Wangge.

Xiao Wangge sucked his little finger, and his dumb look made people laugh, as if he didn't know the danger was coming.

Chen Mu's right arm seemed to move suddenly and strangely, and every muscle in his arm suddenly vibrated, and a blast of air burst out of his hand.

The air slash is almost transparent, the texture is like transparent crystal, the whistling sound of breaking the air is slight, but the previous sharp whistling sound is gone, only a slight hissing sound. In the past six months, his air skills have reached a new level.

The crystal-like air slash cut across countless afterimages and shot at Xiao Wangge at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Chen Mu was gasping for breath. Just now, in order to ensure that he could hit Xiao Wangge, he used all his strength. This is evident from the terrifying speed of Air Slash.


The air slash cut through the cream like a red-hot steel knife, and easily cut Xiao Wangge in half along the waist.

Chen Mu just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but his pupils shrank suddenly! Xiao Wangge's waist was cut in two, and the brilliance changed and quickly returned to its original state.

How could this be?

Tang Hanpei smiled: "Xiao Wangge is an energy body, and this kind of attack is ineffective against him. Why do you hide it, I know you are delaying time without guessing. You are killing this box!"

The slender, white fingers pointed to the metal box that was floating quietly.

Chen Mu's face changed slightly.

"The energy impact just now, it was not damaged at all, and even the position has not changed." Tang Hanpei said leisurely: "I know that you Dongwei are good at jamming, and you have gathered the power of the entire Dongwei, and the things you have researched are presumably not ordinary things."

"It should be almost the time to delay. I'm looking forward to it." Tang Hanpei stretched out a finger and said seriously: "Do you know why I admire you?"

He thought to himself: "You can always break the old things and toss out some new things. Whether it's the cards you make or the Dongwei you create, it's all new things. Breaking the old order, I like it."

"Come on!" Tang Hanpei straightened his back, and his whole person seemed to be unsheathed with a sword, showing his sharp edge!

Chen Mu's figure folded, and he suddenly swooped down.

"Haha, want to run away?" Tang Hanpei raised his eyebrows, his murderous aura filled his eyes: "It's almost here! If there is nothing to fight, then die!"

Xiao Wangge raised her pink and tender hands, and in the air, amazing energy fluctuations were like surging sea water.

The energy fluctuations like Doomsday spread out like water waves.

The clouds began to gather in the sky above Xiao Wangge's head, and in the blink of an eye, dark clouds rolled over Luoyou City, lightning and thunder!

The Kaxiu who were watching from afar were dumbfounded, their faces pale.

Is this kind of power really what Kaxiu can do?

Although Tang Hanpei has always been the number one in the world, his strength is far beyond the limit of people's imagination! Under such power and might, you will feel that you are as small as an ant, making it difficult for you to have any heart to contend!

Chen Mu didn't look back, he didn't need to look back, the energy fluctuations in the sky above his head destroyed the surname, making every cell in his body tremble involuntarily!

His speed increased rather than decreased, and the whistling of the wind was in his ears, and he was like a meteorite falling from the sky, and immediately slammed into the ground.

"Can you escape?" Tang Hanpei's voice was indifferent, with a hint of contempt. Chen Mu's turning around and running away made his feelings for Chen Mu suddenly changed.

Right at this moment, the accident happened suddenly!


The crisp sound can't be blocked even by the rolling thunder and lightning!

Tang Hanpei couldn't help but turn his head to look.

The metal box disappeared, there was only a black ball!

Absolute darkness, like a piece of that space collapsed and disappeared.

Tang Hanpei's face changed greatly!

There was a painful expression on Xiao Wangge's face.


The tumbling electric lights of the clouds rushed towards the black ball frantically, and the scene where the dense electric lights poured into a black ball was extremely terrifying.

This little black ball, like a greedy and never hungry monster, desperately devoured the electric mansions.

The pained look on Xiao Wangge's face became heavier and heavier, and his figure began to blur a little bit. He turned around and ran, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move. After a few seconds, he turned into a colorful ball of light. Just like those tyrannical electric mans, it approached the black ball a little bit, as if the black ball had an attraction to it. The closer you get to the black ball, the stronger the suction.

Tang Hanpei's face changed for the first time, completely pale!

Almost in the blink of an eye, he understood the function of this black ball - swallowing energy! It can devour all energy!

He can clearly feel that the energy in the energy card in the meter has begun to not listen to him, and it is about to move!

He suddenly understood that Chen Mu wasn't running away - he just didn't want to fall to his death!

Tang Hanpei didn't hesitate, exhausted all his perception, barely controlled the energy in the meter, turned around and flew to the ground.

Chen Mu can't care about other things, that thing doesn't know the enemy or me!

The energy in the meter is getting more and more disordered and uncontrolled! Fortunately, the ground is getting closer and closer to him, but this speed... Damn!

The energy in the meter was completely out of control, sizzling, turned into a series of rays of light, and flew towards the black ball.

Chen Mu was shocked, without energy, the airflow card immediately failed, and he couldn't slow down!

damn it!

He couldn't help but scolded again, he was only fifty meters from the ground at this time!

At this moment, he couldn't care about anything else, his fists slammed down frantically, air bombs!

He can only borrow a little bit of anti-shock power!

Between life and death, he went completely mad, with red eyes, roaring in his mouth, and a phantom in his fists. Countless air bombs slammed down like a fatal blow, the ruins below were smashed into mud pits, and even the mud was shaken away... Bang!

Chen Mu fell heavily into the mud pit, his mind went blank!

After a long time, he struggled to get up. Almost no part of his body was intact, and his arms were almost unable to be lifted up. This was the aftermath of the crazy use of air skills just now! He looked around in confusion.

Finally survived!

That scene just now was really dangling!

Suddenly his eyes narrowed, Tang Hanpei! Not far away, Tang Hanpei walked with difficulty. He actually landed safely! This guy's perceptual control is terrifying!

However, now... Tang Hanpei also found Chen Mu, and he stopped, knowing that it was useless to escape at this time. The energy in his meter had been completely sucked Although Chen Mu looked much more embarrassed than he was, no card flow became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"You won!" Tang Hanpei looked calm: "I only have one question, what is that box?"

Taking a deep look at Tang Hanpei, Chen Mu didn't hesitate to shoot!

When Tang Hanpei's body fell to the ground, he slowly spit out four words: "[Energy Black Hole]!"

The outside of Luoyou City was already in a mess, and the Kaxiu found out that all the energy of the energy card in their meter suddenly went out of control and disappeared!

During this period, countless Kaxiu fell from the sky and fell to their death!

The other Kaxiu also lost their combat effectiveness. East Guard's Kaxiu was well prepared. They already had some basics with no card flow, and they had the most advantage in such a situation.

When Chen Mu walked out of the ruins, Dongwei cheered!

Everyone understands that the overall situation is set!

(End of the book)

Read Legend of Swordsman
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