MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 34 Harem Four Concubines

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Mu You, the capital—the capital.

Around the country, you must count the capital city, the most lively and commercial complex, there are nearly a hundred restaurants alone, and the best business is undoubtedly a hospitable home.

The emperor works diligently and loves the people, is sympathetic to the people, and reduces agricultural and commercial taxes. To make the business here developed, nearly half of the cities have opened inns, just for the convenience of businessmen and some students who rush to take the exam.

The country is prosperous and is living in a prosperous age. People's lives are also quite entertaining. There are many poems, wines and dances in the city, and the singing, music, and poetry squares in the city are overcrowded every day. Many scholars and scholars came here to compare and learn from each other to increase their literary knowledge.

There are many storytelling, listening to books, drinking and guessing the fist in various restaurants. The poets in the poetry club have poetry and poetry, and the singing and dancing in the song and dance hall are leveled up.

The Muyou Palace, covering an area of ​​999 acres, has a long history. There were six generations of emperors, and they were called emperors here. The middle palace in the middle of the palace was used by the emperor in the early dynasty. The palace was brilliant and the golden lacquered dragon throne. When the early dynasty, there was a king who smashed the world.

The harem of the imperial palace is divided into three palaces and four courtyards. The third palaces are Longxiao Palace, Fengqi Palace, and Qingting Palace. The fourth courtyards are Yufu Temple, Fenglan Temple, Meixiang Temple, and Luoxia Temple.

Today, there are masters in all the four courtyards. Dudu Fengqi Palace is empty. Since the emperor ascended the throne, it has always been empty! Regardless of how the ministers proceeded, the emperor hoped to fill the back seat as soon as possible so that someone in the harem could be in charge, but all were rejected by the emperor.

The purpose of the ministers is most obvious, but they want Ji Ruoxuan, the daughter of Prime Minister Ji Ruoxuan, to come to the back, but this is Leng Yichen's most taboo!

If Ji Ruoxuan came to the back and gave birth to Liner, wouldn't half of the world be Ji Bo's answer? !! Mu Youguo was carefully guarded by previous kings. He couldn't let Mu Youguo be destroyed in his hands! Therefore, Ji Bo's wishful thinking is absolutely impossible!

Luo Xia Yuan is the first of the four courtyards, and the current owner is Ji Ruoxuan, the daughter of the prime minister, and Xuan Fei, the emperor's hand.

The emperor has been out of the palace for more than three months. The concubines and concubines, without the emperor, all feel like lost souls, and do nothing all day, either hanging around the royal garden or sitting in the Queen's Palace of Qing Ting, or At Xuan Fei's Luoxia Courtyard, life was very boring.

Today, Xuan Fei paid out of her own pocket, and invited the most popular song and dance square in the city, Red Square, to perform dances in the palace, to help everyone cheer, and put aside the usual dullness of death.

In the Los Angeles Palace, in the atrium, the dancers danced flatly, their sleeves fluttered, their bells struck, and their music was melodious. The sandalwood lit on the platform was smoky.

Princess Xuan was lying lazily on the soft collapse, wearing a black and red inlaid gold and phoenix skirt, graceful and luxurious. Although there was no queen in the palace, she dared to wear the phoenix skirt on her body. In the harem, I am afraid she is alone That's it.

"It's truly worthy. It's the Red Square. Wu Ji has grown up with water and she looks pretty." Li Fei, who was sitting next to the soft collapse, said that her face was childish for three years. It just doesn't have to be smart.

"Sister, it's good if you like it." Concubine Xuan took a sip, and the tea handed by her maid, the tea was a magical kingdom, sent tribute.

"How good is the dance technique? What makes people dislike it?" Ning Fei also responded. I'm afraid it's too expensive for silver! She thought secretly.

The emperor, although not the concubine Feng Xuan, took care of the concubine. The concubines' money, which should be fixed, should be taken care of by Lianyuan Xuan, each month is different.

Some are always present and promised, and even less are only twelve. Even the housemaid's monthly money is more than the master! Princess Xuan Xuan was the daughter of the prime minister of the DPRK.

"Yeah, yeah, I like it, I like it all ~" Li Fei shook Ning Fei's arm happily and sighed again. "It's a pity ... if the emperor is there, that's fine ~"

"Yo, my sister wants to be the emperor ~" Princess Xuan deliberately teased, and there was an imperceptible irony in her eyes.

"Oh, sister, don't laugh at your sister ~ the emperor has been away for 3 months ~ anyone would think ~" bowed her head shamefully, covering her red face with both hands.

"I know you miss the emperor, don't worry, Minger, the emperor is back ~" Ning Fei looked at her with amusement.

"This is also true. I heard yesterday that the minister in the palace said that the emperor was about to come back, and I heard that she brought a woman." She had always kept her mouth open and hurried to her, staring at Ning Fei He glanced down, weakly, and did not dare to squeak.

Alas, which pot is not open!

"The emperor, just brought back the woman, maybe it was the rural girl who was rescued on the road. Maybe she was brought back to the palace to be the niece." Ning Fei continued smartly, turning to look at Xuan Xuan's soft collapse. Concubine, she pursed her lips and did not want to say more.

Xuan Fei's face was displeased. She just repaired her nails in the morning and fastened the soft collapse edge. There were a lot of sawdust mixed in her nails, and she sneered, "She's not a country girl! She, but her sister's good Sister! Mo Ling! "

If not, she sent a secret letter last night, and she was really buried in her bones! It's been three years, and the emperor has to bring her back to the palace!

"Sister, don't make a joke, my sister was expelled from the palace three years ago, and the emperor won't take her back ~" he said with a funny hand.

"The concubine had a miscarriage and pregnancy. The emperor had already found out that concubine Li also lived in Leng Palace. Your sister was wronged. Don't you know?" Ning Fei shook her head helplessly and entered the palace for years. Who have you ever spoiled? Li Fei is too stupid ... too stupid ...

"Knowing is knowing, but the emperor will not take her back to the palace! How much trouble did she have when she first entered the palace! It is a broom star! Bring her back to the palace without knowing how many things will happen Come! "She muttered reluctantly. She really didn't have any good feelings for this dear sister.

"It seems that my sister doesn't like her own sister?" Princess Xuan raised her eyebrows, and she thought of it.

Three years ago, she could use Li Fei to make Li Fei use the name of abortion to drive Mo Ling out of the palace! Three years later, she can do the same! Only this time, she wants to make Mo Ling the same as Li Fei! Always stay in the dark cold palace!

"Of course! At first, it was all her sloppy baskets. I was a sister who couldn't afford to look up. When I first entered the palace, everyone said that I was Mo Ling's sister. It was futile! Hidden far away! I hate her! "Gritted his teeth and grieved, tearing Jinpa in his hands with both hands.

"Everyone else is hiding from you. You will come to my sister's palace in the future. My sister welcomes you at any time ~" Princess Xuan said very earnestly, and she stretched her hands and caressed her shoulders, tender and considerate, her eyes flashed with care.

"It's still my sister ~" He grinned happily when he saw the maidservant brought freshly washed grapes, but he consciously got up, reached for the grapes, carried them in person, and sent them to Princess Xuan, with a look on his face. Please please.

Ning Fei, looking at the innocent Li Fei, could not help but sighed and shook her head ...

Really stupid girl, I just hope that you will not be used by Princess Xuan, repeat the same mistakes, and end up like Li Fei ...

No matter what Li Fei's courtship is, Fei Xuan's calculations have always been that she has nothing to do with herself. She turned her head to look at the delicate bodies of the dancers. As the song twisted, Ning Fei turned out suddenly. I thought of Princess Fei, "I don't know, how is sister Fei Yan?"

"Yan Fei was born with a weak bone, and now she has a strange disease. She stays in the Jade Palace all day long, and the emperor ordered not to visit. I don't know when she will be ill, and dance for us!" Grapes, pretending to be sorry.

"Who is Yan Fei? I haven't seen it before?" Li Fei was still sitting softly holding a plate full of grapes.

"One of the four concubines, you entered the palace earlier than you, and your dance skills are so good that the queen mother likes it. Fortunately, less than one year after entering the palace, you became infected with a strange disease and stayed in Yufu Palace all day long. "Ning Fei explained kindly.

"Well, it's a shame, I have never seen Yan Fei dancing?" She shook her head and waved her head. She was disappointed. When she entered the palace, she was told that Queen Mother Xiao liked to watch people dance performances, and Molly was anxious to learn , I finally heard that there is a concubine who dances, but it is a sick seedling again!

"Don't worry, there will be opportunities in the future." Ning Fei said comfortingly. Molly always showed emotions and anger, and would not be concealed at all, very disadvantaged.

Just after Ning Fei had finished speaking, Gui Gui in the Los Xia Palace hurried in. Gui Yan is a highly qualified concubine in the palace and is highly respected by her descendants. She was followed by Empress Xiao, and was later picked by the emperor. She went to the Luoxia Palace to serve Princess Xuan. Every move of Princess Xuan. After all, it was the Queen Mother Xiao Leng, and Leng Yichen was relieved.

Gui Yan knelt down sharply, and before he asked, he hurriedly said, "Mother, the emperor is back!"

"Really?" The three asked happily at the same time. Concubine Xuan was excited and sat up straight from the soft couch, looking forward to it.

"It's true, it's already in the palace," the old lady answered truthfully. "Listening to the guardian's father-in-law, there will be no falsehood."

Princess Xuan sat happily from the soft collapse, and fiddled with her slightly chaotic bun, "Where is the emperor? Where is the emperor now?"

"In ... in Fengqi Palace ..." Gui Yan knelt down on the ground, nervously afraid to even lift his head, for fear of the master, spreading anger on her!

"The emperor, go to Fengqi Palace, what do you do?" Concubine Xuan frowned, with a slightly unpredictable hunch. Ning Fei and Li Fei also looked at each other on the ground, and there was no one in Fengqi Palace who was pure. The emperor went there, what should he do? !!

"Emperor ... Emperor ..." Hesitantly, hesitant to say, or not to say?

"Hurry up!" Princess Xuan snapped sharply!

After being urged, he finally said, "The emperor wants to seize Captain Mo's eldest daughter, that is, the sister of Princess Li Fei is the queen ..."

Read The Duke's Passion