MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 49 Give a glass of wine

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For the queen's petty labor yesterday, the entire palace was full of excitement, and the hearts and minds of the eunuchs and maids were very careful. They were afraid of saying the wrong things and doing the wrong things, which caused Queen Mother Xiao to inevitably hit the board.

Leng Yichen stayed beside her after the screen receded, staying with her and guarding her. He wiped his body again and was fed medicine, and tossed all night, almost no eyes closed, a stunned look on his face.

He turned his head and looked at it. Xiaoruizi's mountainous memorials just presented this morning have already left the country this morning. If he didn't correct the memorials in time, he wouldn't be justified.

With heavy dark circles and red blood in his eyes, it was really sleepless all night, and his temples were uncomfortable and painful.

I was thinking about getting up and coming to the desk, and I saw that Ziyi came and owed me, "The emperor, the queen mother, please come to the Qing Palace, and there is something to discuss!"

He understood immediately that the abortion of Mo Ling had not been resolved, and he must not neglect. Since the request of Empress Xiao, he nodded.

Before leaving, he also ordered the palace maid to be good at serving Mo Ling. If she wakes up, she must report immediately! Before leaving, he thoughtfully covered the quilt for Mo Ling.

When I arrived at the Qing court, I found that Empress Xiao was not only looking for him, the other four concubines were called, the purpose was to find the murderer who killed Mo Ling!

The Qing Ting Palace is located at the end of the Imperial Palace. The palace is not only like the atmosphere of Longxiao Palace, but also the luxury and luxury of Fengqi Palace. It is casual and elegant.

Inside the palace, there are all kinds of statues of Buddhas, large and small, there is a Maitreya who propped his head on the ground, there are eighteen arhat statues, there are thousands of avalokitesvara, and avalokitesvara, etc The statue of the Buddha is very particular because of its different meanings.

Empress Xiao, who lives long in the Qing court, worshipped the Buddha every morning and chanted it in the afternoon. Every time she chants, she should not be disturbed. Even if the emperor is in person, she is not seen. Very religious.

When Leng Yichen arrived, Li Fei was kneeling on the ground, her head bowed, waiting for the Queen Mother to ask questions. The other three concubines stood waiting, looking serious.

Mo Ling has always been attentive, knowing that she is pregnant, she will certainly not accidentally slip into the pond, obviously being murdered, it is also a matter of which everyone knows, but there is no evidence, and she will not speak easily, so as not to cause trouble .

The queen's petty labor was of great importance. It was due to be handed over to the Dali Temple, but after all, the family ugliness could not be exposed. Queen Mother Xiao decided to deal with it privately in the Qing court. Purple clothes.

"Li Fei, are you sure that the queen fell into the water by herself?" Mrs. Xiao was sitting on the back with her back, holding a bead chain of 18 crystal-clear emerald beads in her hand, squinting her eyes, and going straight Looked at Li Fei kneeling on the ground.

"OK!" Very sure, there was no dodge in the eyes, and it was firm and firm!

She determined that only she and Mo Ling were present at the time, no witnesses, and no physical evidence! As long as she insisted that Mo Ling accidentally fell into the pond herself! The empress and queen will not convict her!

"Why, didn't you send the queen back to Fengqi Palace?" She asked, raising her eyebrows, pretending to be difficult, so as to find the flaws and let Li Fei's original appearance.

"Chen Yun, I was anxious to find someone to come and help me. When I turned around, I didn't see my sister." The truth of her answer is that she still thought that Xiner quietly brought Mo Ling back to Fengqi Palace, otherwise It's also unexplainable, Mo Ling couldn't crawl out by himself.

"Do you know who sent the Queen back to Fengqi Palace?"

"It's Xiner."

"How did you know that it was that girl?"

"Because there is only one niece beside her!"

Ms. Xiao did not ask, but she sat quietly, not looking at Li Fei, but looking at Fei Xuan who stood upright, but just glanced lightly, which made Fei Xuan shudder and couldn't help shaking Shook!

The subtle move, though it escaped the eyes of the queen mother, but not the eyes of the emperor!

"Is there anything you can ask Chen about the queen's misstep?" Slowly, she deliberately turned her head and looked at Leng Yichen, who was sitting beside her, on the handsome side, and how much the girl in the flower season was lost. His heart lingered only for one person.

"Li Fei, do you still believe that Linger fell into the water by herself?" I always hope she can confess, tell the truth, and maybe save her life!

In the cold palace, a concubine is enough.

"Yes! The emperor and queen, no matter how many times you ask, the answer of Chen Ye is always the same! The queen is a misstep, and there will be no fake!" She pretended to say aloud, kneeling on the ground, but straight With the body, it is very real.

Leng Yichen lowered his eyelids a bit, and was helpless and sorry, but gave the opportunity, but did not know how to cherish it.

"Shadow, come out." Reached out for a tea cup, sipped tea, and said lightly, he could not feel his emotion at all, "tell the situation of the day, one by one, one hundred and fifty."

A black figure suddenly appeared beside Li Fei. As before, she knelt on one knee and replied succinctly, "Li Fei led the queen near the pond and then backed it down. She shouted until the queen was almost faint. Palace eunuch. "

The appearance of the shadows surprised Xuan Fei and Ning Fei in surprise! Originally thinking about things, it is about to end things, even another episode!

On that day, I saw Li Fei running hurriedly to Luoxia Palace for help. I heard that Mo Ling disappeared into the pond for no reason. Fei Xuan felt that things were not good. In order to protect herself, Li Fei insisted that the queen was wrong. If something really happens, Li Fei is also lying! Will never have an impact on Princess Xuan!

"You're bullshit! You're bullshit! You're bullshit!" Li Fei shouted wildly, frightened and overwhelmed, and even reached out to take off the shadow mask. He flashed and stood next to Leng Yichen. It's so fast that people can't see clearly.

"The emperor and the queen, the court officials are wronged, and the court officials are wronged! The queen and the queen fell into the water by themselves! It has nothing to do with the court officials, it is him! It is him! Shouting exhaustedly, tears slowly dripped from the corners of his eyes, and the delicate makeup on his face was spent.

"Shadow was originally a personal guard." He ignored the tears on Li Fei's face, expressionless, but was extremely cold, "After Ling Er entered the palace, He assigned a shadow to protect her. Li Fei, who felt embarrassed Are the guards trying to murder you? Or do you think you are going to murder you? "

"No ... no ... no ... emperor, no, it's a shadow ... it's the queen ..." Immediately speaking, I didn't know what to say, to defend and defend myself, it was actually a peace Headless flies, talking wildly, eyes blank.

"The evidence is conclusive, how else can you justify ?!" said Empress Xiao, impatiently, frowning slightly, with a slight aversion in her eyes. What she hated most was the framed calculations between her concubines, so did Li Fei, so was Li Fei!

"Purple." She glanced back and motioned.

"Yes." Ziyi nodded, and put the gold-plated tray with roses in her hand, which she held in her hand, and handed it to Li Fei. On the tray, there was only a glass of alcohol.

"No! No! No! The queen mother Rao life! The queen mother Rao life!" I kept crying and hoeing, begging for mercy, blood on my forehead, and chaos in my hair.

"Rame? When you pushed the queen down the pond, did you ever want to get rid of her life? Have you ever wanted to get rid of the innocent prince in her belly!" He said sharply, his expression of anger gradually turning red, and his chest up and down Ups and downs, pointing straight at Li Fei's forehead!

"Mrs. queen, queen queen, Chen Ye knows wrong, Chen Ye knows wrong ..." Kneeling on the ground, crawling step by step to the feet of Empress Xiao, holding her calf, humbled and begged.

"Wrong? Did you say something wrong? Can the Emperor's grandson come back?" She kicked Li Fei in disgust, without mercy!

After thinking about it for a moment, he asked Falun Xuan again, "Fei Xuan, do you think the family should spare Li Fei?"

After listening to the Queen Mother's statement, she seemed to see a savior, and she looked back, looking forward with anticipation. She believed that Sister Xuan would not care about herself!

"Sister Xuan, Sister Xuan, you have to help my sister!" She turned around and crawled towards Xuan Fei, crying, holding her skirt corner.

Suddenly asked by Queen Mother Xiao, her hands gradually clenched into fists, her knuckles turned white. She clearly did it on purpose! I want to warn myself about Princess Li!

Regarding the queen's childbirth, she was deeply involved!

"Should not." And its simple words completely cut off Molly's hope. Pulled the corner of the skirt relentlessly, took two steps back, and skimmed clean.

Seeing the relentless appearance of Princess Xuan, she seemed to see everything clearly and laughed loudly. If she was crazy, she kept repeating, "Concubine Xuan, you are so ruthless! Princess Xuan, you must not die! Princess Xuan, You must not die! "

"Purple clothes." The Empress Xiao completely froze her face, coldly making people dare not look straight.

The maidservant Ziyi took off the wine on the tray and walked to Li Fei's face. She reached out and squeezed her chin tightly, making her unable to move. She forced the wine into Li Fei's mouth with one hand. .

A glass of alcoholic beverage was poisoned immediately, and the blood overflowed from the corner of the mouth slowly, and the eyelids became heavier and heavier ........ Bang! Li Fei fell to the ground!

Princess Fei was not shocked by Li Fei's death. Like an outsider, she stood silently and silently. Perhaps for her, Li Fei's death was expected.

Ning Fei did not have the indifference of Yan Fei. She closed her eyes in fear, she dared not look, and a living life disappeared in front of herself in this way. She was too cruel and she could not look directly.

In the end, Li Fei still couldn't hide the same fate as Li Fei ...