MTL - Close Combat Mage-Chapter 363 Aries palace broken

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Looking at Abro standing safely in the distance, Roger gritted his teeth fiercely and refused to accept it ... He really disobeyed and bit his teeth fiercely, Roger yelled: "Grandma, I don't believe in injury Can't reach you-catch the wind! "

With Roger's cry, the next moment ... Roger's figure sprang up again and again, countless blurred figures, once again attacked Abro from all directions.

In the face of Roger's sky, Abro's mouth slightly hooked, and his hands protruded forward. At once ... billions of golden holy lights were shining at the same time. At the same time, the sound of Abro's voice was melodious. Come up-Crystal Net!

With Abro's voice, in the void, golden chains interspersed across the sky, instantly blocking all the surrounding space, and Roger's sky-high shadow instantly collapsed with the network and the network. Only Roger was left, forcibly fixed in the air by the crystal net, his body was large, and he looked at Abro below in horror.

Looking at Roger in the air calmly, Abro said deeply: "Hey! Don't you know? It's impossible to hurt a Saint twice with the same trick!"

After hearing Abro's words, Roger gritted his teeth fiercely, his muscles were tangled, and his whole body was struggling to try to break the **** of the crystal net, but unfortunately ... the crystal net didn't know what it was made of, and it was extremely strong, especially It was Roger's feet, hands, neck, waist, and all the important joints of the body that were wrapped around the thin mesh of the wrist. It was okay not to struggle. Once struggling, the severe pain made Roger almost call out Sound.

Under the severe pain, Roger trembled with muscles, but ... the pain did not stop Roger from struggling. On the contrary, the severe pain inspired Roger's fierceness!

"Drink!" In a frantic scream, a fierce fighting broke out from Roger's body, and at the same time, the crystal net at the joints of Roger's hands and feet was gradually stretched and issued. There was a crisp sound.

In the face of this, even Abro's face changed, and he wanted to endure such pain. It was unimaginable. From Roger's crazy expression, this guy had stopped treating joints as joints and pain. When it hurts, strictly speaking, Roger is crazy at this moment!

"Pap! Pap ..." At last, with a crackling sound, the crystal net that bound Roger's hands and feet was broken one by one. In the air, Roger finally recovered his freedom, a blood red The light, covering lightly Roger's body, waved silently.

"This! This is ..." Seeing this scene, Soga was stunned and completely stunned. There should be only a maddening mastery of beast talents that actually appeared on humans. This is incredible!

The wisdom of the orcs has always been low, which is also a recognized fact in the world. As an orc warrior, it is almost impossible to reach the Holy Order. The top masters of the Orc tribe are only the nine-ranked warriors.

However, although the orc's wisdom is low, but ... no one dares to underestimate these guys. The reason is that this terrible and savage madness!

Under certain conditions, the orcs will enter a state of madness. Under the state of madness, a ninth-tier orc warrior can burst out of the strength of the holy-tier warrior!

Of course, although the orcs are almost mad, the realm of madness is completely different. The highest master can instantly increase his power by ten times, and the most ordinary madness is just doubling his strength. .

Judging from Roger's current state, his madness is probably at the initial stage, which is double the madness, but ... just like this, it is already terrifying. After doubling his strength instantly, Roger's strength is a surge!

The reason for the difference in rank is so much, because the division of ranks is divided according to the proportion of strength. Basically, the difference in rank is ten times worse in strength, so ... low It is basically impossible for the seniors to defeat the seniors. It is precisely because of this that Reisha chose Soga's team.

Now, although Roger has only doubled his strength, Roger is already a tenth-tier professional. This is a realm that orc warriors can never reach in their lifetime. It is said that only the beast emperor can rely on ties. Adding sacred methods is similar to brute force, using force to forcibly reach the realm of sacred order!

There is only one beast emperor, that is to say, the entire beast family is only one holy strong, but ... in its barbaric state, the beast emperor can reach the level of heaven, even the sub-god realm!

Therefore, although Roger's madness has only doubled his strength, but ... this is only the first appearance. With continuous use and constant familiarity, the power of this madness will continue to rise. Yes, later, Roger's madness may reach ten times the level of horror. By that time, with the madness, Roger can forcibly improve his first-order realm!

In the state of madness, Roger's body is as strong as steel, he is extremely powerful, his vigor is crazy and violent, his strength is multiplied, and with Fengshen's legs, Roger finally has the strength to compete with Abro!

"Roar!" In the air, Roger roared suddenly to the sky, and suddenly the figure rushed towards Abro in a frantic rush, and his legs flipped and flew in a fierce rage!

Facing Roger's attack, Abro's complexion changed greatly, and his right hand leaned forward, his fingers slightly curved again, eagle claw shape, fiery golden yellow fighting spirit, gathered wildly!

However, Roger apparently did not intend to let him accumulate energy. His legs clamped with a mighty force and instantly exploded in front of Abro. Facing this leg that fell from the sky, Abro reluctantly had to reach out his left arm to resist !!

"Bang, bang ..." In a series of dull roars, Abro's left arm, left arm, and right block blocked Roger's dozen legs. At the same time, the light group in Abro's right hand became brighter and brighter. ,getting bigger!

"King Kong Legs!" Finally, after Roger blasted out his eighteen legs, he was immediately connected to Dakota King Kong's legs. Instantly, Roger's right leg ignited a raging **** flame, roaring towards Abro. past.

Seeing this scene, Abro's complexion was pale. He knew very well that once he got hit, even if he was guarded by the garment, he would be seriously injured. Now that he is surrounded by powerful enemies, once he is so seriously injured, that and It makes no difference.

Between thoughts, Abro's left hand was slightly closed, and his right hand suddenly greeted him. Suddenly ... Abro's light mass accumulated for a long time in his right hand suddenly greeted Roger's leg full of energy.

"Starlight is extinct!" Along with Abro's roar, in a moment ... a violent roar, the scene shined brightly, two figures flew out in opposite directions.

"Bang! Bang!" In two consecutive muffled sounds, Roger and Abro struck the doorpost and the fence, respectively. Abro was protected by the sacred armor, so he was basically not harmed, but Roger was different. Under the severe impact, a spit of blood spurted out.

With the spurt of blood, Roger, who should have been slumped, called everyone's expectations, and became more violent. The blood-red mist surrounding him was surging, the concentration was thicker, and the scope of the shroud became much larger. .

"Double Madness!" Seeing this scene, Soga could not help screaming. Although Roger's Madness is likely to continue to evolve, it has been raised to double Madness so quickly. Suga yelled, it was incredible!

"Roar!" Feeling the tremendous power surging on his body, Roger suddenly roared up to the sky. With Roger's roar, the energy in Roger's body was filled with excitement, and he made a loud noise. Looking at Roger's look like a crazy tiger, everyone felt scalp. This guy ... is getting crazy!

Faced with Vietnam's stronger opponents, even Abro could not help shaking. What kind of enemy is the most terrible? That's right ... the kind of guy who can't beat or die, and the hammer doesn't rot, and it's always entangled with you, the more you fight!

At the beginning of contact, Abro still had absolute certainty to defeat Roger, but now, Roger has the power to fight Abro.

Slowly straightened the body, Roger's muscles were swelled with the naked eye, and Roger, who was originally slender, instantly turned into a tall and strong man, which was comparable to a muscular man.

"The wind rolls down!" Along with Roger's crazy roar, the next moment ... Roger made a move, his body resembled a gyro, and a scarlet tornado converged in an instant, Spinning towards Abro.

Facing this scene, Abro's face was dignified, he could feel the destructive power in the scarlet tornado, his arms slightly protruded, his palms facing each other, his hands scratched, and a moment ... a rotating starlight, Appeared between Abro's hands.

Speaking late, at that time ... Roger's divine wind was angry, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Abro. Facing the scarlet tornado, Abro suddenly drew his hands and shouted at the same time-Star filing Spin!

Along with the roar, Abro suddenly pushed out his hands. Suddenly ... Billions of dazzling stars between the palms swarmed out, quickly converging into a vortex of star vortex, toward the **** launched by Roger The wind was greeted with anger.

"Boom!" The scarlet tornado burst into a sudden roar, and at the same time, the tens of millions of stars were scattered around like a firework.

With one red, one white and two whirlpools breaking at the same time, the next moment ... Roger's strong figure suddenly leaped out of the light and shadow, and his legs were stepped in a chain and rushed towards Abro!

The next moment ... Roger smashed a dozen aggressive spirits in a row. In the hurried resistance of Abro, Roger's right foot stretched backwards, like the tail of a giant scorpion, crooked backwards, fiery scarlet. Furious, he gathered wildly towards Roger's right toe.

"God wind is angry!" With Roger's roar, the next moment ... Roger's energy has accumulated to the right foot of the apex, suddenly a force, starting from the upper back, around the body, toward the near Immediately Abro blasted past!

"Boom!" In the fierce roar, although Abro successfully reached out his hands and tried to stop Roger's heavy footsteps, but ... Roger's foot was too strong, and he accumulated all the strength of the whole body. Could it be that the current Abro hastily resisted.

After a slight pause, Roger's right foot instantly shattered Abro's interception. The sharp right foot instantly pushed Abro's hands away, and banged heavily on Abro's chest!

"Squeak ... squeak ..." In the dense cracking sound, the area where Roger's toes touched, on the left chest of Abro, the golden cloak shattered into pieces, falling down continuously.

Finally ... Abro's unyielding gaze gradually faded. At the same time, Abro's body gradually dissipated, turning into bright spots of light, rising up into the sky.

"Oh! Wow ..." At last, with the dispersal of Abro's body, the golden yellow garment fell instantly to the ground and fell into thousands of golden fragments. Roger's foot just now has already covered the garment. Completely damaged.

For a while, everyone looked at the fragment of the holy garments all over the ground. Everyone felt sorry for Abro's death. If possible, they would never be hostile to such people. Unfortunately, as a The guardian of Aries Palace, if he wants to go in, he must be killed. Although helpless, it is imperative!

On the other side, Roger stared blankly at the fragments in front of him. With his eyes blank, Roger's body shook slightly, and then he leaned down and fell. At the moment when the battle was over, Roger's madness was also Disappeared, the consequences of madness, but he had to bear it alone.

Madness is a way to burn your energy and soul to inspire potential. Once it is exerted, it will be cruelly tortured. Generally speaking, within a day after the wildness, you will completely lose all your abilities.

Seeing Roger's fall, everyone was surrounded by concerns. After careful inspection, everyone understood what was going on, and the wild punishment could not be restored by the priest. This was the order of this world.

"Huh?" While everyone was relieved, Renee, who had sharp eyes, could not help but scream. Before walking to the ground full of clothing fragments, the beholder picked up a piece of debris and watched it carefully. Up.

Everyone was dissatisfied to see Renee's strange action. Although Abro was dead, his loyalty and persistence won the respect of everyone. Renee should not desecrate the dead's relics!

Seeing the blameful eyes of Soga and others, Renee hurriedly and violently waved, "No, not what you think, you see ... this is not the real holy garment at all!"

After hearing Reni's words, everyone couldn't help but be surprised, they gathered around and looked closely. As Reni said, this is not the real holy garment at all!

In fact, although this set of armor is extremely sturdy, and there is no harm in Roger's state of insanity, in fact, this is by no means the true golden garment!

Although on the surface, this holy garment is golden, and according to everyone's experience, it is definitely a luster of gold, but in fact, when the holy garment is broken, the luster of bronze is exposed from the edges of the broken pieces!

Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but glance at each other, yes ... everyone realized that there was a problem, that Abro, was not really a true golden saint, in fact, he was just a little , Bronze Saints.

Before thinking, everyone subconsciously looked at Roger, who was already in a coma. Until then, everyone realized that there was something wrong. With the strength of the desolation step, plus twice the madness, it turned out to be just Barely defeated a bronze saint!

If you calculate according to this, then the silver saint should have the strength of the master of the sky, and the real gold saint should be the strength of the **** Ya!

Of course, in the legend, above the golden saint, there is also the warrior, that is the ultimate form of the Athena saint, the warrior is an existence that even gods can defeat!

Holding the shard of the garment in his hand gently, Soga and others' eyes were blank, and they worked hard for so long. When everyone thought that they were almost invincible and could go to the ninth level, they suddenly discovered that they Strength, but just reached the realm of bronze saints, there is still a long way to go in the future.

Slightly bent down, squatting down, Soga put the fragments of the bronze holy garment back into the fragments of the holy garment. Although he was an enemy, he did not want to blaspheme the soul of Abro, who had died.

Standing up slowly, Soga looked at the empty Aries sanctuary, and said lowly, "Okay brothers, let's go. If you are right, next ... there should be eleven Guan is waiting for us. Only by crossing these eleven levels can we reach the position of Athena-the Pope's Hall! "

After throwing a glance at the fragments of Abro's holy clothes, everyone turned around and walked towards the gate of the Aries palace. With the crowds leaving, everything was silent, only the broken saint on the ground Clothing fragments, witnessed everything that just happened.

After crossing the Aries Palace, the group did not make any more stops, leaving Luo to stay in the Aries Palace's shrine. The remaining seven people stepped forward to the next temple, the Taurus Temple, I do n’t know, where is there waiting for everyone?

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