MTL - Centennial Family, Rising From Hong Kong Island-Chapter 321

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In the United States, capital can represent everything, and money has unlimited influence.

What's more, this is a billionaire who is worth tens of billions of dollars.

This is enough to make them ignore anything else on Su Shaoze, such as skin color, such as age.

At the same time, someone also thought of something.

"Su Shaoze? Chairman of Galaxy Group? Buyer~ I thought about it, he is the mysterious rich man in the East who ranks third in the list of the rich."

"It turned out to be him? He's so young!"

"The Galaxy Group 3 Group on Hong Kong Island? It is indeed a large group with a well-established industry and even has the potential to be upgraded to a consortium."

"David really gave us a surprise this time!"

Then David Rockefeller personally led Su Shaoze and introduced him to the people here one by one, including the president of Manhattan Bank, the boss of Kaiser Group, the president of Crocker Insurance Group, the president of Maison Real Estate Development, and the boss of Lockheed Military Industry Group... …

It took a lot of time to introduce this. Su Shaoze shook hands with everyone, with a fake smile on his face, and he said false words.

Social networking is like this. These people come here to talk about business, with interests in their eyes, and the purpose is to make money.

Su Shaoze also needs to make more contacts in order to establish himself in the United States.

Chapter 555: One Sect and Two Emperors, Su Shaoze's Investment 【Seeking flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

This is a purely interest occasion, there are no messy women, and there are no gadgets to add to the fun.

Everyone is well-dressed, all talk is high-sounding nonsense, and their eyes are full of business and money.

The people here tonight are all people with a certain status in the United States, either rich businessmen or politicians.

In addition to the business tycoons that Da Su helped to introduce, there were also some people who were active in Washington.

The Justices of the Niuyo State Court, the Washington Commissioners, and even several members of the current Senate and House of Representatives.

These are all powerful figures in Washington, D.C., and connections of David Rockefeller.

Today, I introduced him to Su Shaoze. He is simply too good a friend. Su Shaoze gave this good brother a compliment in his heart.

For these U.S. dignitaries, Su Shaoze of course has the mentality of making friends, and his future development in the U.S. will also add a lot of convenience.

And these U.S. dignitaries are obviously real people, such as Su Shaoze, a super-rich man worth tens of billions of dollars, who was introduced by David Rockefeller, so it is impossible for them to turn away.

Of course, this is only a preliminary understanding. When we really want to do things in the future, it will depend on the follow-up interests of both parties.

There are a lot of these rich and powerful people. Fortunately, Su Shaoze has a good memory, his social skills are also very good, and his chat is also good.

It wasn't until half an hour later that there were almost enough people to contact, when David Rockefeller brought a young man to Su Shaoze.

"Hey, Su, this is Xiaobu, a partner at Dexus Oil and a good friend of mine."

"We often drink and party together, and we can play together in the future."

David Rockefeller put his arm around a man's shoulder and introduced to Su Shaoze with a smile.

This is a man who looks less than 30 years old. He is taller and thinner. He is a handsome guy, but it is this face that is really familiar to Su Shaoze.

Small steps?

I was slightly surprised, but I didn't expect David to call him too, and the two were still good friends.

What an unexpected surprise, Su Shaoze stretched out his hand with a gentle chuckle on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Xiaobu, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Su."

Su Shaoze smiled and shook hands with Xiaobu. His initial impression was not bad. He seemed to be a good-natured guy, and he was quite talkative.

"I've heard David say your name for a long time. I've never seen him admire someone so much."

Xiaobu shook hands and chatted directly, as if he was very curious about Su Shaoze.

"It's unimaginable that you have a net worth of 10 billion US dollars in less than ten years. Is this true? It's so inspirational."

"Especially the few investments you made in the Far East, it was a stroke of genius, and David loved it and hated it."

"And I heard that you participated in the war in South Vietnam, which is really cool~"

"You, like my father, are both soldiers. I like soldiers the most. When I graduated, I wanted to go to South Vietnam, but my father didn't agree."

"By the way, my father participated in the war in Nakajima and was a pilot..."

He thought that Su Shaoze, an oriental man, would not know his father, but in fact, when Su Shaoze saw his face, he had already recalled the information of his three generations in his mind.

This old gentleman is an evergreen in Washington, the United States. He has been active in politics for 30 years and is now serving as his deputy. If the timeline remains unchanged, he will run for election in two years and successfully land.

As for this small step, he has not yet entered the political arena at this time. He is currently engaged in business. He is a partner of a small oil company, and the business is doing well.

What really made him shine was when he entered the political arena a few years later.

Therefore, although the Xiaobu family has made a fortune now, they have barely entered the threshold of the top wealthy families in the United States.

And compared to his father, Xiaobu's future is brighter and more worthy of Su Shaoze's long-term investment.

So not long after the meeting, Su Shaoze had already made a decision in his heart.

"You talk first, I'll excuse you."

At this time, David Rockefeller said, and then saw that he patted Su Shaoze on the shoulder and walked away.

He is only responsible for introducing these two people to know each other, and he also has to entertain other guests.

Xiaobu ignored him and continued to chat with Su Shaoze. It was obvious that he was willing to maintain a good personal relationship with Su Shaoze, the third richest man in the world.

"Today's moon is very round!"

"Very beautiful~" Su Shaoze looked at the bright silver moon in the sky and nodded lightly.

"I know today is your Chinese traditional festival, bell, ball, festival~"

Xiaobu said two Chinese words with non-standard pronunciation. Su Shaoze showed a surprised look: "I didn't expect you to know a lot about Chinese culture. Today is indeed the Mid-Autumn Festival for our Chinese, a day for family reunion."

It could be seen that this guy knew that Su Shaoze was coming and did some homework in advance.

"Happy holidays to you."

"Thank you~"

"I have several Chinese friends in Texas, and they are very sincere and enthusiastic towards their friends, so I know some Chinese culture."

"We are a peace-loving nation."


Su Shaoze and Xiaobu chatted quite speculatively, both of them were consciously building a good relationship with each other.

Su Shaoze wanted to invest in the future of the Xiaobu family, but Xiaobu simply thought that Su Shaoze's status was worthy of his deep friendship.

The Xiaobu family is not as prominent now as it was 20 years later. At most, it has a certain status in Washington, and its economy can only be considered average.

Therefore, from the beginning, he showed goodwill to Su Shaoze.

A rich man with a net worth of tens of billions of dollars, even if he is not a family of rice grains, but saying that 113 may sometimes bring him great help.

As for Su Shaoze, the future development of the Xiaobu family couldn't be more clear. One family of two emperors broke the curse of the uninheritable imperial throne in the United States for two hundred years.

It has left an indelible mark in the political history of the United States, and has made the Xiaobu family one of the most powerful political families in the United States.

In this era, the first emperor of the Xiaobu family is about to be born.

Therefore, compared to the congressmen and rich people present, he wanted to make friends with Xiaobu. And now Laobu has not reached the top, Xiaobu is still in a relatively low position.

Easier to get each other's friendship.

As the conversation between the two deepened, Su Shaoze also began to test slowly: "I heard that Mr. Lao Bu wants to participate in the election two years later?"

Hearing this, Xiaobu was a little surprised and looked at Su Shaoze with wide eyes.

His father's preparation for the election only started this year, and even the position of the candidate in the party is not so stable, and it is not open to the outside world.

I wonder how Su Shaoze knew?

Thinking about it, it might have been told to him by David Rockefeller, or from other sources.

Never underestimate the energy of a world-class billionaire, even if he is not a grain of rice.

So Xiaobu couldn't help but glanced at Su Shaoze again in his heart, without hiding anything, he nodded lightly and said, "Yes, my father is indeed planning to participate in the election campaign in two years' time."

Chapter 556 The real version of black gold, a shady transaction [Seeking flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Laobu has been in the position of deputy for many years, and he is not too young. Many people think that after this term, Laobu should also retire.

But I didn't expect that this old tree would be so tenacious, and he would have to fight with all his strength at the last moment of his political life.

In the end, he succeeded in ascending to a high position, which shocked many people who had disliked him from the beginning.

"My father is too old. Even if he takes that position, it can only be for one term, so many people are not optimistic about him."

"Even at that time, there are many people who don't support him, and it is very difficult to succeed." Xiaobu shook his head and said with a dignified look.

From what it looks like now, the chance of Laobu landing is very small. It can really be said that he has lost before he even started.

But this is the most critical step for the Xiaobu family to cross the class and become a real giant in the United States.

After landing, the Xiaobu family has achieved infinite glory, and Xiaobu's future is also bright.

Therefore, even if there is little hope, Xiaobu is still determined to support his father to go ashore.

And the reason why he came to this banquet was to win the support of more people.

"Don't care about the vile words of some people, just let them talk. In my opinion, Mr. Lao Bu is one of the best deputy in the history of the United States, and the American people will support him." Su Shaoze said confidently.

What Xiaobu could say was only when Su Shaoze was comforting himself and talking in front of him.

"Thank you~" Xiaobu said, not too impressed, but Su Shaoze's next words surprised him.

"I think Mr. Laobu needs more support at this time. As a friend and a fan of Mr. Laobu, I am willing to donate 10 million US dollars of positive wisdom to the campaign team."

Xiaobu was stunned, his eyes fixed on Su Shaoze.

A donation of 10 million Zhengzhi?

In this day and age, it is a huge sum of money, a lot.

As we all know, the election in the United States is a game of financial resources.

For example, advertising, organizing speeches, etc., all require a lot of financial support.

But at this time, Laobu has not many supporters and is very short of funds. Su Shaoze's donation of 10 million yuan can explain the urgent need.

It can increase the chances of landing a lot.

But there is a problem here, Su Shaoze is not a rice grain family.

Xiaobu shook his head helplessly and regretfully: "I'm sorry, Mr. Su, I appreciate your kindness, but I can't accept this donation 々々."

According to U.S. law, non-U.S. citizens are not allowed to donate money to candidates. After all, this is the Mi Li family’s own business, and outsiders’ meddling can easily be regarded as a conspiracy. Once it is investigated, it will cause a lot of trouble.

But for this, Su Shaoze was already prepared.

He will not donate in his own name or in the United States to find people with U.S. citizenship. This is too unsafe, and it is easy to be discovered. Fobo is not a vegetarian.

So some other means are needed.

Compared with some methods of collusion between officials and businessmen in later generations, the political methods of the United States at this time still seem a bit low-level.

Su Shaoze would not let himself have anything to do with this donation, as long as the Xiaobu family remembered their help.

All he wants is a long-term return.

Although 10 million US dollars is a lot, compared to the hundreds and thousands of times that Su Shaoze can get after the old step ashore, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Anyway, the wool comes from the sheep. Su Shaoze's behavior is naturally to gain more benefits from Mi Li's family. Xiaobu is also aware of this.

But this is inherently a two-way benefit.

"Don't worry, my friend, don't forget what I do. I will help you solve all these things. Mr. Laobu's campaign will not be short of funds." Su Shaoze patted Xiaobu's shoulder and said softly. .

"This? Good!!"

Xiaobu thought about it, gritted his teeth, and nodded lightly, as long as Su Shaoze can make the money clean, then he would dare to accept this donation.

Because Laopo's campaign was too short of money, although he and David Rockefeller were friends, David could not represent the entire Rockefeller family.

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