MTL - Centennial Family, Rising From Hong Kong Island-Chapter 396

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"The Zheng family is one of the top giants on Hong Kong Island. Now there is a good show to watch."

The streets are full of people who eat melons. It is the nature of the Chinese to love to be lively, and no one can stop their enthusiasm for eating melons.

But at the next moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the people outside the street.

"So many luxury cars? All Maybachs?"

I saw five Maybach super-luxury cars slowly driving from a distance from the street. The black body flashed under the street lights, which was very luxurious and majestic.

A small number of people even recognized the license plates of these Maybachs.

He exclaimed in a low voice: "Mr. Su~"

And the doorman of Fortune Restaurant noticed the situation here. After seeing the convoy, he was even more shocked and ran into the restaurant to report to the boss.

The most important thing to be a doorman is to wink and to have trouble.

The license plate numbers of Su Shaoze, Bao Chuanwang, the chief executives of the Hong Kong Governor's Office and others must be remembered by them.

What's more, on Hong Kong Island, who has the courage to use five ultra-luxury Maybachs as travel tools?

Only the richest man in the world, Su Shaoze!

This has become Su Shaoze's personal symbol.

When Su Shaoze's motorcade stopped in front of Fortune Restaurant, the owner of the restaurant, Shen Rong, also trotted out in a hurry.

When I came to the car in the middle, I bowed slightly to the window, and said with a pleasing smile: "Mr. Su is here, welcome~"

Shen Rong is also a character on Hong Kong Island. He started from scratch and created a lot of family business. Later, he seized the opportunity to connect his beautiful sister-in-law with Zheng Yuyin, and successfully mixed himself into Zheng Yuyin's brother-in-law.

You know, the Zheng family is one of the top giants on Hong Kong Island, one of the chaebol giants, standing at the top of the food chain on Hong Kong Island.

And after this financial crisis, the name of the Hong Kong Island consortium has spread all over the world, and countless Hong Kong Island businessmen want to integrate into this top circle.

But most people don't even have the chance to touch the threshold of the Hong Kong Island consortium.

The Zheng family is a member of the Hong Kong Island consortium, and this identity adds a layer of mystery and deterrence to it.

Therefore, by virtue of the status of Zheng Yuyin's brother-in-law, Shen Rong can be regarded as a character in the size of Hong Kong Island. Looking at Zheng Yuyin's face, everyone will give him three points of face.

However, all this sense of superiority, all status achievements, in front of this man in the car, is nothing but fart.

Not to mention Shen Rong, even if Zheng Yuyin saw Su Shaoze, he would always accompany him with a smile.

After all, the Su family is the biggest chaebol on Hong Kong Island, the leader of the Hong Kong Island consortium, and is at the top of the real food chain.

No matter how flattering and humble Shen Rong behaves in front of Su Shaoze, it is not ashamed.

But what made Shen Rong a little embarrassed was that Su Shaoze ignored him at all, still sitting in the car as if he didn't exist.

Shen Rong bowed slightly, his face embarrassed, and whispered, "Mr. Su?"

He wondered if Su Shaoze was inside and if it was Mr.

But the next second, he suddenly heard a clutter of footsteps behind him.

It's the people in black.

I saw that Han Hongbing led someone forward and came to Wang Qingjun, the security captain of Su Shaoze, and said solemnly, "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Wang Qingjun looked behind Han Hongbing. Several lone wolf bodyguards were holding two men. The two men had blue noses and swollen faces. light.

Looking behind Han Hongbing again, Lan Yingjie has not regained her composure, and there are still tears left in her eyes.

Wang Qingjun nodded lightly and said to Lan Yingjie, "Miss Lan, Mr. Su is waiting for you, please get on the bus here."

After speaking, she led Lan Yingjie to the other side, opened the door, and asked Lan Yingjie to sit in.

At this time, Lan Yingjie felt extremely insecure in her heart, and sat in like a frightened bunny.

The next second, her eyes widened instantly, her expression was a little nervous, and she was a little surprised, but that sense of fear completely disappeared without a trace.

Sitting beside her was a handsome young man.

Elegant demeanor, absolute temperament, resolute face, indifferent eyes.

"Mr. Su~"

Lan Yingjie shouted in surprise!

She did not expect that Su Shaoze would come in person after hearing about her accident.

He has so many things to do and is so busy, so he came here in person during his busy schedule. Is this because he cares about himself?

An inexplicable flash of apprehension and expectation flashed in Lan Yingjie's heart.

Looking at the beautiful girl in front of her, pure and elegant, weak and delicate, Su Shaoze also flashed pity in her heart.

He smiled slightly and said, "I'm here, it's alright, no one can hurt you anymore."

The words were simple, but they gave Lan Yingjie unprecedented firmness.

Full of happiness and security.

At the same time, outside the car, I saw Han Hongbing and Su Shaoze's security captain whispering something, and saw Lan Yingjie sitting in this Maybach under the personal guidance of the security captain.

Shen Rong, who was standing outside the car door, was already dumbfounded.

How could he not understand all this!

The men in black who broke into his restaurant and wanted to arrest Chen Shitong were from Su Shaoze.

The actress named Lan Yingjie that Chen Shitong wanted to bully was definitely Su Shaoze's woman.

Knowing that his woman is being bullied, which man can sit still?

Su Shaoze came to Fuyun Restaurant in person not to add luster to the restaurant, but to tell Shen Rong that Mr. Su was very angry.

Thinking of this, Shen Rong panicked for a while, and his heart was in a mess.

His face was full of nervousness, and he was shocked. Standing in front of the car door, he hurriedly explained, "Mr. Su, this, this is none of my business!"

"I don't know, these two **** are actually in my restaurant, doing this kind of thing, offending Miss Lan, **** it, **** it."

He had already scolded Chen Shitong and Zheng Wei a hundred times in his heart.

Don't have eyes?

Mr. Su's woman even dared to move, she was so tired and crooked!

You die while you seek death, why bother yourself?

Shen Rong felt wronged in his heart, and felt that he had suffered an unwarranted disaster.

At the same time, I can't help but complain about Su Shaoze, can your old man find so many women physically fit?

one by one.

Lin Qingxia, Wang Zuxian, Li Jiaxin, etc., and now another Lan Yingjie has appeared.

If you are looking for a woman, you are looking for it. The key is not to cover it so tightly. At any rate, let's take a breath and let people know that this is your woman, and they will not step on this thunder.

Pit people!

On the other side, Chen Shitong and Zheng Wei were already stupid at this moment, their heads were dazed, their eyes widened, and their faces gradually turned pale.

However, the two of them at this moment were undoubtedly terrified and shocked.

"Mr. Su, please forgive me this time, I really didn't know that Miss Lan was yours!" Zheng Wei, the short stature, was a total coward, so frightened his legs were weak and he squatted on the ground.

Chen Shitong was better, but he had to surrender, begging for mercy: "Mr. Su, I'm confused, **** I'm not human, it's just a misunderstanding, I'm joking with Miss Lan."

The shape of the two was unbearable, and there was no arrogance at all.

Although they claim to be big figures on Hong Kong Island, senior brothers in Hong Kong Island's film and television industry, they have extensive connections in the underworld, and they all have to give face.

But in front of Su Shaoze, all their superiority is so ridiculous, like two bugs.

Big brother in the entertainment industry? The boss of a film company?

The largest film and television company on Hong Kong Island is only a subsidiary of Su Shaoze's subsidiary.

Big brother on the road?

The four largest clubs on Hong Kong Island, whether they are Heliansheng or Dongxing, are all as obedient as rabbits in front of Su Shaoze.

Even Hongxing's Jiang Tiansheng, although Su Shaoze has always called him brothers and sisters, but this all stems from the friendship of the year. In truth, Jiang Tiansheng is already not on the same level as Su Shaoze.

What Su Shaoze ordered was the hardest he did.

Therefore, Chen Shitong and Zheng Wei, with any status and power, are vulnerable in front of Su Shaoze.

There is no need for Su Shaoze to look at them directly, just a few words to command the past, and the two of them don't have to think about it.

In the sound of pleading and begging for mercy, the glass on the door finally fell slowly.

In an instant, Shen Rong was overjoyed, thinking that Su Shaoze would listen to his explanation.

But before he could open his mouth, facing Su Shaoze's gaze, he seemed to be poured down by a basin of cold water.

Su Shaoze just sat in the car like this, and he could clearly see his face through the half-turned window.

It was a very young and handsome face, with a resolute, sharp-edged face, without any fluctuations in the calm.

But those black eyes were as indifferent as abyss, without any emotion, without joy, anger, sadness and joy, and could not see Su Shaoze's anger or everything in his heart.

He didn't say a word, his eyes were deep, and he stared at Shen Rong so calmly.

As if through the endless black fog of the abyss, the death breath of **** enveloped Shen Rong.

At this moment, Shen Rong only felt that his whole body was cold, and a sense of oppression came to his face. All the words were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't make any sound, and there was a kind of horror that was hard to breathe.

[The pen power is limited, and I always feel that writing it is almost better than Dakang's books. ].

Chapter 666 In the era of chaebol rule, the family standing above the chaebol 【Seeking flowers! beg】

Those are a pair of black eyes, as deep as an abyss, indifferent, calm, and the ancient well has no waves, quietly staring at the person in front of him without saying a word.

But exudes a palpitating power.

At this moment, Shen Rong felt that his breathing was about to stagnate.

His body was stiff, and he couldn't make a sound. Under Su Shaoze's gaze, he seemed to be facing an abyss king in the dark.

Terrifying, powerful, with a depressing, frightening aura.

"Su, Susu~"

Shen Rong felt that his teeth were shaking, he resisted the fear, and a humble smile appeared on his face, trying to explain to Su Shaoze.

But in the next moment, Su Shaoze's eyes fluttered past him and landed on Chen Shitong and Zheng Wei who were behind.

He knew both of them.

These two are big brothers in the film industry, and they have something to do with people on the road. Some people say that they have little righteousness and help people solve a lot of troubles. Some people say that they coerce and lure people and do a lot of bad things.

All these Su Shaoze can be ignored, so what if they have done bad things? Su Shaoze is not a righteous bitch. Punishing traitors and eliminating evil is not what he should do, and he himself has done many things that are unethical and lawful.

These are nothing, Hong Kong Island is the environment.

But the point is, these two guys got Su Shaoze on the head.

Seeing Su Shaoze staring at him, their bodies trembled in unison.

"Mr. Su, this is really a misunderstanding. We didn't know that Miss Lan was yours!"

"Mr. Su, I am willing to pay two million yuan to apologize to Miss Lan."

The first time they saw 20 Su Shaoze, they had no luck anymore. This woman named Lan Yingjie is really Su Shaoze's lover!

Damn luck.

Therefore, the two of them are even more afraid.

Some ordinary people don't have much conception of Su Shaoze's position of power.

Simply know that he is the richest man in the world, worth tens of billions of dollars, chairman of Galaxy Group, head of Hong Kong Island Consortium, etc.

As for the specific aspects, what these identities represent, and what influences they have, ordinary people do not know, which is far from their lives.

However, the higher the person stands, the more he can feel Su Shaoze's terrifying power and his influence in all aspects of Hong Kong Island.

In the film and television industry, he can easily block a person or a company with just one sentence.

In the business world, the huge size of the Galaxy Group is enough to suppress and annex any company, and it is also easy for the owner of a company to go bankrupt.

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