MTL - Centennial Family, Rising From Hong Kong Island-Chapter 328

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Su Shaoze picked up the gold coins one by one and watched them in his hands.

For these treasures, a few days ago, Su Shaoze made up for the history of the West, and quickly recognized the age of the source of these gold coins based on the patterns above.

The earliest is the gold coins of the ancient mule and horse era, which have been circulating for more than two thousand years, but the number is not many, only a few hundred.

More are medieval gold coins, minted during the Crusades.

Every gold coin is a valuable treasure, but these gold coins are piled together like garbage.

There are piles of piles, there are dozens of piles.

Going forward is to the end of the palace, where the most valuable things in this palace are placed.


All are statues carved in gold.

There are horses in equal proportions, golden swords, armor made of gold, knights in equal proportions, and huge statues of Egyptian-level pharaohs, etc.

And placed in the middle are twelve huge statues more than two meters high.

Twelve gods in ancient Shila mythology.

Zeus, Hera, Poseidon...

These statues are very delicately carved, and even the details of the faces are vividly carved. Ancient Westerners did have two brushes in art making.

And it is these subsequent historical meanings that make these golds worth many times more than their own.

After Su Shaoze got these treasures, he would not use them, but chose to bury them and pass them on as the heritage of the Su family.

For an inspirational century-old family, inheritance is the most indispensable thing.

In the future, these treasures will be opened when it is needed, and there may never be a chance to see the light again.

"." Time to work! "

Facing the countless treasures in the huge palace, Su Shaoze gradually calmed down, let out a sigh of relief, and prepared to work.

He needs to get all these golden treasures away before dawn.

For others, this is an almost impossible task, but for Su Shaoze, it is extremely simple.

Space warehouse!

Holding the statue of Zeus in his palm, Su Shaoze moved his mind, and the statue had disappeared before his eyes.

Chapter 567 The heritage of the Su family, a treasure of tens of billions of dollars [Seeking flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Above this underground palace is the famous Wall Street. It is almost impossible for anyone other than the US official to quietly remove such a huge amount of treasure.

Fortunately, Su Shaoze has a plug-in.

With the touch of his palm, pieces of gold products were transferred to the space warehouse.

Even if it is fast, there are too many gold treasures in the palace after all.

Moreover, frequent use of the space warehouse is another mentally consuming thing.

Therefore, after more than an hour, all the gold treasures disappeared in the underground palace.

The orange-red flames shone on the cold boulder wall, and it was empty.

On the other hand, Su Shaoze's space warehouse was full of gold.


At this moment, Su Shaoze also heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately became excited.

So much gold can be worth billions of dollars just in terms of weight, and if it is added with its historical significance, its value has surpassed the worth of Su Shaoze himself today.

More than ten billion!

"These are the things that the robbers from the West 710 have looted from all over the world for so many years. Every piece is full of the blood of the people of the world. It's unjust!"

"My Su Shaoze is doing things for heaven."

"In the future, these treasures will become the century-old heritage of my Su family."

Looking at the countless gold in the space warehouse, Su Shaoze said secretly in his heart.

Tens of thousands of gold coins, huge and delicate gold statues, various gold products, and ancient literary scrolls.

All will become the foundation of the Su family, and will continue to sleep in the next decades or even hundreds of years.

"It's time to leave!"

Glancing at the empty palace, Su Shaoze turned and left without any nostalgia.

"Boom boom~"

Putting the pipe on the copper plate again, Shimen made a heavy muffled sound and blocked the hole again.

The underground palace continued to plunge into darkness once again.

Perhaps in the next few decades, the palace will be discovered in an unexpected situation.

When Americans see this empty palace, will they be full of disappointment.

The ancestors two hundred years ago had nothing left for them.


After disposing of the assets of the United States and obtaining this batch of gold treasures, Su Shaoze's mission to the United States is basically completed.

All that's left is to find a person to blame for your behavior, or someone to charge forward before the stock market crash.

In the past few days, Thoreau's life has not been very good.

His Liangzi Fund is just a small company. It is even a leather bag company. It is not well-known at all, and its scale is small. It can only absorb some funds from retail investors who have just entered the industry.

Even some old retail investors would not hand over their money to him, even more newcomers such as Morgan, Manhattan and other big investment banks.

Therefore, even when the US market is becoming more and more popular, the business volume of Liangzi Fund has not been able to increase at all.

The situation could not be opened up, and Soros had lost several strands of his hair these days.

"In the end, it's still an opportunity. As long as you give me a chance, Liangzi Fund can quickly increase its reputation and open up the market."

Thoros scratched his head and said in a low voice in his humble office.

Liangzi Fund's headquarters is located on the fringes of Wall Street, in a very unremarkable two-story residential building, with only a dozen employees.

It's small in scale, and it's full of internal organs!

The reason for the current predicament is the lack of money.

Just when Thoros was worried about money, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

"Hello, this is Liangzi Fund, sincerely serving you~"

Thoros picked up the phone and said, but a woman's voice came from the phone.

"I'm looking for Mr. Thoros. I'm Mr. Su's secretary."

"Mr. Su's secretary? Which Mr. Su?" Thoros was stunned, and then a flash of light flashed in his mind, and his blue eyes suddenly widened.

The back on the chair straightened instantly.

Su, this strange surname made him instantly think of a person, a world-class rich man from the East.

To be honest, at the banquet that day, he dared to talk to Su Shaoze, more just to try his luck.

Later, I came to understand that Mr. Su is a rich man worth tens of billions of dollars. He himself is involved in the financial industry, and he is also a good friend with the Rockefeller family.

Even if you need to invest in the United States, you don't look down on your small workshop at all.

In addition, there has been no contact since then, and Thoros slowly forgot about Su Shaoze. Maybe he was talking to him out of politeness!

But he didn't expect that today he actually received a call claiming to be Secretary Su Shaoze.


"It shouldn't be. Who would pretend to be a secretary of a billionaire to deceive himself? This is undoubtedly offending that Mr. Su and the Rockefeller family."

Is that true?

Thoros's heart experienced a struggle between heaven and man, and his heartbeat couldn't help beating faster.

The Liangzi Fund was seriously short of money, and the phone call from Mr. Su's secretary gave him hope again.

"Hello, Miss Secretary, I'm Thoros, I'm sorry."

Thoros looked a little flustered, no matter how talented he was, he was still full of awe in the face of power before he achieved anything.

"Okay, Mr. Thoros, don't be nervous. That's it. Mr. Su wants to invite you to be a guest at Su's Manor tomorrow afternoon. I wonder if Mr. Thoros has time?"

"There is time, of course there is time!" Thoros nodded hurriedly, clenching his fists tightly.

After hanging up the phone, Thoros waved his fist fiercely, with an excited look on his face.

"That's great, haha~"

Mr. Su invited himself to the manor as a guest, which was probably a good thing, and it was also a good start.

"Boss, Thoros agreed." Qin Ya, who was not wearing an inch, put the eldest brother on the chair, and then walked back to the bathtub.

This is an open-air bath, located on the third-floor rooftop of the villa, with only Su Shaoze and Qin Ya.

Su Shaoze laughed and said, "Thoros is a smart man. This is an opportunity I gave him. Even if there is a huge crisis hidden, he will not refuse it."

Qin Ya swam to Su Shaoze's side, and the hot and seductive body directly leaned on it.

Chapter 568 Become a legend on Wall Street? 【Ask for flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Thoros arrived at Su Shaoze Manor at two o'clock in the afternoon.

For the invitation of Su Shaoze, the third richest man in the world, he didn't dare to be late at all, so he started to arrive in the morning.

After he arrived at the manor, he told the bodyguard that he was invited by Mr. Su, and after checking again, he was allowed to enter the manor.

But unfortunately, the housekeeper told him: "The boss is resting, if you have nothing to do, please wait here for a while"

"Of course, I'm fine, just wait here for a while," Thoros said immediately.

Although it was impolite to wait for the guests like this, Thoros did not dare to have any opinion.

If you don't want to wait, you can leave, but he obviously won't pass up this opportunity.

Sitting in the living room, looking at this luxuriously decorated villa, I recalled what I saw after walking into the manor just now.

The manor is very large, with several hectares, with swimming pools, helipads and other facilities.

This is simply a manor in Soros's dream. At this moment, his heart is full of envy, when will he be able to live such an extravagant and high-class life.

He needs to work hard, and he needs to make Liangzi Fund a well-known financial services company in the United States.

"Everything will happen!" Thoros said to himself secretly in his heart.

Thoros waited in the living room for an hour before finally getting the person he needed to see.

Su Shaoze was dressed in a suit and was in high spirits, followed by Qin Ya, a cold secretary.

It's just that the fair face is slightly ruddy, and the eyes are slightly charming, and the whole person seems to have a lazy feeling.

Obviously, when she was resting just now, she was well fed.

"Mr. Thoros, we meet again."

"Mr. Su~" Thoros quickly stood up.

"Don't be nervous, please sit down!"

Su Shaoze laughed, motioned him to sit down, and sat on the main seat himself.

"Mr. Thoros, I personally admire your talent. I think you will become one of the greatest financial traders in American history."

"Thank you for your compliment, I still need to work harder."

"What do you think, Mr. Thoros, about the economic development of the United States for a period of time in the future?"

"Don't try to please me with the reason last time, I want to know what you really think."

Su Shaoze was sitting on the sofa, leaning on his back, with Erlang's legs crossed, and holding a cigar in his hand.

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