MTL - Close Combat Mage-Chapter 383 City Gate blood battle

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Since Xiang Yun can't perform the demon dismantling law, at least it can't be unsealed to the twelfth floor, then ... Faced with the masters of the sky, the battle is more troublesome, you know, these guys and Saints, and the Gods The same, they will not only besiege, but also proficient in team battles!

Moreover, since it is deep into other people's cities, then ... everyone around will become enemies, including a large number of holy professionals, and defense facilities in the city. This is not a one-on-one battle, but It's a one-on-two, even a pair of countless battles.

However, since the target is selected, Soga and others will not flinch. They will not be stupid enough to burst into the city directly and be dumped by others. Since it is a temptation, it should naturally be cautious. Large, with the current strength of the Soga team members, victory is difficult, but it is not so difficult to leave.

After some discussion, Soga specified the next battle plan, laid out strategic tactics, and then ... under the leadership of Leisha, the group rushed towards the direction of the Golden Wind City.

Leisha walked in front and showed the way for everyone. Along the way, Leisha turned back from time to time, watching each and every one of her companions. Although the goal of this trip was only a small town, in the ninth level, it was all about Can't be ranked, but this is a long time?

A few years ago, when Leisha first encountered this team, their strength was still very weak, and they were fleeing by a standard holy team in the ninth level.

But to this day, everything is different. After only a few years, these guys have broken through the realm of the Holy Class, especially Soga and Xiang Yun, and they have reached the realm of the sky.

This trip, although only dealing with a small city, but ... dare to attack a city as a team, such a feat has proven a lot of things, as long as we continue to improve, then Leisha's goals will one day be achieved, today Will attack Goldwind City, then tomorrow ... they will have the strength to attack the seven ancient cities!


Goldwind City, backed by a steep cliff, half of the red cliffs, the red dragons hovering and hovering, yes ... this is the nest of a fire dragon.

The fire dragon, also known as the red dragon, is a dragon with fire properties. The existence of the tenth order, each fire dragon's lair, there will be a fire dragon king, which is a level of forceful Warcraft.

Due to the Fire Dragon King's lair above, ... Golden Wind City was established. After all ... The fire dragon's arrogant attack ability is not something that ordinary Warcraft can provoke. Even if the power is arrogant, no one wants to deal with these wings with thousands. Hundreds of huge fire dragons.

It is precisely because of the protection of Longya that there is no Warcraft daring to approach the Golden Wind City. Once entering the realm of the Fire Dragon, it will be attacked by the Fire Dragon full force, except for those wearing the Golden Wind City logo.

After years of construction, Goldwind City has terrifying strength, has a heavenly rank team, and more than a dozen holy rank teams. The strength is overwhelming. Even if it confronts the Red Dragon tribe, it will never fall into the downwind. Because of this, so Between the two, the alliance under the city was settled to help each other without harming each other.

Goldwind City stands in the midday sun, and the city wall emits a golden light. The gate tower and the top of the city wall are carved with a golden dragon. That ’s right ... It is a fast clan with Wind Dragon as the mount, and Gold Wind is the golden wind, which represents the Wind Dragon King. That is the head of the Golden Wind Knights, which is the mount of the Golden Wind City Lord!

At noon, several figures quickly crossed the green field in front of Jinfeng City, rushed to the gate of Jinfeng City, and looked at the seven or eight imposing figures. The four tigers immediately lifted the sword in their hands and stopped everyone's Way.

These eight figures were not others. It was Soga and his team. They looked at the four guards in front of the city gate with smiles. Soga stood out and smiled and said, "Oh, this is the Golden Wind City. What a magnificent one! "

When I saw Suo Jia's smile, and the words mentioned the Shaocheng Lord intimately, several guards took a sigh of relief, but still said, "Report your name and intention, if ..."

Without waiting for the guard to finish his speech, Soga laughed and laughed, "My name is Soga, I am a big businessman, and I ’m old with you, my old friend. This time ... I came here for a special trip to see the Little City Lord. Would you please brief me! "

Old knowledge, old friends, such words have always been explained a lot. They may be enemies or true friends, but ... with the gentle smile on Soga ’s face, no one can understand it. Right?

After thinking, the guard hesitated for a moment, then said flatly: "In this case, please show me your credentials, as long as I can confirm your identity, I can pass on your behalf!"

Facing the request of the guard, Soga did not hesitate to submit his own business card. Soga has always followed the principle of changing his name and not changing his name. What he just reported is also his real name. Anyway, the so-called Shaocheng Lord, I don't know what his name is, the paper is also a white paper.

After checking Soga's identity, the guard explained to the other guards a few words, then turned towards the city, and went to inform their master of the Shaocheng.

Goldwind City is actually not big, and it doesn't need to be too big, and the guard is also a holy power, so soon, he rushed to the city's main mansion and conveyed the news to the young city owner.

"Soga?" Sitting in a chair, the Knight of the Golden Armor had doubts on his face. He didn't remember knowing a man named Soga, but ... for so many years, he had been rambling outside and didn't dare to make sure I really do n’t know each other, maybe I have forgotten it for a long time.

The armored knight finally decided to go out and take a look at it. If you know it, you will know everything. Anyway, this is Golden Wind City, and you are not afraid of the enemy coming.

The armored knight stood up, walked towards the door, and just took a few steps, an unpleasant premonition, he could not help but rise to his heart. With the premonition of the holy professional, he always felt that there was something bad. Things are going to happen.

After hesitating for a little while, the armored warrior ordered to go, contacted the other teammates, and walked towards the city wall. Be careful, he has decided to look only at the gate, if the enemy is coming , Then there is no need to come forward.

Soon, the Fengfa, the thief, the ninth-order archer, and the firefighting group members rushed over and saw all the partners. The gold armored samurai led everyone to meet this so-called old friend. !!

Soon, the group arrived in front of the city gate, and carefully climbed up to the city wall, looked out of the city gate, everything was in sight, and the Jinjia warrior opened his mouth in surprise.

At this moment, there is no longer a figure in front of the city gate. The four guards have corpses lying on the ground. The blood is red and the blood is stained in front of the city gate. From the situation on the scene, these four holy ranks Professionals seem to be dealt with by one move, except for blood around them, with no trace of fighting.

"No! Go back soon ..." Seeing this, the armored warrior numb his scalp, yelled, and turned to leave, but unfortunately, he was awake a little bit late.

"Why? You want to leave without seeing your old friends?" Just as the Golden Warrior turned around, a low, cold voice sounded in the direction of the gate.

Turning slowly, the armored warrior squinted his eyes slightly and looked at it smoothly. The next moment ... On the road inside the gate, the armored warrior saw his old friend!

Under the gaze of the armored warriors, Soga, Xiang Yun, and Roger stood proudly in the middle of the road. Behind them, five girls were sitting on the stone chairs resting on the roadside. Talking and laughing, it does not look like going deep into the enemy line.

I was so impressed with Soga, Xiang Yun, and Nicole, Mia, Renee, and the Golden Warrior. On the same day, Xiang Yun directly killed the Golden Warrior, and Soga had a hard time with the other five. Winning and losing, as for the three girls, their beauty, and the elegant atmosphere, it is hard to forget.

Looking at the crowded figures on the opposite side, the Samurai warrior couldn't help but fear. It was only a few years later that these guys suddenly increased their strength to this level, especially what made him feel unacceptable that these guys were so bold. , Come directly to the door to get revenge!

While thinking, the armored warrior suddenly lifted his head, hissing and shouting. Seeing this scene, a few girls stood up with serious faces. Mia, Nicole, Renee, Leisha were more rapid. Stealth, and concealment.

At the same time, Soga, Roger, Xiang Yun, and Tome, at the same time, stood up and faced an enemy. They must wipe out all of them before the Lord of the Wind and his team arrived. Off!

The thief on the opposite side was the first to hide into the darkness. In this way, only the armored knight, wind, fire, and ninth-order archer were left. As for the dragon herd, due to the wind that does not belong to the armored knight The Dragon Knights, therefore, are usually not with them. Only when the armored knights go out, he will follow in secret from the Lord of the City.

Xiang Yun was confronted by a gold armored warrior. It was not the first time that the two had confronted each other and they were very familiar with each other. Therefore ... it was best to hand him over to Xiang Yun.

As a mage, Soga's confrontation is naturally a wind law, and the mage still has to be handed over to the mage to solve. Only the mage knows the mage best, so ... the mage is the most reasonable arrangement for the mage.

As for Roger, it was the archer who faced it. This was not intentional. In Roger's words, who told this boy to be near us? Don't hesitate who he is!

In the end is Domei. She is confronted with firepower. This is basically Zheng Ke. The two are holy masters. However, Domei has the same powerful fire attribute energy in addition to the powerful fire attribute energy. Basic In addition to this, apart from being abused, this guy will have no other end.

Roger was the first to play. This guy has the fastest moving speed. Even the beauty of the wind and fire attributes can not be compared with the pure wind attribute of Roger, and cooperate with Roger's hormone fruit ability. , That speed is like lightning.

The body suddenly rose up into the air, and after a twirling dragon-like figure in the air, facing the poor ninth-order archer, Luo Jie smiled fiercely, and immediately blasted at the ninth-order archer. past.

"Oh!" Facing Roger's attack, the archer shot a series of shots, one after the other, and shot two sharp arrows in an instant, going to Roger's throat and right eye respectively.

"Hey ..." With a gloomy smile, Roger waved his arms slightly, one left and one right, using the shields on the forearms of the Saint Cloth to fly two sharp arrows, and then ... Legs, towards the ninth-order archer who was close at hand, banged over.

I barely avoided Roger's first and second legs, and finally ... the ninth-tier archer was a ninth-tier professional after all, a whole grade worse than Roger. Under Roger's attack, he barely avoided his legs. Facing the third leg that struck instantly, she completely lost the ability to resist and evade.

"Bang!" Roger's heavy leg suddenly exploded the head of the ninth-ranked archer in the bursting sound of the balloon.

Looking ahead, the archer's body still stands on the ground, holding the bow in both hands, and a sharp arrow is resting on the bowstring. Unfortunately, this arrow, he will never be able to send it out, that is lost. On the neck of the skull, bright red blood and water sprayed like a fountain.

Shining away to avoid the **** sky, Roger did not support his companions. In the face of such an opponent, no one needed his support, he just had to watch carefully.

It's a pity that Roger didn't get too long. Through the soul chain, a few girls yelled. You said that if you kill, you kill. Is it necessary to be so disgusting? Although you are used to scenes of blood type, this does not mean that everyone likes such scenes.

In the unanimous controversy of several girls, Roger lowered his head grayly, hiding in the corner of one side, curled up in the corner, Roger drew a circle on the ground with his index finger of his right hand, what kind of world is this, win After fighting, but still to be blamed, I don't want to live ...

Not to mention how Roger was blamed, on the other side, Dome finally got angry with the opposite Wuwu. Facing the opponent's attack, Dome did not try to defeat the opponent by speed. Although a woman, but Duomei firmly believes that even if she hits hard, she is not afraid of any opponent.

"Uh! Uh! Uh ..." In a violent roar, Tomei and Huowu fought more than ten times in an instant. In terms of strength alone, the two stood up against each other.

After the last clash, Tomei and Huowu retreated at the same time, facing each other cautiously. Seeing this scene, Soga could not help but cursed, using the chain of the heart, angrily said to Tomei: "What are you doing? Know You have great strength and attack fierce, but ... now is not the time to play, there is a team in the back, continue to play, I will see how you deal with the master of the ranks! "

After hearing Soga's blame, Tome couldn't help but spat out her tongue. She also knew that she was playing a little bit. For such an opponent, she spent so much physical energy and energy, which obviously violated Soga's pre-set Strategy and tactics.

Soberly, Soga angered: "This is the team, not the big bed at home. You can't help it. If you are so willful, then you leave Soga's team. You don't need any free people here."

Hearing Soga's harsh words, Tomei could not help but fear. Soga is such a person. Although he usually has a good-looking face, once the interests of the team and the collective are involved, nothing is discussed. The person who committed the crime was Soga himself, and he still had to deal with it until everyone convinced him to take it.

Thinking of this, Dome could not help but be afraid. Soga's words were spoken publicly, and it was not possible to say it in public. Everyone looked at it. Strictly speaking, Dome's move has violated the organization and discipline of the team. If everyone is like this, then this team can't bring it.

Between thoughts, Tomi deeply regretted her willfulness, but what has happened, what else can happen? What can be done now is to get back on the right track immediately.

While Duomei was forced back by the fire, Xiang Yun finally launched an attack. His right foot took a step forward, and he instantly crossed a distance of more than 20 meters. His right hand was pointed into a knife. past.

In the face of Xiang Yun's attack, the armored warrior was stunned. In just one step, Xiang Yun had appeared in front of him. Although he had already taken out the weapon and the knight shield, but ... his weapon was Long gun, facing close attack, can not exert its power at all, and can only be blocked by the knight shield.

"Oh!" While the armored knight raised his knight's shield, Xiang Yun's erratic knife instantly split on that knight's shield. After a slight touch, Xiang Yun leisurely retracted the knife and looked at the golden armor lightly. After the knight glanced, he turned silently and left.

Just a few steps out, when the sound of a crisp sound, the knight shield in the hand of the gold armor was instantly separated from the middle and divided neatly into two halves. At the same time, the set of gold armor on the gold armor knight, A gap was also cracked in an instant, and bright red blood flowed out of the gap.

Although still standing there, the eyes of the golden armored warrior were already gray, and the signs of life were quickly lost from his body.

"Flop ..." As the armored warrior fell to the ground, the other side ... Soga had completely frozen that poor wind method into a large ice block, an ice arrow passed by, and the wind method's body instantly Cracked into countless pieces.

It wasn't until the companions had completed the task that Dami found out that she hadn't solved her opponent yet, and gathered her vigor to attack the opponent at full speed. .

Xiang Yun and others, the reason why they can understand their opponents so quickly is the momentum of struggle, the choice of timing, at the most suitable time, launched the most suitable move, so ... can be determined with a single blow.

But now, Tomi urgently, although the strength is superior, the firepower on the opposite side is not weak. It is also a holy order professional. It is difficult and difficult to kill it!

Fortunately, Duomei is a master of skill. After several consecutive lightning-fast attacks, it forced the fire to a desperate situation, but ... just as Domei tried to end the life of his opponent, a golden humming, a golden His energy was emptied.

"Boom!" In the fierce roar, Duomei's body was instantly blasted out for hundreds of meters, and she always slammed the city wall out of a huge hole. Then she stopped and looked around. Six tall figures stood up Beside Firepower. It's impossible to kill him again.

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