MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 29 Coming Through (1)

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Yizhou North Street, Mofu Backyard, Mo Ling's bedroom is in the southwest corner of the backyard.

The interior is full of wooden utensils. Even the tea cups, teapots and wash basins are made of pear wood, and the carving is simple but elegant. The only few accessories are Jinyu materials.

Xiner walked around the room, packing his clothes, and Mo Ling spread out on the bed, in a "big" shape. He turned his head, watching Xin'er busy, and grumbled from time to time in his mouth.

Still frustrated by her, she said nothing, looking at the snow-white roof, she couldn't help feeling a little lost ... some sad ... enjoying the last moment of peace ...

More than three years ago, I just came through, I did n’t understand, made a lot of jokes, made a lot of misfortunes ... But because of her father, she felt the warmth of home for the first time ...

Tired to close my eyes, my thoughts gradually returned to the past ...

In the previous life, she was just an abandoned orphan. Since she was a child, she has grown up lonely and strong, without love, without hate ... or she does n’t know what love is, what it means. hate? !!

The life that was originally calm and dull was destroyed by a gambling game ...

"Hey ~ Hello, I'm Ye Fan, the project director of **** company. I'm glad to meet you." It was a chance encounter at the company's year-end carnival. She thought she was the happiest and happiest in the world people…

How did you know that it was just a gamble! A joke in others' eyes!

"Hello, this is Mo Ling." It was a polite response, with a slight smile on his face.

Ye Fan, project director of **** company, Gao Fushuai with a monthly salary of 10,000, Gao Fushuai who will be surrounded by idiots when he goes out! She never believed in fairy tales, nor did she believe that there would be a fairy tale in Cinderella!

But it did happen, and it was confirmed in Mo Ling's body!

From then on, she was no longer alone, she was always picked up and accompanied by someone when she went to work or off work. Whenever Ye Fan is free, she will always take her out for a walk, sometimes traveling around, sometimes playing on the beach, sometimes simply walking through the forest, but it also makes people happy and intoxicated.

Love does not need to be moving. Love does not need to be vigorous. Love does not need to be painstaking. Just simple, you hold my hand, I lean on your shoulder. At that time, Mo Ling thought so.

Happiness is actually very simple....

She still remembers the first warm encounter, the first dating place, the first angry quarrel ...

Everything comes so suddenly, happiness comes so fast, too fast to enjoy it ... has been ruthlessly broken by the truth of things!

"Mo Ling, tomorrow is your 20th birthday. Let's go to the bar to celebrate! Let me know, my colleagues and buddies!" On the same day, he said cheerfully, taking care of everything carefully and carefully. As long as she is not late.

"Okay, I listen to you," said softly, with a happy and sweet smile on his face.

This is the case all the time. She will wait for the notification if there is any activity, because she knows that Ye Fan will take care of her, very careful and warm!

After work, she arrived on time at the agreed bar, deliberately put on a **** suspender skirt, painted light makeup, and was very satisfied with her appearance.

Read The Duke's Passion