MTL - Close Combat Mage-Chapter 352 Go all out

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Facing the oncoming arrow rain, Duomei did not flinch, waving the six-winged Fengtian chop in his hand, laying down a sword net, trying to intercept the dozens of arrows.

"Dangdangdang ..." In the fierce snoring, Tian Lei's assault arrow finally came into contact with Duomei. In Soga's worried eyes, Duomei only smashed a sharp arrow with a sword, and stood still. There, never moved again.

Seeing this scene, Soga could not help but be shocked. Obviously ... what can make Dome like this is not the power of the arrow, but it should be the power of the thunder on the arrow. He was paralyzed while hitting that sharp arrow.

A sharp arrow hit Duomei. If it wasn't for the indestructible armor, Duomei would have been shot into a sieve. At this moment ... Duomei has been completely paralyzed, more arrow shadows, and more With the beautiful barrier, he shot at Soga.

"Huh ..." Dare not to neglect, Soga concentrated his energy, running the Taiji Shield around her body, and the water curtain began to chaotically rotate instantly.

Speaking slowly, in fact, it is just a matter of a moment. The shadows of the arrows shot into the water curtain one after the other. Unfortunately, the arrows were profitable, but they were turned one by one under the winding of the water curtain. No one was able to successfully cross the water curtain and reach Soga.

"Eh!" Sawka could not help but let out a sigh of relief as she watched the shadows of the arrows. At this time, Suga suddenly felt scalp numbness, and her right chest seemed to be scalded with boiling water to a general severe pain.

Feeling the difference in the body, Soga knew that this was the holy level prediction. It was weird, but it would never go wrong. There was almost no hesitation in thinking. Soga instantly moved horizontally, letting her right chest open. s position.

"Hmm ..." Accompanying a sharp whistling sound, a pink arrow branch penetrated the water curtain easily, passed through the space guard like a play, and wiped from the outside of Soga's right shoulder.

Seeing this, Soga could not help but start a cold sweat. This must be the arrow shot by Renee, the long-range sniper, and the Cupid's arrow. If she was shot, the battle would end directly. !!

"Beep ..." With a light whistle, Cupid's arrow disappeared on the ground, leaving only a black hole, no idea how deep the hole was. In the next moment, a pink, golden, and red mixed The air flow came out of the small control and disappeared instantly.

She shook her head in admiration, Soga knew that the Cupid's arrow had been taken back by Renee, and she did not know when she would shoot at her again. Thinking, Soga frowned.

What makes Suga anxious is not to be afraid of Renee shooting herself. It is difficult for Renee to shoot herself, but if Renee is aiming at Tomi or Mithus, the result will not be That's great!

One minute left before the curse was successfully launched, Xiang Yun was still fighting hard with Mithus, and the ping-pong sounded. As for the beauty, he still did not recover from the paralysis, but ... It ’s not that you do n’t want to force it, but it ’s useless to force it.

However, although Mia didn't come, Roger rushed over again. For this guy who was almost killed by just now, this guy was obviously very depressed. If he didn't get back, he wouldn't do it anyway.

Looking at Roger getting closer, Soga couldn't help grinning. If it was normal, Soga swelled the curtain of water and launched a magic attack on Roger, but now he is launching absolute zero with all his strength. Can't pull out at all.

Between thoughts, Soga hurriedly directed the six ice holy spirits to focus the attack around Soga. Suddenly, the skyward arrow rain whistled and sprinkled. Since all the attacks were concentrated in a range, the density of the attacks increased. After several times, Roger wanted to come over, but he had to face the test of the sky and rain.

The brain was thinking quickly, and finally ... Soga knew that if she continued to delay, the only result would be that Dome or Mithus was shot. By then, under the control of the arrow of seeking bit, it would be one less. Staff general.

Between thoughts, Soga hurried through the psychic to inform Misius to return. At the same time, Soga mobilized six ice holy spirits, and at the same time released the ice roar against the battle circle of Misius and Xiang Yun. Xiang Yun couldn't stay there anymore, and Mithus finally got out and rushed to Soga's side.

At the same time, Dome finally recovered from the paralysis. When he was about to turn around and leave, a dangerous feeling suddenly rose to Soga's heart, but unfortunately ... while Soga called out a voice, a sharpness Around the shining light, a small, dazzling arrow has been inserted into Duomei's shoulder.

Suddenly, the beauty of one foot had been detected, and the foot was suddenly retracted. A pair of eyes looked at Soga behind the water dangerously. The six-winged phoenix in his hand was chopped and slowly raised his head.

"Bang! Bang! Bang ..." Under Soga's bitter gaze, Domek didn't keep his hand at all. The big sword in his hand was screaming and chopping the water curtain and banging.

If you change the opponent, if you dare to smash it so carelessly, Soga will never be polite. You only need to expand the water curtain and cover the opponent. Water poison will invade the other's skin and invade the other. The water in the body also becomes overweight water, dead and dead.

However, now it is Duomei who is chopping the water curtain. He is his comrade-in-arms. Although he lost the Cupid's arrow, Soga knows that Duomei is also a ninth-tier top, and Renee is only an eighth-tier archer. It can only be controlled for six seconds. Although uncomfortable, he must be patient.

At the same time, Soga quickly connected with Tomi through the spiritual chain. Under Soga's detection, Tomi's heart was so stubborn that she attacked Soga's water curtain at all costs. Ignore it.

With a bitter smile, Soga knows that it can only be blocked. Although it is difficult, it is still possible to cast the water control ability while casting the curse.

Almost all the methods were used, and Dumé's attacks were taken down one by one. Although the water curtain was turbulent, it never broke.

This is also borrowed from the light of Domi's strength. If it is a samurai of the same level, it has been chopped for so long. This water curtain has long since collapsed, but ... Domi is the darling of heaven after all. It is very imaginable that, except that there is no field power, the beautiful attack is not weaker than the sword master of Mithus.

Finally, six seconds passed, and the little Cupid's arrow finally dispersed, converging into a three-color air flow, and disappeared on the shoulders of Tomei instantly, at the same time, Tomei's eyes suddenly cleared. Woke up.

In the face of this, Soga dared no longer care about it, while distracting to maintain the launch of the curse, while using the spiritual bracelets, he connected Tomi and Mitheus' minds with his own spiritual knowledge, and used Tomi and Mi Theseus' eyes, ears, nose, to feel the world they feel.

Dedicated to one thing, that is, to launch a forbidden spell, and to observe the entire battlefield through the senses of Tome and Mithus. Such a consumption has changed the nerves of others for a long time, but Soga did not feel struggling. In the vastness With the support of Hai Hai's mental power, such work did not exceed his ability.

Feeling Soga ’s spiritual touch, Tomi only felt weird. As she adapted, Soga ’s voice sounded: "How beautiful, if there is danger, I will stimulate your body with mental strength. You Pay attention, where your body stings for a while, is where the enemy will attack, and you have only a short time to dodge! "

After hearing Soga's words, Tomi's eyes suddenly flashed. Obviously, she had already guessed. Through the mind bracelet, Soga connected Tomi's mind. With the mind chain, Soga could actually replace Tomi to perceive the surroundings. everything of.

While thinking about Tomei, the next moment ... a sharp, needle-like pain, surged from the abdomen, and felt this pain, Tomei instantly thought of Soga's explanation, and his body turned like lightning. Suddenly, a pink ray of light instantly rubbed on the ground with a beautiful body.

Looking at the arrow hole in the black hole on the ground, Domei could not help but have a sweat on his face. If Soga had not given an early warning, she would not have escaped this arrow anyway. Such an arrow could not be avoided at all. Well.

As he was amazed, Soga's voice rang again: "Don't be dazed, watch your surroundings, no matter what, be sure to hold it, it's 40 seconds away from the absolute zero start!"

After hearing Soga's words, Tomi suddenly got excited and said, "Since you can already help me with the warning, can I fight another time with Roger?"

"No!" Suddenly denied the beautiful words, Soga Shen said: "I said, this is fighting, fighting life and death, you better throw away those personal heroes!"

Speaking of this, Soga paused for a moment, then continued: "Now, the other side is the passive side, the other side should be anxious. The best thing you should do is to stay here and stop those opponents who are trying to disturb me. If you rush out like this, once my casting is interrupted, how do you defeat your opponent? "

Hearing Soga ’s words, Domei looked pale for a while, that ’s right ... Once Soga's spell failed, the magic backwashed, even if she died, she would lose her combat ability. If she was so beautiful, Renee ’s next arrow , Will solve her.

As Soga said, it ’s time to rush to each other. The situation is very delicate. Tome and Miscus are standing around Soga one by one. If they want to destroy Soga ’s magic, they must pass through them. , And this is obviously not so easy.

At this moment ... The battle between Xiang Yun and Mithus has continued. Although Mithus ran to Soga, Xiang Yun did not give up, and continued to chase after him, chopping wildly at Mithus.

However, now Mithius is much more leisurely than before. Under the cover of the six ice spirits, Xiang Yun is not likely to be so unscrupulous to hack and chop. All are ready to go, relying on his strength beyond Xiang Yun. Misius's defense is entrenched. Unless Xiang Yun uses his overlord strategy, otherwise, it will never be possible to break Misius's defense in a short time.

On the other side, Roger always wanted to rush to the decisive battle with Tomi. He was almost killed by Tomi just now. If it wasn't for Mia's rescue in time, Roger would have died. This face can't be retrieved. Can't go on.

However, the large array of ice and rain caused by the six ice holy spirits was not so easy to break through. Thousands of ice arrows shot down without stopping for a moment, and Dome's strength was also placed there. It is not lower than Roger. In this way, it is equivalent to Tome and the Holy Spirit of Ice joining forces to fight Roger. How can this win?

Watching the time passing slowly, finally ... Xiang Yun abruptly retracted the sword and retreated, came out, and shouted: "Don't hide anymore, time is not enough, all give me a shot!"

After speaking, Xiang Yun fiercely gnashed his teeth, completely disregarding the arrow rain in the sky, and actually stood up to the arrow rain in the sky with his body, and madly launched Misues in all directions!

"Well ..." In a sharp whistling sound, Mithius escaped the arrow of Renee, seeing this scene, Soga could not help but screamed fortunately, in fact ... Xiang Yun's onslaught in this round, On several occasions, Misius was forced into an embarrassing situation that could not be avoided, but unfortunately, such an opportunity was not caught by Renee, otherwise, once Misues was killed, so much beauty would basically be over.

While Soga was secretly worried, Mia came out, and the hunting god's bow in her hand opened a dark arrow, and at once ... the shadows of the sky, and rainstorm sprayed on Soga.

For a moment, Mia seemed to be transformed into a super warrior. The hunting **** bow in his hand spouted the arrow rain one after another without any pause. In a single moment, Tomi shot the twelve dark arrows in the sky and made three or four. Hundreds of arrows, with Lei Guang across the sky, shot at Soga, Tome, and Mithus.

Seeing this scene, Soga hurriedly notified Tome and Misius, and moved quickly behind him. This wave of arrow rain was resisted by Soga. Those arrows could not pass through Soga's water curtain.

The first one was Domei, who quickly flashed, disappeared in place, and hid behind Soga. At the same time, Mithus split the sword with a full force, and then a fierce charge, ready to leave the battle circle!

Seeing that Mithus also hid behind Soga, suddenly, a feeling of coldness rose from the throat, almost instinctively, Mithus slammed his right foot on the ground, and his body moved backward at full speed. Go and dodge the attack coming straight to your throat.

However, what puzzled Mithius was that the anticipated attack did not come. After only a few thoughts, Mithius understood it. This was obviously a spider silk under Miab. If it continued to rush down, that spider silk Will cut along the joint between the helmet and the neck, and cut off his head.

However, the Holy Order is a Holy Order after all. With the ability to predict, such a trap is difficult to form a real threat. Mia should know this, but ... if she knows this, then why should she What about doing this? Wouldn't it be better to change the goal to how beautiful it is?

With only a second thought, Mithus could not help but sweat. At the same time, Xiang Yun was attacked by the fiery back. In the situation, the evasion was very hasty. In this situation, Xiang Yun was killed. Even continuous strikes, even Mithus, became embarrassed.

"Renee!" Looking at the miserable Mithus, Xiang Yun slashed with all his might, and shouted wildly.

Along with Xiang Yun's roar, Renee finally reacted. At the moment when Xiang Yun slashed Misius and lost her center of gravity, a pink light instantly cut through the void and nailed Misius's back. Back.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Yun didn't hesitate. If the same arrow is shot on Dome, it can be controlled for six seconds, but ... if it is shot on a holy professional like Mithus, it can control up to three. Only seconds.

Between thoughts, Xiang Yunmeng bypassed Soga's water shield and attacked Daumei. When he wanted to come, as long as Renee controlled Mithius and passed from the other side of the water shield, he could pinch on both sides. It's so beautiful. Although it's powerful, it is really not an opponent of Xiang Yun, and it is impossible to be an opponent of Misius. Now the two of them can join hands and they can win it with one move!

Although Duomei has the ability of the Phoenix Fruit, as long as she does not kill her and only disables her ability to move, even the ability of the Phoenix Fruit is not great.

Unfortunately, Xiang Yun is Xiang Yun after all. His thoughts are just his thoughts. On the other hand, Renee's thoughts are not the same. In her view, destroying Soga ’s magic is the most important thing. So ... as soon as he controlled Mithus, Renee let Xiang Yun get involved with Dome, while she herself controlled Mithus and slashed at Soga's water shield.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Yunqi almost vomited blood. He knew the Taiji shield of Soga. The water shield is now two meters thick. In addition, the mental power of Soganabi has a strong ability to control water. And the ability to control the fruit, and ... Soga ’s strength is better than Mithius, so ... Although Mithius is a sword sage, he wants to break the water curtain within three seconds, which is a dream. !!

Under the attack of Xiang Yun, Duomei retreated back and forth, but ... Xiang Yun also couldn't say it. Although he was absolutely superior in combat skills, Duomei's speed and explosive power were assisted by the attributes of wind and fire. It is very horrible, and with an unbreakable armor, even if you cut a few knives, it won't be too much of a problem.

Three seconds, long or short, and short or short. In just a blink of an eye, three seconds have passed. Under the impact of the energy in Mithus's body, Cupid's arrow turned into a colorful light and disappeared. No, but Tome was under Soga ’s command and arrived at Misius's side. Then ... Under Soga's command, Tome and Misse joined forces to blast Xiang Yun.

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