MTL - Co-renting Immortal Doctor-Chapter 7291 Void Monster

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Hearing this, the expressions of the three top masters changed.

Shuguang regained his senses and smiled cruelly: "Asshole boy, death is about to come, and he is still here to speak out, do you think you can escape?"


Juekong's face was extremely ugly: "This kid, I can perceive that he seems to have come prepared, and his spirit does not fluctuate at all.

In the previous battles, there were no fluctuations in the spirits, which normally was impossible.

So, no matter what, be careful! "


Tang Yu satisfactorily looked at the three people in front of him, and sneered: "You are all close to me, and you have entered my attack range, even without defense. Do you think you can still dodge my next blow?"

"Boy, don't be crazy, what do you think you do to me?"

Shu Guang grinned: "My Immortal Eucharist, no one can truly destroy, including you!"

"So, my goal is not you."

A mocking smile appeared at the corner of Tang Yu's mouth.

"Be careful, Tianwu, this kid's goal is you!"

Juekong suddenly thought of something, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly reminded!


He and Shuguang respectively control the spiritual body and the immortal body.

Only Tianwu, the other party controls the power of nothingness, which can turn all energy attacks into a state of nothingness.

However, the biggest problem was that Tang Yu controlled the Immortal Eucharist, an absolute power.

The power of nothingness, facing the simple and extreme power, there is no way at all, so this will be a great disaster.

Of the three of them, the only thing Tang Yu could target was the weakest defensive Tianwu!


After Tian Wu listened, his face changed drastically.

He also discovered this problem.

However, he has no time to escape.

"Yeah, I have this intention, but now you want to avoid it, it is too late."

Tang Yu sneered: "Tian Wu, right?

I want to see how your emptiness can resist my attack. "

"Bastard kid!"

Tianwu gritted his teeth: "To be clever, I really want to die.

I will seal you up first, I would like to see how you can target me! "

"Boy, give me a seal!"

With a loud shout, Tian Wu's sealing power suddenly appeared with a brilliant punch and a top-notch attack without any fancy, it fell directly on Tang Yu's body.

Tang Yu couldn't avoid it at such a close distance!

However, watching this scene, Tang Yu showed a scornful smile, and said indifferently, "Is that the only thing? I'm sorry, I also came prepared.

Exile in time and space. "

With a soft drink.

I saw the three attacks in front of Tang Yu, instantly submerged in the time and space in front of him, causing faint ripples, and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this scene, these three masters suddenly opened their eyes wide in disbelief: "This kid, actually still controls the power of time and space? How is it possible?

He clearly controls the absolute power of the Immortal Eucharist, so why are there other abilities? This is unreasonable! "

"Naive, do you really think that I am the same as you? How can I survive under the hands of the Void God by simply controlling this little power?"

Tang Yu smiled sarcastically, shook his body suddenly, waved his hand, and smashed directly towards Tianwu: "You can take this punch, otherwise, you will die!"

Drink it.

Tang Yu fist came directly in front of Tian Wu.

Tianwu's eyes widened, and there was no time to escape.

The ultimate speed and unmatched fists burst out of endless power on his body instantly!

After all, Tianwu's physical body was still at the level of an ordinary person, and the intense pain made him unable to resist, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person flew out directly, and fell heavily into the space.

The surrounding starry sky collapsed in an instant, and cracks spread wildly in all directions, reaching the extreme speed!

At the same time, the space storm began to erupt, and the space black hole was constantly eroding the flesh and blood of Tianwu's back.

In a short time, Tian Wu's back was bloody, and his whole body was seriously injured!

Under the ultimate power, there is no absolute defense, no matter how strong a master is, it has no meaning, and it can't resist this kind of power against the sky.


With a punch, Tang Yu retreated quickly and stood directly with the **** of nothingness.

The next moment, Tang Yu stretched out his hand and scratched it slightly, and the **** of nothingness disappeared before his eyes.

"Tian Wu, not good!"

Jue Kong stunned, suddenly sensing something, and couldn't help shouting: "This kid has secretly joined forces with the Void God to deal with the three of us.

Now that the **** of nothingness has disappeared, he must be dealing with you! The power of the Void God cannot be underestimated, you must not be careless, otherwise, you will die! "

After Tianwu listened, his spirits shrank, his teeth bite, and he roared: "A bunch of **** is really deceiving people so much. They dare to calculate me and wait. Who gave you this courage?

Void Kunpeng, come out to me! "

The next moment.

I saw in the sky, a void monster appeared again at this time, but this matter appeared at Tian Wu's feet.

Not only that.

This void monster spread its wings and flew high, and directly took Tianwu away.

In the next instant, the space where Tian Wu was located instantly collapsed, and an explosion burst out again, shaking the earth!

If Tian Wu leaves one step later, he will definitely suffer a second hit.

"This guy is really tricky."

Tang Yu's eyes narrowed: "How many void monsters did he keep? Now, this is the second one.

Moreover, each one turned out to be in the realm of a creation god, which was extremely terrifying.

This Tianwu is really extraordinary. It seems that he has used the power of nothingness to the extreme. "

"The ultimate power of the void is to summon the gates of the void universe and use the void monsters inside to fight."

At this moment, in Tang Yu's yin and yang palace, the human **** spoke, and said in a deep voice: "At the beginning, I hadn't been able to reach this level, so I couldn't be summoned. However, he can indeed be summoned now.

As long as there are monsters in the void universe, he can summon them effortlessly. "

"Is it so scary?"

Tang Yu frowned, "In that case, can I summon it?"

"Your understanding of this is not enough."

The man and **** laughed bitterly: "And, I guess, this should be a contract signed with creatures in the void universe. Without this contract, even if the power of emptiness is really cultivated to the extreme, it may not really be able to summon. Out of it.

No matter what, he absolutely can't let him call without scruples, nor can he give him this opportunity.

Otherwise, there will be more and more such monsters here, and they are originally void monsters, and it is difficult to die. If you continue to fight like this, your side will definitely fall into a disadvantage. "

"Since you deal with monsters, use monsters."

Tang Yu snorted coldly: "Originally, I wanted to hide one hand, but now I should take it out.

The iron eater should come out too! "

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