MTL - Close Combat Mage-Chapter 377 Last move

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Slightly lowered his head. Under the detection of Xiang Yun's spirit, everything was clear at a glance. The comprehensive 12th house is nothing but a phantom. Although I do n’t know how they did it, it is clear that everything there is, It's all done by these people in some way.

"Huh ..." With a sigh of relief, Xiang Yun lowered her head and looked at the white rose in her chest that had already turned a little red. She was secretly lucky, fortunately ... at the last moment of life, he came here, otherwise In this case, Xiang Yun will certainly die, and Suga and others who are unprepared will never be spared.

Under the siege of the twelve golden saint fighters and the three great fighters, who can stop them! Xiang Yun smiled at the twelve Saints who shone into the light and three gods who shone with platinum light.

Although the **** fighters are named after the gods, in fact, they do not have the power of God. Their true strength is sub-God level, but with the help of God ’s clothes, they can exert the power of God. In terms of realm power, they are still sub-gods, and Xiang Yun at this moment is already a veritable god-level master.

The power of the realm is the ultimate form of the power of the field, followed by the power of the holy order, the power of the heavenly order, and the power of the realm of the **** order. Kind of ability.

In the field ...

Between thoughts, Xiang Yun exhaled a long breath, the fighting spirit in his body was no longer restrained, and he was instantly released to the surroundings. Suddenly ... a breath of cohesiveness immediately enveloped the whole mountain peak!

"Ha ha ..." Feeling Xiang Yun's vast, divine power, all the fighters instantly felt incomparable coercion. With the power of Xiang Yun's field, everyone couldn't compete.

God-level competition is actually a collision of domains. Whoever is stronger in the field will win, so ... under the power of Xiangyun, unless the power of the domain is above Xiangyun, otherwise, it is completely Indefensible.

"Huh!" Just when Xiang Yun was about to use his hot hands to destroy all his opponents, in a cold hum, a tall straight warrior wrapped in steel chains said, "Too naive, teach here The palace, in front of the statue of Athena, did you want to win by the power of the realm? "

With this voice, suddenly ... deep in the hall of the Pope, on the statue of Athena, the scepter grabbed by the statue of Athena suddenly burst into a billion light.

The light was so strong that it shot out of the Pope's Hall in an instant. The golden light was passing by. The power of Xiang Yun ’s field seemed to melt like snow when it met boiling water. It did n’t take Xiang Yun to understand what happened, holy light, The whole mountain has been completely shrouded in it.

Feeling the power of the endless realm, Xiang Yun could not help but be shocked. This is the power of the Lord God's realm. It is not the current Xiang Yun's ability to compete. Although he already has the power of God, between God and the Lord God, he has An insurmountable distance between heaven and earth.

Looking coldly at Xiang Yun, a platinum battle armor, and a warrior wrapped in chains coldly said: "Now it is fair. In front of the goddess Athena, any field force, enchanting force, realm power , Will be completely suppressed, so ... to win the battle, you can only rely on combat skills! "

"Hehe ..." Xiang Yun smiled when he heard the words of the chain fighter: "Is the combat skill? That's good ... Although the Saints are very powerful, everyone has their own signature combat skills, but ... this Just what I wanted, today ... let us verify, who is more powerful in combat! "

After hearing Xiang Yun's words, the twelve Saints launched their own small universe. For a time, the surging energy burst into madness.

Feeling the turbulent surrounding energy that destroyed the sky, Xiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. Now that his strength has reached the level of God, Xiang Yun's ability to perceive, perceive, and comprehend are thousands of times. Has improved.

Suddenly, Xiang Yun's eyes shone through what he had learned throughout his life. During the rapid movement of his brain, Xiang Yun's eyes gradually became confused, until finally, it became empty ...

Star dust spins! Giant horn! Galactic Fist! Necrotic Waves! Lightning Fist! The devil falls down! Lushan Kanglongba! Scarlet poison needle! Atomic Lightning Fist! Divine Sword of God's Forgiveness! Piranha Rose! The twelve strongest attacks erupted by the Saint Seiya in the Golden Zodiac, whistling toward Xiang Yun, who was hollow in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, the three fighters couldn't help laughing, in the face of such an attack, even if they were fighters, they would be blasted into powder. They were convinced that under such an attack, in this world, No one is spared.

"Boom!" In the fierce roar, the twelve strongest attacks exploded in one place. A huge, white shock wave swept away instantly, the whistling sound of emptying, shocking people.

For a while, the light and shadow of the explosion gradually dissipated, and looked at the twelve gold saints. At this moment, none of Xiang Yun's hair was found in their encirclement. Everyone thought subconsciously, Xiang Yun has been killed on the spot!

"Huh!" Just when everyone was a little relieved, a cold humming sounded from all four directions at the same time. When they heard the sound, all the fighters turned subconsciously and looked at the direction closest to them. Passed.

Under everyone's attention, the four corners of the square's Pope Square stood with a cold-faced Xiang Yun, and at the same time, Xiang Yun's voice sounded coldly: "Come without rudeness, Since ... you have given me a great gift, then ... then you can take the four faces that my four avatars joined forces to launch! "

With Xiang Yun's ruthless voice, at one moment ... Four Xiang Yun, which were respectively located at the four corners of the square, slowly raised their right hand, five fingers and fingers pointed into a knife, their eyes turned towards the center of the square, Those twelve gold saints.

Seeing this scene, the three fighters standing at the gate of the Pope's Hall finally found that something was awful, and when they were about to rush to the rescue, four Xiang Yun simultaneously chopped up their right arms.

With the four arms splitting down instantly, four blazing golden swords screamed out, and went straight to the twelve gold saints in the middle of the square.

This attack is the combination of the power of the sword with the Holy Sword. In the world, except for the artifact of the main god, there is nothing to be broken. The four swords pass by, and the four golden saints spin away and fly away. Passages, even the holy garments, cannot be resisted.

"Do it!"

Seeing this scene, the three **** fighters could no longer sit out and emptied one after another, gathered towards the three corners respectively, at the same time, the remaining eight gold fighters, tacitly toward the fourth item Cloud launched the strongest attack.

"Boom! Boom! Boom ..." In the fierce roar, the position of the four Xiangyun suddenly burst into fierce roar. Under the impact of fierce energy, the rocks flew across the four corners of the square. Under the impact of huge energy, it was simply destroyed!

"Huh!" Just when everyone thought that when four Xiang Yun were bombed and killed, the cold hum sounded again. At the same time, Xiang Yun said indifferently, "What's useless? What you are attacking is nothing more than an illusory existence. No form of attack can harm them! "

"Xingying!" Everyone was shocked to hear Xiang Yun's words, and their feelings ... wasting everyone's strength, but it was just four lingering shadows.

Seems to see the thoughts of everyone, Xiang Yun said coldly: "Although it is a false image, but ... they have the same power as myself, unless the deity is destroyed, otherwise the four avatars, then Invincible! "

Hearing Xiang Yun so generously revealed the secrets on all sides, everyone couldn't help but be surprised. According to the truth, no one would say the biggest secret of the trick. Isn't he ... Find out the real body and get killed?

In the midst of all doubts, the four Xiangyun raised their right hands again, and all of them were alert at once. This holy sword was the most loyal and righteous sword given by Athena himself, and the king The sword, with its sharpness, can easily cut off everything below the main artifact.

Moreover, the speed of the holy sword's qi is the speed of light, unless it can be judged immediately before the qi of the sword is launched, otherwise, once it is cut, it will undoubtedly die.

"Eh ..." In a horror to everyone, the four Xiang Yun chopped off their hand knives again at once. In a moment, the four swords passed, and four saints fell down again.

In just a few tens of seconds, only four gold twelve saints were left. With their outstanding combat skills and the strength of the true God at this moment, how are these saints being Xiang Yun's opponents!

In the horror of everyone, Xiang Yun raised his arm high again, and Sen Leng said, "Maybe you will be confused, why did I tell you such a big secret, huh ... tell you the truth, since I dare tell you It is determined that you can't find my true body, and ... you will all die here today. For a person who is about to die, there are no problems to know some secrets. "

During the conversation, four Xiangyuns split their right hands again at the same time. After the four golden swords, after the four golden clouds, except for the four Xiangyuns, there were only three fighters.

"Dingling ..." Facing the four Xiangyuns, among the three fighters, one of the three fighters holding a platinum chain was turned slightly by the chain.

With the rotation of the shuttle dart, the chain warrior mocked and said, "Hey, you look down on our warrior too much. Since you are willing to reveal yourself and have a true body, then ... even if you are hiding for thousands of light years Besides, my Nebula Chain will also knock you out! "

With the voice of the chain warrior, the dart-shaped chain tip spun slowly from fast to fast. The next moment ... urged by an invisible force, the dart-shaped chain tip suddenly ejected, only one In an instant, he turned countless angles in the air, like silver lightnings, shuttled in the air.

"Boom!" Finally, in the square in front of the Pope's Hall, the chain finally stopped moving in a loud roar, and at the same time, the chest was filled with a half-red, half-red, and half-white rose. Appeared in the middle of the square, at this moment ... The chain was tightly wrapped around Xiang Yun's right wrist. Between Xiang Yun and the chain warrior, the entire chain was pinched straight.

Looking at the silver chain in amazement, Xiang Yun exclaimed: "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. There is such a magic chain in this world, and I can find it out, but ..."

During the conversation, Xiang Yun raised his left hand slightly and sneered, "Did you forget it? I have the Holy Sword, unless it is a master-level artifact, otherwise, then the object will not stand me softly. A beheaded one! "

During the conversation, Xiang Yun's left palm suddenly cut down, waiting for the chain warrior to react. The sharp palm knife with the power of the holy sword had instantly cut the silver chain.

In the sound of "clicking ...", under the palm of Xiang Yun, the silver chain seemed to be made of mud and was cut off instantly. Seeing this scene, the three fighters could not help but be shocked. Once the chain was lost Function, then, isn't this guy going to hide again?

Before thinking about it, Xiang Yun seemed to see through their worries, bowed his head slightly, looked at the chest that had only three unstained roses left, and said suddenly: "I would like to fight with you more, But ... you see it too, I don't have time, so ... "

Speaking of which, Xiang Yun's voice was a slight pause. He raised his right hand silently, his five fingers combined into a palm knife. With the movement of Xiang Yun, the four phantoms around him raised the palm knife in his hand uniformly!

Seeing this scene, the three **** fighters stunned at the same time, facing Xiang Yun, but also against the four avatars of Xiang Yun, the strongest attack broke out.

"Tianma Meteor Fist! Nebula Chain! Phoenix Wing Tianxiang!" With the attack of the three great fighters, Xiang Yun and the four avatars, simultaneously chopped up the right palm!

"Boom! Boom! Boom ..." The fierce roar continued, and under the great impact, Xiang Yun's body receded. As for the three major warriors, they continued to retreat. The power of the three great warriors joined forces, even if it was Xiang Yun can't eat it.

In fact, if it is not the suppression of the statue of Athena, once the power of the field is exhibited, these three **** fighters will not be Xiang Yun's opponents at all, but at this moment, the power of Xiang Yun and the three **** fighters are suppressed, so ...... If you want to win, you can only rely on energy collision and combat skills.

Seeing that the energy was completely unavailable, Xiang Yun groaned, his body flickered slightly, and he rushed towards the three major fighters again. At the same time, the three major fighters refused to show weakness, and all emptied. Then, the brave Chao Xiangyun greeted the past.

"Tianma Meteor Fist! Nebula Cyclone, Phoenix Magic Fist!" With three roars, the three major fighters of the three, with Xiang Yun and its four avatars attacked again.

The sky is falling apart, which is definitely not an exaggeration. Under the impact of such a fierce energy, except for the Pope Hall, which is guarded by the power of Athena, the surrounding mountains are completely destroyed, and the entire square is destroyed with deep pits.

"Snoring ... snoring ... snoring ..." After the second chapter, Xiang Yun lowered her head slightly, looked at the remaining petals still white, and smiled weakly.

Slowly standing up straight, Xiang Yun murmured, "Can't play anymore, it's the last moment!"

While talking, Xiang Yun straightened his chest and faced the three great fighters on the opposite side: "Well, the game is over. The next move will be my last move. Be careful!"

Between the words, Xiang Yun's body suddenly burst into thousands of scarlet air currents, and when the intense air flow surged, Xiang Yun's body rose up in the air.

At the same time that Xiangyun rose, the four avatars of Xiangyun were suspended at the same time. At the same time, the four avatars suspended around Xiangyun in the four directions of Xiangyun, while Xiangyun was in the same position as In the middle, the five elements coincide.

Looking at Xiang Yun, which is gradually floating, the three great fighters know that since Xiang Yun has said it, this is the last blow, then this must be an extremely horrible blow. Only qualified to live.

Between thoughts, the three great warriors fully excited the small universe. Instantly, the four golden light clusters roared violently. When the energy accumulated to a peak, the three great warriors stunned at the same time and moved towards the mid-air. Xiang Yun rushed over.

Looking at the three figures that were getting closer, Xiang Yun looked bleak, his right palm was standing in front of him, and Xiang Yun was deep and spit out two words-Tai Xuan!

With Xiang Yun's voice, suddenly, Xiang Yun's right hand waved wildly. With Xiang Yun's waving, a reddish wave, combining the strength of the power of the sword and the holy sword, whistled out. .

At this moment, Xiang Yun is not alone in his struggle. Around him, the four avatars are doing the same actions as Xiang Yun. Suddenly, thousands of swords and spirits are raging, and they are rushing through the space. Cut everything you want to stop into pieces.

"Wow! Ah! Ah!" Finally, with the three grievous sounds, the bodies of the three great fighters fell from mid-air, and in the face of such a crazy and violent attack, even the three great fighters joined forces, It's completely impossible to resist!

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