MTL - Co-renting Immortal Doctor-Chapter 7279 Boy and giant

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"What? This kid knows how to demon!"

Seeing this scene, the faces of the masters who rushed up changed.

They didn't see how Tang Yu made the move, but one of the people they charged up had already died.

They never expected this.

It seemed as if a basin of cold water was poured on their heads to make them excited.

"Don't be afraid, this is a spirit attack!"

Suddenly, the white-clothed man snorted coldly: "It's just an attack by the spirit technique. As long as you protect your soul sea and pay attention, this kid can't help you. There is no need to worry.

Kill, don't waste time. "


Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and hurriedly guarded their soul sea, and attacked Tang Yu's body.

Tang Yu looked at the masters around him with cold eyes: "You guys, don't force me. After all, there is only one life."

"Forcing you?"

The digital master who rushed up laughed: "You can survive to say this."

Whoosh whoosh!

With every sound, the colorful energy shock wave landed on Tang Yu's position, extremely powerful!

Around here, the lowest strength is the highest, and they are extremely powerful with every move.

"In this case, there is no way."

Tang Yu closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, the colorful attack in front of him instantly dissipated and turned into the most essential energy, without the slightest attack power.

Tang Yu shook his hand with one hand, and the endless energy condensed again, instantly turned into countless arrows, and flew out in all directions instantly!

Puff puff!

In front of him, the original smiles on the faces of the masters close to Tang Yu suddenly stiffened, and their complexions changed drastically.

Shao Qing, this massive rain of arrows directly hits the bodies of dozens of masters around.

In just a short time, dozens of masters were killed and their souls were all destroyed!


Seeing this scene, the others were shocked, and a middle-aged woman in Tsing Yi said coldly: "This kid is really weird.

Don't be careless right now, everyone at Tsing Yimen should also take action directly. The fighting power of this kid absolutely surpassed the Supreme, and even, it is very likely that he is the Supreme with six star cores. Don't underestimate him. "

"You are not my opponent."

Tang Yu spoke again: "Even if my current strength is less than one ten thousandth of the peak period, you are just ants in my eyes. I don't want to kill you, don't kill yourself."

Even if Tang Yu's physical body and energy were sealed, this group of masters could not be their opponents at all.

The power of nothingness does not need dantian.

And as long as he uses the energy of nature, he can condense a terrible attack without passing through the pubic area.

Even so, the power would be greatly weakened, but in the face of everyone in this world, Tang Yu would not be afraid.

As a creation god.

Now in the world, no one except the **** of nothingness can make Tang Yu feel the slightest amount of pressure.

Even if I don't have one strength now.

"Blow, you keep blowing!"

The white-clothed man sneered, full of irony: "On our territory, how dare to be so wild! One ten thousandth of the strength? Ha ha, do you think you are the legendary creator god?

Then I, a scholar in white, is the **** of creation! Masters and sect masters, don't talk nonsense, let your subordinates take action.

After solving this kid, we will consider dividing the inheritance of the creation god. "


The old man in red laughed: "In that case, to show my sincerity, let my two masters take the lead.

Come out, giant and boy! "

The voice did not fall.

I saw a man who was more than three meters tall, stood up and looked at Tang Yu condescendingly.

Not only that, there is a huge contrast between the two men sitting on the shoulders of the man who is more than three meters high and a child less than three feet tall.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

The white-clothed man also laughed: "It seems that you are really here, the real person Tianlong, and you are actually dispatched by both of you.

These two, but peerless masters who have gathered eight star cores, they are naturally stronger together. Isn't killing this kid like killing a chicken? "

"The farce should end."

The red-robed old man named Tianlong said lightly: "The inheritance of the creation **** is the most important thing. And this kid must die."

The giant and the boy did not say much.

The two seemed to be one body, the giant stepped out in an instant, reached out his hand, and directly threw the boy out.

Like a cannonball, the boy came to Tang Yu in an instant!

"Shuttle space?"

Tang Yu looked indifferent, and the energy under his feet condensed in an instant, and a huge barrier appeared in front of him in an instant.

"You really underestimated me."

The boy looked at Tang Yu, his eyes with dark circles in his eyes were joking and ironic: "How can you understand my ability?"


After all, the boy actually penetrated the space barrier in front of him directly, and came to Tang Yu again.

The boy's hands quickly formed seals, and finally his fingers suddenly nodded towards the center of Tang Yu's forehead: "Time and Space Lost Finger! Death."

In an instant, a finger force that travels through time and space instantly penetrated Tang Yu's head!

"So fast!"

Seeing this scene, everyone exclaimed and was shocked by the boy's strength.

The giant hasn't made a move yet, but the boy is just a move that has shocked them.

So, is it a success?


The boy moved out and smiled sarcastically: "Boy, do you think you can defend against my attack? Under the sky and the earth, my speed is already at the extreme. This is the transfer of time and space. You have no time to avoid it. This is your life. "

"A child is a child, why are they so naive?"

However, at this moment Tang Yu looked at the boy close at hand like death staring: "You don't think that you can kill me with such boring debt moves?"


When the boy saw Tang Yu's eyes, his hair exploded and his hair stood erect. A wave of fear instantly poured into his head, making him extremely frightened. His figure flickered rapidly, and he hurriedly left Tang Yu's face and returned to the shoulder of the giant. , There is a lingering fear: "How is it possible? Why did you not die?"

"Why am I not dead?"

Tang Yu couldn't help laughing: "If you were killed by an ant that condensed eight star cores, wouldn't you be laughed out of your teeth? Since it's here, just stay. If you choose to attack me, then I will Send you on the road. I won't feel pity for you because you are young.

Kill me, you have to pay a price. "

After that, Tang Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed it slightly. The space in front of Tang Yu was slightly fluctuating, and a figure was once again caught by Tang Yu.

This is no one else, it is the boy!

Seeing this scene, the boy was frightened suddenly!

Just now, didn't he retreat and return to the shoulders of giants?

But now, why did he go back inexplicably?

Moreover, he was caught by Tang Yusheng!


The boy felt cold and hurriedly shouted: "Giant, save me!"


With a loud bang, a large amount of energy appeared on the boy, and he began to follow the boy and condense the armor.

In a short period of time, it has become the power of the Dharma, extremely huge, completely enveloping the boy!


Seeing this situation, countless masters present were shocked and shocked.

At this moment, they really understand what a giant and a boy are.

In such a scene, isn't it the boy giant?


Tang Yu raised his eyebrows: "It turns out that it is, that's it, it's a bit of talent. But, it's a pity that it's ridiculous to deal with me now that I have played with things 800 years ago?

Since you sent the energy, then I am not welcome. After all, the seal on your body needs external energy to break through, so let's use you as a tool. "

After that, Tang Yu slammed his palm, and in an instant, a large amount of suction burst out, shaking the earth.

The boy giant couldn't move at all, and the huge energy was madly absorbed by Tang Yu, and the dignity disappeared in an instant.

Even the boy was horrified to discover that his energy was absorbed by Tang Yu uncontrollably, making him weaker and weaker, and he even felt like he was sucked up and dying!

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